Test-4 Biological Molecules (Key)

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Test No. 4 (KEY)


Part-I: Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)

Note: There are four options (A, B, C and D) corresponding to each MCQ. Choose one of
these options.

Each correct answer carries 1 mark. 1/3 mark will be DEDUCTED for each incorrect

Q.1 Which structural level of a protein is unaffected by hydrogen bonding?

A) Primary B) Secondary
C) Tertiary D) All are unaffected
Q.2 A molecule with polar covalent bonds would
A) Be soluble in water B) Not be soluble in water
C) Contain atoms with very similar D) Both (B) and (C) are correct
Q.3 Why are carbohydrates important molecules for energy storage?
A) The C—H bonds found in B) The double bonds between carbon and
carbohydrates store energy oxygen are very strong
C) The electronegativity of the oxygen D) They can form ring structures in the
atoms means that a carbohydrate is aqueous environment of a cell
made up of many polar bonds
Q.4 Plant cells store energy in the form of _________, and animal cells store energy in
the form of ___________.
A) Fructose; glucose B) Disaccharides; monosaccharides
C) Cellulose; chitin D) Starch; glycogen
Q.5 Which carbohydrate would you find as part of a molecule of RNA?
A) Galactose B) Ribose
C) Deoxyribose D) Glucose
Q.6 A molecule of DNA or RNA is a polymer of
A) Monosaccharides B) Amino acids
C) Nucleotides D) Fatty acids
Q.7 What monomers make up a protein?
A) Monosaccharides B) Amino acids
C) Nucleotides D) Fatty acids
Q.8 A triglyceride is a form of _______ composed of ___________.
A) Lipid; fatty acids and glucose B) Lipid; fatty acids and glycerol
C) Carbohydrate; fatty acids D) Lipid; cholesterol
Q.9 Which of the following is NOT a difference between DNA and RNA?
A) Deoxyribose sugar versus ribose B) Thymine versus uracil

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C) Double-stranded versus single- D) Phosphodiester versus hydrogen bonds
Q.10 The spontaneous formation of a lipid bilayer in an aqueous environment occurs
A) The polar head groups of the B) The long fatty acid tails of the
phospholipids can interact with phospholipids can interact with water
C) The fatty acid tails of the D) Both (A) and (C) are correct
phospholipids are hydrophobic
Q.11 Which of the following categories includes all others in the list?
A) Disaccharide B) Polysaccharide
C) Starch D) Carbohydrate
Q.12 Enzymes that break down DNA catalyze the hydrolysis of the covalent bonds that
join nucleotides together. What would happen to DNA molecules treated with these
A) The two strands of the double helix B) The phosphodiester linkages of the
would separate polynucleotide backbone would be
C) The pyrimidines would be separated D) All bases would be separated from the
from the deoxyribose sugars deoxyribose sugars
Q.13 Which two elements are always found in amino acids?
A) Nitrogen and sulfur B) Carbon and oxygen
C) Hydrogen and phosphorus D) Sulfur and oxygen
Q.14 Which joins amino acids together through?
A) Peptide bonds B) Van der Waals forces
C) Hydrogen bonds D) Ionic bonds
Q.15 Which substance is not part of a nucleotide?
A) A phosphate B) A sugar
C) A base D) Water
Q.16 Which molecular activity requires a folded structure?
A) Behavior as a nonpolar compound B) Function of an active site
C) Movement through cell membranes D) Role as energy store for the cell
Q.17 If an enzyme in solution is saturated with substrate, the most effective way to obtain
a faster yield of products is to
A) Add more of the enzyme B) Heat the solution to 90°C
C) Add more substrate D) Add a noncompetitive inhibitor
Q.18 Some bacteria are metabolically active in hot springs because
A) They are able to maintain a lower B) High temperatures make catalysis
internal temperature unnecessary
C) Their enzymes have high optimal D) Their enzymes are completely insensitive
temperatures to temperature
Q.19 What is activation energy?
A) The thermal energy associated with B) The energy released through breaking
random movements of molecules chemical bonds
C) The difference in free energy D) The energy required to initiate a
between reactants and products chemical reaction

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Q.20 Which of the following is NOT a property of a catalyst?
A) A catalyst reduces the activation B) A catalyst lowers the free energy of the
energy of a reaction reactants
C) A catalyst does not change as a D) A catalyst works in both the forward and
result of the reaction the reverse directions of a reaction
Q.21 Where is the energy stored in a molecule of ATP?
A) Within the bonds between nitrogen B) In the carbon-to-carbon bonds found in
and carbon the ribose
C) In the phosphorus-to-oxygen double D) In the bonds connecting the two
bond terminal phosphate groups
Q.22 The required energy of activation of a reaction
A) Is fixed, and cannot be altered B) Can be lowered by a specific enzyme
C) Can be raised by a specific enzyme D) (B) or (C), depending on the enzyme
Q.23 “Induced fit” means that when a substrate binds to an enzyme’s active site
A) It fits perfectly, like a key in a lock B) The substrate and enzyme undergo
conformational changes
C) A site other than the active site D) The substrate and the enzyme become
undergoes a conformational change irreversibly bound to each other
Q.24 Which of the following lipids are components of biological membranes?
A) Triglycerides B) Terpenoids
C) Phospholipids D) Waxes
Q.25 Most abundant organic compound in our cell is:
A) Water B) Lipids
C) Proteins D) Carbohydrates
Q.26 The specificity of enzyme is due to:
A) Their hydrogen bonding B) The presence of peptide bond
C) Their low molecular weight D) Their active site configuration
Q.27 It is not a function of protein:
A) Blood clotting B) Act as co-factor
C) Defense of the body D) Chromosomal movement
Q.28 The catalytic activity of an enzyme is restricted to a small cavity of the structure
known as:
A) Allosteric site B) Binding site
C) Active site D) Substrate site
Q.29 Pepsin in stomach works optimally at
A) 40 ºC B) 37 ºC
C) 42 ºC D) 35 ºC
Q.30 A carbohydrate that is primary source of energy for our cell is:
A) ATP B) Sucrose
C) Starch D) Glucose

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Note: You can calculate the marks of Part-I (MCQs) using this key.

Total 30 Skipped Correct Incorrect

Questions Questions Questions Questions

Marks Obtained

Marks Obtained = No. of Correct Questions – (No. of Incorrect Questions × 1/3)

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