R&R Probador de Fugas 5 Piezas, 3 Intentos, 2 Operadores, 0a4

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Gage Repeatability & Reproducibility Report Summary

Performed 03:53 pm mar. ago. 02 2022

Part Description: PROBADOR DE FUGA
Location: Part #
Performed By: A, B

Description Tolerance Equipment Appraiser PV GR&R

1 PROBADOR DE FUGA 4.00000mm 15.97% 101.94% 49.70% 103.18%

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Gage Repeatability and Reproducibility Report
Part Name: PROBADOR DE FUGA Gage Name: PROBADOR DE FUGA Date: 02/08/2022 03:53 pm
Characteristic: PROBADOR DE FUGA Gage No: Performed By:
Specification: 0.00000 to 4.00000 A, B
= =
From data sheet: R = 0.18020 Xdiff = 0.96187 Rp = 0.82217

Measurement Unit Analysis %Tolerance Variation (TV)

Repeatability - Equipment Variation (EV)

EV = R x K1 % EV = 100 [ EV / TV ]
Trials K1
= 0.18020 x 0.59 = 100 [ 0.10646 / 0.66667]
= 0.10646 2 0.8862 = 15.97%

3 0.5908

Repeatability - Appraiser Variation (AV)

AV = = 2 2 % AV = 100 [ AV / TV ]
(Xdiff x K2) - (EV / (nr))

2 2 = 100 [ 0.67958 / 0.66667]

= ( 0.96187 x 0.71 - (0.10646 /(5x3))

= 101.94%
= 0.67958 Appraisers 2 3

n = parts r = trials K2 0.7071 0.5231

Repeatability & Reproducibility (GRR)

% GRR = 100 [ GRR / TV ]
GRR = 2 2
= 100 [ 0.68787 / 0.66667]
2 2
= 0.10646 + 0.67958
= 103.18%
= 0.68787 Parts K3

2 0.7071

Part Variation (PV) 3 0.5231

% PV = 100 [ PV / TV ]

PV = Rp x K3 4 0.4467
= 100 [ 0.33133 / 0.66667]
= 0.33133
5 0.4030 = 49.70%

Tolerance Variation (TV) 6 0.3742

TV = 2 2
7 0.3534
2 2
= 0.68787 + 0.33133
8 0.3375
ndc = 1.41 ( PV / GRR)

= Tol/6 = 0.66667 9 0.3249 = 1.41 ( 0.33133 / 0.68787)

= 0.68
10 0.3146

For information on the theory and constants used in the form see AIAG MSA Reference Manual,Fourth Edition
Gage Repeatability & Reproducibility Report

Gage Name: PROBADOR DE FUGA Part Name: PROBADOR DE FUGA Performed 03:53 pm mar. ago. 02 2022
Characteristic: PROBADOR DE FUGA Specification: 0.00000 - 4.00000 A, B
Results: %AV = 101.94, %EV = 15.97, %PV = 49.70, %RR = 103.18

A PartNo1 PartNo2 PartNo3 PartNo4 PartNo5 PartNo6 PartNo7 PartNo8 PartNo9 PartNo10 Average
Trial #1 6.76300 5.78200 5.66100 5.50100 5.22500 5.78640
Trial #2 6.17600 5.74200 5.73600 5.38300 5.14600 5.63660
Trial #3 5.94000 5.77900 5.73600 5.38100 5.06800 5.58080
Average 6.29300 5.76767 5.71100 5.42167 5.14633 XBar = 5.66793
Range 0.82300 0.04000 0.07500 0.12000 0.15700 RBar = 0.24300

B PartNo1 PartNo2 PartNo3 PartNo4 PartNo5 PartNo6 PartNo7 PartNo8 PartNo9 PartNo10 Average
Trial #1 5.06700 4.91000 4.71400 4.59700 4.51700 4.76100
Trial #2 4.98800 4.83200 4.59800 4.55700 4.47800 4.69060
Trial #3 4.91000 4.67600 4.67500 4.59500 4.47700 4.66660
Average 4.98833 4.80600 4.66233 4.58300 4.49067 XBar = 4.70607
Range 0.15700 0.23400 0.11600 0.04000 0.04000 RBar = 0.11740

Part Average 5.64067 5.28683 5.18667 5.00233 4.81850 XDBar = 5.18700

[RBara = 0.24300] + [RBarb = 0.11740] + [RBarc = 0.00000] / [# of appraisers = 2] = 0.18020
[Max Xbar = 5.66793] - [Min Xbar = 0.00000] = XBarDiff 0.96187
[RDbar = 0.18020 ] x [ D4 = 2.57500004768372 ] = UCL-R 0.46492
[RDbar = 0.18020 ] x [ D3 = 0.00 ] = LCL-R 0.00000
*D4 = 3.27 for 2 trials and 2.58 for 3 trials; D3 = 0 for up to 7 trials.
UCLR represents the limit of individual R's. Circle those that are beyond this limit. Identify the cause and correct.
Repeat these readings using the same appraiser and unit as originally used or discard values and re-average and
recompute R and the limiting value from the remaining observations.


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