IT Grade 8 Student's Textbook

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Chala Diriba (Assistant Professor) Lemma Kassaye (PhD)
Workineh Tesema (Assistant
Mamo Fideno (MSc.) Semeon Tiruneh (MSc.)


Mehadi Abdo ( MA, MPhil, Umer Nuri (MSc.)
Assistant Professor)

Information Technology Student’s Textbook


The development, printing and distribution of this student textbook

has been funded through the Ministry of Education (MoE), which
aims to improve the quality of education for Grades 1-12 students in
government schools throughout Ethiopia.
The Ministry of Education wishes to thank the many individuals,
groups and other bodies involved directly and indirectly in publishing
the textbook and accompanying teacher’s guide.

Information Technology Student’s Textbook


Information Technology (IT) is so important in the world today that it

makes it imperative for every person to be competent in the use of IT
for the many tasks that one will have to accomplish. It is with notion
that this book is written to provide the basic skills in IT for Grade 8
students of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia. It is expected
that the knowledge and skills gained through this book will help the
students to use IT in almost all their subjects at school and in their
everyday life. The book covers selected basic topics in IT, which offer
hands-on activities to help students in acquiring the required IT skills.
The key features of this book will help the students to:
• describe the historical development of computer and its develop-
ment from the earliest to the current periods,
• identify the generations of computer,
• identify computer hardware,
• identify the computer software,
• describe Internet services,
• describe computer ergonomics,
• program LOGO language.

The textbook has been designed in a simple and user-friendly way.

This text focuses on the fundamentals of IT, which change slowly. This
does not only make the information remain useful to a student when
one graduates, but also makes the student focus on the foundation
concepts in IT. This textbook also illustrates the latest developments
in the rapidly changing world of IT. Review questions have also been
given at the end of each unit.
Suggestions for the improvement of this book will be gratefully

Information Technology Student’s Textbook
Table of Contents
1. Basics of Computer 1
1.1 Computer Generation 2
1.2 Functions of Computer 6
1.3 Types of Computer 7
1.4 Characteristics of Computers 14

2. Computer Hardware 19
2.1 Input Devices 20
2.2 Processing Devices 27
2.3 storage devices 28
2.4 Output Devices 33

3. Computer Software 40
3.1 Operating system 41
3.2 Utility Software 41
3.3 Driver Software 43
3.4 Application Software 43
3.5 Word Processor 44
3.6 Spreadsheet 52
3.7 Power Point 56

4. Internet 63
4.1 Internet Services 64
4.2 Browsing information 66
4.3 Electronic Mail (Email) 67
4.4 Social networks 71
4.5 Benefits and Risks of Social networks 76

5. Computer Ergonomics 81
5.1 Introduction to Computer Ergonomics 81
5.2 Workstation Ergonomics 83
5.3 Careful Handling of Portable Devices 85
5.4 Proper Utilization of Smartphone 88
Information Technology Student’s Textbook

6. Logic Oriented Graphics Oriented (LOGO) Programming 91

6.1 LOGO Primitives 92
6.2 Variables in LOGO 93
6.3 Recursive procedures 94
6.4 Conditional Statements 97

Unit 1: Basics of Computer Grade 8


1 Basics of Computer

Unit Outcomes
At the end of this unit, students will be able to :
 identify computer generation;
 explain functions of the computer;
 explain types of computer;
 list characteristics of computer.

In this unit, you will learn about basics of computer such as
generations, functions, types and characteristics of computer. The
evolution of computer is classified by its generations. The main
functions of computer are taking, processing, returning results,
and storing data. Computers are classified based on their size,
storage and speed, methods of the operation, and purpose of the
application. The characteristics of computer indicate the quality
of a computer.

Brainstorming activity

 Define the term computer as you learned in grade 7.

Information Technology Student’s Textbook

1.1. Computer Generation

Brainstorming activity
 Do you know the evolution of computer?

The term generation refers to the period of development of the

computers. Computer generation is change happened in the
development of computers. The evolution of computer is divided into
generations. Each generation is characterized by a major technological
development that changed the way computers operate. Initially, the
term generation was used to distinguish hardware technologies.
Nowadays, generation includes the changes in hardware and software.
There are five computer generations. These are:
A. First generation D. Fourth generation
B. Second generation E. Fifth generation
C. Third generation

1.1.1. The First Generation (1940-1956)

The earliest generation of computer is the first generation. The first
generation of computer used a vacuum tube for electric circuit.
The vacuum tube was a basic component of the first generations of
The first generation was large
and very expensive computer, as
shown in Figure 1.1. It needs high
power of electricity and generates
a lot of heat.kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk

Figure 1.1. The First Generation of Computer

The first generation of computers used vacuum tube as a core of

technology, as shown in Figure 1.2 below.

Unit 1: Basics of Computer Grade 8

※ Vacuum tube is an electronic

device that controls the flow of
electrons in a vacuum.kkkkkkk

Figure 1.2. Vacuum Tube

1.1.2. The Second Generation (1956-1963)

The second generation of computer used transistor as the basic
component. The transistor, as shown in Figure 1.4 below, was invented
in 1947 but was not seen widely spread to be used in computers until
the late 1950s.

Figure 1.3. The Second Generation of Computer

※ Transistor is an electronic
device used to control the
flow of electricity in electronic
equipment. kkkkkkkkkkkkkk

Figure 1.4 Transistors

1.1.3. The Third Generation (1964-1971)

The third generation of computer is a computer that emerged due to
the development of the integrated circuit (IC).

Information Technology Student’s Textbook
The development of the IC was
the characteristic of the third
generation of computers. kkkkkk

Figure 1.5. The Third Generation of Computer

An IC refers to a small electronic device developed from semiconductor

materials. An integrated circuit is the core of technology that is used
in the third generation of computer, as shown in Figure 1.6 below.

※ Integrated circuit is an
integrated system of multiple,
small and interconnected

Figure 1.6. Integrated Circuit

1.1.4. The Fourth Generation (1971-Present)

The fourth generation of computer is the progressive version of
the third generation of computer, as shown in Figure 1.7 below.

The fourth generation of computer

used very large scale integrated
(VLSI) circuit. VLSI is the current
level of computer microchip
containing hundreds of thousands
of transistors. It is more powerful,
compact sized, reliable, and
affordable generation of computer.

Figure 1.7. The Fourth Generation of Computer

The fourth generation of computer is suitable to have in the palm of the

Unit 1: Basics of Computer Grade 8
hand. As a result, it gave rise to the revolution of Personal Computer
※ Very large scale integrated
circuit is the current level of
computer microchip containing
hundreds of thousands of

Figure 1.8. Microprocessor

1.1.5. The Fifth Generation (Present and Beyond)

The fifth-generation of computer uses Artificial Intelligence (AI)

applications such as robotics, game playing and natural language
processing. The goal of the fifth generation of computer is to create
machines that can learn and organize themselves. The development
of the fifth generation of computer is intended to solve complex
problems. The fifth-generation of computer has the ability to perform
parallel data processing; which helps to develop AI applications.
The parallel processing is used to enable the computer to achieve
simultaneous data processing tasks to increase the mathematical
calculation speed of a computer system. The parallel processing
system can carry out simultaneous data processing to achieve a faster
execution time. The primary purpose of parallel processing is to
enhance the computer processing capability and increase the amount
of processing accomplished at a given time interval.
※ Artificial intelligence refers
to the simulation of human
intelligence in machines that
are programmed to think like
humans and mimic their actions.

Figure 1.9. Example of the Fifth Generation of Computer

Information Technology Student’s Textbook

Activity 1.1
 Discuss the time range of inventions and key differences
between generations of computer in groups.

1.2. Functions of Computer

Brainstorming activity
 How do you associate the functions of computer in
processing data with that of human mind?
There are four basic functions of computer. These are:
• Input • Output
• Process • Storage

1.2.1. Input
Input is a process of inserting data into a computer. A computer takes
data from the user in order to process and store it. For example, to
find the product of numbers, the computer first takes the numbers as
an input from a user. The data can be entered into computer maybe by
typing from keyboard, taking picture, using cameras and recording
1.2.2. Processing
Processing is making some operations on the entered data. For
example, a computer can take two numbers and calculate their sum.
You can also take photo editing as an example. You can make change
in colors, borders and brightness of your photo to make it more
beautiful. Moreover, you can see your roster preparation. Computer
can take the students’ marks as input and calculate the average, select
top students as well as total marks.

1.2.3. Output
Output is displaying the result obtained from processing to the users.
The output can be displayed through monitor, speaker and printer.
Unit 1: Basics of Computer Grade 8
For example, the printer can print the output of roster processing on

1.2.4. Storage
Computer is used to store data. The storage can be a computer’s
internal or external storage. Storage usually occurs on a hard drive,
flash drive, and a compact disk (CD). For example, you can save
your photo on your mobile memory, videos on CD, and your roster
on computer hard drive. The four basic functions of computer are
presented in the Figure 1.10 below.

Figure 1.10 Functions of computer

Activity 1.2
 Discuss how computer works in a group?

1.3. Types of Computer

Brainstorming activity

 Do you know the types of computer?

Computers can be classified based on their size, storage, speed,

methods of operation, and purpose of application.
I. Types of computer by their size, storage and speed
Based on their size, storage, speed there are four types of computer:
 Microcomputer  Mainframe computer

 Minicomputer  Supercomputer

Information Technology Student’s Textbook
1. Microcomputer
Microcomputer is a small sized computer used for general purpose.
Microcomputers are the most widely used type of computers. They
are small and fit on desktops, have varying capacity and easy to
handle. Microcomputers are referred to as Personal Computers (PC).
They have video display unit for output purpose. Data can be entered
through the keyboard and stored on different storage devices such as
removable disk, compact Disk (CD) and external hard disk.
Personal computers (PCs) are the popular form of such computers
used by different individuals as well as organizations. The PCs are
classified as:
A. Desktops: These are the computers whose case sits on a desk
with its keyboard in front of it and its monitor often on top,
as show in Figure 1.11 A. There are also desktop computers,
which do not have separate system unit and monitor. Both sys-
tem unit and monitor are integrated in one device, as shown in
Figure 1.11 B below.

Figure 1.11: A. Desktop with a system B. Desktop with IntegratedSystem

unit and monitor unit and Monitor

B. Portables:
These PCs are so small that they can be placed in a handbag.
The difference between portables and desktops is that
portables can be carried while traveling unlike desktops.
The portables are also classified as:

Unit 1: Basics of Computer Grade 8
i. Laptops: These small sized
computers having the same
power as a desktop. they are small
enough to carry and designed for
use outside an office, as shown in
Figure 1.12. kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
Figure 1.12: Laptop

ii. Notebooks: These are

smaller than a laptop and designed
to overcome the drawbacks of a
laptop. They have the size of a
notebook but they are as powerful
as a desktop, as shown in Figure

Figure 1.13: Notebook

iii. Tablet: is a portable personal
computer with a touch screen. A
tablet is typically smaller than a
notebook computer, but larger
than a smartphone. A smartphone
is a portable device that combines
mobile telephone and computing
functions into one unit. The
touch screen display operates
bya finger instead of the mouse,
Figure 1.14: Tablet
touchpad, and keyboard of larger
computers, as shown in Figure

Information Technology Student’s Textbook
2. Minicomputer
Minicomputers are larger
and more powerful than
most microcomputers,
but smaller and less
powerful than mainframe
computers. They are small
and general-purpose

Figure 1.15: Minicomputer

3. Mainframe Computer
Mainframe computers are large and powerful computers that are
physically larger than microcomputer and minicomputer.
These computers have
processors with faster
instruction processing speeds.
Mainframe computers process
data at very high rates of
speed, measured in millions
of instructions per second.
Mainframes are designed for
many users and can be used at a
time and process vast amounts
of data quickly. For example,
banks, insurance companies,
manufacturers, and airlines
are typical users of these

Figure 1.16: Mainframe Computer

Unit 1: Basics of Computer Grade 8
4. Supercomputer
Supercomputer is a high-speed processing computer. A supercomputer
is characterized by fastest speed, and most powerful capacity. This
computer is capable of processing trillions of instructions per second.
Supercomputers are largely used by research organizations, military
defense systems, national weather forecasting agencies, large corpo-
rations, and aircraft manufacturers.

Figure 1.17: Supercomputer

II. Types of computer based on their methods of operation

Based on methods of operation, this category of computers has three
1. Analog Computer 3. Hybrid Computer
2. Digital Computer and

Information Technology Student’s Textbook
A.Analog Computer
Analog computer is a type of computer that was used to process
continuous data. Analog computer was used in the 1950s and 1960s.
It has limited memory and store less amount of data. It works
with continuous data rather than discrete values. For example,
analog computers used to process continuous values such as speed,
temperature, pressure and current.
Analog computers directly accept the
data from the measuring device without
first converting it into numbers and
codes. They measure the continuous
changes in physical quantity and
generally provide output as a reading
on a dial or scale. Speedometer and
mercury thermometer are examples of
analog computers.vvvvvvvvvvvvvvfvv
Figure 1.18: Analog Computer (Heartrate Monitor Machine)

B. Digital Computer
Digital computer was designed to perform calculations and logical
operations at high speed. Digital computers transmit the data on a
discrete value. It accepts the raw data as an input in the form of digits and
processes it with programs stored in its memory to produce the output.

Figure 1.19: Digital Computer

Unit 1: Basics of Computer Grade 8

C. Hybrid Computer
Hybrid computer has characteristics of
both analog and digital computer. It is
fast like analog computer and accurate
like digital computers. It can process both

continuous and discrete data. It accepts
analog signals and converts them into
digital form before processing. So, it is
widely used in specialized applications
where both analog and digital data is
processed. A processor used in a petrol
pump that converts the measurements
of fuel flow into quantity and price is an
example of hybrid computer. Similarly ,

it is also used in airplanes, hospitals, and Figure 1.20: Hybrid Computer

scientific applications.jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj

III. Types of computer based on their purpose of application

Computers can be used for different purposes. Based on their
application, they are classified as special purpose or general-purpose
A. Special Purpose Computers
Special purpose computers are designed to solve a single problem.
Their components and their functions are uniquely adapted to a
specific situation involving a specific application.
 The public telephone box
 Road Traffic control and safety system
 Ticket machines (for example in grocery and super market.)
 Pocket-calculators and

Information Technology Student’s Textbook
B. General Purpose Computers
General-purpose computers are designed to solve a variety of
problems. They are programs or set of instructions designed to solve a
problem. General-purpose computers are more flexible and versatile.
Examples include:

Activity 1.3
 Form a group and discuss the differences between ana
log computer and digital computer based on the data
they operate.

1.4. Characteristics of Computers

Brainstorming activity
 What are the major characteristics of computer?

Characteristics of computer indicate the qualities, limitations and

features of a computer. There are various characteristics of computer
depending on their size, capacity, and specifications.
Major characteristics of computer are:
• Speed: A computer works very fast and at high speed while
performing mathematical calculations as compared to hu-
mans. For example, to perform mathematical calculations,
the computers can process millions of instructions per sec-
ond. The time taken by computers for their operations is mi-
croseconds and nanoseconds.
• Accuracy: Computers perform calculations with 100% accu-

Unit 1: Basics of Computer Grade 8
racy. Errors may occur due to data inconsistency or inaccu-
• Diligence: A computer is free from tiredness. It does not feel
any fatigue or lack of concentration.
• Versatility: refers to the capability of a computer to perform
different kinds of works with same accuracy and efficiency.
• Reliability: A computer is reliable as it gives consistent re-
sult for similar set of data.
• Automatic: Computer performs all the tasks automatically
i.e., it performs tasks without manual intervention.
• Power of remembering: Computer has the power of storing
any amount of information or data. Any information can be
stored and remembered as long as you require it, for a long
• No IQ: Computer cannot do any work without instruction
from the user. Thus, it does not have IQ (Intelligence Qua-
• No Feeling: Computer does not get tired even after long
hours of work. Computer does not have a feeling or emotion,
taste, knowledge and experience.
• Storage: Computer has a capacity to store a large amount
of data. The Computer has an in-built memory where it can
store a large amount of data.

• ※ No Intelligence Quatient (IQ): Computers cannot

work by their own unless a set of instructions are
given to it.
• ※ No Feeling: Computer does not have feelings and
emotions. Although it has memory, it cannot work
like a human brain.

Information Technology Student’s Textbook

In this unit, you have learnt about generations, functions, types and
characteristics of computers. The following points are summary of
this unit.

 Computer is an electronic device, which accepts instructions

in order to perform certain tasks.

 The evolution of computer is defined in terms of the five

generations of computer.

 Each generation of computer is categorized based on a new

technological development, low price and small size, more
powerful operation, fast speed and functionality.

 A smartphone is a portable device that combines mobile

telephone and computing functions into one unit.

 There are four basic computer functions: accepting input,

processing, providing output and storing data.

 Computers can be classified based on: size, methods of

operation and purpose of application.

 Types of computer based on size are microcomputer,

minicomputer, mainframe computer and super computer.

 Types of computer based on method of operation are analog,

digital and hybrid computer.

 Types of computer based on purpose of application are

special purpose and general-purpose computer.

 Characteristics of computer are speed, accuracy, diligence,

versatility, reliability, automation, power of remembering,
no IQ and capacity to store more data.

Unit 1: Basics of Computer Grade 8
Review Questions
Part I: Say “True” if the statement is correct and “False” if it is in-

1. A supercomputer is the fastest, most powerful, and most expen-

sive type of computer.
2. The computers that used transistors are called the First Genera-
tion Computers.
3. The third generation computers used integrated circuits.
4. Personal computers are also called microcomputers.
5. Computers provide a perfect and accurate result even when
wrong data is entered.
Part II: For each of the following questions choose the correct answer.
1. The acronym PC stands for:
A. Private Computer C. Personal Compact
B. Personal Computer D. All
2. Which one is the most powerful type of computer?
A. Minicomputer C. Mainframe computer
B. Microcomputer D. Supercomputer
3. _____________ is the way a computer accepts data from the user a
A. Input C. Output
B. Process D. Storage
4. Which one is not a characteristic of computer?
A. Versatility C. Analog
B. Reliability D. Storage
5. Computers are designed to solve a single problem.
A. General purpose C. Special purpose
B. Supercomputer D. All
Information Technology Student’s Textbook
Part III: Match column “A” with their corresponding description
stated under column “B”.
A. First Generation
1. Artificial Intelligence
B. Second Generation
2. Integrated Circuits
C. Third Generation
3. Vacuum Tubes
D. Fourth Generation
4. Transistors E. Fifth Generation
5. Microprocessors
Part IV: Read the statements and fill the blank space.
1. The evolution of computers is mainly divided into ____________
main generations.
2. Each new generation of computers resulted in decrease in ______
and __________.
3. The computers that used ________ were called the first genera-
tion computers.
4. ______ computer generation will have the power to learn and
apply knowledge to solve a problem.
5. ______ has characteristics of both analog and digital computers.

Unit 2: Computer Hardware Grade 8


2 Computer Hardware

Unit Outcomes

At the end of this unit, students will be able to :

 explain hardware components of computer;
 identify input, output, storages and processing devices ;
 explain functions of input, output, storages devices processing.

In this unit, you will learn about hardware categories based
on information processing such as input, output, storage and
processing devices and their functions. Computer system is
composed of computer hardware and software. Computer
hardware is the physical part of a computer that we can see by
our naked eyes and touch by our hand. It is divided into four
categories based on information processing; input, processor,
storage and output devices.

Brainstorming activity
 Do you recall the components of computer
hardware that you learned in Grade 7?

Information Technology Student’s Textbook
2.1. Input Devices

Brainstorming activity
 Before we start our lesson today, can you list input
devices? And discuss what is the function of each
Input devices are computer hardware that are used to enter a data
to the computer. they convert the data into the form that can be
understandable by a computer as 0 and 1. The following are some of
input devices:
 Keyboard  Optical Speech
 Mouse Recognition

 Scanner  Joystick

 Optical Recognition  Light Pen

Systems  Touch Screen
A. Keyboard
Keyboard is an input device which has keys that enable one to enter
data into a computer.

Figure 2.1: Keyboard

The keys on the keyboard can be divided into several groups based
on their function as follows.
Unit 2: Computer Hardware Grade 8
1. Escape Key (ESC): Esc is a key found on the top-left corner of a
computer keyboard. It allows the user to cancel, or close an oper-

2. Backspace Key: The back space key is a keyboard key that

deletes any character before the cursor›s current position.

3. Function keys: The function keys are used to perform specific

tasks, for instance F1 is mostly used as the help key.

4. Navigation and Editing Keys: These keys are used for moving
around in the documents. They include the arrow keys, Home,
End, Page Up, Page Down, Delete, and Insert buttons.

5. Typing (alphanumeric) keys: These keys include letters, num-

bers, punctuation marks, and symbol keys found on a traditional

6. CTRL Key: These keys are used alone or in combination with

other keys to perform such tasks as bold, italic, underline, save,
copy, cut and paste.
7. Windows Key: Most keyboards have the Windows key near
the Ctrl key. If you tap the Windows key, it opens the Start Menu.
Then press the Windows key again to close the Start Menu. In
addition Windows key with others keys perform different activi-
ties, for example, Windows logo key plus D display the desktop,
Windows logo key plus E open computer and Windows logo key
plus L lock your computer or switch users.

8. ALT Key: The alternate key provides alternate input and opera-
tions when pressed in combination with other keys.

9. Directional Keys: There are four keys on a computer keyboard

with arrows up, down, left, and right.

10. Numeric Keypad: The numeric keypad is used for entering

numbers quickly. The keys are grouped together in a block like
calculator or adding machine.
Information Technology Student’s Textbook

Figure 2.2: Parts of Keyboard

B. Mouse
Mouse is a hand operating device which controls the movement of
the cursor or pointer. Its name is derived from its shape, which looks
like a bit a mouse. The mouse are commonly has three buttons.
1. Left-button: used for left click. e.g. to select text
2. Right-button: used for right click. e.g. to see the property of the
3. Middle button: used for scrolling purpose. This button is some-
times missing.

Figure 2.3: The mouse buttons

Unit 2: Computer Hardware Grade 8
Mouses are connected to the system unit by a cable (wire) or by
wireless. The wireless is also called cordless mouse or wireless mouse.
The mouse pad is a pad on which you can move a mouse.
C. Scanner
Scanner is an input device that accepts printed text, handwriting or an
object and converts it to a digital document.

It is used to input data directly

into the computer from the source
document without copying and
typing the data. The input data to
be scanned can be a picture, a text
or a mark on a paper.

Figure 2.4: Scanner

D. Optical Recognition Systems (ORS)

ORS uses light to read characters, codes, and marks. It converts them
into a computer understandable format 0 and 1. There are many types
of optical recognition systems.
1. Optical Character Recognition
2. Optical Mark Recognition
3. Barcode Reader

1. Optical Character Recognition (OCR)

OCR device is a scanner that reads typewritten, computer printed, and
in some cases hand written characters from ordinary documents. It
scans the shape of the characters and compares it with predefined font
shapes found in memory. It can convert the characters into computer
code comparison. It is used to enter documents found on paper into
computer without the need to type it using a keyboard.

Information Technology Student’s Textbook

Figure 2.5: Optical Character Recognition

2. Optical Mark Recognition (OMR)

OMR device senses the presence or absence of a mark such as pencil
marks. It does not identify letters of the alphabet, instead, it uses electronic
scanners, marks and symbols. It converts marks and symbols into
appropriate electronic signals.

OMR is used to correct exams.

The read mark is interpreted
and matched against
previously entered answer
key. For example, Ethiopian
School Leaving Certificate
Examination (ESLCE) is
corrected using this device.

Figure 2.6: Optical Mark Recognition (OMR)

3. Barcode Reader
Barcode reader is used to read barcodes printed on products. There
are different kinds of barcodes; the most commonly used one is
called Universal Product Codes (UPC). It is used to identify product
manufacturer and product number; for instance, they are found in
library management and inventory control management.

Unit 2: Computer Hardware Grade 8

Figure 2.7: a. Barcode b.Barcode Reader

E. Speech Recognition System (SRS)

SRS is the ability of computers to recognize human speech. The
microphone is used to enter the speech into a computer. The computer
then processes the speech and performs the action ordered by speech.
It is used to enter the data using speech instead of typing from
keyboard. This makes data entry very easier. It is the latest technology
and is still under research.
F. Light Pen
Light pen is a light sensitive device
used together with a computer
monitor. It is us ed by touching
the screen with this device when
creating or modifying graphics. A
light cell at the tip of the pen senses
light from the screen to determine
the pen’s location on the screen.
Figure 2.8: Light Pen

G. Touch Screen
The touch screen allows us to enter data by using finger. Touch screen
is useful alternative to use a mouse or keyboard.

Information Technology Student’s Textbook

It is used on a variety of devices,

such as a laptop, smartphone
and tablet. Touch screen is
generally used in applications like
Automated Teller Machine (ATM),
public information computers
hospitals, airline reservation and
railway reservation.

Figure 2.9: Touch Screen

H. Joystick
Joystick is a device which is commonly used for playing video games.
Joystick is mainly used to control
the speed of the cursor and is thus
popular in games involving speed
like racing and flying games. The
direction of push of the stick and
the amount of deflection determines
the change in the position and the
change in speed, respectively.

Figure 2.10: Joystick

Activity 2.1
 Name at least three input devices and state its function?

Unit 2: Computer Hardware Grade 8
2.2. Processing Devices

Brainstorming activity
 What do you mean when we say process devices?
What do they do?

When a computer receives data from an input device, for example

from the mouse or keyboard, the data must be processed before it
goes to an output device, such as the printer or monitor. A processing
device is used for converting that data into useful information. For
instance, Central Processing Unit (CPU) is a type of processing device.
It is also called a processor. It is like the brain of the computer.

It performs instructions in response

to commands. A processor’s speed
is measured in hertz (Hz). Hertz is
the standard unit used to measure
the processor speed. One Hz means
one cycle per second.kkkkkkkkkkk

Figure 2.10: Central Processing Unit

The CPU performs instructions and the computer’s processing

activities. It functions the same purpose as the human brain. It is
called the brain of the computer.
The CPU has three sub-components.
1. Control Unit (CU)

2. Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU)

3. Memory (Registers) Unit

The three sub-components are connected by a cable called a bus. It
facilitates communication between the parts. It is used to transfer data
between these sub- components.

Information Technology Student’s Textbook
1. Control Unit
As the human brain controls the body, control unit controls the
computer. Control unit does not perform the instruction by itself. It
does not carry out instruction, but it directs other processing elements
to perform the instruction.
2. Arithmetic Logic Unit
Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) is used to execute instructions. It per-
forms two operations, namely Arithmetic and Logic operations.

Arithmetic operation is a mathematical operation like addition, sub-

traction, multiplication, and division. For example; if you give your
computer the instruction 2+3, this is included in arithmetic operation
and it is performed by Arithmetic Unit.

Logical Operation is concerned with the comparison of data. It in-

cludes operators such as less than (<), greater than (>), equal to (=),
less or equal to (<=), greater or equal to >=).

3. Memory unit (Registers)

When instruction is loaded from a main memory, it is placed first
in registers to wait instruction from the control unit. Registers are
temporary storage location for data prior to performance in ALU.

2.3. storage devices

Brainstorming activity
 Have you ever used storage devices? If so, could
you describe the devices you used?

A storage device is any type of computer hardware that is used for

storing files. There are two types of storage devices. These are primary
and secondary storage devices.

Unit 2: Computer Hardware Grade 8
2.3.1. Primary Storage devices
Primary storage refers to the main storage of the computer or main
memory. It is used to stores program instructions and data. There
are three types of primary memory.
 Random Access Memory ;
 Read Only Memory;
 Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor.
1. Random Access Memory (RAM)
RAM is used to store data temporarily. It is also called read-
write memory or main memory or primary memory. The programs
and data that the CPU needs during the performance of a program
are stored in this memory. It is a volatile memory. The data on the
RAM is lost when the power is turned off.

Figure 2.11: Random Access Memory

2. Read-only memory (ROM)

ROM stores information permanently. It has a software program built
into it at the factory. It could not be changed or erased by the user but
It is non-volatile, i.e., once
the data is stored in the
memory cannot be modified
or deleted read-only.

Figure 2.12: Read-only memory

The ROM contains special instruction that the computer uses when
it is turned on, for example, the instruction that starts the computer
and displays information on the screen.

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3. Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor(CMOS)
CMOS is used to store information when a computer shuts off. It
is found in several types of electronic components including CPU,
and digital camera.

2.3.2. Secondary Storage Devices

Secondary storage devices are also called auxiliary storage. Secondary
storage is a memory that is stored external to the computer.  It is
mainly used for permanent and long-term storage of programs and
data. Secondary storage includes magnetic tape, magnetic disk and
optical disk tape punched cards, and punched paper.

Magnetic Tape
The magnetic tape was the primary method of storing large amount
of data during the 1950s and 1960s. Today they are used primarily for
data backup purposes.

Data backup is a data

that is stored in a different
place than the original
computer. This is to avoid
the danger of data loss
due to disasters. If the
original data is lost, the
copy will be used.
It consists of thin ribbon
plastic called tape. One
side of the tape is coated
with iron-oxide. Figure 2.13: Magnetic Tape

It stores the data by magnetizing and demagnetizing the tape.

Unit 2: Computer Hardware Grade 8
Magnetic Disk
Magnetic disk is the most widely used storage medium on all computers.
It consists of a round piece of plastic or metal the surface of which is
covered with magnetic material. It allows random access of information
and solve problem of slow access time commonly found in tape files. For
example: Hard disk.

Figure 2.14: Hard Disk

Hard disk is a magnetic disk made up of metal which can be fixed

in the system unit of the computer. It serves as a secondary storage
and enables very fast accessibility of data. Each disk is subdivided into
tracks and sectors on which the information is stored.
Optical Disk
Optical disk uses laser light to read or write data. They use high
powered laser light to burn on the surface of the disk to store data.
The burned-out part is called the pit, and the non-burnt part is called
land. Land may represent 0 while pit represented by 1. Compact Disc
(CD) and Digital Versatile Disc (DVD) are the two most common
types of optical disks.
i. Compact Disc (CD)
The CD can store 700 MB of information. Data is stored only on one
side of the disc. There are three basic types of CDs.
 Compact Disc Read Only Memory (CD-ROM)
 Compact Disc Recordable (CD-R)
 Compact Disc Read-Write (CD-RW)
 Compact Disc Read Only Memory (CD-ROM)
Information Technology Student’s Textbook
CD-ROM is read only type of CD, i.e. we cannot write data on such
CDs or you cannot erase data from it. The data are only accessed or
read from these CDs.
Compact Disc Recordable (CD-R)

It is also called Write Once and Read Many (WORM). These kinds of
CDs can be written on once. But then after, you cannot rewrite on it
or erase data from it. After you first write data on such discs, then the
only thing you can do is to read data from them.
Compact Disc Read-Write (CD-RW)
CD-RW is also called erasable optical disc. You can write data as many
times as you want on such CDs. You can also erase or delete data from
such CDs.
Digital Versatile Disc (DVD)

DVD stands for Digital Versatile Disc. But some people mistakenly
call it Digital Video Disc.
It is a new technology that is introduced recently. It is similar to
CD except that it can store large amounts of data and it has narrow
tracks than CD. It can store 4.7-17GB of information.

Activity 2.2
 List different types of storage devices and explain each of

Unit 2: Computer Hardware Grade 8
2.4. Output Devices

Brainstorming activity
 What is the function of output devices? Discuss
with your classmate.
The output devices are used to get data out of a computer. They
convert information from computer understandable form to a human
understandable form, either in soft copy or hard copy. For example;
soft copy is displayed by the monitor and projector where as hard copy
is printed using printer. Monitor, printer, plotter, projector, speakers,
headphones and braille reader are some of the output devices.
The monitor output device is used for displaying output to the user.
The monitor is the most frequently used output device. It consists of
a display surface called screen. The following are types of monitor.
1) Cathode Ray Tube (CRT) 3) Light Emitting Diode (LED)
2) Liquid Crystal Display 4) Gas Plasma Monitor (GPM)

1. Cathode Ray Tube Monitor (CRT)

CRT is a technology used in traditional computer monitors and

Figure 2.15: An example of computer using CRT monitor

Information Technology Student’s Textbook
2. Liquid Crystal Display (LCD)
Liquid crystal display is the most commonly used device in digital
watches, clocks, calculators, smartphones, desktop computers,
laptops, and television.

Figure 2.16: An example of television using LCD

3. Light Emitting Diode (LED)

LED stands for Light Emitting Diode. LED monitor, sometimes called
LED-backlit monitors, have great color and image quality, but it does
not have a good response time.
It is a flat screen computer
monitor, which stands for
light-emitting diode display.
It is lightweight in terms
of weight. Nowadays, a
wide number of electronic
devices, both large and
small devices such as laptop
screens, mobile phones, TVs,
computer monitors, tablets,
and more, use LED displays.

Figure 2.17: An example of television using LED

Unit 2: Computer Hardware Grade 8
4. Gas Plasma Monitor
Gas plasma monitor (GPM) uses neon gas instead of liquid crystal.
The neon gas glows and
produces the pixels or dots that
form picture. It is used in older
portable computers and television.

Figure 2.18: An example of television using gas plasma monitor

The printer is an output device that enables us to produce a hard
copy of data or information. It has different speed, capabilities, and
printing methods. Printers are divided into two classes based on the
way they print.
1. Impact printers, e.g.
Dot-matrix Printer and
Daisy-wheel Printer.....
2. Non-impact printer, e.g.
Ink Jet Printers, Laser
Printer and Thermal

Figure 2.19: Printer

Plotter is used to produce high-quality drawings such as bar charts,
maps and banners. It produces high quality multi-color documents
on larger size papers which most printers cannot handle.

Figure 2.20: Plotters

Information Technology Student’s Textbook

Activity 2.3
 Make a group; list out output devices and discuss
their function with your group members.

In this unit, you learned about computer hardware components such
as input, output, processing, and storage.
 Input devices are any computer hardware equipment used
to enter the data to the computer.
 Input devices are keyboard, mouse, scanner, micro phone,
electronic whiteboard, optical mark recogni tion, optical
character recognition, punch card reader, barcode reader,
joystick and pen input.
 The output devices are used to get data out of a computer.
 Monitor, printer, plotter, projector, speakers, head phones
and braille reader are some of the out put devices
 Central processing unit (CPU) is the brain of computer
which performs computer instructions.
 CPU has three subcomponents

Unit 2: Computer Hardware Grade 8
Review Questions
Part I: Read the following statements and say “True” if the statement
is correct and “False” if it is incorrect.

1. The speed of CPU is measured in only Megahertz.

2. CPU stands for Control Processing Unit.
3. Central Processing Unit acts as the brain of the computer.
4. Control unit performs Logic Operation.
5. Register is temporary storage location for data prior to execu
tion in Arithmetic Logic Unit.
6. Random Access Memory (RAM) contains essential information
that is required when the computer is turned on.
7. DVD stands for Digital Video Disc.
8. Magnetic disk is the primary storage device.
9. Random Access Memory is the secondary storage device.
10. DVD store large amounts of data than CD.
Part II: Choose the correct answer for each of the following questions

1. _____ allows you to enter data into a computer in the form of


A. Mouse C. Peripheral devices

B. Keyboard D. Monitor
2. ________________________ is an output device.
A. Mouse C. Joystick
B. Monitor D. None

Information Technology Student’s Textbook
3. _______________________ keys are present on the top row of
the keyboard.
A. Function C. Numeric
B. Typewriter D. Navigation
4. A light sensitive device that converts drawing, printed text or
other images into digital form is______________.
A. Keyboard C. Scanner
B. Plotter D. OMR

5. Which of the following groups consists of only input devices?

A. Mouse, Keyboard, Monitor
B. Mouse, Keyboard, Printer
C. Mouse, Keyboard, Plotter
D. Mouse, Keyboard, Scanner
6. Which of the following is not an example of hardware?
A. Scanner C. Monitor
B. Printer D. Word Processing
7. The device that allow you to enter information into the com-

A. Input C. Type
B. Output D. Print
8. Which of the following is not an output device?
A. Plotter C. Scanner
B. Printer D. Monitor
9. The most common method of entering text and numerical data
into a computer system is through the use of a ________.
A. Plotter C. Printer
B. Scanner D. Keyboard

Unit 2: Computer Hardware Grade 8
10. Which one of the following optical recognition systems senses
the presence or absence of a mark, such as pencil marks?
A. Optical Character Recognition
B. Optical Mark recognition
C. Barcode Reader
D. None
11. The device that is primarily used to provide hardcopy is
A. CRT C. Printer
B. Computer Console D. Card Reader
12. __________ converts information from machine-understand-
able form to a human understandable form.
A. Input C. CPU
B. Output D. Storage
13. Which of the following is not a type of monitor.
A. Cathode Ray Tube C. Plasma Display
B. Liquid Crystal Display D. None
14. __________________ is most commonly used in digital watch-
es, clocks and calculators.
A. Cathode Ray Tube C. Plasma Display
B. Liquid Crystal Display D. None
15. _______________is a device that enables us to produce a hard
copy of data/information.
A. Printer
B. Dot-matrix Printer
C. Daisy-wheel Printer
D. None

Unit 3: Computer Software Grade 8

3 Computer Software

Unit Outcomes

At the end of this unit, students will be able to :

 define operating system, utility and driver software;
 demonstrate skills in creating, saving, and formatting word
processing document;
 demonstrate skills in creating, saving, and formatting spreadsheet;
 demonstrate skills in creating, saving, and formatting power point.

In this unit, you will learn about operating system, word processor,
spreadsheet and power point. The formatting of word processor,
spreadsheet and power points are also discussed. The demonstrations
of word processor, spreadsheet and power point are presented in this
unit. Operating system, utility and driver software also addressed

Brainstorming activity

 What application software are you familiar


Unit 3: Computer Software Grade 8
3.1. Operating system
Brainstorming activity
 What do you notice about the operating system
you learnt in grade 7?

The operating system (OS) is software that communicates with the

hardware and allows other programs to run. OS is system software
that manages computer hardware and software. It performs all the
basic tasks like file management, memory management, process
management, handling input and output, and controlling peripheral
devices. It also provides common services for both hardware and
software. The applications require an OS to be functional. Examples
of operating systems are Windows, Mac OS, Ubuntu, Unix and Linux.
3.2. Utility Software

Brainstorming activity

 Do you know utilities software?

Utility software is system software used to solve a particular problem

of a user. It is included in operating systems as well as separately
available as a products like anti-virus. The purpose of utility software
is to manage tasks associated with the configuration, performance and
maintenance of a computer system. In other words, utility software
is usually used to manage system resources. For example, utility
software helps to perform backup, restore and anti-virus installations.
Operating system provides different types of utility software to resolve
common issues of software and hardware. Some of the utility software
are system utilities, storage management utilities, file management
utilities and miscellaneous utilities

Information Technology Student’s Textbook
A. System Utilities: Some of the system utilities are:
 Diagnostic programs and
 Network utilities
A. Storage Management Utilities: Some of the storage man-
agement utilities are:
 Backup software
 Disk formatters and
 Disk partition editors
A. File Management Utilities: Some of the file management
utilities are:
 Data recovery
 Data compression and
 Data conversion

Activity 3.1
1. List and explain some of the system utilities, storage de
vices, management utilities, and file management utilities.
2. Download and install Avast anti-virus software on the
computer in the laboratory.

Unit 3: Computer Software Grade 8
3.3. Driver Software

Brainstorming activity
 How does a computer recognize a printer?

Driver software is a type of software that controls hardware devices

such as microprocessor, memory, hard drive, and peripherals devices.
The hardware devices use driver software to send and receive
information with other devices. The purpose of driver software is
to allow the peripheral devices to communicate with the operating
system. For example, printer driver is used to connect printers with
the operating systems. The modern computer is connected with
peripheral devices without physical connections using wireless and
Bluetooth technology.

3.4. Application Software

Brainstorming activity
 What does applications software use to edit
photo, browse and play music?

Application software is a
computer program designed to
help users to perform an activity.
It is an application used to
manipulate text, numbers, audio,
graphics, and a combination of
these elements. kkkkkkkkkkkk
Figure 3.1: Some of applications software.

Application software has a specific purpose that is used for

particular tasks such as photo editing, an accounting application, a
web browser, a media player, a flight simulator and game.
Information Technology Student’s Textbook

Activity 3.2
 Do you think that road traffic and safety light system, and
Automated Teller Machine (ATM) in your village need
software to work. Discuss in groups and present to your

3.5. Word Processor

Brainstorming activity
 Have you ever used word processor to edit files?

Word processor is a software that is capable of creating, storing, and

printing documents. It helps to create a document and make any
changes anywhere in the document. The document saved for later
use is opened on another computer when needed.

Features of Word Processor

I. Create Document
When word processor is clicked on, a blank document window
appears. Therefore, when a new document is created, its default name
will be displayed with the name DOCUMENT < number>, as it shown
in Figure 3.2 below.

Figure 3.2 New Word Document File Created

Unit 3: Computer Software Grade 8
II. Saving Document Using Save As
Once a document is created, it can be saved for future use. To “Save
as” means to preserve the document for next use. For example, to
“Save as” a word document, the following steps are needed.
1. Click the office File tab.
2. Click the Save As option.
3. Give it a file name, then click Save.
Type some sentences or a paragraph on word processor and go to the
File tab.

Figure 3.3. File tab

From the File tab, click on “Save or Save as” as shown in Figure 3.4

Figure 3.4. Selecting Save As to Save a file

Information Technology Student’s Textbook
After you clicked on
Save as tab, you will
select where to save
file. For example, here
we select documents
directory to save it, as
it shown in Figure 3.5.

Figure 3.5 Saving a document

Finally, you have to provide file name and click on save tab, as it
shown in the Figure 3.5 above.
III. Insert Text
The basic steps to insert text in word processor are listed below.
1. Click the word processor icon to open it.
2. You will see a Blinking cursor or Insertion point in the text
area below the ribbon.

3. Now, as you start typing, the words will appear on the

Screen in the text area.

4. To change the location of insertion point, press spacebar,

Enter or Tab keys. See Figure 3.6 below as an example.

Figure 3.6. Inserting a text

Unit 3: Computer Software Grade 8
IV. Copy and Paste
Word processor offers different methods to copy and paste a text.
Some of the methods are given below: For example,
1. Select the text you want to Copy.

2. Select the Home tab and click Copy.See Figure 3.7 below.

Figure 3.7. Copy from Home tab

3. Place the Cursor where you want to Paste the text and

4. Click the Paste in Home tab. See Figure 3.8 below.

Figure 3.8 Paste from Home tab

Alternatively, the following steps are important to copy and paste.

For example,
1. Select the text.

2. Place the Cursor over the text and Right click the mouse.

3. A menu will appear; with a left click select the Copy op-

Information Technology Student’s Textbook
4. Now, move the Cursor to a desired location and Right
click the mouse.

5. A menu will appear; with a left click select the Paste op-
tion. See Figure 3.9 below.

Figure 3.9. Copy from Home

After you have selected the text, Right click and click on Copy, as it is
shown Figure 3.9 above. Alternatively, go to the Home tab and click
on the Copy and then click on Paste.
V. Cut and Paste
Word processor allow us to cut and paste the same portion of a text
throughout the document as long as the text remains on the clipboard.
For example, to cut and paste a text, the following steps are important.
1. Select the text.
2. Right click and choose Cut option.
3. On the clipboard, group on the Home tab, click the Cut option
4. Place the insertion point where you want the text to be inserted.
5. On the clipboard, group on the Home tab and click the Paste.
6. Right click and choose Paste.

Unit 3: Computer Software Grade 8
Type a paragraph about Addis Ababa and Copy, and Paste paragraph
as shown in the Figure 3.10 below.

Figure 3.10. Paste from Home Button

Right click on the paragraph and select Cut option, as it shown in the
above Figure 3.10. As an alternative, you can also select Home tab and
choose Cut and then Paste, as shown in the Figure 3.11.

Figure 3.11. Cut a text and Paste from Home

Information Technology Student’s Textbook

VI. Formatting
Bold: is a set of characters that are darker and heavier than normal.
A bold font implies that each character is originally designed with
a heavier appearance other than created on the fly from a normal
character. For example, Bold (See the Figure 3.12 below).
Italic: is style of font that slopes the letters evenly to the right. For
example, this word is italicized (See the Figure 3.12 below).
Underline: is a section of text in a document where the words have a
line running extend them for example underline (See the Figure 3.12

Figure 3.12 Bold, Italic and Underline types

Font Type and Size: There are various default font type and
font size in word processor, as it shown in the Figure 3.13 font
type and Figure 3.14 font size.

Figure 3.13. Font type Figure.3.14. Increasing and decreasing font size
Unit 3: Computer Software Grade 8
To increase and decrease the font size of your text, you can select the
number of size, as it shown in the Figure 3.14 above.

Text Color: is used to emphasize a particular text and allow you to

change the font color of your text. To change the font color of your
text you can select a color from color options. For example, the red
color is selected, as it shown in Figure 3.15 below.

Figure 3.15: Font color options

Activity 3.3

 Write a paragraph about the history of Ethiopian airlines

using word processor and it show to your teacher.

Information Technology Student’s Textbook
3.6. Spreadsheet

Brainstorming activity
 Do you know how to perform subtraction,
addition, multiplication and division using

Spreadsheet is an application used to organize and calculate data in

cells. It is a data file made up of rows and columns. It is used to sort
data and allow a user to manipulate and arrange data easily. It is used
to calculate values using mathematical formulas in the cells. See the
opened new spreadsheet in Figure 3.16 below.

Figure 3.16: Opened New Spreadsheet

Once spreadsheet is opened the important buttons, rows, columns,

and headers appear. See the Figure 3.17 below.

Unit 3: Computer Software Grade 8

Figure 3.17. Elements of spreadsheet

Spreadsheet helps to create tables in rows and columns. The tables

allow you to analyze your data in spreadsheet quickly and easily. See
the Figure 3.18 below.

Figure 3.18: Creating table in spreadsheet

Information Technology Student’s Textbook
There are two basic ways to perform calculations in formulas and
functions using spreedsheet.
I. Formulas
In spreadsheet, a formula is an expression that operates on values in
a range of cells or a cell. For example, =B2+B3, which finds the sum of
the range of values from cell B2 to cell B3.
To create a formula that refers to values in other cells,

1. Select a cell;
2. Type the equal sign (=) in the cell B4.

Note: Formulas in spreadsheet always begin with the equal (=) sign.

3. Select a cell or type its address in the

selected cell.

4. Enter minus operator into cell B4.

5. Select the next cell B3,

or type its address in the selected cell.

Unit 3: Computer Software Grade 8
6. Press Enter. The result of the calculation
appears in the cell with the formula.

II. Functions
Functions are predefined formulas in spreadsheet. Functions can
be used to perform calculations. The structure of a function begins
with an equal sign (=), followed by the function name, an opening
parenthesis, the arguments for the function separated by commas,
and a closing parenthesis. Some of the functions in spreadsheet are
sum, average, maximum and minimum. For example in the Figure
3.19 the function is: =SUM(C3:C6).

Figure 3.19 Functions in Spreadsheet

Activity 3.4

 Create a file and enter your information such as your

name, age, gender, grade, test one and test two. Find
the sum of your test by using a spreadsheet.

Information Technology Student’s Textbook

3.7. Power Point

Brainstorming activity
 Do you know how to prepare a power point

A power point helps to create a slideshow that addresses a topic or

presentation. Sometimes power point is known as a presentation or
slide. It typically includes three major functions:
 an editor that allows text to be inserted and formatted.
 a method for inserting and manipulating graphic images.
 a slide-show system to display the content.

Figure 3.20 Power Point

Unit 3: Computer Software Grade 8
I. Insert Slide
The presentation contain one slide with the title ‘Slide layout’. It helps
to insert as many slides as needed from a variety of layouts, as shown
in Figure 3.21 below.

Figure 3.21. Inserting a new Slide

II. Copy and Paste

Click on the slide and select Copy from Home tab, as shown in Figure
3.22 below.

Figure 3.22. Copying Slide

Information Technology Student’s Textbook
Then Right click and select Paste option, see Figure 3.23 below.

Figure 3.23 Paste

III.Cut and Paste Slides

For example to cut and paste the slides, the following steps are
1. Select the slide you want to cut.
2. Right click on the slide.
3. Then click on Cut option.

Right click on the slide and choose the Cut option, as shown in Figure
3.24 below.

Figure 3.24. Cuting Slide

Then click on Paste option to paste your slides, as shown in Figure

3.23 above.
Unit 3: Computer Software Grade 8
V. Delete the Slides
Right click on the slide and choose delete option, as depicted in Figure
3.25 below.

Figure 3.25: Delete Slides

Activity 3.5

Write a tale you know in your village and present to your class
using a power point.
1. Italicize, bold and underline the topic of your tale.
2. Insert page number to your slide.
3. Use any colour you want, example, blue color.
4. Save it by your name.

Information Technology Student’s Textbook

In this unit, you have learnt about operating system, utility, driver
software, word processor, spreadsheet and power point presentation.
The following are summary of this unit.
 An operating system is system software that manages
computer hardware and software resources, which pro
vide common services for computer programs.
 Utility software manages matters associated with the
analysis, configuration, performance, and maintenance
of a computer system.
 Utility software are system utilities, storage device, man
agement utilities, file management utilities, and miscella
neous utilities.
 Driver software is a type of software program that con
trols hardware devices.
 Application software is the general designation of computer
programs for performing tasks.
 Application software includes word processing,
spreadsheet and PowerPoint presentation.
 Word processor is a software program capable of creat
ing, storing, and printing documents.
 Spreadsheet is a data file made up of rows and columns
that are used to sort data and allow a user to manipulate
and arrange data easily, commonly numerical data.
 A power point presentation is software that helps to cre
ate a slideshow that addresses a topic or presentation.

Unit 3: Computer Software Grade 8
Review Questions
Part I: Say “True” if the statement is correct and “False” if it is incorrect.
1. Application software used to perform calculation is called power
2. Utility software allows the peripheral devices to communicate with
the operating system.
3. Anti-virus is a software used to store and configure data on the
4. A software that helps to create presentation on a topic is spreadsheet.
5. Operating system is a system software that manages both hardware
and software.

Part II: Choose the correct answer for each of the following questions.
1. What would be the a correct formula for sum in spreadsheet?

A. =SUM(B3:B9) C. SUM(B3:B9)
B. =SUMB3+B9 D. =ADD(B3:B9)

2. Which area on the File tab has the command allowing a word doc-
ument to preserve a file?

A. Info C. Save As
B. Share D. Options

3. The application software that is used to prepare a presentation is

A. Spreadsheet C. Browser
B. Word Processor D. Power Point
4. Which one is not utility software?
A. System Utility C. Miscellaneous Utilities
B. Management Utilities D. None

Information Technology Student’s Textbook

5. _____________ is system software that manages computer

hardware and software.
A. Utility Software
B. Driver Software
C. Operating System
D. Anti-virus
Part III: Demonstrate the following questions.
1. From the following table, demonstrate the sum and average of the
student result using spreadsheet.
Student Name Mathematics Chemistry Biology Physics English Sum Average
Lattuu Walabuma 89 85 93 82 75
Kebede W/Mariam 75 87 90 73 82
Zabarga Hussen 65 89 87 75 89
Fatuma Jemal 89 78 65 78 79
Hagos Getachew 79 89 74 89 76
Ujulu Osman 67 87 75 75 89
Ayde Ergando 81 74 87 87 78
Obsineet Workineh 87 78 88 94 98

2. Prepare a short power point presentation about your biography.

Unit 4: Internet Grade 8


4 Internet

Unit Outcomes

At the end of this unit, students will be able to :

 describe internet services;  explain uses of the email and

social network;
 explain the difference between
internet and WWW;  create email address and ex
change mail,
 explain file transfer and text
transmission protocol;  create Facebook and telegram
account and
 browse information on the
internet;  benefits and risks of social

Dear students, in grade 7 you have learned the definitions of the internet,
WWW, web page, website, browser, search engine, web server, and web
addresses. In this unit, you will learn about internet services, WWW,
file transfer, text transmission protocol, browsing information on the
internet, email and facebook and benefits and risks of social networks.

Brainstorming activity

 Discuss the major uses of the Internet that play a

vital role in daily life.

Information Technology Student’s Textbook
4.1. Internet Services
Computer network is when two or more computer systems are
connected together. Internet refers to network of networks. Internet
is a world-wide global system of interconnected computer networks.
The internet is the largest computer network in the world connecting
millions of computers. World Wide Web (WWW), E-mail, Telnet
and file transfer protocol (FTP) are some of the internet services that
facilitate access to internet resources.

4.1.1. World Wide Web

World Wide Web (WWW) is a collection of websites or web pages. It is
known as a Web. The World Wide Web or Web is a part of the internet.
The Web was invented in 1991 by Tim Berners-Lee. It is connected to
local computers through the internet. Users can access the content of
sites from any part of the world over the internet using the devices
such as computers, laptops, and cell phones. The WWW is viewed
through web browsers such as Google Chrome, Internet Explorer and
Mozilla Firefox. By using the browsers, one can access a web page
from the internet.
Web page 
webpage is a document available on WWW. Web pages are stored on
a web server and can be viewed using a web browser. A web page can
contain large information including text, graphics, audio, video and
hyperlinks. Hyperlinks are the link to other web pages. A collection
of linked web pages is known as a website. Each web page has its
unique Uniform Resource Locator (URL). A URL is an address to a
web page on the internet. A URL has two main components. they are
protocol identifier and resource name. For example URL: http://www. For this URL, the protocol identifier is hypertext transfer
protocol http and the resource name is Web pages
are categorized into static web pages and dynamic web pages based
on the information they contain.

Unit 4: Internet Grade 8
Static web page
Static web pages contain only static information i.e. user can only read
the information but cannot do any modification or interact with the
information. Static web pages are only used when the information is
no more required to be modified. A static web page remains the same
until it is updated.
Dynamic Web page
A dynamic web page or dynamic website contains information that
changes depending on the viewer, the time of the day, the time zone
and the viewer’s native language. A dynamic web page automatically
changes daily to give visitors a new content.

4.1.2. File Transfer Protocol (FTP)

FTP is one of the internet services that are used for transferring files
from one system to another using internet. FTP is a way to download,
upload and transfer files from one location to another on the internet
and between computers. FTP is also used to transfer files when the
file size is large or when several files are transferred which are difficult
to transfer using email.
4.1.3. Hypertext Transfer Protocol
HTTP stands for hypertext transfer protocol.  It is used to access data on
the World Wide Web. HTTP has a server (service) and client (request)
communication protocol. HTTP is also used for formatting and
transferring web page data (text, images and video) over the World
Wide Web. It is used to create communication between Web servers
and Web users. It acts as a request-response protocol. For example, a
client who uses a web browser and a server is a Web host that hosts the
website. Whenever a client transmits a request to the Website server,
the HTTP proceeds that request and creates a connection between the
client and the server through Transmission Control Protocol (TCP).
Then HTTP sends a request to the server, which picks up the requested
data from database, and HTTP sends the response back to the client.
HTTP functions as a combination of FTP and Simple Mail Transfer
Information Technology Student’s Textbook
Protocol (SMTP). The HTTP protocol is like SMTP protocol because
the data transferred between the client and the server look like SMTP
messages. However, HTTP differs from SMTP on how the clients’
messages are sent to the server and from the server to the client.
Unlike SMTP, the HTTP messages are not read by humans; they are
read and interpreted by the HTTP server and HTTP client (browser).
SMTP messages are stored and forwarded, but HTTP messages are
delivered immediately. There are others protocols such as Internet
Message Access Protocol (IMAP) and Network Time Protocol (NTP). 
4.2. Browsing information
Brainstorming activity

 In groups, discuss what we can search on the


Browsing information is searching or finding information on the in-

ternet. Internet searching is one of the easiest and useful ways to get
useful information on the internet by using different search engines.
Search engines make this information easier to find. People use
common search engines such as Google and Yahoo to find images,
books, currency conversions, definitions of words, news and movies.
The most popular search engine these days is Google.
To search information on the internet, first open a search engine using
a web browser. After you have opened the search engine, type one
or more keywords also known as search terms; then press Enter on
your keyboard. For example, we can search for what is computer?’.
See figure 4.1.

Figure 4.1: How to type keyword on Google search engine

Unit 4: Internet Grade 8
Then, a list of relevant websites that match what you searched will be
displayed. These are commonly known as search results. If you see a
site that looks interesting, you can click a link to open it. If the site does
not have what you need, you can return to the results page to look for
more options. Figure 4.2 shows how we search for information from
the internet.

Figure 4.2: Searching information from the internet

Activity 4.1
 Browse the information from the internet such as
Abay River and famous athletes in Ethiopia.

4.3. Electronic Mail (Email)

Brainstorming activity

 Have you ever used email? If so, for what purpose did
you use it?

Email is a way to send and receive messages using the internet. It

offers an efficient, inexpensive and real time means of distributing
information among people. There are many different email services
available that allow you to create an email account, send and receive
Information Technology Student’s Textbook
email and attach files for free. Figure 4.3 below shows the different
email services.

Figure 4.3: Yahoo, Outlook and Gmail icon

I.Creating Email
Google mail (Gmail) is one of the most used email services around
the world. If you want to create a Gmail account, you need to provide
some basic information like your name, birth date, gender, and
location. Even you have to choose a name for your new Gmail address.
Follow the steps below to create Gmail account with the quick sign-
up process.

Step 1: Visit Google account creation page,

Step 2: Click on Create account.
Step 3: The sign-up form will appear. Enter your first and last name.
Step 4: Choose a Username for your account.
Step 5: After choosing a username, enter a password. Type the
password again to confirm. As per the Google’s instruction,
always use 8 or more characters with a mix of letters, numbers
and symbols.
Step 6: At last click on Next, Right corner of the screen.
Step 7: On the next page, enter your phone number to verify your
account. It is a two-step verification process for security.
Step 8: On the given mobile number, you will receive a text
Unit 4: Internet Grade 8
message from Google with a verification code. Enter the
verification code and tap on Verify.
Step 9: On the next page, enter your date of birth in the specified
Step 10: Choose gender.
Step 11: Click on the Next button.
Step 12: Read, Google’s terms of service and privacy policy will
appear on the screen. Click on the “I agree button”.
II. Common Email Features

Email Address
Each user of email is given a unique name for his/her email account.
This name is known as E-mail address. Different users can send and
receive messages based on their e-mail address. To receive emails,
you will need an email account and an email address. To send
emails to other people, you will need to get their email addresses. It is
important to learn how to write email addresses correctly because if
you do not enter it exactly, your emails will not be delivered or might
be delivered to a wrong person.

Email addresses are always written in a standard format that includes

a user name, @ (at) symbol, and the email provider’s domain. The
email provider is the website that hosts your email account. The user
name is the name you choose to identify yourself. E-mail is generally
of the form username@domainname.

For example, [email protected] is an e-mail address where

abdisa.aga is a username and is the domain name. The
username and the domain name are separated by @ (at) symbol.
E-mail addresses are not case sensitive. Spaces are not allowed in
e-mail address.

Information Technology Student’s Textbook
In inbox, we view and manage emails sent from another person or
people. Emails are listed by the name of the sender, the subject of the
message, and the date received.

Figure 4.4: Inbox

Message pane
When you select an email in the inbox, it will open in the message
pane. From here, you can read the message and choose how to
respond with different types of commands as indicated in figure 4.5

Figure 4.5: Message pane of Gmail

Unit 4: Internet Grade 8
Compose pane
After you have clicked on the compose button, the recipient’s email
address and subject are needed to be filled. Then, write your email
message. There is also an option to upload files like photos and
documents as attachments.

Figure 4.6: Compose pane of Gmail

Whenever you want to share an email you have received from another
person, you can use the Forward button to send the message to another
Activity 4.2

Using your email account, do the following activities:

1. Send a message to your classmate.
2. Read new messages in your “Inbox”.
3. Forward an email to your classmate.

Information Technology Student’s Textbook
4.4. Social networks
Social networks refers to the means of interactions among people in
which they create, share, and/or exchange information and ideas in
virtual communities and networks. Social networking is the use of
internet-based social network sites to stay connected with friends,
family, colleagues, customers, or clients. Social networking can have a
social purpose, a business purpose and educational purpose through
sites like Facebook, Telegram, Skype, YouTube, Instagram, LinkedIn
and Twitter. Unless a social network is used properly, it has several
risks as indicated in section 4.5. Therefore, you are advised to use
social networks properly. See the different social networks plat forms
in figure 4.7 below.

Figure 4.7: Social network platforms

Facebook is a popular social network website that allows users to
create profiles, upload photos and videos, send messages and stay
connected with friends, family and colleagues.
 How to create a Facebook account
1. Go to and click Create New Account.
2. Enter your name, email or mobile phone number, password,
date of birth and gender.
3. Then click Sign Up.
4. To finish creating your account, you need to confirm your email
or mobile phone number.
5. Then, go to and enter your email or phone number
and password.
6. Finally, click the Log in pane.
Unit 4: Internet Grade 8

Figure 4.8: Facebook account

The telegram is an online messaging application. Telegram is used
to send messages to your contacts when connected to Wi-Fi or mobile
internet. It is also used to transmit texts, photos, videos, audio files,
location information, contacts and documents. The telegram has the
ability to show whether your communication partner is online or not.

Figure 4.9 Telegram

Information Technology Student’s Textbook
To create a Telegram account,
1. Install the Telegram application.
2. Enter your phone number.
3. Add your user name and a picture.
4. Find a friend with Telegram.
5. Start chatting.
6. Send a photo, video, document, contact or your current location.

LinkedIn is another online service that provides business and
employment-services which operates through various online sites.
LinkedIn is mainly used for professional networking. Figure 4.10
below shows the way LinkedIn is used.

Figure 4.10: LinkedIn Sign in

YouTube is a video sharing website on which users can upload, view,
and share videos which are informative and inspirational to others.
See figure 4.11.

Figure 4.11: YouTube
Unit 4: Internet Grade 8
Twitter is one of the micro-blogging services. Microblogging is a
web  service that allows the subscriber to broadcast short messages
to other subscribers of the service. Twitter permits people to be able
to post and exchange text messages limited to 140 characters either
through computers or mobile devices. The major function of twitter is
to post and get connected to the latest information that interests users
and follow within the conversations they are interesting in. Figure
4.12 below shows the twitter sun up.

Figure 4.12: Twitter Sign Up

Information Technology Student’s Textbook
4.5. Benefits and Risks of Social networks

Brainstorming activity

 Do you believe that there are any risks associated

with utilizing social network? What are some of
the risks of utilizing social media?

Using internet has benefits and risks. Benefits are advantages gained
from the internet when used properly while risks are disadvantages
caused when internet is not used properly.
Users of internet have grown up significant number with the internet
and digital devices as part of their everyday life. They can use social
networks to connect with others including friends, family and teachers.
1. Benefits of Social Networks
The internet, for children and adults alike, is a hugely important me-
dium. Children and young people now frequently use the internet to:

 search information;
 communicate; express ideas, share information and
 interact socially with friends and family;
 innovate, create and share content;
 play and be entertained such as games, movies, music, and
2. Risks of Social Networks
The following are the risks of the internet.
 Being exposed to inappropriate content; like mean,
aggressive or sexual comments or images;
 Uploading inappropriate content; like photos or videos of
themselves or others;

Unit 4: Internet Grade 8
 Sharing personal information with strangers for example,
phone numbers; date of birth or location;
 Cyber bullying, that is, using digital technology to
deliberately and repeatedly hurt someone;
 Online bullying or harassment;
 Exposure to too much targeted advertising and marketing.
 Personal information being stolen;
 Untrustworthy and misleading content is easy to find on
social networks.

Activity 4.3

1. Do you often use the social networks such as Facebook and

2. About how many hours a day do you use the social
3. Who uses the social network most in your family?
4. What purpose does she /he use this social network for?

Information Technology Student’s Textbook
In this unit, you have learned about computer network, internet,
internet service, WWW, and HTTP, as well as how to browse
information, emails and different social networks.Input devices are
any computer hardware equipment used to enter the data to the
 Computer network is a group of two or more computer
Systems connected to each other.
 Internet is network of networks which connects millions
of computers in the world.
 The major internet services are World Wide Web, E-mail,
Telnet and File transfer protocol.
 World Wide Web is a collection of websites or web pages
known as Web.
 There are static and dynamic web pages.
 File transfer protocol is internet service which is used for
transferring files from one system to another using inter
 The HTTP stands for HyperText Transfer Protocol and is
used to access data on the World Wide Web.
 HTTP has a server (service) and client (request) commu
nication protocol.
 Browsing information is the process of searching or find
ing information on the internet.
 Search engines like Google make information search easy.
 Email is a way to send and receive messages across the

Unit 4: Internet Grade 8
Review questions

Part I: Match column “A” with column “B”.

1. Web browser A. Network of networks
2. Dynamic web page B. an address to a web page on the
3. WWW C. a group of two or more comput-
er systems connected together
4. Internet D. inventor of the Web
5. Static Web page E. Google Chrome
6. Uniform Resource F. a collection of websites
7. Web site G. The information changed de-
pending on the viewer and the
time of the day.
8. Tim Berners-Lee H. It contains only static informa-
9. Computer Network I. a protocol identifier
10. HTTP J. a collection of web pages
K. resource name
Part II: For each of the following statements choose the correct
1. Which of the following is not a social networks platform?
A. Facebook C. Linked In
B. Telegram D. None
2. Which one is not the major service of internet?
A.World Wide Web C. File Transfer Protocol
B. E-mail E. All
3. ______________ is social network used for link professional
A. YouTube C. Linked In
B. Twitter D. Telegram
Information Technology Student’s Textbook
4. The compose pane is used to_________________________________.
A. Read the message C.Forward message
B. To create email message D. None
5. One of the following is not a protocol?
B. IMAP D. None
Part III: Fill each of the following blank spaces with correct answer
1. Web page is viewed using a ____________________.
2. The two components of URL are _________________and _______.
3. A ______________ web page remains the same until it is updated.
4. ________________ is used to transfer files when it is difficult to
transfer using email.
5. HTTP is used for formatting and transferring web page data over
the ________________.

Unit 5: Computer Ergonomics Grade 8


5 Computer Ergonomics

Unit Outcomes

At the end of this unit, students will be able to :

 describe computer ergonomics;
 demonstrate skills in the proper handling of portable devices;
 identify the proper utilization of smartphone.

In this unit, you will learn about computer ergonomics, proper
handling of portable devices and workstation ergonomics. The unit
also addresses the recommended principles of healthier seating
style while using computer, ergonomic guidelines and the proper
utilization of smart phones.

5.1. Introduction to Computer Ergonomics

Brainstorming activity

 Do you think inappropriate seating style while

using a computer causes health risks?

Information Technology Student’s Textbook
Computer ergonomics deals with the interaction of the user’s, their
work bodies on a computer in order to minimize risks of health
associated with improper sitting on the computer. Computer users take
more hours a day to use a computer without knowing its consequence
on their bodies. There are many health risks while inappropriately
sitting on the computer frequently. For example, contraction of
muscle, pain, injury, and backaches are some of the consequences
of the inappropriate seating on the computer. Figure 5.1 shows the
appropriate way of sitting and handling of the mouse and keyboard
of a computer.

Activity 5.1

 Do you think that the way we are sitting on comput

er affects our physical body structure and health?
Discuss with your classmate.

Figure 5.1 Appropriate Sitting in front of computer

Activity 5.2

 From the Figure 5.2 below, which one is the appropri

ate sitting style on a computer? Discuss with your

Unit 5: Computer Ergonomics Grade 8

Figure 5.2. Inappropriate and appropriate sitting on the Computer

5.2. Workstation Ergonomics

Computer has a consequence on physical body of users. Many users
take more time to sit and use a computer. The use of computer for long
hours can cause muscle diseases and injuries which lead to disorders.
The goal of ergonomics is to prevent soft tissue injuries and muscle
disorder. Therefore, the workstation of users and the way users are
sitting should be appropriate. See Figure 5.3 below.

Figure 5.3. Workstation Setup

Information Technology Student’s Textbook
Ergonomic workstation set-up:
The following are principles recommended for healthier use of
 Elbows: above the desk, at 90-110 degrees.
 Shoulders: relaxed as opposed to hunched.
 Wrists: in line with forearms.
 Hips, knees, and ankles: at 90 degrees whilst seated.
 Feet: flat on the ground or footrest and for prolonged standing.
 Head: upright with ears aligned with shoulders.
 Eyes: looking at the top third of the screen.
 Seat length: should be enough to provide support be neath
 Backrest: angled at 90-110 degrees with adequate lumbar
Support in line with lower back.
 Keyboard and mouse: keyboard aligned with your nose,
mouse gripped loosely.
 Laptop: used with a riser, external keyboard and external
General Ergonomic Guidelines
The following tips are designed to reduce the risk of stress, physical
injury and eyestrain while using computer.
 Keep your head and neck in upright position.
 Face your computer screen directly.
 Keep your elbows comfortably close to your body.
 Use a chair that provides support for your lower back.
 Keep your mouse close to your keyboard.
 Adjust the position of your display to prevent reflections
of overhead and outdoor lighting appearing on your
 Put your monitor close enough to your eyes.
 Use a hands-free headset when talking on the phone.
Unit 5: Computer Ergonomics Grade 8
5.3. Careful Handling of Portable Devices
Brainstorming activity

 How do you handle portable devices carefully?

Portable devices are useful part of our daily lives. In fact,

smartphones cause inconvenience in our daily lives. It could also
cause serious health issues due to long-term use of handheld
devices. Some of the portable devices are displayed in Figure 5.4

Figures 5.4. Portable devices

Let us see how to use smartphones and mobile devices safely.

1. Avoiding Long Conversation
Long hour’s use of smartphones and mobile devices without proper
headphones causes heating effect on brain cells. Long conversation
could harm our muscle, skin and ear.
2. Using Headsets or Speakerphone Option
The use of good wired or wireless headsets reduces the risk of harming
brain cells. Make use of speakerphone options whenever possible.

Figure 5.5 Headset
Information Technology Student’s Textbook
3. Keeping Mobile Devices away from your Body
All transmitting devices should be kept away from your body. Avoid
any direct contact with body and keep it inside a bag. While sleeping,
keep your mobile devices away from your bed and switch off mobile
data and wireless options. See Figure 5.6.

Figure 5.6 Phone Away

4. Turning off Cellular Data and Wireless Devices

Turn off phone’s cellular data, wireless option and Bluetooth when
not in use. Before sleeping, it is recommended to turn off all wireless
transmitting devices. Mobile device is always connected to wireless
data at home and in office. Applications on mobile devices are
continuously running in the background, so turn off the data and
wireless option to stop communicating. See Figure 5.7.

Figure 5.7 Turn off cellular device

Unit 5: Computer Ergonomics Grade 8
5. Avoiding Calls at Places with Low Signal Reception
In order to keep connected with mobile tower, mobile devices increase
transmission power if the signal reception is poor. Avoid places where
signal reception from mobile tower is very poor. Avoid phone calls
while travelling on a vehicle. Cell phones continuously send signals
to maintain contact with cell towers and that could cause the mobile
device to transmit high power radiation than in idle condition. See
Figure 5.8 below.

Figure 5.8. Poor Signal

6. Fewer calls More Texts

Sending text messages is safe as compared to long calls.

Texting allows keeping the cell

phone away from body and shorter
duration of transmission which
is much safer compared to longer
calls. See Figure 5.9 aside.

Figure 5.9 Short Text Message

7. Using Landline Telephones

Calls using landline telephones are the safest way to reduce the use of
Information Technology Student’s Textbook
mobile phones and cordless phones. Make use of landline phones at
office and home for long conversations. See Figure 5.10.

Figure 5. 10. Landline phone

5.4. Proper Utilization of Smartphone

Brainstorming activity
 What are the proper ways of utilizing

Now smart phone users have many more options in terms of how to
engage with technologies, making the focus on health and comfort.
Smartphone has become a common place device and a challenge as
well. Here are some tips that can considerably help reduce health
 Do not play games all the time.
 Avoid browsing unnecessary links.
 Do not capture photo and share it.
 Do not text insulting messages.
 Take a break from your phone.
 Further away the phone from your body.
 Use a land phone for calling purpose.
 Do not use a mobile phone when crossing the road.
Unit 5: Computer Ergonomics Grade 8
 Do not use your mobile phone in places where there is a
lot of electrical equipment.
 Keep your phone on silent mode when you are in public

In this unit, you have learnt about computer ergonomics, skills
for proper handling of portable devices, and proper utilization of
smartphone. The following are summary of this unit.

 Ergonomics is the study of the relationship between us

ers, their work and their physical work environment.
 Ergonomics is optimization of physical hardware to ben
efit the health of the user.
 The goal of ergonomics is to prevent soft tissue injuries
and muscle skeletal disorders.
 A portable device is a small form of a computing device
designed to be held and used in the hands.
 Portable devices are becoming an increasingly important
part of personal computing as the capabilities of devices
like smartphones, laptops, tablets and notebook continue
to improve.
 Proper utilization of portable devices includes avoiding
long conversation, using headsets and speakerphone
option, keeping mobile devices away from your body,
turning off cellular data and wireless devices while sleep
ing, avoiding calls at places with low signal reception,
fewer calls more texts, using landline telephones and
keeping cell phone away from children.

Information Technology Student’s Textbook
Review Questions
Part I: Say “True” if the statement is correct and “False” if it is
1. Cognitive ergonomics is the protection of computer systems
and information from harm, theft, and unauthorized use.
2. The goal of ergonomics is to prevent soft tissue injuries and
musculoskeletal disorders.
3. The term ergonomics is rooted from organizational and physi-
cal ergonomics.
4. The over use of computer has associated with humans health
5. Children are more sensitive to radio frequency radiation due to
their smaller head circumference and brain size.

Part II: From the following figures, which is the correct ergonomic
seating? Explain it to your teacher.

Part III: Write short answer for each of the following questions

1. List the recommended principles for healthier computer ergo-

nomics at computer laboratory.
2. Write at least four proper usage of smartphones.
Unit 6: LOGO Grade 8


6 Logic Oriented Graphics

Oriented (LOGO) Programming

Unit Outcomes

At the end of this unit, students will be able to :

 explain primitives;
 describe the use of variable in writing procedure;
 create recurring procedure and
 write program using conditional statement;

In Grade 7, you have learned about Logic Oriented Graphics Oriented
(LOGO) language. You have already known that; LOGO is one of the
easiest and simplest computer languages. As you remember, LOGO uses
to perform various functions such as drawing figures, typing text and
performing calculations. In this unit, you will learn about using variables
in writing LOGO procedures and creating recursive procedures in LOGO.
LOGO 6.5 b version was used in this textbook; which is available on the site

Brainstorming activity
 Why do you learn the LOGO language?
 Write some of LOGO turtle commands you
learned in grade 7?

Information Technology Student’s Textbook
6.1. LOGO Primitives
LOGO uses a triangle shaped turtle that moves on the MSW Microsoft
Windows (MSW) LOGO screen. The LOGO turtle can draw and
perform actions when you give a command. These commands are
also known as primitives. Primitives are entered in the bar called
command input box. The basic LOGO primitives are shown in Table
6.1 below.
Table 6.1 LOGO Primitives

Primitives Meaning Action

FD Forward to move the turtle forward.
BK Back to move the turtle backwards.
RT Right to move the turtle to the right.
LT Left to move the turtle to the left.
HT Hide Turtle to hide the turtle.
ST Show Turtle to show the turtle.
to clear the screen and send the
CS Clear Screen
turtle to the Home position.
to clear all the commands in
CT Clear Text
the recall list box.
to bring the turtle to its Home
HOME  Home
PRINT  Print to write.
SUM  Sum to add two numbers.
to subract one number to an-
DIFFERENCE  Difference
PRODUCT  Product to multiply to number.
PU Penup to moves turtle without line.
to puts the pen down, and
PD Pendwn
starts drawing again.
Sqrt Square Root It takes a non-negative and
returns its square root.
Exp Exponential It bends an argument and com-
pute e to this power, e is the
natural number 2.718281828.

Unit 6: LOGO Grade 8
6.2. Variables in LOGO
A variable is the name of a memory location which can contain a value.
Variables are given names which are strings of letters. A variable
name can contain alphabets, digits and underscore. Variables are like
containers; they contain some “thing” inside. This topic discusses
how to make your own variables, how to get at the “thing” inside.
Every variable has a name and a value associated with it. A name is a
word, just like the words you have used for the names of turtles. A
variable is something that can vary.
To define a variable in MSW LOGO, use a statement in the form: 
MAKE “variableName value 
e.g. make “size 10
In this example ,the variable called “size” will now have a value of
ten (10).
If you want to make use of a variable in a procedure, you must refer to
it by writing a colon (“:”) in front of the variable name. In the example
above you would refer to the variable in the form - : size. If you just
write the word “size”, without the colon, MSW LOGO will treat it as
a text, rather than the value it contains.
Example .
make “size 60
print :size/2
There are several ways to give a value to a variable. An explicit way
to do this is described below. An implicit way will be seen when we
introduce procedures. A variable can be given a value with the make
command, as shown below.
make “size 60
This command gives size to the value 60. Note that in this case, we
have used ``size, not :size. The reason is that: size is the value of the
variable size, while ``size is its name. We say that ``size is the ``quoted
name’’ of size. LOGO tries to ``evaluate’’ words as it reads them
because some words are the names of procedures. We quote words to
tell LOGO, that they should not be evaluated. In LOGO variables do
not have types, nor do they have to be declared before used.

Information Technology Student’s Textbook
make “size 60
print :size +2
print :size-2
print size*2
Now let us give the variable name a value which is the name of
the Hello. Try executing the following commands in the command
make “name “Hello
print :name
Note that we quote the name of the variable name in the make
command but we use the colon version to obtain its value. Hello is
quoted so it is recognized as string and not as a variable. Its output is
6.3. Recursive procedures
When you use LOGO, each time you type a command (or a set of
commands), the turtle moves immediately. However, the turtle does
not “remember” how to make the shape. To create the shape again,
you need to type the commands again. A procedure is a way to make
the turtle remember a set of commands.
Each procedure is given a name (e.g., SQUARE or HOUSE or BIG,RED.
THING). The name may not include spaces. Creating the procedure
is like teaching the LOGO turtle the meaning of a word. For example,
we can teach the turtle that the word SQUARE means REPEAT 4 [FD
50 RT 90]. Afterwards, every time we type the word SQAURE, the
turtle will know what to do. Procedures are kept in memory as part
of a LOGO workspace. The workspace is a collection of all the LOGO
procedures currently in memory. These workspaces can be saved and
loaded, just like other documents.
Creating a Procedure using TO
All LOGO procedures actually have the word ‘TO’ as part of the name
(e.g., TO SQUARE or TO HOUSE). All versions of LOGO allow this
method for creating procedures. To begin a procedure, type the word
TO and a name for the procedure. For example, you could type TO
Unit 6: LOGO Grade 8
Creating a Procedure using EDIT
There is no space between the quote and the name of the procedure.
There is no quote after the procedure name. Many LOGO commands
follow this pattern.
You will probably see the following two lines in the editing window
when you begin a new procedure:


You will be typing the commands between these two lines, so you
may need to press Return/Enter to open up a space to type.
Finishing and saving a procedure using EDIT will depend on the
version of LOGO you are using. There may be a menu item such as
“Save and Exit”. The simplest way is to attempt to close the editing
window. The computer asks you if you want to save the changes.

Example: To display the output of fd 100 rt 90 fd 100 procedure in


1. Open MSW LOGO;

2. Go to MSWLOGO screen;
3. From the MSWLOGO screen menu, click on File then edit;
4. Type square on Edit Procedure form then ok;
5. Then editor automatically displays form as follows.
6. To square
7. End
8. Type the above procedure between to square and end;
9. Then click on File and then save and exit;
10. Then on the commander command, enter box type square, click
execute and you get the following output shown in figure 6.1.

Information Technology Student’s Textbook

Figure 6.1: Code and Output

Activity 6.1
Create the following procedures and view their output.

to square
fd 100 rt 90 fd 100 rt 90 fd 100
to square
fd 100 rt 90 fd 100 rt 90 fd 100 rt 90 fd 100 rt 90

In a recursive procedure, there will be a call of the procedure within

the procedure. First of all, just what is a procedure? Let us look at
it this way. What procedures do you follow when you wake up in
the morning? You get out of bed. Some people have a lot of trouble
with that. You get cleaned up, put on your clothes, eat your breakfast,
brush your teeth, and go to school or elsewhere. Procedures are how
you do things, the steps you take to make something happen. LOGO
procedures are things you teach LOGO to do. They include all the

Unit 6: LOGO Grade 8
steps LOGO must take to make something happen.

When a procedure invokes a copy of itself, it is said to be recursive.

The meaning of recursive procedures is obtained in exactly the same
way as regular procedural invocation, namely, via the copy rule. An
example of a recursive procedure is given below.
to star

repeat 100 [fd 100 rt 144]


The above recursive procedure output is displayed below.

Figure 6.2: Code and Output

6.4. Conditional Statements

Conditional statements are statements that are used to decide whether
or not the condition is true or false. Conditional statements always
have if part which tells the application what to do when the condition
is true. Conditional statements also usually have an else part, which

Information Technology Student’s Textbook
tells the app what to do when the condition is false. If you leave out
the else part then your application will do nothing when the condition
is false.
Conditional Command: if else
General form:
ifelse [true/false condition][action if true][action if false]

Example 1

make “variable1 23 // variable 1 is equal to 23

make “variable2 23 // variable 2 is equal to 23
ifelse :variable1 = :variable2 [print [It’s TRUE]][print [It’s

In MSWLOGO editor the above example 1 code is written as follows.

Figure 6.3: Example 1 code in LOGO

The MSWLOGO display the output for the above example 1 code as

Figure 6.4: Output of example 1

Unit 6: LOGO Grade 8
Example 2

make “variable1 23 // variable 1 is equal to 23

make “variable2 25 //variable 1 is equal to 25
ifelse :variable1 = :variable2 [print [It’s TRUE]][print [It’s FALSE]]

In MSWLOGO editor the above example 2 above code is written in

the following way.

Figure 6.5 Example 2 code in LOGO

The MSWLOGO displays the output for the above figure 6.6 as follows.

Figure 6.6: Output of example 2

Information Technology Student’s Textbook
Conditional Command: Using until and while
General form:

until [condition][action]
while [condition][action]

make “count 1
until [:count > 5][print :count  make “count  :count + 1]  

Output: 1 2 3 4 5

make “count 5

while [:count < 10][print :count  make “count  :count + 1]

Output: 5 6 7 8 9 10
Conditional Command: do.until, do.while
do.until and do.while are effectively the same as until and
while except that the <action> and <condition> are reversed.

Using until and while

General form:
do.until [action][condition]
do.while [action][condition]

make “count 1
do.until [print :count  make “count  :count + 1][:count > 10]  

Output: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

make “count 1
do.while [print :count  make “count  :count + 1][:count < 10]

Output: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Unit 6: LOGO Grade 8
Activity 6.2

Find the output for the following LOGO programs

make “variable1 50
make “variable2 51
ifelse :variable1 = :variable2 [print [It’s TRUE]][print
[It’s FALSE]]
make “count 12
until [:count > 20] [print :count make “count :count + 2]
make “add 1
do.until [print :add make “add :add + 5][:add > 15]
REPEAT 4 [FD 100 RT 90]

Information Technology Student’s Textbook

In this unit, you have learned about primitives, variables, procedure
and conditional statements in LOGO programming.
 Primitives are commands in LOGO programming.
 Variable is the name of a memory location which can con
tain a value.
 Variables are given names which are strings of letters.
 Procedure is a way to make the turtle remember a set of
 Creating the procedure is like teaching the LOGO turtle
the meaning of a word.
 Recursive is a procedure that invokes its own copy.
 Conditional statements are statements that are used to de
cide whether or not the condition is true or false.

Unit 6: LOGO Grade 8
Review Questions
Part I. Say “True” if each of the following statements is correct
and “False” if it is incorrect.
1. After a variable, there is always a quote.
2. Colon is used to refer to the variable in LOGO programming.
3. A procedure is a way to make the turtle remember a set of
4. Recursive procedures cannot be written in LOGO.
5. Recursive procedure is a call for the procedure within the

Part II: Write the correct answer on the blank space provided.
1. A_________________ is the name of memory location that
contains a value.
2. A LOGO procedure is called ___________________ if it calls
itself as a sub procedure.
3. The ______________is used to clear all the commands in the
recall list box.
4. _____________________ are entered in the bar called command
input box.
5. All LOGO procedures have the word ___________________ as
part of their name.

Information Technology Student’s Textbook
 Application software: specific computer on the
is computer program internet.
designed to help users to  Download: is a term
perform an activity. for transferring software
 Artificial intelligence or other files from one
(AI): refers to the computer to another.
simulation of human  Driver software: is a type
intelligence in machines of software that controls
that are programmed to hardware devices such
think like humans and as microprocessor,
mimic their actions. memory, hard drive, and
 Browser: is a software peripherals devices.
program that allows  Email address: The way a
viewing webpages. specific user is identified
 Computer: is an electronic so that they may receive
machine that can store email.
and process data; it  Email: is messages sent
has hardware which is from one specific user to
the machine itself, and another using the Internet.
software which is a set of
instructions.  Ergonomics: deals with
the interaction of the user
 CPU: is a brain of bodies on a computer in
the computer where order to minimize risks
programs are run. of health that associated
 Cyberspace: is a world of with improper sitting on
computer networks. the computer.
 Desktop: is a full size  External hard drive: is
computer with a central a device that acts like
processing unit (CPU) a computer hard drive
connected to a monitor.  without being installed
 Domain Name: is a unique in the computer; it is
name that identifies a plugged into a computer
Unit 6: LOGO Grade 8
via a port. device developed from
 External Hard Drive: is a semiconductor materials.
storage device that serves  Keyboard: is where all
as an extra hard drive the letters, numbers and
used for additional or other buttons are located;
backup storage. when you type on it, the
 Hard Driver: is an input/ symbols appear on the
output device that serves monitor.
as the long-term storage  Laptop: is a small portable
memory of the computer. computer.
 Home Page: is a first page  Link: is a word, phrase,
of a Website, it is similar or image that allows
to a table of contents. you to jump to another
 HTML: is a computer document on the World
language used to make Wide Web.
hypertext documents that  Microphone: is a device,
are sent via the World which allows you to talk
Wide Web and viewed to others through your
using a Browser. computer provided that
 HTTP: is a way that you are connected to them
hypertext documents via a communication
are transferred over the application. 
Internet.  Modem: is a device that
 Hypertext: is a way of allows a computer to
presenting information connect to the intranet.
that allows words,  Monitor: is an output
pictures, sounds, and device that displays
actions to be inter-linked information visually.
so that you may jump  Motherboard: is a
between them as you circuit board that holds
choose. and connects various
 Integrated circuit: refers components of the
to a small electronic computer and allows their
Information Technology Student’s Textbook
communication.  Scanner: is a device that
 Mouse: is a little device scans something that is
you move with your flat and sends the image
hand, which then moves to the computer.
the cursor on the screen.  Search Engine: is a
 Operating System: website that indexes
is software that and allows searching of
communicates with the information gathered
hardware and allows from the internet.
other programs to run.  Smartphone: is a portable
 Optical Driver: is an device that combines
input/output device that mobile telephone and
reads data from and computing functions into
writes data to CDs and one unit.
DVDs.  Speakers: are devices that
 Peripheral: is an the sounds come out of;
accessory that you use they are sometimes built
with your computer; into the monitor.
not part of the computer  Touchpad: is an area on
itself, but it connects to a laptop that substitutes
the computer via a cable for a mouse; you move
or wireless access; for your finger around on it
example, printers and to move the cursor.
scanners.  Transistor: is an electronic
 Printer: is a device that device used to control
prints out data sent from the flow of electricity in
the computer onto paper. electronic equipment.
 RAM: is a computer’s  URL: is a uniform resource
high-speed, short-term locator -The entire address
memory. It temporarily for a piece of information
stores data and of the internet. E.g., www.
instructions for programs
that run on the computer.  Utility software: is system
Unit 6: LOGO Grade 8
software used to solve a transistors.
particular problem of a  Webpage: is a hypertext
user. document available on
 Vacuum tube: is an the World Wide Web.
electronic device that  Website: is a collection of
controls the flow of webpages.
electrons in a vacuum.
 World Wide Web: is a
 Very Large Scale collection of resources
Integrated circuit: is the available on the internet
current level of computer using a web browser.
microchip containing
hundreds of thousands of

 Basic Concepts of Computer, available at the link http://uru.

 Basics of power point, available at the link https://www.
 Basics of Word processor, available at the link https://www.
 Computer Basics Concepts, available at the link https://www.
 Computer Basics: Student Edition Complete, 2003 by Custom
Guide. available at the link
 Computer Ergonomics, available at the link https://www.ehs.
 Computer Fundamentals, available at the link https://www.
Information Technology Student’s Textbook
 Computer Workstation Ergonomics, available at the link
 DamtewWolde (2005). An Overview of the Information and
Communication Technology for Education in Ethiopia, IER
Flambeau, Vol. 13. No. 1
 Daniels J.S. (2002) “Foreword” in Information and
Communication Technology in Education–A Curriculum
for Schools and Program for Teacher Development. Paris:
 Davidson, C., &Tolich, M. (Eds.). (2003). Social science
research in New Zealand: Many paths to understanding. (2nd
ed.). Auckland: Pearson Education.
 Ergonomics and the Computer Workstation Occupational
Health, available at the link
 Excel Fundamentals, available at the link https://www.sgul.
 Excel Fundamentals, Ebook available at the link https://
 Fundamentals of ergonomics in theory and practice,
available at the link
 Getahun, A. (2006) ICT is Ethiopia‟s Number One Priority,
 Grabe, M., (2001), Integrating Technology for Meaningful
Learning. Houghton Muffin
 Introduction To Computer System, available at the link http://
Unit 6: LOGO Grade 8
 Microsoft Excel: Fundamentals Participant Guide, available
at the link
 Microsoft Word Basics, available at the link https://www.
 Power point basics, Ebook available at the link https://library.
 Word – Fundamentals, available at the link https://www.sgul.
 Word Processor for Beginners, available at the link http://


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