At1 Q&a

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Q: What is the first assessment task and detail of student output?

A: The assessment requires students to produce a photographic essay on a global media

phenomenon and engage with two key concepts to deeply analyse the phenomenon. The
photographic essay should include 5-6 carefully selected images inspired by and
representative of your chosen topic with an introduction and conclusion, text analysis for
each image, discussion and reference list (1,500 words +/-10%, excluding reference list,
Harvard referencing, submitted in a PPT file).

Q: What topic can I choose for the photographic essay?

A: You have to choose a topic from the three topics given below for your essay and engage
with the two concepts assigned to each topic. You are NOT allowed to work on a topic
which is not listed below.

1). TikTok activism for social change (concepts: digital activism & participatory culture)
2). Globalisation and glocalisation of Netflix (concepts: globalisation & glocalisation)
3). Facebook and imperialism in the digital era (concepts: cultural imperialism & cultural

Q: Is there any format or structure for the photographic essay?

A: You can work on your own structure/format. But below is my ‘recommended’

format/structure (you won’t be marked down if you don’t follow the recommended format.
But, please make sure that you present your ideas in a cohesive and logical structure):

Slide 1: Title of your photographic essay, your name, and student number

Slide 2: Introduction (with or without an image). This is the part where you give a brief
overview of your topic.

Slide 3-7: Images and analysis (to showcase your examples and evidences)

Slide 8: Discussion (with or without an image). This is the part where you refer to the two
concepts to critically analyse your topic. Please make sure you not only explain the concepts
but also engage with them to deeply understand your examples and topic.

Slide 9: A short conclusion (usually without an image)

Slide 10: Reference list

Please note you can have more than 10 slides to contain 1,500 words for the essay. For
example, your discussion may take 2 to 3 slides. One image and its analysis may not
necessarily be squeezed into one slide. We don’t have requirement on the size and font of
words. But please make sure they are reader friendly and don’t put too much in one slide.

We also have a sample essay structure (PPT) on a mock topic for your reference which can
be found under ‘Assessments’.

Q: How many concepts should I engage with?

A: You are required to engage with two concepts assigned to each topic. Please don’t refer
to other concepts which are not assigned. Your engagement with the two concepts should
be able to demonstrate your deep and scholarly understanding of your topic.

The concepts have been introduced in seminars in the first three weeks. But please make
sure you don’t directly cite the seminar slides for easy reference. You need to read the
reading materials for the first three weeks and further explore the concepts in the reading.
You are encouraged to cite external relevant references to explain the concepts too.

Q: What images can I use?

A: You can use existing photos (e.g. from online news articles, blogs and various websites).
You can also use screenshots of social media posts and online information that contain
relevant images. You can’t use infographic or screenshot of a news article that does not
contain any image. Please note that you don’t need to take photos as this is not a
photography unit.

Q: How do I reference an image obtained from an online site?

A: Refer to the example below. As you can see, you need to give a short caption and in-text
citation for the image.

French fans at the K-pop concert ‘SM Town Live World Tour’ in Paris, Chung (2011)

Q: What is the format for referencing an image in the reference list?

A: Based on the image above, see example below:

Chung, A.Y 2011, ‘K-pop takes European fans by storm’, The Korean Times, photograph,
retrieved 5 February 2020,
< >.

Q: Can I reference an image taken from a social media account?

A: Yes. As you can see, you need to give a short caption and in-text citation. Here is an

Q: How do I reference an image taken from a social media account in the reference list?
A: Based on the example above, see example below:
HM. 2019, ‘Ha Ji Won and NCT Dream are the guests for K-Wave & Halal Show In
Malaysia’, @HallyuM, Twitter, 4 March 2019, retrieved 5 February 2020,

Q: Can I use a screenshot from an online article as an image?

A: Yes, you can. But your screenshot much contain an image. You need to give the
screenshot a short caption and in-text citation. See example below:

The gunman’s announcement of the live stream on 8chan’s/pol/board (Evans 2019)

Q: How do I reference a screenshot from an online article in the reference list?

A: Based on the example above, see example below:

Evans, R 2019, ‘Shitposting, inspirational terrorism, and the Christchurch mosque

massacre’, Bellingcat, screenshot, retrieved 5 February 2020,

Q: Can I use Prezi, Word, PDF for my photographic essay?

A: No. They are not acceptable formats for the photographic essay. We need a submission in
PPT (PowerPoint).

Q: How many references should I have for the photographic essay?

A: A minimum of 5 to 6 references for the images that you will use. On top of that, you need
to reference concepts and ideas that are not yours but are used to support your analysis and
discussion, such as journal articles, chapters, news commentaries and etc.

Q: What is the word count for the photographic essay?

A: 1,500 words +/-10%, excluding the reference list.

Q: What is the referencing style for AT1?

A: Harvard Referencing Style. Here is the link:

Q: Can I ask for extension?

A: If you wish to seek an extension for assessment, you will need to apply via the online
Assessment Extension Request in Cloud Deakin. To submit an Assessment Extension
Request, select Tools in the Cloud Deakin Navigation Bar and then select Assessment
Extension Request from the drop-down options. A medical certificate is required if the
extension is caused by health issues. Please note that the following reasons will not be
• - I am snowed under with multiple deadlines so I couldn’t keep up with my
• - My laptop just crashed so I won’t be able to submit on time.
• - My file was corrupted. I don’t have a back up file.

Q: How will the photographic essay be assessed?

A: Please refer to AT1 marking rubric. You can find it on Cloud site under ‘Assessments’.

Q: When to submit the first assessment?

A: December 9, 2022 (Friday), (by 8:00pm AEDT)

Q: What else do I need to know about the photographic essay?

A: Please read the slides for Week 4 on the Cloud site and attend Week 4 seminar to ask
questions if you have.

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