Crew Boat Required Specification

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1. Performance / Machinery

1.1 Operational Basis:

Vessels are required, unless otherwise specified, to maintain a twenty four (24)
hours/day continuous operation.

1.2 Ambient Environmental Conditions:

All machinery and equipment are to be capable of continuous operation at its

designated maximum continuous rating under the ambient conditions found
throughout the year in the Arabian Gulf.

Required Environmental Conditions:

Max Min
Ambient Air Temperature 50oC 10oC
Relative Humidity 95% 0%
Sea Water Temperature 37oC 15oC

Q. Please advise above conditions can be achieved?

2. Engine Exhaust:

Discharges for engine exhaust gases shall be arranged such that fumes are kept
clear of the accommodation. Spark arrestor system is required where a dry
exhaust system is fitted. Inspection certificate from a recognized independent
authority shall be available at contract commencement.

Q. Please confirm above arrangements and availability of inspection certificate.

3. Crash Stop” Capability:

All vessels shall be capable of going from Full Ahead at 100% MCR to being
stopped from forward movement within 60 seconds from time of the order.

Q. Please confirm above requirements are met.

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4. Gauges & Indicators:

All main and auxiliary engines shall be provided with adequate monitoring,
alarm (visual & audible) and emergency shutdown systems on the engines, in
the Engine Control Room (ECR) and at each command console or in close
proximity to each command console on the bridge.

Q. Please confirm if the gauges and indicators are provided as required.

5. Bilge Alarms:

Shall be fitted in all engine spaces, periodically unattended spaces and void
spaces. Audible and visual alarm shall be activated in the engine room and on
the bridge.

Q. Please confirm if the alarms are fitted in the locations prescribed above.

6. Generator:

Vessels shall be provided with a minimum of two generators. Each shall be able
to handle the full electrical load of the vessel during operations with fire pumps
running at full capacity. Each must be capable of being paralleled and
synchronizing for change over. They must have auto start function.

Q. Please confirm meeting above requirement.

7. Navigation / Communications Equipment:

All navigation / communications equipment required by international

regulations and by the contract shall be provided. Systems shall be provided
with electrical surge protection.
Communications equipment shall NOT have the following prohibited
frequencies installed 156.150,
157.200 and 157.425 Mhz, (VHF Channels 3, 24 and 88 respectively)

Q. Please confirm the above requirements are met.

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8. Control Consoles:

All vessels, including crew boats, shall be provided with forward and aft
control console. The aft shall provide a clear view of the aft deck and quarters
of the vessels for berthing.

Q. Please confirm the above requirements are met.

9. Visibility:

The arc of visibility from the aft control console on the bridge shall be a
minimum of 90o either side of amidships with a clear view of the main work
deck, rescue zone and FRC launch stations where provided. Bridges windows
shall be fitted with suitable wipers were appropriate in front of consoles and
pull down solar shades to prevent glare at the control position.

Q. Please confirm arc of visibility at control consoles and availability of vipers and
solar sheets.

10. Compasses:

All vessels shall be provided with a gyro compass and a magnetic compass.
Gyro repeaters shall be fitted at each control console and in the steering gear
compartment. On larger vessels with external bridge wings, a gyro repeater
shall be fitted as best located to take bearings. Means of taking visual bearings
shall be available on all vessels.

Q. Please advise location of repeaters and means of taking visual bearing.

11. Radars:

Shall have a minimum 24 mile range, have daylight viewable PPI screens, be
interfaced with the GPS and if possible the chart plotter. Aft control console
shall be provided with a radar repeater.

Q. Please confirm radar is interfaced with GPS.

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12. Chart Plotter Units:

Units shall plot the vessel’s position in real-time and be compatible with Saudi
Aramco Hydrographic Survey Unit (HSU) Charts Data such as Garmin GPS
map 4012, GPS map 5012 or GPS map 3010C. A chart plotter that is not
compatible with Saudi Aramco HSU data is not considered acceptable to be
utilized for navigation within Saudi Aramco fields. Where possible, chart
plotters should be interfaced with one of the vessel’s radars.

Q. Chart plotter is required and should be compatible with Saudi Aramco HSU as
mentioned with a repeater at each control console.

13. Echo Sounders:

All self-propelled vessels shall be provided with echo sounders with a repeater
at each control console. Each unit shall be viewable day and night and have a
"minimum depth" alarm.

Q. Echo sounder / repeater are required at each control console as mentioned above.

14. Joystick Control Systems:

Where required, shall be fully integrated to all main propulsion and thrusters
and capable of being operated from each control console on the bridge.

Q. Please confirm integration with main compulsion and thruster at each control
console on the bridge.

15. Autopilots:

Where required, these shall be interfaced with the vessels gyro compass.

Q. Please confirm interfacing with gyro compass.

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16. Searchlights:

Where required, they shall be located such that they can be directed from inside
the wheelhouse close to the control positions. Searchlights are to be capable of
providing an effective horizontal and vertical range of coverage and to provide
an illumination to a distance detailed in the contract technical specification, if

Q. Please confirm meeting above requirements.

17. Public Address (PA) Systems:

PA systems shall be fitted on all vessels and shall provide clear audible
coverage to the accommodation, external decks, machinery spaces and all other
areas normally accessed by the crew. Units shall be capable of overall and
select compartment coverage. System shall be provided with main and
emergency power supply.

Q. Please confirm the system fitted meets above requirements.

18. Internal Communications:

Internal communications shall be provided on all vessels between all bridge

control consoles, Master’s cabin, engine room / ECR and steering
compartment. System shall be provided with main and emergency power
supply. Intercom systems shall be clearly audible in the space contained,
hands-free and capable of two-way communication.

Q. Please advise if the system is provided with main & emergency power supply and
their location as required above.

19. Fixed / Portable VHF, MF

Portable Radios shall be provided in adequate supply to enable the vessel to

safely conduct normal and emergency operations. All units shall be supplied
with spare batteries and chargers.

Q. Please confirm spare batteries and chargers for three (3) radios onboard.

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20. VSAT Communication System:

Contractor shall provide VSAT communications system or equivalent, capable

of providing continuous, uninterrupted data and voice communication with
speeds capable of sending at a minimum rate of 250 kbps for a single 2MB
email. Additional bandwidth is required for additional business computers
attached to the system that would normally be operating simultaneously.

Q. Please confirm VSAT system or equivalent system installed on the vessel.

21. Mooring / Fendering

All vessels shall be provided with adequate quantity and location of certified
and adequately maintained mooring equipment (mooring lines, bitts etc.) that
will enable the vessel to be safely secured to shore and offshore facilities
available in the SA areas of operations.

All vessels shall be provided with adequate hull fendering relative to the type
of operations they are contracted to perform. It shall be adequately secured and
maintained in a good condition.

Q. Please confirm meeting above requirements.

22. Environmental:

All vessels shall be compliant with MARPOL requirements other than
interceptor vessels regardless of actual tonnage.

Q. Please advised if minimum MARPOL requirement are met as Saudi ARAMCO

required these to be met regardless of actual tonnage.

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23. Damage Control Equipment:

The following items shall be provided on board vessels for damage control
purposes and stowed in a dedicated marked locker located on an external deck.

• One (1) x claw hammer

• 1 kg 75mm (3”) nails
• 1 kg 150mm (6”) nails
• One (1) x wood saw
• One (1) x hack saw + three (3) spare blades
• One (1) x shovel
• One (1)1 x steel marlin spike size 18”
• One (1) x sledge hammer
• One (1) x crow bar
• One (1) x flashlight (+ spare batteries).
• One (1)1 x canvas roll 5m long.
• Twenty Four (24) x wooden wedges.
• One (1) x sack of cement (quick dry).
• One (1)1 x sack sand/gravel.

Six (6) x lengths of timber (painted red) – size 3m (10ft) x 100mm (4”) x
100mm (4”) shall be provided and suitably stowed close to the damage control
box. Crew boats & security vessels may carry smaller lengths as suitable for

Q. Please ensure above damage equipment are onboard.

24. Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA):

Where specified, vessels shall be provided with 30 minutes capacity Self

Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA) for all persons the vessel is certified to
carry. In addition, ten (10) spare cylinders shall be provided and a fully
certified clean air compressor for the recharging of bottles. All sets shall be
compatible with each other and the spare cylinders. Security, Interceptor
vessels and crew boats only require an SCBA set for each person on board.

Q. SCBA set for each crew member onboard.

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25. Fixed Fire Fighting Systems:

All vessels shall be provided with fixed CO2 Firefighting Systems for
machinery spaces and paint lockers in line with the SOLAS requirements.
Other systems for paint lockers may be accepted provided they are
classification society compliant.

Q. Please confirm type of system available for machinery spaces and paint lockers.

26. Medical Stores:

All vessels shall be provided with a suitably stocked, certified and secure
medical locker. Stores shall be in line with the relevant WHO or UK MCA
MSN 1768 (M+F) and commensurate with the total complement of the vessel.
Stores shall be checked and certified annually by a suitably qualified authority.

Industry standard First Aid Kits shall be provided on the bridge, in the mess-
room / galley, Engine
Control Room (ECR). They shall be inventoried and kept stocked.

Vessels, other than crew boats and utility boats, are required to carry a
minimum of two (2) medical stretchers, one of which must be a "Para guard"

All vessels and barges shall be provided with an eyewash station located on the
main deck. Units shall be provided with in date eye wash solution and shall be
maintained in a clean and readily usable condition.

Q. Please advise availability of medical stores stretchers etc. as required.

27. Gas Detection Equipment:

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All vessels shall be fitted with a fixed gas detection system capable of
detecting hydrogen sulphide (H2S) and explosive hydrocarbon gases (LEL). A
minimum of five (5) sensors shall be provided around the vessel (Atop Bridge
aft, Forward (Port & Stbd sides), Aft (Port & Stbd sides)). Crew boats &
security vessels shall have three (3) sensors.

Systems shall be maintained and calibrated as per SA LP requirements.

Vessels, other than crew boats, interceptor vessels and docking tugs, shall be
provided with two (2)
portable gas detection units capable of detecting H2S & LEL and maintained
as per SA LP requirements.

Q. Please confirm meeting the above requirements.

28. Electrical Equipment:

All external electrical equipment installed on vessels that are required to

operate where there is a risk of hydrocarbon gas release shall be of the
explosion proof type rated EXE. It must comply with SOLAS and Class

Q. Please confirm meeting the above requirements.

29. Acceptance / Inspection

Vessels Acceptance shall be subject to procedures as per Marine Instruction

Manual MIM1200.000. Inspections, including sea, DP and jacking trials as
appropriate, will be conducted by Marine Department QA&CU Inspectors
at Ras Tanura Anchorage in the presence of a suitably qualified and approved
Contractor Representative other than a member of the vessels crew.

The basis of the inspection and trials will primarily be focused on compliance
with required contractual technical specifications and this Saudi Aramco
Marine Contract Vessel Specifications & Requirements (SAMCVS&R).

The Contractor Representative will be required to submit to the Saudi Aramco

inspector at the time of the inspection

A completed OVID Offshore Vessel Performance Questionnaire (OVPQ). An

OVID inspection of the vessel, load test of cranes and certificates / inspection
of specialized equipment.

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Additional inspections will be required for specialized equipment / personnel
such as cranes, helidecks and diving spreads. Such inspections will be
conducted by the relevant specialist department responsible to approve such
equipment / personnel.

Q. Above inspection reports / certificates will be required at the time of delivery /


30. Survivability:

Vessels must be able to survive in maximum seas and weather condition

experienced in the Arabian Gulf. The Vessel must have the ability to survive
flooding caused by component failure, hull damage, or fire which includes
installation of a reliable bilge system with high water level alarm system.

Q. Please give with the weather conditions and availability to survive flooding.

31. Passenger Facilities:

a. Seating for passengers shall be of the aircraft type with reclining function
and armrests.
b. Passenger compartments shall be fully air conditioned to required ambient
c. A separate toilet complete with washbasin facilities shall be provided
immediately adjacent to the passenger compartment(s).

Q. Please confirm if above conditions are all met.

32. Arab Lounge / Mess room:

Shall be provided with cushion seating and fitted with TV and DVD player.

Q. Please confirm if above conditions are all met.

33. Passenger Transfer Stations:

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Stations shall be provided on both sides of the vessel and on the stern for the
safe and efficient transfer of passengers to / from docksides and platform boat

Q. In the drawing passenger transfer stations is given at the stern only requirement
is to be provided on both the side of the vessels. Please indicate exact location where
these landings are suggested.

34. Gangways:

Gangways should be of lightweight construction complete with stanchions,

railings or ropes, anti-slip treads, long enough to bridge a standard gap between
the vessel and quayside / boat-landing and capable of being deployed by a
single person.

Q. Confirm meeting above requirements.

35. Slop Tank:

Slop tanks for dirty oil shall be located below deck and provided with
independent discharge pump. Capacity required 5000 Liters.

Q. Please advise which tank is to be used as Slop and its independent discharge

36. Air Supply:

Air connections shall be provided on deck with a delivery pressure of 150psi.

Q. Please confirm if available on deck with the required pressure.

37. Deck Cargo:

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a. Area & Securing Arrangements: Areas designated for the stowage of
deck cargo shall be proved with wooden deck sheathing and provided
with an adequate supply of suitabity sized and securing points. Sufficient
and adequately rated certified securing equipment shall be available.
b. Drum Storage: Designated space on deck shall be available for at least
sixteen (16) 200 liter (40 USG) drums of kerosene and/or hydraulic oil
with suitable restraint to secure drums.

Q. Please confirm meeting above requirements.

38. H2S Detection:

The vessel shall be provided with Fixed Hydrogen Sulphide H2S gas detection
system with minimum of three (3) sensors capable of detecting the H2S and
other hydrocarbon gases.

Q. Please confirm meeting above requirements.

39. Electrical connections:

480 volt outlets supplying AC current to run welding machines and 220 Volts
outlets for platform lighting, mounted on the aft bulkhead of the superstructure
in weather proof boxes adjacent to the main deck.

Q. Please confirm meeting above requirements.

40. Workshop and storage room:

Shall be provided with an 8inch mechanics vice with safety screen attached to a
steel work bench. Power supplies of 110 V, 220V and 440V shall be provided.
Store room shall be fitted with shelves.

Q. Please confirm meeting above requirements.

41. Emergency Eyewash Station:

A washbasin, shower and emergency eye wash station situated outside the
accommodation area.

Q. Please confirm meeting above requirements.

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