Design of Hydrofoil Craft For Balikpapan-Penajam Route

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Design of Hydrofoil Craft for Balikpapan-Penajam Route

Wira Setiawan, Alamsyah, Suardi, R. Jamal Ikhwani and Luthfi Habibi

Institut Teknologi Kalimantan

Keywords: Hydrofoil craft

Abstract: The construction of the Balikpapan-Penajam bridge in order to accelerate the mobilization of goods and
passengers is a policy that needs to be highlighted from a maritime perspective. In addition to the huge
investment costs, this infrastructure work is very likely to turn out sea transportation, which currently
consists of Ro-Ro ferry, Speed boat, and traditional wooden boat. One of the innovations in shipping that
can respond to the challenge is the hydrofoil craft. This vessel is designed as a fast ship by utilizing the lift
force acting on the foil to produce more speed due to the reduced wetted surface area. The design of this fast
ship was carried out using max surf software and CFD simulations to determine foil performance. Based on
the results of the study, it is obtained LoA: 2.4 m, B: 1 m, H: 0.53 m, T: 0.27 m. The Hydrofoil used is
NACA 64 (1) 212 type with Angle of Attack 20 °, Cl/Cd: 1,424, which results in a greater lift force than the
weight at a lifting speed of 17 Knots. The stability analysis shows a maximum GZ value of 0.201 at a heel
angle of 48.2 °, and an Initial GMt at heel angle of 0 ° is 0.444 m and fulfilled the IMO HSC 2000 criteria in
intact stability for monohull and submersed hydrofoil.

1 INTRODUCTION calculation can also cause problems in ship

performance, particularly stability (Purwanto et al.,
Balikpapan-Penajam is two cities in East 2010).
Kalimantan separated by the sea. This condition is Hydrofoil Crafts’ hull shape tends to be V as
used as a source of income for Ferry Ro-Ro crossing typical of the other fast speed ships. It can also be
vessels managed by the government and, moreover, combined with single and many hull shapes. The
individual businesses in the form of fast boats and unique advantage of this type of ship is that the
traditional wooden boats. In 2019, it is planned to resistance can be reduced by 35% (Sunardi et al.,
begin construction of a crossing bridge connecting 2016). This is because of the hull as a component of
the two regions at an expensive cost with a length of the ship is immersed in water so as to cause drag on
7.35 km. The main reason for the building of this the ship, raised in such a way by the pressure
bridge is to accelerate the mobilization of passengers difference that occurs on the two sides of the foil.
and goods that have been able to take between 30-60 The reduced resistance that occurs will result in
minutes by sea transportation. lower engine power needed to drive the ship.
The challenge experienced so far can be Lifting force on the ship as the main concept is
overcome by using a hydrofoil ship. Foil on ships designed so that the foil used can maximize the life
can facilitate the operation of the fast ship in deep or force that is generated greater than the weight of the
shallow waters. The application is quite simple, ship. Hydrofoil effects of increasing lift on the ship
namely by adding foil and strut to the underside of when speed is added. After the hull is lifted from the
the ship's hull to provide lift due to the pressure water to the maximum extent, the required lifting
difference on both sides of the foil (Wonggiawan, force is constant (Slamet and Suastika, 2012). The
2015). To apply hydrofoil on the ship, an accurate lift force depends on the coefficient of lift generated
calculation is needed in determining the type of foil, by the foil itself.
the angle of attack, and the placement of the foil The coefficient of lift is influenced by the design
(Slamet and Suastika, 2012). This is needed to of the chamber shape of the foil. The coefficient of
ensure that the hydrofoil design has a greater lift lift produced by a foil varies linearly with a certain
force than the weight of the ship. In addition, error angle of attack (α). To get the maximum lift force,

Setiawan, W., Alamsyah, ., Suardi, ., Ikhwani, R. and Habibi, L.
Design of Hydrofoil Craft for Balikpapan-Penajam Route.
DOI: 10.5220/0009405700640068
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICONIT 2019), pages 64-68
ISBN: 978-989-758-434-3
Copyright c 2020 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Design of Hydrofoil Craft for Balikpapan-Penajam Route

the angle of attack parameter and the selected chord Where :

foil are those that have the highest lift and drag ratio L: Lift Force (N)
(L / D) (Slamet and Suastika, 2012). ρ: Fluid Density (Kg/m3)
This cannot be separated from the speed of the Cl: Lift Coefficient
ship itself. The greater the speed of the ship, the v : Velocity (m/s)
greater the lift force (Aji et al., 2016). In terms of AP: Plan Area (m2)
Froude Number, at relatively low speeds (Fn <1.8), D (2)
foils actually increase ship resistance while at 1 2
relatively high speeds (Fn> 1.8), foils reduce ship ρ. v .AP
resistance (Sunardi., 2016). Where :
Another thing to note is that the angle of attack D: Drag Force (N)
configuration must be precise. Failure to make ρ: Fluid Density (Kg/m3)
correct adjustments will cause the hull to collide Cd: Drag Coefficient
with sea level, which will affect the stability of the v : Velocity (m/s)
ship (Purwanto et al., 2010). The position of foils AP: Plan Area (m2)
supported by strut also greatly affects the resistance
and stability of the ship. For a single hydrofoil, the
most optimum position is just below the CG of the 3 RESULT & DISCUSSION
ship to reduce the resistance (Sunardi et al., 2016).
While the position of fore hydrofoil was 3/5 Lpp
from LCG (Slamet and Suastika, 2012)
3.1 Design
However, besides all the technical aspects
The dimension of the hydrofoil vessel is created
described above, it is also important to discover the
according to the size of the Balikpapan Penajam
limit of the angle of attack where the ratio of lift
crossing fast ship. It is needed in order to facilitate
coefficient/drag coefficient still provides an
the shipbuilding process, which will be carried out in
advantage that affects the lifting force of the foil.
further research.

Table 1: Main Dimension of Hydrofoil Craft

Item Dimension
Length Overall (LoA) 2.40 m
The ship’s hull is designed by using max surf Breadth (B) 1.00 m
modeler software. The dimension of the ship used is Depth (H) 0.53 m
the same as the Balikpapan-Penajam crossing fast Draft (T) 0.27 m
boat. Before being built, the design is analyzed both
related to resistance and stability, also by using the
Maxsurf resistance and Maxsurf stability software
packages. Ship resistance is obtained by using two
Savitsky method to predict the engine power needed
at a maximum speed of 30 knots. Whereas stability
for the fast boat is calculated based on the criteria of
code for the safety of High-Speed Craft (HSC 2000)
both for monohull and submersed hydrofoil issued
by the International Maritime Organization (IMO).
On the other hand, to determine the appropriate Figure 1: Body Plan of Hydrofoil Craft
foil to the ship that has been designed, the foil that
has the highest Cl / Cd ratio was selected to generate
an optimum foil performance. The types of foil
compared were NACA 23012, NACA 0015, NACA
2412, and NACA 64A12 with various angles of
attack by using Computational Fluid Dynamic
L (1)
Cl= 2
ρ. v .AP
2 Figure 2: Profile and Plan View of Lines Plan

ICONIT 2019 - International Conference on Industrial Technology

Due to the dimension, a V-type fast hull with a

hard chine is designed that separates the bottom and 27 Legend
Savitsky Planing

side hull with a 14 ° deadrise, and the stern is likely 24

to be raked. The coefficient block is made slim 0.45


but still notice the load capacity, while the


Pow er hp
coefficient of midship is 0.75. Displacement of ships


designed with Fiber Reinforced Plastic (FRP) 9

materials is 0.33 tons with LWT and DWT of 0.06 6

Savitsky Planing

tons 0.27 tons, respectively. The area of the wetted 3

surface is 2,574 m2, which will be 0 when the ship is 0

0 4 8 12 16
Speed kn
20 24 28 32

in lifting condition. For the starting point of the 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
Beam-based Froude number
3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5

longitudinal stability, the ship has a stern trim of Figure 4: Power v Speed Curve
0.07 °.
1200 Legend
Savitsky Planing




Savitsky Planing

R e s is t a n c e N







Figure 3: Isometric View of Hydrofoil Craft 0

0 4 8 12 16
Speed kn
20 24 28 32

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5

Beam-based Froude number

3.2 Resistance Figure 5: Resistance v Speed Curve

Resistance is the most important indicator that can Figure 5 explains that as most ships commonly, a
be significantly reduced on hydrofoil craft. The hump occurs at a speed of 8.5 knots and increases
prediction is made by using the Savitsky method up sharply in the speed range of 20-30 knots. Humps
to 100% Maximum Continuous Rating at 30 knots. can occur due to wave patterns that are longer than
Based on the Maxsurf Resistance simulation results, the length of the ship. Hump is a bad condition to
the resistance of 0.72 - 0.88 kN is obtained at a operate the ship because it generates a greater wave-
service speed of 25-30 knots with engine power making resistance at low speeds so that it consumes
requirements of 12.5-18.4 HP, as shown in table 2 more fuel.
and figure 4.
3.3 Stability
Table 2: Resistance of Hydrofoil Craft
Intact stability is calculated by using three criteria,
Speed Froude Resistance Power namely High-Speed Craft (HSC) 2000 Annex 8 for a
(Knot) Number (N) (HP) monohull, HSC 2000 Submersed hydrofoils Hull
8 1.588 776.18 4.284 borne mode, and HSC 2000 Submersed hydrofoils
10 1.986 752.78 5.193 Transitional and foil borne modes. The results of the
12 2.383 690.90 5.720 max surf software simulation present stability with
14 2.780 643.36 6.214 displacement of 0.33 tons, LCG = 0.923 m, VCG 0.1
16 3.177 618.91 6.832 m, and TCG 0.0 m, thus it is obtained data that meet
18 3.574 615.07 7.638 all aspects of safety, for example, maximum GZ
20 3.971 628.92 8.678 0.201 at a heel angle of 48.2° and Initial GMt at 0°
22 4.368 657.75 9.983 heel angle is 0.444 m. Special for hydrofoil, wind
24 4.765 699.40 11.58 heeling, and angle of equilibrium with passenger
26 5.163 752.27 13.493 crowding also meet the requirements.
28 5.560 815.13 15.746
30 5.957 887.07 18.359

Design of Hydrofoil Craft for Balikpapan-Penajam Route

Table 3: Intact Stability Result typical two foils so that the load per foil is 1618.65
Criteria Value Units Actual
Code: HSC 2000 Annex 8 Monohull. Intact Based on the CFD simulation results, it is
1.1 Weather criterion from IMO A.749(18) selected NACA 64 (1) 212 foil which shows Cl and
The angle of steady heel 16.0 deg 1.0 Cd by using equations 1 and 2 as the data below:
shall not be greater than
(<=) Table 4: Cl and Cd at Various Angle of Attack
The angle of steady heel / 80.00 % 15.85 Angle of Attack Cl Cd Cl/Cd
Marginline immersion
0° 1.01441 0.71942 1.41004
angle shall be less than
5° 5.48150 3.87586 1.41427
10° 9.23589 6.51238 1.41821
Area1 / Area2 shall not be 100.00 % 261.48
20° 11.97510 8.40703 1.42442
less than (>=)
30° 13.32200 9.41710 1.41466
1.2 Area 0 to 30 or 3.1510 3.2567
GZmax g
1.3 Area 30 to 40 1.7190 1.9102
1.4 Max GZ at 30 or 0.200 m 0.201
1.5 Angle of maximum 15.0 deg 48.2
1.6 Initial GMt 0.150 m 0.444
HSC 2000 Submersed hydrofoils. Hull borne mode
Criteria: Angle of equilibrium
Wind heeling (Hw) 10.0 deg -0.2
HSC 2000 Submersed hydrofoils. Transitional and foil Figure 7: Cl/Cd v Angle of Attack
borne modes
Annex 6 Transitional Mode - Angle of equilibrium Figure 7 shows the limit of the advantage point
with passenger crowding of a foil. It presents that the angle of attack at 20°
- The angle of equilibrium 12.0 deg -0.2 provides the highest cl/cd ratio and decreases
with passenger crowding sharply to 30°. Hence, the foil at the angle of attack
shall not be greater than at 20° is selected to support the hull.


1.6 Initial GMt GM at 0.0 deg = 0.444 m



Max GZ = 0.201 m at 48.2 deg.



GZ m




-0.15 Figure 8: Cl and Cd v Angle of Attack

-25 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175
Heel to Starboard deg.

Figure 6: GZ Curve 4 CONCLUSIONS

3.4 Hydrofoil Performance Based on the results of the study, it is obtained the
main size of the hydrofoil craft, namely LoA: 2.4 m,
Four types of hydrofoil were tested to determine the B: 1 m, H: 0.53 m, T: 0.27 m. The foil used is
performance of the lift per drag ratio generated. It is NACA 64 (1) 212 at an Angle of Attack of 20 ° with
known that the displacement of the ship is 0.33 tons a span length of 1 m, which results in Cl / Cd 1.42.
or equal to 3237.3 N. The force is charged to the Whereas the engine power needed at 30 knots speed

ICONIT 2019 - International Conference on Industrial Technology

is 18.4 HP. In addition, stability meets the IMO HSC

code criteria for monohull and hydrofoil craft.
To sum up, the hydrofoil as an alternative fast
boat crossing Balikpapan Penajam can be declared
feasible to proceed to the prototype building stage
with FRP material. If the test results are satisfactory,
it can be recommended an advanced design of a ro-
ro hydrofoil ferry boat that can load passengers and
goods in large quantities, including the cost
investment calculation.

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