Research Prosposal (Elle, Angelie) Final
Research Prosposal (Elle, Angelie) Final
Research Prosposal (Elle, Angelie) Final
April 2019
Chapter 1
and sustains it. Suhag, (2016) states that motivation has several effects on the
determine whether a student will pursue a task that is difficult with enthusiasm
This leads to a study about the relationship of student motivation and teacher’s
power bases: legitimate, referent, reward and expert. A teacher must determine
and have one of these powers to know how to make the learners build their
that teachers can give them rewards such as bonus points, extra credit or other
power determines that teachers have some authority over students. And lastly,
expert power where in students do as teachers say because they recognize that
the teacher knows more than they do. Teachers make moves based on these
sources of power. They tell students how to solve a problem, or that points
will be taken off if papers are late, and they respond with smiles, nods and
teacher’s direction their behaviors confirm their willingness to let the teacher
influence them. As a methodological approach on action research,
individual. It is imperative that students have the tools they need to be successful-
tools that include motivation and engagement. For some students, however,
motivation is not always intrinsic. It therefore falls to others to guide students along
the path to their education. As teachers spend an incredible amount of time with their
students over the course of the year, it is a responsibility to foster an inclination for
environment play such a significant role in determining motivation, students must feel
When a teacher creates a welcoming environment and considers the needs of the
students, learning outcomes will be ideal- students will effectively perform tasks they
self-determination will help students feel a sense of control (Skinner & Greene, 2008)
environment that enhances the joy of learning. The nature of the classroom
outcomes (Asiyai, 2014) When teachers have positive relationships with their
students, they improve the classroom and environment, which results in more
(Ercan, et al., 2017) The most important factors affecting student motivation
are the fields of teacher, teachers’ classroom management skills and their teaching
Teachers play a very important role because they are an integral part of the school
environment. Research indicates that teachers’ knowledge and skills, motivation level,
The more enthusiastic, motivated and qualified teachers are in teaching and
evaluation, the greater the capacity to increase learners’ motivation to learn (Williams
disciplines., not surprisingly, the constituent definitions of the term are far from
consistent from one discipline to another, or even within a given discipline. Power
refers to a teachers’ ability to affect in some way the students’ well-being beyond the
There are three theories of classroom management that can be of great help to boost
behavior. Misbehavior is the students’ attempt to meet the needs that are not being
met. It is well-suited for self-contained early childhood and elementary settings but
and to deal with it as swiftly as possible. Teachers are responsible for behavior
management by providing guidelines and rules. They employ rewards and punishment
processes. This is the oldest method of teaching and time spent on management is
In view of this, there should be a collaboration between the students and the
teacher. Students and teachers are jointly responsible for behavior management.
Teachers tend to believe in student-directed ideals but class and school size create
issues. The needs of the group are put before the needs of any individual student.
Time spent on management is potentially productive for individual but not the group.
The goals of collaborative is to engage the students in learning activities. The student
usually are successful and respectful of the teacher and fellow students and
From the literature mentioned above and findings, the researcher is motivated to
conduct a study about relationship of Teachers’ power bases and students motivation
as bases in crafting teacher- student management program to the Grade 10 Junior high
students’ at Anomar National High school. At the end of the study, the researcher
- Checklist - Teacher-Student
Questionnaire collaborative
PROCESS - Interview management program
Profile of the
Figure 2. Schematic Diagram of the Study
The main objective of the researcher is to identify the relationship between the
students’ motivation and teachers’ power bases of Grade 10 Junior high school
students of Anomar National High School , Surigao City in order to craft Teacher-
1.2 Gender;
2.1 intrinsic
2.2 extrinsic
4.3 Level of Students’ motivation and power base approach of the teacher
power bases.
This study would be beneficial to teachers for them to know what power bases
must use in order to attain the academic engagement of their students. For the students
to be actively engage in every learning activity that the teacher will demonstrate with
the use of effective power bases that will enhance their academic engagement. For the
curriculum developers to have ideas and information to become more aware of what
are the things should be included in the curriculum considering the teachers’ power
bases that affect students’ motivation. The findings of this study will also help the
relationship of Teachers’ power bases to students’ motivation. It will also serve by the
Definition of terms
Teacher. It is defined as the person who helps others to acquire knowledge,
academic disciplines.
Bases. It is the plural for of basis which is defined as a reason for doing something
information which will be used in the formulation of the outcomes of the study. It also
explicates how the data will be collected through the statistical treatment of the
Research Design
The researchers in this study will utilize descriptive survey method using the
ascertaining the facts of a condition at the time of the study and relate them to the
current standards. It was further described by Desisto (2012) that this method of
research deals primarily with the instruments and procedures of gathering data to
secure information.
with the assessment of different factors such as the attitude, perception, demographic
data, trends and events that are happening which are gathered through observation,
teachers’ power bases to students’ motivation of the Grade 10 Junior High School
The respondents of the study will be 50 percent (50%) of the teachers population
and 50 percent (50%) of the total Grade 10 students of Anomar National High school.
The respondents will be randomly selected to be involved in this study. Table 1 and 2
Table 1. Teachers
Grade 10 Einstein
Grade 10 Newton
Grade 10 Galileo
Research Locale
The study will be conducted at Anomar National High School since the
respondents are teachers and Grade 10 Junior high school students of Anomar
Research Instruments
Checklist Questionnaire will be the instrument used in gathering the data and to
supplement the data collected through the checklist questionnaire and will use
Checklist Questionnaire
A set of checklist questionnaire will be made for the purpose of the study. The
The checklist-questionnaire will be validated through the following steps: (1) the
first draft will be prepared and submitted to the thesis adviser for checking and
editing. (2) The second draft will be presented to the research panel for approval. (3)
After the approval of the second draft, the researchers will search for first-hand
respondents for the pre-survey. (4) The review of the questionnaire will be revised
that is well organized and within the comprehension of those who will answer it
before it is administered.
The suggestions of the thesis adviser and the research panel will be included in the
The researchers will make sure that no respondents, adviser, sources, contributors
will be placed in bad light. It will respect everyone's identity and dignity. All
information gathered from these people will be valued and kept confidential.
After the approval of the researchers’ questionnaire by the thesis adviser and
research panel, they will ask for permission from the Dean of the Graduate school to
administer the questionnaire to the respondents. By the time that they got the “go”
signal from the Dean, the researchers will administer and personally distribute the
copies of the questionnaire. These will be tallied, tabulated and undergone statistical
The data gathered will be classified, tallied, recorded and analyzed, then treated by
1. Percentage (%) – This was used in this study to determine the percent
of the data.
Where P = Percentage
f = Frequency
N = Number of cases
2. Mean – This was used to determine the final weight of each item in the
∑ = Summation Symbol
∑ = Summation Symbol
X = Variables
Y = Variables
To interpret the correlation values obtained other following classifications will be
0 Highly unaffected