PDF RIASEC Career Interest Assessment
PDF RIASEC Career Interest Assessment
PDF RIASEC Career Interest Assessment
Directions | Read each statement. Enter an ‘X’ in the shaded box next to
activities that interest you.
I like to... R I A S E C
…do puzzles
…work on cars
…attend concerts, theaters, or art exhibits
…work in teams X
…build things
…read fiction, poetry, or plays X
…do experiments X
…sell things
…do creative writing
…work on science projects X
…heal people X
0 3 1 3 3 2
…play instruments or sing
…dream about starting my own business
…cook X
…act in plays
…think things through before making decisions X
…be a leader X
…work outdoors
…work in an office X
…give speeches X
Add the total number x’s in each column and write the totals for
2 6
each column in the bottom row. 3 1 5 4
Directions | Enter your total for each category in the shaded spaces below.
R = Realistic Total = 2
I = Investigative Total = 3
A = Artistic Total = 1
S = Social Total = 5
E = Enterprising Total = 6
C = Conventional Total =