RFP 114093 Attachment J Scheduling Specifications

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Attachment I - Scheduling Specifications


ID# Requirement Could be Explanation

Yes No Configuration Customization provided at an
additional cost

Software Functionality
Ability to view schedule up to two years (rolling)
in advance.
Ability to view and maintain all previous
Allow schedule shift patterns to be automatically
repeated, or rolled forward for future weeks /
months / year.
Provide the ability to enter/create/modify
schedules for employees.
Ability to create custom tables based on Shift,
Division, Rotation (number of days on and off),
Work Positions or Assignments (indicate a start
date and end date), Leave Types (sick, vacation,
military, etc), Mandatory or Non-mandatory Fill
Position Indicator.
Ability to view schedule by Post (Not Person)
Ability to build unlimited rotation templates
Ability to assign multiple assignments within one
Ability to accommodate unlimited schedule
changes and adjustments on demand.
Ability to create various County defined shifts
(with varying hours per shift). Specify in the
comments the maximum number of shifts
allowed in the system. To include start and end
times and duration supporting: multiple shift
patterns (11-7, 3-11, 7-3 etc.), multiple employee
roles, multiple locations and sub-locations, and
multiple skill requirements.

Ability for select users to override all exceptions.

Ability to assign the number of personnel

required each day for defined positions. System
must identify staffing variances - both shortages
and available personnel.
Ability to alert the user to specific deficiencies
when scheduling an employee at a location, i.e.
too few employees scheduled for a specific

Dane County Data Collection / Scheduling Specifications RFP - Attachment H


ID# Requirement Could be Explanation

Yes No Configuration Customization provided at an
additional cost

Ability to add new positions or posts or change

current positions.
Ability to maintain historical data.
Ability to maintain date the data was changed.
Ability to determine if an employee with a special
certification or license is required for a
shift/location. Example CDL certified.
Ability to create calendar/rosters incorporating
any projected absences, expirations of
certification, training or qualifications.
Ability to create separate rules for multiple
groups. If yes, how many groups?
Ability to make a rule to comply with FLSA (Fair
Labor Standards Act) requirements.

Ability to utilize departmental rules for automated

staffing-including maintaining staff minimums,
detecting roster vacancies (due to vacation, sick
leave, etc), automatically determining "qualified
and available" candidates.

Ability to automatically contact employees via

telephone, email, text messaging and web to
offer an assignment and update the real-time
Ability to handle work time trades between
employees. Please explain.
Ability to accommodate complex rules. Please

Ability to make certain dates "unavailable";

meaning no leaves will be accepted by the
system for those days for some or all employees.

Ability to allow time to be tracked using either

AM/PM or military time.

Ability to define split shift rotations. i.e. 3 days

one assignment and 3 days another assignment

Ability to identify employee as unavailable for

overtime for a given time period and specify
Ability to submit overtime requests by an
employee for approval.
Ability to approve or deny overtime requests.

Dane County Data Collection / Scheduling Specifications RFP - Attachment H


ID# Requirement Could be Explanation

Yes No Configuration Customization provided at an
additional cost

Ability to provide notification of a pending

overtime request.
Ability to schedule shifts that cross multiple days
(e.g. start at 6:00 p.m. on one day and complete
at 2:00 a.m. on day two).
Ability to define workload restrictions for each
position. These could include number of hours
between shifts, maximum hours worked per
regular shift, maximum overtime hours per time
Ability to override workload restrictions.
Ability to place employees on alert or standby
Ability to track length the employee is on alert or
standby status.
Ability to add notes (Free Text) to schedules
Ability to ensure minimum staffing numbers and
skills by location.
Ability to define skills required for each location.
Ability to prevent assigning an employee without
the proper skills for a location.
Ability to alert a shift shortfall based on location,
station or skills.
Ability to define thresholds of minimum or
maximum hours worked.
Ability to create an alert when minimum or
maximum thresholds aren't met.
Ability to implement alternate schedules.
Ability to have employees bid on
shifts/assignments/rotations based on user
defined rules.
Ability to have employees bid on leave time by
user defined rules.
Ability to review, accept or over-ride leave bid
once submitted.
Ability for approval process for leave bids.
Ability to update schedules upon approval.
Ability to submit transfer requests.
Ability to approve or deny assignment transfer
Ability to handle union (kelly) days/weeks off.
Ability to temporarily assign employees.

Dane County Data Collection / Scheduling Specifications RFP - Attachment H


ID# Requirement Could be Explanation

Yes No Configuration Customization provided at an
additional cost

Ability to accommodate the delivery of messages

to any staff or group members via telephone,
email, text messaging or web.

Ability to access and view employee calendars

and/or schedules to make changes via
telephone, email, text messaging or web access.

Ability to view multiple screens and schedules at

Ability to apply rules for scheduling Overtime and
Off-Duty Assignments.
Ability to publish and print official schedule.
Ability to track work history.
Ability to track employee seniority by assignment.

Ability to identify special skill requirements.

Ability to define locations that require scheduled
employees based on specific skills.
Ability to maintain a log of who has been
contacted for vacant shifts.
Ability to produce a list for each vacancy by rules
and create the call log.
Ability to identify an assignment that conflicts
with a rule.
Ability to preserve the schedule in the event the
system is unavailable due to planned or
unplanned downtime.
Ability to prevent overtime for positions that are
not designated to require relief.
Ability to note comments on the schedule.
Ability to define a mandatory-overtime backfill list
based on prescribed business rules.
Ability to date and time stamp all requests for
changes in schedules.
Ability to date, time and user stamp all approvals
or denials of requests.
Ability to allow for "simulating" future shift
changes and determine "Best Fit" for business
Ability to allow for shift changes to be set months
before term begins.
Ability to maintain a log of all denied requests.

Dane County Data Collection / Scheduling Specifications RFP - Attachment H


ID# Requirement Could be Explanation

Yes No Configuration Customization provided at an
additional cost

Ability to restrict access to employee data

through application security at various levels
Ability to provide read-only access at the end
user level
Ability for system to clearly define required fields
and notify of missing information.
Ability for systeem to provide an error message
when a system error has occurred.
Ability to archive data for at least 3 years.
Ability to designate a backup for employees who
are unable to submit hours worked.
Print individual time sheets by cost center or
other designated groups.
Ability for individual employee's
vacation/holiday/sick leave balances to be
viewed on-line.
Ability to define a day (or shift) outside the
boundaries of a 24 hour clock. i.e. 11:00p.m. shift
Ability for employee to make an on-line request
for time off and receive electronic notification of
approval or denial.
Ability to calculate FLSA thresholds.
Ability to enforce minimum hours of leave time
that can be taken (minimum increments).
Ability to send a listing of employee unavailability
based on workload rules with the master
Ability to provide workflow capabilities for
common employee/manager communications(i.e.
Time Off approval, shift bidding, benefit
enrollment, shift swapping
Ability to override all rules and requirements.
Reporting Functionality (Features related to any non-security/system related reporting, report creation, and customization)
Ability to create, view & print reports for all
employees by name, status, department, hire
date, contact information, employee number, job
classification, etc.
Ability to create management reports including
work code cost information, trade payback data,
license and certification expirations, payroll
reports, and the ability to import/export data to
other databases.

Dane County Data Collection / Scheduling Specifications RFP - Attachment H


ID# Requirement Could be Explanation

Yes No Configuration Customization provided at an
additional cost

Ability to create a calendar that shows a specific

employee's work schedule for the entire year.

Ability to create a report showing how many

positions are assigned for a specified date and
the number of required positions for that date
(referred to as counts)
Ability to create, view & print reports by type of
hours, number of hours, leave usage, etc.
Ability to create custom reports.
Ability to visually differentiate between various
Is the reporting tool an integral part of the
system? If no, please name the proposed
product and version number.
Ability to report employee leave activity, by
person, leave type, location, reason code, or pay
Ability to report by position where the most
overtime occurs and employees accruing the
most overtime.
Ability to compute staff replacement lists
automatically based on user defined policies.
Ability of producing training and or special
Ability to generate schedules with leave time.
Ability to generate evaluation or certification due
Ability to customize the list of reports available to
each system user, including standard and
custom reports.
System provides reports that can be printed and
exported to text, portable document format
(PDF), word processor, spreadsheet, and
database table formats.
How many standard reports are available?
Please provide a list of available reports, and
include examples of some of your standard
Audit Hours Report - used to print hours worked
by employee, cost center, department, or other
designated groups.
Report to track holiday overtime vs. non holiday

Dane County Data Collection / Scheduling Specifications RFP - Attachment H


ID# Requirement Could be Explanation

Yes No Configuration Customization provided at an
additional cost

Vacation Usage - shows vacation paid on

specific employee for given time period.
FLSA Report.
Report of Net Annual Work Hours.

Reports of leave time balance or usage

(historical) by cost center of individual employee.

Unpaid time tracking sheet for a period of time

for one employee or one cost center.
Report that shows employee name and number
by cost center.
Timesheet report by cost center for a period of
Report writer is a part of the base application.
Provide a list of all standard reports and include
some examples.

Ability for reports to be exported to other file

formats; list file formats (i.e. excel, access, etc).

Ability for custom reports to be created by users;

describe or list if third party application.
If no report writer is provided with the software,
will it interface with other vendor report writers?
List vendors.
Ability to report overtime activities by employee,
work area, shift, etc.
Ability to track labor activitiesand time and
attendance at the workstation.
Ability to provide notification of overuse of time
Ability to alert managers of leave usage
Ability to reveal leave patterns. i.e. weekend sick

Ability to run reports based upon system security

Notification and Alert Features (Features related to automated alert and notification events)
Ability to perform call out/back notification based
on workload rules within master schedule.

Dane County Data Collection / Scheduling Specifications RFP - Attachment H


ID# Requirement Could be Explanation

Yes No Configuration Customization provided at an
additional cost

Ability to provide a menu-driven, touch-tone

telephone component for employee shift
confirmation and other contact.

Ability of notifying the employee when their leave

or overtime has been approved or denied.
Ability to handle leave and overtime approvals.
Ability to accept an alternate approval.
Ability to handle multiple approvals.
Ability to provide for automated paging of teams
such as SWAT, K-9, etc. Does it allow the
creation of distribution lists and ability to send
notification through telephone, text messaging,

Ability to support multiple notification methods:

pagers, telephone, cell phone, and email.

Ability to allow individual employees independent

access to their schedules through a computer,
PDA or telephone.
Ability to send e-mail or text alerts for overtime-
call in.
Ability to create custom alert and notification.
Ability to manage call out listing.
Ability to notify a shift scheduler that an
employee has called to request time off, but does
not have sufficient leave balances.
Ability to alert the shift scheduler to specific
levels of employee assignments or coverage at a
location (over or under requirements).
Ability to alert a shift scheduler when assignment
conflicts with a rule.
Ability to provide automatic notification to staff of
requests or requirements to work and any
change in their work schedule.
Ability to provide administrators with staffing
alerts via telephone, e-mail, pager and answering

Dane County Data Collection / Scheduling Specifications RFP - Attachment H


ID# Requirement Could be Explanation

Yes No Configuration Customization provided at an
additional cost

Dane County Data Collection / Scheduling Specifications RFP - Attachment H


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