Employee Management System AT

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 Profile of the company

 Scope of the Project
 ILite
 Performagic
 Implementation Challenges & Training plan
 Future Scope
Infosys Profile

Founded on 2 July 1981 by seven entrepreneurs.

 Has an employee strength of 122,468 (as of 2010)

Has presence in in 33 countries and Development

in India, China, Australia, UK, Canada and Japan.

Infosys launched SPARSH as communication and

employee management tool.
 Sparsh is the Infosys Intranet, it has been ranked among the top 10 Intranet
facilities globally by Nielsen Norman Group.
Key features
• New avenues for publishing and networking
• Personalized and customized content
• Clean and simple look and navigation
 Scope
Sparsh as a functional tool involves automation of several processes such as
 Time Management (ex: DART,IPM+)
 Training and development ( ex: ILite, COD)
 Appraisal system ( ex: Performagic)
 Administrative functions ( travel arrangement, accommodation etc)
 Reimbursements
What is DART ?
 Daily Activity Reporting and Tracking Tool
 Captures the effort against each Planned and un-Planned
 Replacement of WAR to submit/Authorize the Weekly
Activity Report, Generate the Reports.
 DART Has ..
 Accuracy
 Accessibility
 Granularity
 Timeliness
Why Replacing WAR ?
 Tough to remember activities (and time spent) after the
 No synchronization of the activity doing Vs planned.
 I can not view my schedule.
 The effort data is not accurate.
 Submitter : “ What’s the point, if all the data is going to
be artificial ? ”
 Authorizer : “ Who’s got the time to look thru &
authorize so many WARs ?”
Why DART ?
 Accurate Tracking & Recording of data for every task.
 The data can be recorded against the planned tasks.
 Daily tracking and recording of the data – accuracy, no more brain
storming at the end of week.
 Project Lead has a view of the activities happening in the project
 Tracking of “Time Spent Vs Completeness”.
 Who is working on what.
 The schedule is available at the desktop.
 Authorize Weekly Report with single click for the whole project for
the given week.
 Easy to track and maintain data for the maintenance projects.
How does DART work?
 Authentication to DART
 Record effort
 View schedule
 Submit / Authorize effort
 Use Approver’s Delight
 Create reports
DART - Authentication
 Use Infosys intranet id and
password to login.
 Successful login enables the
connection to DART Server.
 Offline usage possible while not
connected to LAN
 user-id to be used for recording data
 Once connected with DART
Server, it downloads all the
planned and unplanned tasks for
the week.
DART – Record effort
 Select the Task, Start the Timer for
absolute time tracking.
 Stop the timer once finished the task.
 Planned Task – light blue background.
 Un-Planned Task – white background.
 View -> Field to view various data.
 Add/Edit unplanned task from Task
 Edit the weightage to run multiple tasks

DART – View Schedule

 View -> Schedule to view own schedule.
 PL can view schedule for the whole team.
 View of Actual Effort Vs Estimated Efforts
Vs Billed Efforts.
 Schedule option disabled while offline.
DART- Approver’s Delight
 Use Report->Weekly Report to
view this screen.
 Tracking of the status using this
 PL can view the data saved by the
entire Project (submitted/ not
submitted/ Approved etc.) for any
 Has an option of ‘Approve All’ in a
single click.
 Data in Red – Not myself
DART- Approver’s
DART- Create Report

 Use Report->Customized Report to create Reports. These

Reports can be saved in Excel format using Report->Save As

• Defaulter’s Report – List of people not using DART

• Status Report – Status Report at task level for a project.

• Company Statistics – WAR status at PU level.

• Billable Effort Report – Generate the billing details for a

ILite ( Infosys Learning and Training Enabler)

 A web-based application that enables scheduling and imparting of

trainings to Infoscions on the basis of their roles.
 ILite enables
 Employees in undergoing the relevant and timely training of both
technical and managerial courses.
 Training based on role and recommendation.

 Integration with Performagic

 Monitoring and tracking of attended & recommended training for

your respective teams
 Admin to schedule and maintain the courses and its details, including
attendance, marks, grades, feedback etc.,
What type of an User am I ?

 Users with access to

 Registration
 Information on courses,
 Schedules, p
 Planning own training schedule,
 Individual training plan(ITP),training plan for employees
reporting to them, feedback etc
 Privileged Users
 User with band D and above
 All PLs and BMs.
 Admin
 E&R (Education & Research),
 ILI or Quality personnel

Key Features
 Inbox : facilitates all activities pending your action
 Training Calendar
 Training Details
 My Training Plan
 Training plan for others
 Volunteer for taking a course
 Events for Today
How can I register myself for an offering?
Adding a Course/Certification/Assignment – Request for ITP Modification

Employee Adds to System sends a Mail to System displays the

Employee Manager Can
Course/Certification/As the Manager for Approved courses in
Accesses Approve/Reject
signment in Request approval of CDP My Training Plan
ILITE in Nominations
for ITP Modification Modification

Register a Course/Certification/Assignment

Admin Schedules Employee Access System sends a Mail to

Employee Can attend
various offerings in offerings link and the Manager for Manager Can
the Session/Exam and
Various locations register for a approval of Approve/Reject
the details will be
particular offering. Registration Registrations
shown in training
Integration with Other Systems
Training Plan
Recommendation Manager Details from
During Appraisal DART. Manager ID is
Cycle required for ITP and
Registration Approvals

Performagic ILITE Skill Central

Skill Details are
Training Completion flowing from ILITE to
Details Skill central
Important Reports

 Employee Training Details Training Details

 Training Details like number of courses
registered/attended/defaulted etc for the selected employees.
 Training details for both Middle Level and Entry level courses
 Training details for both Technical and Managerial courses
 Employee details like PU, DU, Project, Location
 Link to his detailed training history

 Project man days Pivot Report Project Level

 Is a detailed report of the courses attended by the employees in a
particular project in terms of the number of course offerings and the
training days.
Important Reports

Employee Training Demand

 Excel report that lists all the courses(technical and managerial) that
employees in the organization need to attend .These courses are a
part of the ITP of the employees

PU Summary Report

PU Summary
 PU wise and Project wise / Location wise training details
 Number of Man days of training for the specified duration separately
for Technical and Managerial courses
 Number and list of employees registered/attended/defaulted/never
Performagic is a web based application that is used to
evaluate the Infosys employee’s performance more
effectively and accurately
Performagic enables
 Simple and easier way to measure the performance of the
 Integration with Time management and Project management
 Easier access to past appraisal forms
Performagic is the module dealing with Employee
Access to Performagic system is based on Infosys e-
mail id and password
Role based access

 Appraisee
 Appraiser
 Reviewer


Appraiser closes the

appraisal form
Important Reports
 User Appraisal Report
 Tasks performed during the cycle Appraisal Report

 Task ratings
 Different performance measures (ex: schedule adherence etc)
 Project Level Report
 Status of the appraisal at project level Project Level
 List of defaulters at project level
 Project Unit Level Report
 Status of the appraisal at Unit level
PU Level Report
 List of defaulters at Unit level
Functional Integration
DART captures the time
spent by the individual in
different tasks of the project
and sends the information
to the IPM+ system

IPM+ provides the

schedule adherence and the
Defect prevention
percentages to the
Performagic system which
are taken into
consideration for the

ILITE provides the training

details of the user and the grades
obtained by the user to the
Performagic system these are
taken into consideration for the
 Testing Methodology
 Integration Testing (IT)
 Back up & Recovery Testing
 User Acceptance Testing (UAT)
 Load Testing
Training Methodology
 Phased training
 Knowledge transfer
 Data Collection and Migration
 System Conversion
 DART – Parallel conversion
 Performagic & ILite – Pilot conversion
Future Scope

 Comparing Swipe In and Out times with the effort times filled
by the employees in DART
 Discrepancies if any can be reported to the employee and
his/her immediate boss through e-mail

 Certification details cleared by the employee can be displayed
 COD (Certification on Demand) system can be integrated to
Thank You

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