TAPPI/ANSI T 1200 sp-14: 1. Scope

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TAPPI/ANSI T 1200 sp-14


REVISED – 2007
REVISED – 2014
© 2014 TAPPI
The information and data contained in this document were prepared
by a technical committee of the Association. The committee and the
Association assume no liability or responsibility in connection with
the use of such information or data, including but not limited to any
liability under patent, copyright, or trade secret laws. The user is
responsible for determining that this document is the most recent
edition published.

This Test Method may include safety precautions which are believed to be appropriate at the time of publication of the method. The intent of these
is to alert the user of the method to safety issues related to such use. The user is responsible for determining that the safety precautions are complete
and are appropriate to their use of the method, and for ensuring that suitable safety practices have not changed since publication of the method. This
method may require the use, disposal, or both, of chemicals which may present serious health hazards to humans. Procedures for the handling of
such substances are set forth on Material Safety Data Sheets which must be developed by all manufacturers and importers of potentially hazardous
chemicals and maintained by all distributors of potentially hazardous chemicals. Prior to the use of this method, the user must determine whether
any of the chemicals to be used or disposed of are potentially hazardous and, if so, must follow strictly the procedures specified by both the
manufacturer, as well as local, state, and federal authorities for safe use and disposal of these chemicals.

Interlaboratory evaluation of test methods to

determine TAPPI repeatability and reproducibility
1. Scope

1.1 This practice describes techniques for conducting and analyzing the results of intralaboratory and
interlaboratory studies. The steps described here will result in a good statistical design that provides sound data for
formulating a broadly applicable precision statement regarding the performance of a TAPPI test method.
1.2 Two values are considered: (a) repeatability, which is defined as comparison of test results within a
laboratory (same material, operator, apparatus, environmental conditions, making tests in the shortest reasonable
timeframe); and (b) reproducibility, which is defined as comparison of test results among laboratories (same material, but
different operator, apparatus and perhaps environmental conditions).
1.2.1 In the data chain leading to test results there are many possible sources of variation, and one can conduct
studies to isolate these other sources, e.g. same laboratory and operator using different instruments or different
laboratories using a shared calibration standard etc. For the purposes of TAPPI test methods, all of these sources of
variation are to be captured in a reproducibility value.

2. Summary of practice

2.1 Reliable data may come from any of the following sources: existing data from a known source with
sufficient supporting information, intralaboratory study, or interlaboratory study.
2.2 To conduct an interlaboratory study, randomized test specimens of each of several materials are
distributed to the participating laboratories, along with appropriate instructions and data sheets. Data returned by the
laboratories are analyzed one material at a time. (An assumption that different materials will yield similar precision data
is NOT made.)
2.3 Tabular, statistical, and graphical diagnostic procedures are used to estimate averages and variance of the
method under question and to show unusual features of the data and patterns among materials that may affect the validity

Approved by the Standard-Specific Interst Group for this Practice

T 1200 sp-14 Interlaboratory evaluation of test methods to / 2
determine TAPPI repeatability and reproducibility

or form of the precision statement.

2.4 The information is appropriately summarized in a form from which the precision statement may be
readily understood and applied by users of the test method.

3. Significance

3.1 The precision statement gives an indication of the level of variability users of a TAPPI test method can
expect. Examples of applications of these values are shown in Appendix A.3.
3.2 TAPPI Standards: Regulations and Style Guide requires precision statements in TAPPI Official and
Provisional Test Methods. Official Test Methods must have both repeatability and reproducibility estimates. Provisional
Test Methods must have repeatability estimates.

4. Definitions

4.1 Test determination – the value obtained by carrying out the series of operations specified in the test
method whereby readings are made on a test specimen.
4.2 Test result – the value obtained for one test unit of the sample. The result is either a single test
determination or a specified combination of a number of test determinations (e.g., an average). The method must describe
the manner in which each test determination is to be made, the number of test determinations to be made, and how these
determinations must be combined to give the test results. For example, the test method for paper thickness, T 551
“Thickness of paper and paperboard (soft platen method)” requires one determination for each of 10 specimen strips; the
test result for thickness is defined as the average of these 10 test determinations.
4.3 Repeatability – an estimated limit below which the difference between two test results is expected to fall
95% of the time, when the results are obtained at a single laboratory. Repeatability reflects the variability inherent in the
experimental system used to determine its value(s).
4.4 Repeatability conditions – conditions that reflect the most controlled experimental circumstances
possible. Major measurement biasing factors should remain constant including: equipment, operator, test procedure,
environmental conditions, sample preparation and in a single testing interval using presumably homogenous samples.
4.5 Reproducibility – an estimated limit below which the difference between two test results is expected to
fall 95% of the time, when the results are obtained in different qualified laboratories for the same homogeneous source of
material. While each laboratory tests samples taken at random from a single source of material, all of the other factors
influencing measurements not considered for repeatability contribute to the variability in the results obtained in different
4.6 Reproducibility conditions – conditions that reflect only the most basic control over measurement-
influencing factors. Reproducibility conditions should include qualified personnel in qualified laboratories carrying out
the same procedure (test method) on different samples of the same presumably homogeneous material. Qualified
laboratories are those having the required properly calibrated apparatus and environmental conditions and trained
personnel who conscientiously follow the prescribed test method (see Section 5.3 for further information). Many of the
influences that are considered constant in repeatability are not controlled for reproducibility conditions including:
equipment, operator, environmental conditions etc.
4.7 The 95% probability level for both repeatability and reproducibility (4.4 and 4.6) is generally accepted
for precision estimations and is also chosen by other standard writing organizations (e.g. ASTM and ISO). Thus TAPPI
repeatability and reproducibility can be considered compatible with the precision statistics in methods currently published
by ASTM and ISO. Repeatability and reproducibility are different from, but related to, the 95% confidence interval for a
particular test result. Confidence intervals are often estimated by performing replicates and correcting for the number of
replicates using Student’s t test. For more information see:
4.8 Intralaboratory study – a study designed to estimate the precision (repeatability) of a test method that
meets the requirements of Section 5 and is conducted in a single laboratory.
4.9 Interlaboratory study – a study designed to estimate the precision (repeatability and reproducibility) of a
test method that meets the requirements of Section 5 and is conducted at multiple laboratories.
3 / Interlaboratory evaluation of test methods to T 1200 sp-14
determine TAPPI repeatability and reproducibility

5. Planning the intra- or interlaboratory study

5.1 Basic design. Keep the design as simple as possible in order to obtain estimates that are an accurate
reflection of the method in common usage. The basic design is represented by a two-way classification table in which the
rows represent the laboratories, the columns represent the materials, and each cell (i.e., the intersection of a row with a
column) contains the measurements made by a particular laboratory on a particular material (Table 1 and Table 3).
5.2 Test method.
5.2.1 The test method should be reviewed to assure that it has been well-written and subjected to careful
investigation at one or more competent laboratories to determine clarity and stability. Furthermore, it should be easy to
follow by any properly equipped laboratory with competent personnel having knowledge of the materials and of the
property to be tested.
5.2.2 The method should have a clearly defined numerical result which can be derived from a single
determination or a combination of multiple determinations. The results are assumed to follow a normal distribution.
5.2.3 The method should specify the care of test specimens, including prominent instructions for
preconditioning and conditioning when required (see Section 6.2.4).
5.2.4 The method should specify the need for and frequency of adjustment and calibration of the test apparatus.
5.3 Laboratories.
5.3.1 Any laboratory that would be considered qualified to run the test in routine testing situations is permitted
and encouraged to participate in the interlaboratory study, but the number of laboratories may be restricted if there is a
large amount of work involved in preparing samples or there is a significant increase in sampling variability due to the
larger amount of material required.
5.3.2 Laboratories must be properly equipped to follow all details of the procedure and be willing to assign the
work to a skilled operator on a timely basis. The decision of a laboratory to participate should be based on information
provided by the working group, including information as to the required time for calibrating the apparatus and for testing
all of the materials.
5.3.3 Subject to the conditions in 5.3.1 and 5.3.2, use as many laboratories as practical, preferably 20 to 30.
Because of the possible loss of data from some laboratories for some materials, it is highly desirable to include at least
eight laboratories to obtain a usable estimate of the reproducibility of the test method. In consideration of the referee
nature of TAPPI test methods, more than a mere usable estimate of the reproducibility between laboratories is highly
desirable. Because the data required from each laboratory are held to a minimum in this practice, to encourage the
participation of an adequate number of laboratories. Under no circumstances should a precision statement be based on an
interlaboratory trial with fewer than five laboratories.
5.3.4 Avoid restricting the study to a group of laboratories judged to be exceptionally qualified and equipped.
Precision estimates for inclusion in a TAPPI test method should be obtained through the efforts of laboratories and
personnel operating under conditions that are representative of the situations in which the test method will be used in
5.4 Materials.
5.4.1 Number and types. The number and types of materials to be included in the interlaboratory study should
(1) span the range of the values of the property being measured, (2) span the number of scales to cover the range if the
instrument has more than one scale, and (3) reflect the number of types or classes of materials to which the test method is
to be applied. If the precision trial is restricted in any of these areas, the omitted information must be noted in the
precision statement.
5.4.2 Without previous knowledge concerning the behavior of different classes of material subject to the
method, it should be assumed that different materials will exhibit different performance characteristics. When a method
covers different classes of materials, it may be desirable to conduct separate trials to suit the expertise of the laboratories
involved. Thus the selected materials within each class differ from each other only in level and should not pose
difficulties to the participating laboratories.
5.5 Replicates.
5.5.1 If the test method defines a test result as the average of a set number of test determinations, the study
should consist of at least three times that number of replicate determinations.
5.5.2 If the test method requires a recalibration or some other special procedure between each test result but not
between each test determination, each replicate in the study must be a complete test result, and at least three replicate
results should be obtained..
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determine TAPPI repeatability and reproducibility

6. Conducting an intra- or interlaboratory study

6.1 The working group should prepare a protocol for the participants in the study, which should include
detailed instructions for the following:
6.1.1 Any exception to or selection of the test procedure as specified in the test method. Expected date of the
testing, especially if the aging of samples may be important (see 6.2.3);
6.1.3 Any special circumstances that must be addressed in implementing the repeatability conditions (one
operator, one apparatus, shortest time span);
6.1.4 The recording of measurements, including the number of decimal places to be used, which, when
possible, should be one more than is required to be reported by the test method under study in order to allow reliable
calculation of the precision of the method;
6.1.5 The keeping of a log of unusual events that arise during any phase of the testing;
6.1.6 Notifying the study coordinator when an error in test procedure arises so that replacement test specimens
may be sent.
6.2 Sampling and sample preparation and distribution.
6.2.1 Sampling of materials. Sample each material so that the variability among the specimens of that material will be minimized. Prepared in accordance with the sampling section of the method, if applicable. For samples of paper, take all specimens from a small area of a single roll, avoiding the edges of the roll.
Usually, specimens taken adjacent to each other in the machine direction are more similar than those adjacent in the cross
direction. Similarly, composite specimens, e.g., corrugated board, should be sample from sections of the roll or stack that
are expected to be homogenous. As a further refinement for physical tests, each sheet or specimen may be weighed
individually to weigh each sheet or specimen and remove any that exhibit weights more than two standard deviations
from the mean.. Specimens for nondestructive optical tests may be individually measured in one laboratory. Those
specimens with test values that exhibit values more than two standard deviations from the mean can be removed from the
study. For a granular solid, liquid or similar material representing any given test level, make the material as
homogeneous as possible by mixing or other appropriate means prior to its subdivision into portions or specimens that
are allocated to the laboratories.
6.2.2 Preparation of specimens. Prepare enough specimens from each sample to provide the required test material for all participating
laboratories and a significant number of additional specimens for replacement of any lost or spoiled specimens.. Label
each specimen by means of a code symbol and record the identification of the specimens for future reference. Completely
randomize the specimens of a particular test material before dividing them into the required number of groups for
assignment to the laboratories. The complete randomization of specimens, as specified above, ensures that between-specimen variability
is the same within laboratories as between laboratories and greatly simplifies the statistical analysis and interpretation.
When each laboratory is given a single sheet of each material from which it is expected to obtain all specimens,
intralaboratory variability is confounded with between-sheet variability. On the other hand, when blocks of adjacent
specimens (which are presumably more alike) are assigned one from each block to each laboratory, the interlaboratory
replication error is confounded with block-to-block variability and cannot be compared with the intralaboratory
variability, which does not include the block-to-block variability.
6.2.3 Aging of samples. If the samples are such that their properties may significantly change in the course of
days or a few weeks, coordinate the dates for the testing among the participating laboratories so that the effect of aging is
not confounded with the differences among laboratories.
6.2.4 Conditioning of samples. If required by the test method under investigation, preconditioning (see TAPPI
T 402 “Standard Conditioning and Testing Atmospheres for Paper, Board, Pulp Handsheets, and Related Products”) of
the samples at low relative humidity (RH) prior to conditioning and testing at 50% RH will avoid confounding hysteresis
effects with the differences among laboratories. The preconditioning and conditioning should be left to each participating
laboratory, although a preliminary preconditioning could be done while the test specimens are being randomized.
6.2.5 Allocation and shipment of specimens. Allocate and distribute the specimens from a single place. Ensure
that the specimens are packaged properly for arriving without meaningful changes in the property under consideration,
and addressed as specified by the participant for prompt delivery to the testing laboratory.
6.3 Report form and questionnaire. Supply each participating laboratory with a form for reporting the data to
ensure that all pertinent data and information are reported in a uniform manner by all participants. In addition, provide
5 / Interlaboratory evaluation of test methods to T 1200 sp-14
determine TAPPI repeatability and reproducibility

space for other relevant information, such as relative humidity, temperature, type of instrument, and log of unusual

7. Calculating only repeatability from an intralaboratory study (for Provisional Methods)

7.1 Data display. Place the data to be used for the calculation of repeatability into a table. Display the
materials as columns. Display the determination or result values under the respective materials. Place the calculation
results at the bottom of the table. See Table 1 for a generalized example, and Table A1 for a specific example. To assist
in conducting these calculations an Excel spreadsheet is available for downloading from the general Standards page on
the TAPPI website (go to any TAPPI web page, click on the “Standards” button at the top of the page, then scroll down
to the “General Information Document list.).
7.2 Data inspection. The working group reviews the data to ensure that sufficient data have been gathered to
form a reasonable precision statement. Because the calculation results will not be combined, there is not a requirement
that the data be balanced between the materials, provided that sufficient data are present to adequately fill the
requirements of Section 5. For example, the cells for Materials A, B and C may consist of 5 test results, whereas the cell
for Material D may consist of only 4 test results due to a testing error.

Table 1. General example of the data display for an intralaboratory trial

Material A Material B Material C Material D

Data 1, Data, Data 1, Data, Data 1, Data, Data 1, Data,
2, Data 3, etc. 2, Data 3, etc. 2, Data 3, etc. 2, Data 3, etc.

calculation calculation calculation calculation

results results results results

7.3 Calculations for repeatability. Prior to performing the repeatability calculations, the working group
members should evaluate the quality of the data (see section 9). For each material, use the equations and definitions
shown in Table 2 to calculate means, standard deviations, repeatability, and repeatability ratio. Repeatability is related to
the repeatability standard deviation (sr) of results obtained in accordance with the limitations outlined in Section 4.5.
TAPPI repeatability (r), is chosen to be 2.77 times the repeatability standard deviation (sr) and is an estimate of the
maximum difference between two test results at a 95% confidence level. The factor 2.77 = 1.96 × SQRT(2), where 1.96
is the factor for symmetric 95% limits for a two-sided normal distribution and SQRT(2) results from the fact that one is
calculating the difference between two normally distributed test results.

8. Calculating repeatability and reproducibility from an interlaboratory study (for Official Methods)

8.1 Data display. Place the data to be used for the calculation of repeatability into a table. The materials shall
be displayed as columns. The measurements from the laboratories shall be displayed as rows under the respective
materials for each laboratory. Group the data by laboratory, and reserve the rows following each laboratory’s data for
calculation results.. Place the summary results at the bottom of the table See Table 3 for a generalized example, and
Table A2 for a specific example. To assist in conducting these calculations an Excel spreadsheet is available for
downloading from the general Standards page on the TAPPI website (go to any TAPPI web page, click on the
“Standards” button at the top of the page, then scroll down to the “General Information Document list.).
8.2 Data inspection. The working group must review the data to ensure that sufficient data have been
gathered to form a reasonable precision statement. Because the calculation results will not be combined, there is not a
requirement that the data be balanced between the materials provided that sufficient data is present to adequately fill the
requirements of Section 5. For example, a laboratory’s submitted data for Materials A,B and C may consist of 5 test
results, whereas the cell for Material D contains only 4 test results due to a testing error. Another example would be if a
laboratory does not have the capability to test a particular material, so that the precision of Materials A, B, D and E are
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determine TAPPI repeatability and reproducibility

based on 15 laboratories and the precision for Material C is based on 14 laboratories. The calculations described below
are based on the assumption that each laboratory provides the same number of test results, i.e., a balanced design. Small
deviations, one or two omissions, from this assumption do not have a large impact on the results. If, however, the
differences in the number of results are greater than two or if several labs have missing data, then these equations should
not be used. In this case of unbalanced designs, the working group should have the calculations performed by a

Table 2. Equations for calculating repeatability

x’s are test determinations or results
n is the number of determinations or results
q is the number of test determinations averaged to calculate a test result (note q is set to 1 if a
single determination is a result or if results are being used for repeatability calculation)
Material mean x = ∑x/n

Material standard deviation

s x = (x - x ) /(n - 1)

Repeatability standard deviation sx

sr =
Repeatability r = (2.77)sr
Repeatablity ratio %r = 100( r / x )

Table 3. Specific example of the data display for an interlaboratory trial

Material A Material B Material C Material D

Lab #1 Lab #1 Lab #1 Lab #1

Data 1, Data 2, Data 1, Data 2, Data 1, Data 2, Data 1, Data 2,
Data 3, etc. Data 3, etc. Data 3, etc. Data 3, etc.

calculation results calculation results calculation results calculation results

Lab #2 Lab #2 Lab #2 Lab #2

Data 1, Data 2, Data 1, Data 2, Data 1, Data 2, Data 1, Data 2,
Data 3, etc. Data 3, etc. Data 3, etc. Data 3, etc.

calculation results calculation results calculation results calculation results

Continue with data Continue with data Continue with data Continue with data
from the rest of the from the rest of the from the rest of the from the rest of the
labs labs labs labs
Summary Summary Summary Summary
calculation results calculation results calculation results calculation results
7 / Interlaboratory evaluation of test methods to T 1200 sp-14
determine TAPPI repeatability and reproducibility

8.3 Calculations for repeatability and reproducibility. Prior to performing the repeatability and
reproducibility calculations, the working group members should evaluate the quality of the data (see section 9). For each
material, use the equations and definitions shown in Table 4 to calculate means, standard deviations, repeatability,
repeatability ratio, reproducibility, and reproducibility ratio. Repeatability and reproducibility are related to the pooled
standard deviation (sr or sR) of results obtained in accordance with the limitations outlined in Section 4.5. See Section
7.3 for an explanation of the origin of the factor 2.77.

Table 4. Equations and definitions to calculate means, standard deviations, repeatability, repeatability ratio,
reproducibility, and reproducibility ratio

x’s are test determinations
p is the number of laboratories
n is the number of determinations at each laboratory
q is the number of test determinations averaged to calculate a test result (note: q is set to 1 if a
single determination is a result or if results are being used for repeatability and reproducibility
x = ∑x/n
Laboratory material mean (there are p of these)
Laboratory material standard deviation
s x = (x - x ) /(n - 1)

Grand material mean

x = ∑ x /p
Grand material standard deviation
s x   ( x  x) 2 / ( p  1)
Pooled standard deviation
s p =  s 2x /p
Repeatability standard deviation sp
sr =
Reproducibility standard deviation
s R = s 2x + s 2p (n - q)/nq
Repeatability r = (2.77)sr
Repeatability ratio
%r = 100(r / x )
Reproducibility R = (2.77)sR
Reproducibility Ratio
%R = 100(R / x )
h consistency statistic (there are p of these)
h = (x - x)/sx
k consistency statistic (there are p of these) k = sx/sp

9. Consistency evaluation

9.1 The working group members’ common sense is the most important aspect in evaluating the data and
implies the importance of having committee members with substantial experience and knowledge. It is the responsibility
of each member of the working group to look carefully at the data and apply their common sense in evaluating the data.
A quick glance by an informed scientist or engineer may often detect a problem with data that a fixed set of formal or
graphical statistical procedures might miss. For example, a real interlaboratory study led to the following laboratory
averages: 655, 1057, 1249, 1353, 1489, 1625, 1682, and 1825. (These laboratory averages were each an average of five
test determinations.) The associated within-laboratory standard deviation associated with these test results was
approximately 260 so the standard deviations of the laboratory averages were approximately 260/SQRT(5) = 116. The
associated coefficient of variation of the laboratory averages was 28%. Neither graphical procedures nor formal statistical
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determine TAPPI repeatability and reproducibility

tests detected a problem with these data. However, the working group knew that a 3 to 1 ratio of the largest to the
smallest average measurement on the same material was simply too extreme for a well-defined measurement process of
the material under consideration. The data discrepancy led the working group to decide that either the measurement
procedure was not sufficiently well-defined or that one or more of the laboratories was having problems with their
equipment or their operators.
9.2 Graphical procedures such as side-by-side box plots of laboratory results might aid committee members
in evaluating the test results. (Note the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) web page discusses
checking for outliers via box plots:
http://www.itl.nist.gov/div898/handbook/prc/section1/prc16.htm. Most modern statistical packages can produce such
9.3 An assumption that data are normally distributed is required to use that procedures described in this
standard. A Shapiro-Wilk test of normality, normal probability plots
or chi squared tests can all be used to determine if the data appear to be normally distributed. Working group members
are encouraged to seek professional statistical support in evaluating the data distribution.
9.4 Consistency statistics h and k can be used to flag laboratories that are providing data that need
investigation. A single outlying laboratory average will likely be flagged by an h test. However, if more than one
laboratory average is an outlier, then the h test might no longer perform well. When multiple outliers are present, there is
a tendency to mask the presence of each other in formal (non-visual) tests. If the graphical outlier checks indicate the
possible presence of multiple outliers, a professional statistician should be consulted. The calculation of h and k applies
only to data derived from interlaboratory studies.
9.5 It is often helpful to study the consistency statistics when displayed grouped by laboratory and also by
material. This display of consistency statistics may be done numerically or graphically (bar charts of values). An example
of the recommended data display for a study with 15 laboratories and 4 materials is depicted in Figure 1 and Figure 2.
The goal of a displaying the data in this matter is to detect unusual features in the study data that may bias the calculated
precision parameters.
9.6 Table 5 lists the critical values of h and k at the 0.5% significance level. To obtain the particular critical
values from this table, search down the rows to find the number of laboratories (p) and then across the columns to find
the correct number of replicates (n) in the study. When a calculated consistency statistic exceeds this value, the
laboratory data shows excessive variation. h values in excess of the critical value indicate excessive variation from the
Grand Mean. k values in excess of the critical value indicate excessive variation from the pooled material standard
deviation. Mark the values in the display of consistency statistics that exceed the critical value. Data that exceed critical
values should be studied by the working group to determine if the data adversely affect the calculation of precision
parameters. It is important to note that all data that exceed the critical value are not automatically “bad,” because by
definition 1 of every 200 results may exceed the critical value. If the working group determines that the data are not truly
indicative of method performance, then the data should be treated according to 9.2.
9.7 Handling of outlying data. When a laboratory consistency statistic suggests that data are not indicative
of the study, but are in error, there are two possible actions: omit or retest. A retest will be the preferred method of data
9.7.1 Data adjustment, retest and replacement. If it is determined that the material should not have changed
significantly since the conduct of the original study, laboratories with erroneous data may be allowed to retest in order to
replace their data. Review the test method and testing instructions with the laboratory to correct any procedural variations
that may have caused the error.
9.7.2 Data adjustment, omit. If it is suspected that the material has changed since the conduct of the original
study, it is deemed that a retest is not possible, too burdensome, or a laboratory has non-correctable procedural flaws;
laboratory data may need to be omitted. If sufficient data exists, the remaining data may be used as part of the precision

10. Statement of the precision of the test method

10.1 Combination of repeatability and reproducibility estimates. After reasonable values for TAPPI
repeatability and reproducibility have been determined from the analysis for individual materials these estimates may be
combined to provide a statement of the precision of the test method. Resist the temptation to combine r and R estimates..
Unless it is determined that the estimates are indeed the same, precision results should be listed separately for different
materials. Expect that different materials, instrumentation or testing protocols will yield different estimates of precision.
9 / Interlaboratory evaluation of test methods to T 1200 sp-14
determine TAPPI repeatability and reproducibility

For example, the brightness of fluorescent papers may be expected to vary differently than primarily non-fluorescent
papers or two types of instrumentation may yield similar results but show different variations.

Fig. 1. Display of h stats

Fig. 2. Display of k stats

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Table 5. Critical values of h and k at the 0.5% significance level

k critical
# labs h critical n=2 n=3 n=4 n=5 n=6 n=7 n=8 n=9 n = 10
p=3 1.15 1.72 1.67 1.61 1.56 1.52 1.49 1.47 1.44 1.42
p=4 1.49 1.95 1.82 1.73 1.66 1.60 1.56 1.53 1.50 1.47
p=5 1.74 2.11 1.92 1.79 1.71 1.65 1.60 1.56 1.53 1.50
p=6 1.92 2.22 1.98 1.84 1.75 1.68 1.63 1.59 1.55 1.52
p=7 2.05 2.30 2.03 1.87 1.77 1.70 1.65 1.60 1.57 1.54
p=8 2.15 2.36 2.06 1.90 1.79 1.72 1.66 1.62 1.58 1.55
p=9 2.23 2.41 2.09 1.92 1.81 1.73 1.67 1.62 1.59 1.56
p = 10 2.29 2.45 2.11 1.93 1.82 1.74 1.68 1.63 1.59 1.56
p = 11 2.34 2.49 2.13 1.94 1.83 1.75 1.69 1.64 1.60 1.57
p = 12 2.38 2.51 2.14 1.96 1.84 1.76 1.69 1.64 1.60 1.57
p = 13 2.41 2.54 2.15 1.96 1.84 1.76 1.70 1.65 1.61 1.58
p = 14 2.44 2.56 2.16 1.97 1.85 1.77 1.70 1.65 1.61 1.58
p = 15 2.47 2.57 2.17 1.98 1.86 1.77 1.71 1.66 1.62 1.58
p = 16 2.49 2.59 2.18 1.98 1.86 1.77 1.71 1.66 1.62 1.58
p = 17 2.51 2.60 2.19 1.99 1.86 1.78 1.71 1.66 1.62 1.59
p = 18 2.53 2.61 2.20 1.99 1.87 1.78 1.72 1.66 1.62 1.59
p = 19 2.54 2.62 2.20 2.00 1.87 1.78 1.72 1.67 1.62 1.59
p = 20 2.56 2.63 2.21 2.00 1.87 1.79 1.72 1.67 1.63 1.59
p = 21 2.57 2.64 2.21 2.00 1.88 1.79 1.72 1.67 1.63 1.59
p = 22 2.58 2.65 2.21 2.01 1.88 1.79 1.72 1.67 1.63 1.59
p = 23 2.59 2.66 2.22 2.01 1.88 1.79 1.72 1.67 1.63 1.59
p = 24 2.60 2.66 2.22 2.01 1.88 1.79 1.73 1.67 1.63 1.60
p = 25 2.61 2.67 2.23 2.01 1.88 1.79 1.73 1.67 1.63 1.60
p = 26 2.62 2.67 2.23 2.02 1.89 1.80 1.73 1.68 1.63 1.60
p = 27 2.62 2.68 2.23 2.02 1.89 1.80 1.73 1.68 1.63 1.60
p = 28 2.63 2.68 2.23 2.02 1.89 1.80 1.73 1.68 1.63 1.60
p = 29 2.64 2.69 2.24 2.02 1.89 1.80 1.73 1.68 1.64 1.60
p = 30 2.64 2.69 2.24 2.02 1.89 1.80 1.73 1.68 1.64 1.60

The above critical values for the h and k consistency statistics were calculated from Student t and the F-ratio using the
following relationships:

p = number of participating laboratories

n = number of results at each laboratory

h  ( p  1)t / p(t 2  p  2) t with p - 2 degrees of freedom and a significance level of 0.5%

F with n – 1 and (p – 1)(n – 1) degrees of freedom and a significance level of 0.5%

k= p/[1 + (p - 1)/F]

10.1.1 Combinations of repeatability or reproducibility. If the repeatability and/or reproducibility estimates for
different levels of similar materials or for different materials are approximately the same, as determined by the working
group, the estimates may be combined as an average. In doing this, the working group is confirming the additive model
of variation was primary in the data for either different levels of a single type of material or across all materials. That is,
there is a single numeric (non-proportional) variability associated with all results on the material in question, or across all
11 / Interlaboratory evaluation of test methods to T 1200 sp-14
determine TAPPI repeatability and reproducibility

materials (all values for r or for R are approximately equal).

10.1.2 Combinations of repeatability or reproducibility ratios (%). If the repeatability and/or reproducibility
estimates derived as ratios for different levels of similar materials or for different materials are approximately the same,
as determined by the working group, combine the estimates as an average. In doing this, the working group is confirming
the concurrent model of variation was primary in the data for either different levels of a single type of material or across
all materials. That is, there is a single proportional variability (numeric variability changes as the test result) associated
with all results on the material in question, or across all materials (all values for %r or for %R are approximately equal).
10.2 Suggested information for precision statements. Because the precision listed in a method is an estimate
of the variability of the method dependant on the data on which it was based, it is critical that users of the method be
given sufficient supporting information to determine if the estimates apply to their testing parameters. For example, if the
data were derived from a single type of material, the estimates may not be applicable to wholly different materials.
10.2.1 Data background information. Include any information that may limit the applicability of the precision
estimates.. This information includes, but is not limited to the following:
10.2.1 Source of the data, e.g. precision interlaboratory study, company round robin, commercial testing;
10.2.2 Date of the study;
10.2.3 Revision of the method, significant additional instructions or alternate protocols;
10.2.4 Number of laboratories (interlaboratory only);
10.2.5 Number of determinations, if determinations are used instead of results;
10.2.6 Material descriptions;
10.2.7 Repeatability and reproducibility standard deviations;
10.2.8 Repeatability and reproducibility estimates;
10.2.10 Additional statistics may be included such as grand material means, maximum and minimum test
results for each material, and repeatability or reproducibility standard deviations.
10.3 Example precision statement. The following precision statement is provided as an example only (Table
6), and is not necessarily the recommended format for all precision statements.

The following estimates of repeatability and reproducibility are based on data from an interlaboratory trial
conducted in 1999 using the “pm-94” revision of the test method and included test results from 19
laboratories. Additionally, laboratories were asked to clean and calibrate the apparatus between test
materials. Five test results were obtained from each sample.

Table 6 . Property measurement results


Material Type Sample Repeatability Reproducibility


Material A Offset 4% 13%

Cotton bond

Material B Hardwood pulp 5% 19%

Softwood pulp 7% 22%

Material C Corrugated board 8% 15%

The repeatability and reproducibility reported above are estimates of the maximum difference that should be expected in
19 of 20 instances, when comparing two test results for materials similar to those described above under similar test
conditions. These estimates may not be valid for different materials or testing conditions.
T 1200 sp-14 Interlaboratory evaluation of test methods to / 12
determine TAPPI repeatability and reproducibility

11. Keywords

Interlaboratory evaluation, Repeatability, Reproducibility, Precision, Testing

12. Additional information

12.1 Effective date of issue: April 30, 2014.

12.2 The 2000 revision of T 1200 reflects a combination of standard practices T 1200 sp-91 and T 1206 sp-91
in order to describe the complete formulation of precision statements in a single practice. This revision also reflects the
removal of information not directly related to the formulation of precision and a simplification of the procedures. The
requirement for a balanced study (same number of replicates for each cell) has been removed.
12.3 The 2000 version was a major revision. The two-way linear-model analysis of variance of TAPPI T 1200
os-69 has been replaced by a “one-material-at-a-time” analysis, which is much simpler to execute but loses some
information in the process. This revision provides the information needed for the preparation of TAPPI precision
statements (see TAPPI T 1206), including TAPPI repeatability and TAPPI reproducibility, but the very much more
complex calculations for TAPPI comparability are no longer referenced. A numerical example is provided as a guide in
following the calculations, with increased use of tables and graphs to help in understanding patterns or unusual data.
12.4 The revisions in the 2007 version include corrections for accuracy, inclusion of references to the Excel
spreadsheet for accomplishing the numerical calculations available on the TAPPI standards web site, improved
descriptions of the definitions of repeatability and reproducibility, corrections of the results of the calculations shown in
Table A2, and addition of Appendix A.3. Application of repeatability and reproducibility.
12.5 The revisions in the 2014 version include simplification of the description of equations and the removal
of a redundant section.

Appendix A.1 Example of intralaboratory trial and repeatability calculations

A.1.1. An intralaboratory study was conducted to form an estimate of repeatability for TAPPI T 650 “Solids
Content of Black Liquor.” Four samples were collected to be representative of the applicable range of the method. The
test method calls for samples with a high solids concentration to be, diluted; therefore two samples that required dilution
and two that did not require dilution were chosen. The test method requires three test determinations be averaged to get a
test result (triplicate determinations in separate containers). The test method was carried out five times for each sample,
yielding five test results, each of which was comprised of three determinations. Table A1 is a specific example of the
data display for an intralaboratory trial, from 7.1 and Table 1. Please note that the units for laboratory material mean,
laboratory material standard deviation, repeatability standard deviation, and repeatability are in the same units as the test
results (% solids), whereas the repeatability ratio is unitless but uses (%) to denote the ratio. The test results below are
reported to the nearest .01%, one digit more than called for by the test method. This “extra” significant digit was carried
through the calculations until the calculation of repeatability.
A.1.2 The working group decided that the data and repeatability estimates for each of the materials are
reasonable and reflect adequate estimates of the precision of the method. Furthermore, the working group decided that
the estimates of repeatability for each material agree to a sufficient extent that it is appropriate to combine (by averaging)
the four 4 estimates into a single estimate of repeatability. In choosing to combine the estimates, the working group has
indicated that users of the method, testing under similar parameters, can use the repeatability estimate for both black
liquors that require dilution and those that do not require dilution. Based on the trial information, data, and analysis
considerations above, the statement in A.1.3 reflects a reasonable precision statement for this method.
A.1.3 The following estimate of repeatability is based on data from an intralaboratory trial conducted in 1998
using the “om-89” revision of the method. The trial used two samples that required dilution and two that did not.
Repeatability estimates listed below were derived from five test results for four samples; each result is the mean of three
13 / Interlaboratory evaluation of test methods to T 1200 sp-14
determine TAPPI repeatability and reproducibility

Table A1. Specific example of the data display for an intralaboratory trial

Black liquor
samples Sample A Sample B Sample C Sample D

Test results 43.17 % 46.82 % 69.91 % 75.41 %

44.20 % 46.66 % 70.67 % 76.73 %
44.15 % 45.90 % 70.55 % 76.58 %
44.23 % 45.57 % 70.20 % 75.80 %
43.80 % 47.23 % 69.38 % 75.71 %

Calculation results
Laboratory material mean, x 43.91 % 46.44 % 70.14 % 76.05 %
Laboratory mat stnd dev, sx 0.45 % 0.68 % 0.52 % 0.58 %
Repeatability stnd dev, sr 0.45 % 0.68 % 0.52 % 0.58 %
Repeatability, r 1.2 % 1.9 % 1.4 % 1.6 %
Repeatability ratio, %r 2.8 % 4.1 % 2.1 % 2.1 %

Solids content of black liquor

Material Type Repeatability, r

Black liquors 1.5 % solids

The repeatability reported above is an estimate of the maximum difference to be expected in 19 of 20 instances, when
comparing two test results for materials similar to those described above under similar test conditions. These estimates
may not be valid for different materials or testing conditions; users of this method must determine the suitability of this
estimate to their application.

Appendix A.2 Example of interlaboratory trial and repeatability and reproducibility calculations

A.2.1 An interlaboratory study was conducted to form estimates of repeatability and reproducibility for
TAPPI, T807 “Bursting Strength of Paperboard and Linerboard.” Linerboard in the weights of 35 lb, 42 lb, and 69 lb
were distributed to be representative of the applicable range of the method. The test method limits the range of
applicability only to paperboard (as opposed to paper and corrugated or solid fiberboard), so the method may not truly
represent all of the possible materials subject to the method. Users must determine whether the precision estimates are
appropriate to their testing. For example, coated or multilayer paperboard may call for separate estimates of precision.
The test method requires 10 test determinations be averaged to get a test result. The test method was carried out four
times for each sample yielding four test results, each of which was comprised of 10 determinations. Table A2 is a specific
example of the data display for an interlaboratory trial, from 9.1 and Table 3. An important aspect of this example is that
it was is an unbalanced study. Laboratory 5 did not report data for the 69-lb sample, and Laboratory 2 had only three test
results in the cell for 69-lb sample. Laboratory and summary calculations are still performed in the same manner as the
other samples; these missing items were not replaced with calculated results. It is the responsibility of the working group
chair to determine if missing data have adversely affected the estimates of precision calculated from the trial. Note: these
data are also included as example in the Excel spreadsheet that is available from TAPPI.
T 1200 sp-14 Interlaboratory evaluation of test methods to / 14
determine TAPPI repeatability and reproducibility

Table A2. Specific example of the data display for an interlaboratory trial

35-lb 42-lb 69-lb

Laboratory Linerboard Linerboard Linerboard

1 Test Results 87.8 122.5 147.7

86.6 121.7 133.0
81.4 124.6 136.3
86.0 116.3 139.8

Lab Lab material mean = 85.4 121.3 139.2

calculation Lab material stnd. dev. = 2.8 3.5 6.3

2 Test results 87.6 118.7 149.5

86.4 123.5 137.5
87.3 122.8 N/A
83.4 120.0 141.6

Lab Lab material mean = 86.2 121.3 142.9

calculation Lab material stnd. dev. = 1.9 2.3 6.1

3 Test Results 91.3 120.6 134.5

91.3 121.2 139.9
89.2 117.8 141.3
88.7 117.5 147.1

Lab Lab material mean = 90.1 119.2 140.7

calculation Lab material stnd. dev. = 1.4 1.9 5.2

4 Test Results 86.8 123.0 140.5

88.7 120.0 139.7
86.1 121.9 139.7
87.2 118.0 143.9

Lab Lab material mean = 87.2 120.7 140.9

calculation Lab material stnd. dev. = 1.1 2.2 2.0

5 Test Results 95.3 116.0

86.9 117.6 Not tested
94.4 122.4
87.4 116.5

Lab Lab material mean = 91.0 118.1 Not tested

calculation Lab material stnd. dev. = 4.5 2.9
15 / Interlaboratory evaluation of test methods to T 1200 sp-14
determine TAPPI repeatability and reproducibility

6 Test Results 90.5 132.9 147.0

92.8 122.8 141.7
91.3 123.2 143.8
86.0 127.0 145.2

Lab Lab material mean = 90.2 126.5 144.4

calculation Lab material stnd. dev. = 2.9 4.7 2.2

7 Test Results 91.2 123.0 148.7

89.0 124.1 149.2
91.3 118.0 142.3
N/A 121.0 154.3

Lab Lab material mean = 90.5 121.5 148.6

calculation Lab material stnd. dev. = 1.3 2.7 4.9

8 Test Results 89.1 120.0 141.0

88.7 113.6 144.8
87.0 113.8 139.6
88.8 118.9 139.0

Lab Lab material mean = 88.4 116.6 141.1

calculation Lab material stnd. dev. = 0.9 3.4 2.6

9 Test Results 86.5 123.7 134.1

89.8 125.7 140.8
82.1 121.7 142.0
92.0 127.6 130.6

Lab Lab material mean = 87.6 124.7 136.9

calculation Lab material stnd. dev. = 4.3 2.5 5.5

Summary Grand material mean, x 88.5 121.1 141.8

calculation Grand material stnd dev, sx 2.0 3.1 3.5
results Repeatability stnd dev, sr 2.7 3.0 4.7
Repeatability, r 7.4 8.3 12.9
Repeatability ratio, %r 8.4% 6.9% 9.1%
Reproducibility stnd dev, sR 3.1 4.0 5.4
Reproducibility, R 8.5 11.2 14.9
Reproducibility ratio, %R 9.6% 9.2% 10.5%

A.2.2 The working group decided that the repeatability and reproducibility estimates for each of the materials
are reasonable and reflect adequate estimates of the precision of the method. Furthermore, the working group decided
that it is advantageous to list the estimates of precision for each material separately due to relatively small number of
materials. Based on the trial information, data, and analysis considerations above, the statement in A.2.3 reflects a
reasonable precision statement for this method.
A.2.3 The following estimate of precision is based on data from an interlaboratory trial conducted in 1999
using the TAPPI T 807 om-94 revision of the method. The trial involved nine laboratories and employed three samples of
T 1200 sp-14 Interlaboratory evaluation of test methods to / 16
determine TAPPI repeatability and reproducibility

linerboard with weights of 35, 42, and 69 lb. The repeatability and reproducibility estimates below were derived from
four test results for each sample each of which was the mean of 10 determinations.

Bursting strength of paperboard

Sample Repeatability ratio, %r Reproducibility ratio, %R
35-lb linerboard 8.4% 9.6%
42-lb linerboard 6.9% 9.2%
69-lb linerboard 9.1% 10.5%

The precision reported above is an estimate of the maximum difference to be expected in 19 of 20 instances, when
comparing two test results for materials similar to those described above under similar test conditions. These estimates
may not be valid for different materials or testing conditions; users of this method must determine the suitability of this
estimate to their application.

Appendix A.3 Applications of repeatability and reproducibility

A.3.1 For these examples, the data for T 804 “Compression Test of Fiberboard Shipping Containers” are
used. The standard indicates that the repeatability, based on five determinations, is 7.0% and the reproducibility is 10.6%.
A typical value for this test result is 800 lbs.
A.3.2 Repeatability: Is a laboratory giving good results? Ten box samples were submitted to a single lab for
testing. The first set of five has an average value of 800 lb, and the second set has a value of 850 lb. Is this difference
consistent with the repeatability value shown in the standard? The standard gives a repeatability value of 7.0%, so in this
case, one would expect the difference between the two values to be less than 0.070 × ((800 + 850) / 2) = 58 lb. Because
50 lb is less than 58 lb, the laboratory is giving results with a variance similar to the laboratories who participated in the
original testing of the method.
A.3.3 Repeatability: Does a particular sample meet a specification? A customer had set a specification of
800 lb. As part of a QA/QC program, five samples were submitted for testing, and a result of 780 lb was found. Should
this shipment be rejected? Because repeatability assumes that one is comparing two test results and this case involves
comparing one test result with a fixed value, the relevant limit is reduced by a factor of SQRT(2). Specifically, the
laboratories in the round robin study exhibited a variation of 7% / SQRT(2) = 4.95%, so if the true value was 800 lb, one
would expect the test results to be between 760 and 840 lb, (1 - 0.0495) × 800 = 760 lb and (1+ 0.0495) × 800 = 840 lb.
Because the test result was within the range of expected values, the shipment should not be rejected.
A.3.4 Reproducibility: Are two laboratories giving different results? Two different laboratories are each
given five box samples from the same production run. Lab A returned a value of 800 lb and Lab B returned a value of
950 lb. Is this difference consistent with the reproducibility value shown in the standard? The standard gives a
reproducibility value of 10.6%, so in this case, one would expect the difference between the two values to be less than
0.106 × [(800 + 950)/2] = 93 lb. Because the difference is 150 lb, the difference between these two results was is more
than what was observed during the standard testing, and closer inspection of the testing procedures at the two laboratories
was required. In contrast, if Lab A returned a value of 800 lb, and Lab B returned a value of 850 lb, the difference was
less than what has been observed during the standard testing, specifically 0.106 × [(800 + 850) / 2) = 87 > 50. One could
conclude that these results were not significantly different.
A.3.5 Reproducibility: Are three laboratories giving different results? Three different laboratories are each
given five box samples from the same production run. Lab A returned a value of 800 lb, Lab B returned a value of 900 lb,
and Lab C returned a value of 950 lb. Were these differences consistent with the reproducibility value shown in the
standard? The standard gives a reproducibility value of 10.6%, so in this case, one would expect the difference between
values to be less than 0.106 × [(800 + 875 + 950) / 3] = 93 lb Reproducibility is defined for pairwise comparisons only.
In this case there were three differences, Lab B – Lab A = 75 lb, Lab C – Lab B = 75 lb, and Lab C – Lab A = 150 lb.
While two differences were below the limit of 93 lb, the third was above, so these data were not consistent with the
standard, and further investigation was required.

Your comments and suggestions on this procedure are earnestly requested and should be sent to the TAPPI Standards
Department. 

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