Ig - Phys Year 10 LTP 2021-2022

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LONG TERM PLAN 2021-2022

ST.BEES International School Guangwai FLS

IGCSE Physics

Year Group: Grade 10 Term 1 Instructor: Mr. Parahat TAJOV

Week Unit Subtitles Objectives and outcomes
1 Chapter 1 – Making • What is Physics? ● To understand what does physics study
measurements • Physical quantity and measurement ● To discuss the concept of unit
• Numbers and units ● To define measurement
• Measuring length and volume ● To distinguish system of units
• Measuring time ● To define SI units
• Density ● To be able to use different units to measure volume
• Float or sink? ● To convert unit of volumes from one to another
• Review of the unit ● To understand concept of density
● To be able to calculate density with variables given
● To understand that objects float or sink in liquid
according to density
2 Chapter 2 – ● Understand speed ● Define speed and calculate average speed
Describing motion ● Distance-time graphs ● Plot and interpret distance-time and speed-time
● Understanding acceleration graphs
● Calculating speed and acceleration ● Work out the distance travelled from the area under
a speed-time graph
● Understand acceleration is a change in speed and
the gradient of a speed-time graph
3 Chapter 3 – Force and ● We have lift-off ● Discover the differences between mass and weight.
motion ● Mass weight and gravity ● Describe the ways in which a resultant force may
● Falling and turning change the motion of a body.
● Force, mass and acceleration ● Find the resultant of two or more forces acting along
● Momentum the same line
● More about scalars and vectors ● Find out about the effect of friction on a moving
● Learn about circular motion
● Learn how force, mass and acceleration are related
● Understand the concepts of momentum and impulse
and apply the principal of the conservation of
LONG TERM PLAN 2021-2022
ST.BEES International School Guangwai FLS
IGCSE Physics
● Difference between scalars and vectors
● Learn how to determine the resultant of two vectors
acting at right angles to each other
4 Chapter 4- Turning ● The moment of a force ● Describe and calculate the turning force
effects ● Calculating moments ● Investigate and apply the principle of moments
● Stability and centre of gravity ● Describe the conditions needed for an object to be in
● Describe how the centre of gravity of an object
affects its stability
● Apply the principle of moments when there is more
than one moment on each side of a pivot
5 Chapter 5 – Forces ● Forces acting on solids ● Recognise that a force may change the size and
and matter ● Stretching springs shape of a body
● The limit of proportionality and the ● Plot and interpret load-extension graphs and
spring constant describe the associated experimental procedure
● Pressure ● Relate pressure to force and area
● Calculating Pressure ● Relate the pressure beneath a liquid surface to depth
and to density
6 Chapter 6 – Energy ● Energy stores ● Identify changes in different energy stores
stores and transfer ● Energy transfers ● Recognise different energy transfers and interpret
● Conservation of energy energy flow diagrams
● Energy calculations ● Understand the meaning of energy efficiency
● Apply the principle of conservation of energy
7 Chapter 7 – Energy • The energy we use ● Describe how electricity or other useful energy may
resources • Energy from the Sun be obtained from different energy resources
● Give advantages and disadvantages of each energy
resource in terms of renewability, cost, availability
and environmental impact
● Understand that the Sun is the source for all energy
resources except geothermal, nuclear and tidal.
8 Chapter 8 – Work and • Doing work ● Learn that work done equals energy transferred, or
Power • Calculating work done the force multiplied by the distance moved in the
LONG TERM PLAN 2021-2022
ST.BEES International School Guangwai FLS
IGCSE Physics
• Power direction of the force
• Calculating power ● Relate power to work done and time taken
● Calculate work done and power
9 Chapter 9 - The • States of matter ● Describe three states of matter
kinetic particle model • The kinetic particle model of matter ● Investigate changes of state
of matter • Gases and the kinetic model ● Use the kinetic model to explain changes of states
● Temperature and the Celsius scale and the behaviour of gases
● The gas laws ● Calculate changes in the pressure and volume of a
10 Chapter 10 – Thermal ● Thermal expansion ● Describe how and why solids, liquids and gases
properties of matter ● Specific heat capacity expand when their temperature rise
● Changing state ● Explain some everyday uses and consequences of
● thermal expansion
● Relate
11 Chapter 10 - Thermal ● Changing state ● explain changes of state using the kinetic model of
properties of matter ● Conduction matter.
Chapter 11 – Thermal ● convection ● Carry out experiments to demonstrate conduction
energy transfers and convection
● Explain why some materials conduct and others
● Describe and explain convection currents
12 Chapter 11 – Thermal ● Radiation ● Explain thermal energy radiation
energy transfers ● Consequences of thermal energy ● Investigate the differences between good and bad
transfer emitters of radiation
● Research applications and consequences of thermal
energy transfer.
13 Final exams ● Problem solving ● To review concepts studied in the first semester
● To prepare for the final exams
LONG TERM PLAN 2021-2022
ST.BEES International School Guangwai FLS
IGCSE Physics

Year Group: Grade 10 Term 2 Instructor: Mr. Parahat TAJOV

Week Unit Subtitles Learning Objectives and outcomes

1 Chapter 12 - Sound ● 12.1 Making sounds ● Describe how sounds are produced and how they travel
● 12.2 How does sound travel? ● Measure the speed of sound
● 12.3 The speed of sound ● Describe how the amplitude and frequency of a sound
● 12.4 Seeing and hearing sounds wave are linked to its loudness and pitch
● State the range of human hearing
● Ultrasound and its applications
2 Chapter 13 - Light • 13.1 Reflection of light ● Use the law of reflection of light to explain how an image
• 13.2 Refraction of light is formed in a plane mirror
● Construct ray diagrams for reflection
● Investigate the refraction of light
3 Chapter 13 - Light ● 13.3 Total internal reflection ● Draw ray diagrams to show how lenses form images
● 13.4 Lenses ● Describe the difference between real and virtual images
● 13.5 Dispersion of light ● Describe the total internal reflection and how it is used
● Describe how the visual spectrum is formed
4 Chapter 14 – ● 14.1 Describing waves ● Describe a wave in terms of speed, amplitude, frequency
Properties of waves ● 14.2 Speed, frequency and and wavelength.
wavelength ● Identify differences between transverse and longitudinal
● 14.3 Explaining wave phenomena waves
● Calculate wave speed
● Describe reflection and refraction of waves
● Describe diffraction of waves
5 Chapter 15 - The ● 15.1 Electromagnetic waves ● Describe the main features of electromagnetic spectrum
electromagnetic ● 15.2 Electromagnetic hazards ● Describe some uses of different electromagnetic waves
spectrum ● 15.3 Communicating using ● Consider how electromagnetic waves can be used safely
electromagnetic waves

6 Chapter 16 - ● 16.1 Permanent magnets ● Describe magnetic forces between magnets and
Magnetism ● 16.2 Magnetic fields magnetic materials
LONG TERM PLAN 2021-2022
ST.BEES International School Guangwai FLS
IGCSE Physics
● Distinguish between hard and soft magnetic materials,
and nonmagnetic materials
● Use magnetic field patterns between magnets to explain
the forces between them and understand how to work
out the relative strength of a magnetic field
7 17. Static electricity • 17.1 Charging and discharging • Investigate the forces between positive and negative
• 17.2 Explaining static electricity electric charges
• 17.3 Electric fields • Explain static electricity in terms of gaining or losing
• Distinguish between electrical conductors and insulators
• Describe electric fields.
8 18. Electrical • 18.1 Current in electric circuits ● Learn about electric current, resistance and voltage
quantities ● Learn how the resistance of a wire relates to its length
● 18.2 Voltage in electric circuits and diameter
● 18.3 Electrical resistance ● Learn that electrons flow in the opposite direction to
conventional current
9 18. Electrical ● 18.4 More about electrical resistance ● Understand that energy is transferred from the power
quantities ● 18.5 Electrical energy, work and source ( a battery ) to the circuit components
power ● Calculate resistance, electrical power, energy and the
cost of electrical energy.
● Calculate electric current and potential difference
10 19. Electrical • 19.1 Circuit components 349 ● Draw and interpret circuit diagrams
circuits • 19.2 Combinations of resistors 353 ● Describe how current and resistance vary in different
• 19.3 Electrical safety circuits
● Learn how to calculate resistance, currents and voltages
in circuits
● Describe the action of diodes and potential divider
● Highlight the hazards of using electricity
20. Electromagnetic ● The magnetic effect of a current ● Investigate magnetic field around current-carrying
11 forces ● Force on a current carrying conductor
conductor ● Describe some practical uses of electromagnets
LONG TERM PLAN 2021-2022
ST.BEES International School Guangwai FLS
IGCSE Physics
● Observe the force on a current-carrying conductor in a
magnetic field
12 20. Electromagnetic ● Electric motors ● Describe the principle of an electric motor and list ways
forces ● Beams of charged particles and of increasing its strength
magnetic fields. ● Describe the factors affecting the strength and direction
of EM fields and forces
● Describe the structure and operation of an electric motor
13 21. Electromagnetic ● Generating electricity ● List the factors affecting the size and direction of an
induction ● Power lines and transformers e.m.f induced in a circuit
● How transformers work ● Explain how an a.c generator works
● Explain why electricity is transferred at very high voltages
● Explain how a transformer works
14 22. The nuclear atom ● Atomic structure ● Describe the structure of the atom
● Protons, neutrons and electrons ● Describe the alpha scattering experiment which provides
evidence for the nuclear atom
● Explain what isotopes are
● Describe fission and fusion reactions
15 23. Radioactivity • 23.1 Radioactivity all around us ● Explain the term background radiation and list some of
• 23.2 Radioactive decay its sources
• 23.3 Activity and half-life ● Explain how ionizing nuclear radiation is measured
• 23.4 Using radioisotopes ● Describe radioactive decay
● Define and calculate radioactive half-life
16 Final exam ● Problem solving ● To review concepts studied in the second semester
● To prepare for the final exams

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