IAS - Physics - SB1 - Teaching Plans - 1A

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Teaching plan 1A.

1 Velocity and acceleration

Student Book links Specification links Links to prior learning Suggested teaching order
● 1A.1 ● 1.3.1 ● SI units for motion 1. Review of SI units and prefixes for kinematic
● 1.3.4 ● Calculations of speed, quantities.
velocity and acceleration 2. Review of simple speed, distance, time
● Use of a stopclock to measure calculations.
times 3. Distinguishing average and instantaneous
Learning objectives
4. Definition and examples of scalar and vector
● Explain the distinction between scalar and vector quantities. quantities including distance/displacement and
● Distinguish between speed and velocity and define acceleration. speed/velocity.
● Calculate values using equations for velocity and acceleration. 5. Definition of ‘acceleration’ and calculations of
6. Acceleration as a vector.
Key terms Practical skills
● Speed ● Scalar ● Determine average speed using a metre rule
● Velocity ● Average speed and stopclock.
● Displacement ● Instantaneous speed ● Determine average speed using light gates and
● Vector ● Acceleration
Suggested activity
● Determine the acceleration of a freely-falling
object (Core practical 1).

Maths skills Digital learning ideas

● Recognise and make use of appropriate units in calculations (C.0.1). ● Use light gates and datalogging software to
● Recognise and use expressions in decimal and standard form (C.0.2). measure displacements, velocities and
● Use ratios, fractions and percentages (C.0.3).
● Use video capture and analysis software (e.g.
● Use calculators to find and use power, exponential and logarithmic functions (C.0.5). freeware such as Tracker).
● Understand and use the symbols: =, <, <<, >>, >, ∞, ≈, ∆ (C.2.1). ● Use high speed cameras (if available) to
● Calculate rate of change from a graph showing a linear relationship (C.3.5). capture and analyse rapid motion.
● Distinguish between instantaneous rate of change and average rate of change (C.3.7).

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● Apply the concepts underlying calculus (but without requiring the explicit use of derivatives or
integrals) by solving equations involving rates of change, e.g. =λx using a graphical method
or spreadsheet modelling (C.3.9).
Pre-unit homework suggestions
● Students should practise speed, distance, time calculations.
● Set students a research task to find out about the SI units for motion.
● Students should practise prefixes and powers of ten such as milli-, micro-, nano-, kilo- , mega-.
Suggested starter activities Equipment Teacher notes
1. Pose a question such as ‘At what speed does a fingernail This introduces the idea of speed as distance
grow?’ or ‘At what speed does a spacecraft travel to the divided by time and will involve a discussion of
Moon?’ Ask students to discuss and then justify their appropriate units (including prefixes).
answers. Both examples are likely to lead to a discussion of
instantaneous versus average speed. It can also be
used to discuss scientific notation and uncertainties.
2. Ask students to measure, in pairs, the average speed of Squash ball, stopclock, metre rules Plenty to draw out in discussion: the need to repeat
a squash ball dropped from a height of 2.0 m. (two per group) or tape measure a measurement, the distinction between average
and instantaneous speed, the concept of
acceleration, uncertainties in measurements
(‘Which is most significant – time or distance?’).
3. Discuss distance, speed, velocity and acceleration of The 400 m event involves a total displacement of
athletes taking part in 100 m and 400 m events. 0 m and therefore an average velocity of 0 m s–1.
To run 100 m in 10 s requires a maximum
velocity of greater than 10 m s–1.

Suggested main activities Equipment Teacher notes

1. Analysis of a multiflash photograph. Multiflash photograph(s) Search for ‘multiflash photography’ online or create
images in class.

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2. Practice with calculations. This should not be underestimated. The basic
equations and mathematical techniques are simple
but students need to become proficient with
interpreting a range of different dynamic contexts.
3. Use of light gates and datalogging equipment to Light gate(s) and datalogger, Velocity can be measured at different positions
measure velocities and to calculate inclined planes and trolley along the ramp or for different angles. Acceleration
accelerations. can be measured directly but better still from the
velocity at two different positions and the time taken
to move between them.
4. Analysis of motion using a webcam and Tracker software Video camera, moving object (fast Students will need to understand frame rates and
(or, if available, a high speed camera). moving if a high speed camera is have some way of connecting a scale with the
available), suitable software package images. Freeware such as Tracker is excellent but
If it is not possible to capture your you will require a lesson to teach students how to
own video, you can find public use it.
domain video clips online.
Suggested plenary activities Equipment Teacher notes
1. Video analysis of an athletics event, for example, a 100 m Clips can be found on YouTube. The race can be
final at a major athletics event. started and stopped to estimate velocities at
different points and to estimate the initial
acceleration of the sprinter.
2. Quick quiz on units, prefixes, equations and terminology. Ask students to fill in a partially completed table.
3. Ask each student to write a multiple choice question and Students could be invited to review their own
solution based on the unit (divide into themes if questions when the test is completed or returned.
necessary). Collect, check and collate questions then set This could involve peer-to-peer marking.
as a class test.

Homework suggestions
● Provide a list of moving things and ask students to estimate their speed and give an explanation of how they did this. The list could include: a
cheetah, a 100 m sprinter, a racing car, a falling raindrop, a snail, growth rate of a tree, a strand of hair, a child or a fingernail. The important point is
that they consider distance travelled and time taken and can justify their responses/units/notation.
● Students should practise calculations of average speed, velocity and speed (in situations where they need to be distinguished), and acceleration,
for example, Q1–3 from the Student Book.

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Wider reading
● Research the definitions of ‘metre’ and ‘second’.
Support ideas
● Practise simple calculations of speed, distance and time.
Extension ideas
● Consider vector acceleration in circular motion: ‘How can something have constant speed but be accelerating?’
Potential misconceptions
● The concept of a ‘rate of change’ is challenging and will need reinforcement through a variety of examples.
● Confusion between velocity and acceleration may occur.
● The motion of a ball thrown vertically and caught can be used to consolidate and extend ideas about vectors and scalars. It can also be used to help
the understanding of velocity and acceleration, for example: ‘How can the ball be accelerating downwards whilst moving upwards?’, ‘How can the ball
be accelerating when it is instantaneously at rest at the top of its motion?’, ‘How does the velocity and displacement change with time?’
Links to future learning
● Consideration of how displacement, velocity, and acceleration change with time links to the graphical representation of motion.
● Vector addition and subtraction, and resolution of vectors along particular axes: ‘If I travel 50 km NW how far north do I go?’
● The idea of cause for acceleration, such as gravity for a projectile, as a link from acceleration to resultant force.
Differentiation for IAS students
● Although the idea of acceleration when an object moves along a curved path reinforces the vector nature of acceleration, IAS students will not
study circular motion so this challenging idea could be omitted.

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Teaching plan 1A.2 Motion graphs
Student Book links Specification links Links to prior learning Suggested teaching order
● 1A.2 ● 1.3.2 ● Graphs of motion 1. Distance–time graphs and displacement–time
● 1.3.3 graphs.

● CP1 2. Calculating speed or velocity from a gradient.

Learning objectives 3. Velocity–time graphs.

4. Calculating acceleration and displacement from
● Interpret displacement–time graphs, velocity–time graphs and acceleration–time graphs. a velocity–time graph.
● Make calculations from these graphs. 5. Acceleration–time graphs.
● Understand the graphical representations of accelerated motion.

Key terms Practical skills

● Displacement–time graph ● Using a motion sensor and a
● Velocity–time graph datalogger.

● Gradient
Maths skills Digital learning ideas
● Translate information between graphical, numerical and algebraic forms (C.3.1). ● Use of motion sensor and datalogger
● Plot two variables from experimental or other data (C.3.2).
● Determine the slope and intercept of a linear graph (C.3.4).
● Calculate rate of change from a graph showing a linear relationship (C.3.5).
● Draw and use the slope of a tangent to a curve as a measure of rate of change (C.3.6).
● Distinguish between instantaneous rate of change and average rate of change (C.3.7).
● Understand the possible physical significance of the area between a curve and the x-axis and be
able to calculate it or estimate it by graphical methods as appropriate (C.3.8).
● Apply the concepts underlying calculus (but without requiring the explicit use of derivatives or
integrals) by solving equations involving rates of change, e.g. =λx using a graphical method
or spreadsheet modelling (C.3.9).
Pre-unit homework suggestions
● Ask students to plan journeys, such as a mountain hike or a car journey from one town to another, and to estimate the time each journey would take
based on the speed travelled in each section of the journey. They might also look at international flight times such as London to New York to work out
aircraft speeds from journey times and a map.

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Suggested starter activities Equipment Teacher notes
1. Ask students to describe how distance varies with This could be done simply by suggesting the types
time for a variety of motions. Students should sketch of motion, by demonstrating them physically or with
and defend their answers by drawing simple graphs. video clips.
2. Present various distance–time graphs and ask The graphs can be drawn in advance on a board or
students to describe the motion. Challenge them to projected. Students must explain their answers.
suggest real- life examples that would have a similar
3. In pairs, students sketch a displacement–time or
velocity–time graph for a journey into or even around
school. Ask them to explain their graphs to each other
in small groups or as a whole class.
Suggested main activities Equipment Teacher notes
1. Use a motion sensor to display the motion of a student Motion sensor connected to a PC to Ask students to identify regions of positive and
walking/running across an open space. display displacement–time and negative velocity and acceleration and to relate the
2. velocity–time graphs shape of the displacement and velocity graphs to
the type of motion.
3. Explain how to measure the gradient of a graph and use Exemplar data or pre-prepared Recap  notation. Explain derived units for velocity
this to calculate velocities and accelerations from graphs of motion for students to plot and acceleration. Plenty of practice is needed here,
displacement–time and velocity–time graphs. and analyse particularly for non-linear graphs.
4. Explain how the area under a velocity–time graph is Exemplar velocity–time data or Start with a velocity–time graph for constant velocity
related to displacement. Provide data or graphs for graphs to analyse and show that the rectangular area is equivalent to
students to analyse. multiplying constant velocity by time to give
Graphs with varying velocities can be treated as the
sum of many such narrow rectangles.
5. Discuss how displacement, velocity and acceleration Tennis ball or larger plastic ball, Before capturing the motion, ask students to make
graphs for a bouncing ball can be drawn. motion sensor their own sketches for the motion graphs.
Emphasise the importance of using a sign
convention. Relate the three motion graphs to one

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Suggested plenary activities Equipment Teacher notes
1. Devise questions on converting from one type of graph to Given a displacement–time graph, students plot the
another. velocity–time graph for the same object. This could
be extended via the use of a real-time datalogger
plotting graphs onto a board.
2. Ask students to explain the differences between average Older speed cameras measure instantaneous
speed and instantaneous speed via the use of speed speed. Newer average speed cameras measure
cameras. average speed over a greater distance.
3. Test students’ understanding using past exam-style Archive questions for previous versions of the
questions on graphs of motion. syllabus are available online as well as sample
assessment materials for the new specification.
Homework suggestions
● Students should answer all related questions in the Student Book.
● Create a summary sheet showing corresponding displacement–time, velocity–time and acceleration–time graphs for each type of motion: rest, constant
velocity, constant acceleration, and constant deceleration. You could include varying acceleration.
Wider reading
● Students could research telemetry in racing events.
Support ideas
● It is simpler to use examples with positive values, especially if some students are struggling to grasp the basic ideas.
● Velocity–time graphs are the most important ones to master. For less able students, it might make sense to start with these rather than
teach displacement–time graphs first. These can then be added once students have gained confidence in analysing velocity–time graphs.
Extension ideas
● Gradients and areas can be used to introduce simple ideas of differential and integral calculus. Going from displacement–time to velocity–time to
acceleration–time involves successive differentiations while going in the other direction involves successive integrations.
● Demonstrate a harmonic oscillator, for example, a mass on a spring or a trolley tethered between two springs. Ask students to sketch graphs
of displacement, velocity and acceleration. This looks ahead (for IAL students) to work on SHM.

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Potential misconceptions
● Students often confuse displacement–time graphs with velocity–time graphs.
● Confusion between velocity and acceleration may occur.
● The vector nature of displacement, velocity and acceleration means that signs are important on graphs. These are often sources of confusion.
Links to future learning
● Graphs for Simple Harmonic Motion.
● Simple links to calculus.
Differentiation for IAS students
● This entire section is relevant to IAS students and IAL students.

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Teaching plan 1A.3 Adding forces
Student Book links Specification links Links to prior learning Suggested teaching order
● 1A.3 ● 1.3.6 ● Scalars and vectors 1. Combining forces acting along a line.
● 1.3.8 ● Measuring forces 2. Resultant force.
Learning objectives 3. Free-body force diagrams.
4. Scale drawings.
● Add two or more vectors by drawing.
5. Combining perpendicular forces.
● Add two perpendicular vectors by calculation.
6. Using the parallelogram rule.

Key terms Practical skills

● Resultant force ● Use of scale drawings.
● Free-body force diagram ● Use of newton meters and
Maths skills Digital learning ideas
● Use angles in regular 2D and 3D structures (C.4.1). ● Using calculators to evaluate squares and
● Visualise and represent 2D and 3D forms, including two-dimensional representations of square roots.
3D objects (C.4.2).
● Use Pythagoras’ theorem and the angle sum of a triangle (C.4.4).
Pre-unit homework suggestions
● Set students questions on scale drawings and practice in using Pythagoras’ theorem to find the hypotenuse of right-angled triangles.
Suggested starter activities Equipment Teacher notes
1. Plotting a course. A range of maps Students find displacements less abstract than
forces so the ideas of combining vectors can be
explored here first, for example, the resultant
displacement vector for a sailing boat tacking into
the wind.
Introduce vector representation as arrows with
(scaled) length and direction.

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2. Simple free-body force diagrams for 1D motion – Discuss forces acting on, for example, a falling
resultant force. stone or a free-falling parachutist. Emphasise the
vector nature of force and the idea of resultant
force. Draw simple free-body force diagrams and
identify the resultant force by scale drawing.
3. Simple free-body force diagrams for 2D motion – Discuss forces acting on, for example, a car, a
resultant force. plane or a boat. Introduce pictorial vector addition –
placing vector arrows end-to-end.
Suggested main activities Equipment Teacher notes
1. Use of Pythagoras’ theorem to calculate the resultant of Plenty of practice is important. Spend some time
two perpendicular forces. linking the analytic approach (Pythagoras) to the
scale drawing method.
2. Pictorial representation of vector addition for forces at This is a good place to emphasise that these
any angle – the parallelogram rule. methods of vector addition apply to any vector
3. Practical using force meters and masses to study the Force meter, pulleys, boss, clamp This can be set up in advance so that three forces
addition of two coplanar vectors. and stand, string, large protractor are in equilibrium, for example, a suspended
mass pulled horizontally by a string attached to a
force meter.
Students measure forces and angles to verify that
Pythagoras’ rule and the parallelogram rule are

Suggested plenary activities Equipment Teacher notes

1. Students work in pairs to draw two or more forces acting
on an object and challenge their partner to draw the
2. Project images of objects in equilibrium and ask students This introduces the idea that, when the resultant
to draw in forces and to show how they are in equilibrium: force is zero, the object is in equilibrium.
a stationary cable car, a picture hanging from cords, a For these situations, the forces form a closed
gymnast balancing on a beam, etc. polygon – a triangle of forces.
3. Set students plenty of practice questions. Students should answer the questions from the
Student Book but also need to draw and interpret
free-body force diagrams for a range of situations.

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Homework suggestions
● Students should complete all of the questions from the Student Book.
● Provide students with a set of drawings or images of objects and ask them to:
1. Identify the forces that are acting on the object.
2. Draw a free-body force diagram.
3. Combine the forces to show the resultant force.
Wider reading
● Students could investigate how forces are balanced in architecture, for example, in struts and trusses, flying buttresses, etc.
● Students could investigate how a sailing boat can tack into the wind.
Support ideas
● If students find ideas hard to grasp when applied to force vectors, use examples with displacement vectors first.
Extension ideas
● Students who have good mathematical skills can be shown how to use trigonometry to add vectors at any angle.
● Resolution of vectors into components can also be discussed at this stage.
Potential misconceptions
● Students often confuse resultant force with the dominant force. If there is a 200 N force acting due north and a 50 N force acting due south, they might
assume that the 200 N force is the resultant.
● Students often believe that if something is at rest (or in equilibrium) there must be no force acting on it, whereas a number of different forces could be
in equilibrium.
● Students often believe that if forces are in equilibrium something must be at rest.
Links to future learning
● Adding and resolving forces is a particular example of adding and resolving vectors. This is relevant to many other areas of physics: momentum,
fields, etc.
● A secure understanding of resultant forces is essential for the application of Newton’s second law.
● Components of forces are important when calculating work done.
Differentiation for IAS students
● This entire section is relevant to both IAS students and IAL students.

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Teaching plan 1A.4 Moments
Student Book links Specification links Links to prior learning Suggested teaching order
● 1A.4 ● 1.3.8 ● Forces and equilibrium 1. Introduction of turning effect of a force and
● 1.3.15 ● Measuring forces and definition of moments, including units.

● 1.3.16 calculating resultant forces 2. Centre of gravity and conditions for equilibrium.
3. Principle of moments.
Learning objectives 4. Measuring moments and testing the principle of
● Calculate the moment of a force.
● Apply the principle of moments.
● Find the centre of gravity of an object.

Key terms Practical skills

● Equilibrium ● Using a newton meter to measure
● Principle of moments forces.

● Centre of gravity ● Judging conditions of equilibrium.

Suggested activity
● Practical 3: Determine the mass of a metre
rule using the principle of moments.

Maths skills
● Recognise and make use of appropriate units in calculations (C.0.1).
● Plot two variables from experimental or other data (C.3.2).
Pre-unit homework suggestions
● Ask students to find at least three examples of situations where a lever is used to do a job, for example, a bottle opener, a door handle, some scissors,
a crowbar, a jack, a seesaw or a spanner.
Suggested starter activities Equipment Teacher notes
1. Discuss students’ own examples of situations where they Use the examples to introduce essential
use a lever to do something. terminology: pivot, force, turning effect, moment.

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2. Challenge any student to pick up a reward from his/her Reward This leads into a discussion about toppling and
feet without toppling forward whilst keeping his/her centre of gravity. Make sure they don’t cheat by
bottom and heels against a wall! If they win, they can sliding down the wall or lifting one foot!
keep the reward.
3. Challenge a student to go from a sitting position on a Chair This reinforces the ideas of activity 2. Make sure
chair to a standing position while keeping his/her arms they don’t tuck their feet back under the chair.
folded and without leaning forward.
Suggested main activities Equipment Teacher notes
1. Find the centre of gravity of 2D objects. Cardboard, scissors, cotton, Encourage students to cut out a variety of different
adhesive tape, pins shapes (or provide templates) and find their centres
of gravity by hanging them from two different points.
2. Define ‘moment’ and provide students with examples in Set of examples
which they need to calculate the moment of a force in a
variety of situations (limited to forces perpendicular to
the line from the pivot).
3. Experimental verification of the principle of moments. 100 g masses, ruler, pivot Challenge students to suggest how two masses
20 cm from the pivot might be balanced by a single
mass on the other side.
Then pair students up and ask one of the pair to
arrange six masses on one side in any
configuration and to challenge their partner to
balance it with the smallest number of additional
Discussion of conditions for equilibrium will lead to
the principle of moments.
Suggested plenary activities Equipment Teacher notes
1. Discuss the physics behind simple balancing toys. Balancing toys or photographs of At first sight, many of these appear counterintuitive
balancing toys – a discussion of the location of the centre of gravity
will explain how they can be in equilibrium and the
way the centre of gravity moves as the toy tips
illustrates ideas about stability.

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2. Experimental investigation of forces and moments on a Two force meters, metre rule, mass Investigate how the vertical support forces (from
simple bridge. hanger, stand, boss clamp force meters) change as a load (representing a
Support metre rule from strings heavy vehicle) moves along the bridge.
attached to force meters placed at A graph showing support forces versus load
10 cm and 90 cm. position is interesting to interpret.
3. Challenge students to find the mass of a metre rule The trick is to balance the ruler on a finger with the
using only the ruler itself and a 100 g mass. mass’ weight providing a balancing moment to the
weight of the rule.
Homework suggestions
● Students make their own balancing toy and produce a summary explaining the physics behind it.
● Students write an explanation, with diagrams, as to why the Fosbury flop is the preferred method for high jumpers.
● Answer questions from the Student Book.
Wider reading
● Investigate the role of moments, equilibrium and stability in the design of wine glasses, buses, tractors, racing cars, etc.
Support ideas
● Explain derived units, for example Nm resulting from newton × metre because moment derives from force × distance.
Extension ideas
● Discuss ideas about stability, and stable and unstable equilibrium.
● Terms such as ‘couple’ and ‘torque’ could be introduced and defined.
● Calculate moments when force is not perpendicular to the line from the pivot to the point of action of the force, as seen in a drawbridge.
Potential misconceptions
● Students often use ‘force’ and ‘moment’ interchangeably.
● When asked why a structure or object is in equilibrium, students often respond by saying that it is because the forces are balanced – they forget that
both forces and moments must be balanced.
● Confusion over units – Nm and N, and Nm and N/m – and over the difference between Nm for moments and Nm for energy (joules).
● Students often expect the centre of gravity to lie within the body. Make sure they see examples where this is not the case.
● Students often forget to include the moment caused by the weight of a beam in bridges and balances.
● Centre of mass and centre of gravity are often confused. In a uniform gravitational field, they are at the same point.

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Links to future learning
● The couple on a current-carrying coil in a uniform magnetic field as an example (of the motor effect).
Differentiation for IAS students
● This entire section is relevant to both IAS students and IAL students.

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Teaching plan 1A.5 Newton’s laws of motion
Student Book links Specification links Links to prior learning Suggested teaching order
● 1A.5 ● 1.3.9 ● Scalars and vectors, 1. Newton’s first law.
● 1.3.10 acceleration, forces 2. Measuring acceleration.
● 1.3.12 3. Measuring the acceleration of free fall (CP1).
4. Experimental work on force, mass and
Learning objectives
5. Interpretation of graphs: direct and inverse
● Recall Newton’s laws of motion and use them to explain the acceleration of objects. proportionality.
● Make calculations using Newton’s second law of motion. 6. Newton’s second law and the definition of ‘the
● Identify pairs of forces involved in Newton’s third law of motion. newton’.
7. Newton’s third law.

Key terms Practical skills

● Newton’s first law of motion ● Dependent, independent and control variables
● Newton’s second law of motion in F, m, a experiments.

● Newton’s third law of motion Suggested activity

● Determine the acceleration of a freely-falling
object (Core practical 1).

Maths skills
● Understand and use the symbols: =, <, <<, >>, >, ∞, ≈, ∆ (C.2.1).
● Translate information between graphical, numerical and algebraic forms (C.3.1).
● Plot two variables from experimental or other data (C.3.2).
● Determine the slope and intercept of a linear graph (C.3.4).
Pre-unit homework suggestions
● Students should investigate motion in space. Pose the questions: ‘Why do spacecraft not need to keep their rocket motors burning on a trip to
the Moon?’ and ‘Why don’t planets slow down?’

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Suggested starter activities Equipment Teacher notes
1. Roll a small ball (a marble would work well) down a U- Curtain track (or similar), ball or low Ideally, the ball should rise to the same height on
shaped piece of curtain track. Repeat with one side of the friction toy car the far side as the height from which is released. As
track progressively lowered. the far side is lowered it travels further. Galileo
argued that it would continue moving forever if the
far side never rose up (and there was no friction).
2. Compare motion on an air track with the air both Air track and rider This reinforces the idea that, in the absence of a
switched on and turned off. resultant force, the natural state of motion is
constant velocity.
3. Discuss the role of resultant force in causing This will lead to a discussion of the factors affecting
acceleration. acceleration – resultant force and mass.
Suggested main activities Equipment Teacher notes
1. Measuring acceleration. Example equipment includes light This should be linked to the method that will be
gates and motion sensors used to measure the acceleration of free fall in
activity 2.
2. CP1: measuring the acceleration of free fall. Use a method linked to activity 1. If this is repeated for objects of different mass, it
Typical apparatus: light gates and leads to the often counter-intuitive notion that all
datalogger, or electronic release and objects fall at the same acceleration in the same
timer gravitational field (in the absence of friction).
This should lead to a good discussion of the role of
mass both as the origin of the resultant force
(through its weight) and of its inertia.
3. Investigate how resultant force affects acceleration Trolley on low friction ramp, falling The falling masses accelerate both themselves and
(constant mass). masses connected via cotton and the trolley so, to keep mass constant, students
pulley to provide resultant force, light need to transfer mass from the load to the trolley.
gates to measure acceleration Ask them to plot resultant force against acceleration
and to interpret their result.
Students need to understand ideas about direct
proportion in order to obtain the mathematical
relation between resultant force and acceleration.
This can be taken further to obtain the mass from
the gradient of the graph.

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4. Explain Newton’s third law and challenge students to This could be carried out as a circus of static
identify ‘action-reaction’ pairs in different situations. examples with students circulating around the room
trying to apply Newton’s third law to each case.
Suggested plenary activities Equipment Teacher notes
1. Discuss the effect of changing mass, for example, what
happens to the 0–60 mph time for a car when it carries
passengers as well as a driver? How is the braking
distance of a truck changed when it is fully loaded?
2. Devise ten quick-fire F = ma questions. Sample F = ma questions For an extra challenge, ask students to answer
without using a calculator.
3. In pairs, each student writes an F = ma question with a
mark scheme. Then, they must answer each other’s
Homework suggestions
● Investigate car performance data – use 0–60 mph times to compare maximum accelerations. You could convert units first or treat them as 0–
30 m s–1 times.
● There is plenty of opportunity to carry out and discuss detailed experimental write-ups.
● Set plenty of F = ma questions, including problems from the Student Book.
● Provide a set of examples in which students must identify action and reaction forces.
Wider reading
● Students could investigate different propulsion systems to explain how the resultant force is generated and what limits maximum speed.
Support ideas
● Some students might benefit from separate work on the interpretation of graphs of the form y = mx + c and ideas such as direct and inverse proportion.
● The subtleties involved in keeping mass constant when investigating the effect of resultant force can be avoided if the falling masses are much smaller
than the trolley mass (but this does mean that only small accelerations are investigated).
Extension ideas
● Limitations to F = ma are not valid as v approaches c because of relativistic effects.
● Apply to situations involving changing mass, such as rockets.
● Explore the inertial forces experienced in accelerating reference frames.

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Potential misconceptions
● Students often use the largest force acting as the resultant instead of calculating the actual resultant from all forces.
● Newton’s third law is often misunderstood. The key is that both the ‘action’ and ‘reaction’ forces are part of the same interaction. Both are
gravitational or both are electromagnetic and the two forces act on different bodies.
● Be aware of confusion arising from the common use of ‘reaction force’ for the normal contact force from a surface (especially in applied mathematics).
This does not (in Newton’s third law) make it a reaction to weight.
Links to future learning
d ( mv )
 The idea of ∑F = ma as a special case of ∑ F= for constant mass.

Differentiation for IAS students

● This entire section is relevant to both IAS students and IAL students.

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Teaching plan 1A.6 Kinematics equations
Student Book links Specification links Links to prior learning Suggested teaching order
● 1A.6 ● 1.3.1 ● Graphs of motion 1. Review of speed, distance, time calculations.
● CP1 ● Velocity and acceleration 2. Definition of kinematics terms and units:
Learning objectives s – displacement (m)
u – initial velocity (ms−1)
● Recall the simple kinematics equations.
v – final velocity (ms−1)
● Calculate unknown variables using the kinematics equations.
a – acceleration (ms−2)
t – time (s).
3. Derivation of kinematics equations.
4. Practice in solving problems using
kinematics equations.
Key terms Practical skills
● Kinematics ● This unit is mainly theoretical but motion
● Uniform motion sensors and dataloggers could be used to
display motion graphs.
Maths skills
● Recognise and make use of appropriate units in calculations (C.0.1).
● Change the subject of an equation, including non-linear equations (C.2.2).
● Substitute numerical values into algebraic equations using appropriate units for physical quantities (C.2.3).
● Solve algebraic equations, including quadratic equations (C.2.4).
● Translate information between graphical, numerical and algebraic forms (C.3.1).
● Understand that y = mx + c represents a linear relationship (C.3.3).
● Determine the slope and intercept of a linear graph (C 3.4).
● Calculate rate of change from a graph showing a linear relationship (C.3.5).
● Distinguish between instantaneous rate of change and average rate of change (C.3.7).

Pre-unit homework suggestions

● Revisit speed, distance, time equations.

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Suggested starter activities Equipment Teacher notes
1. Produce velocity–time graphs for uniformly accelerated Motion sensor and datalogger Use this as a review of ideas about v–t graphs: the
motion. gradient represents acceleration and area
represents displacement.
2. Define kinematics terms and units. Emphasise that the analysis that follows applies
only to situations with constant acceleration.
Suggested main activities Equipment Teacher notes
1. Use the definition of acceleration to derive the first
kinematics equation: v = u + at.
2. Use a v–t graph showing constant positive acceleration Show students that, for each kinematics equation,
from u to v to derive the remaining KINEMATICS one of the five variables is being substituted.
This means that if any three of the kinematics
variables are known, the unknown ones can be
3. Set tasks to help students to memorise these important Pre-printed sheets with partial equations could be
equations. completed by students, or individuals could be
asked to complete equations on the board.
4. Demonstrate a standard method for solving kinematics As an example:
problems and follow up by setting a significant number of 1. Identify known and unknown quantities.
examples for students to work on.
2. Find the appropriate kinematics equation.
3. Rearrange
4. Substitute
5. Solve
Suggested plenary activities Equipment Teacher notes
1. Challenge students to derive particular
kinematics equations.
2. Discuss why kinematics equations cannot be
applied to situations with varying acceleration.

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Homework suggestions
● Give students plenty of practice with kinematics problems.
● Students derive equations given a suitable velocity–time graph.
● Students tackle the problems in the Student Book.
Wider reading
● Students could investigate how police forensic teams reconstruct the conditions of a car accident by considering evidence of initial and final speeds,
using tyre marks, for example.
Support ideas
● Rearranging the more complex equations of motion for constant acceleration can prove problematic for some students. To help overcome this, a careful
series of steps should be presented to students.
● Initial problems should already have the unknown quantity as the subject of the equation.
● Less able students will tend to substitute numerical values too early. Encourage them to rearrange the equations before substituting.
Extension ideas
● Use kinematics equations for multi-stage motions with different constant velocities in each stage.
Potential misconceptions
● Students often confuse s for displacement with speed.
● Students often confuse velocity with acceleration. They may make statements like 'the acceleration gets faster as an object falls'. This is difficult
to overcome but key terms and correct language should be stressed throughout.
● Problems often involve objects that start from rest. Students can miss the implicit data that u = 0.
Links to future learning
● Projectile motion – using kinematics in two dimensions.
Differentiation for IAS students
● This entire unit is relevant for both IAS students and IAL students.

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Teaching plan 1A.7 Resolving vectors
Student Book links Specification links Links to prior learning Suggested teaching order
● 1A.7 ● 1.3.5 ● Scalars and vectors 1. Examples of vector components.
● Velocity 2. Resolving by scale drawing.
● KINEMATICS equations 3. Resolving using trigonometry.
Learning objectives 4. Independence of perpendicular components.
5. Choice of axes.
● Explain that any vector can be split into two components at right angles to each other.
● Calculate the values of the component vectors in any such right-angled pair (resolution).

Key terms Practical skills

● Resolution or resolving vectors ● Measurements of lengths and angles.
● Catapult

Maths skills Digital learning ideas

● Use Pythagoras’ theorem, and the angle sum of a triangle (C.4.4). ● Multiflash images and video clips, which can
● Use sin, cos and tan in physical problems (C.4.5). be found online, show the independence of
horizontal and vertical motions for projectiles.
Pre-unit homework suggestions
● Students practise calculating the sine and cosine of angles and solving simple right-angled triangle problems.
Suggested starter activities Equipment Teacher notes
1. Use displacement vectors on a map to introduce the idea Map(s) either spread around the Ask questions such as ‘How far north/east of city
of vector components. class or one projected for all to see A is city B?’ and show that the displacement
vector from A to B is being resolved along two
perpendicular axes (N and E).

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2. Consider horizontal and vertical displacements of This can be a simple discussion or can be made
a vehicle on an inclined plane. more analytic by taking measurements. Students
could verify that the sum of squares of the
horizontal and vertical components equals the
square of the total displacement (Pythagoras).
Suggested main activities Equipment Teacher notes
1. Measure the vertical and horizontal components of 1 m rule, second 1 m rule to If students record horizontal and vertical
displacement when a 1 m rule is inclined at a variable measure horizontal and vertical displacements as the rule (representing a 1 m
angle to the horizontal. components, protractor displacement vector) is lifted from 0 to 90 degrees,
they can plot the components against the angle and
verify that these are the cosine and sine of the
angle respectively.

2. Show how to use trigonometry to calculate components Emphasise that this works for any vector (not just
along perpendicular axes. displacement) and works for any set of
perpendicular axes.
Suggested plenary activities Equipment Teacher notes
1. Measure the apparent weight of a trolley on an inclined Low friction trolley, inclined plane Students can measure the weight needed to
plane. with varying angles of inclination, balance the trolley on the inclined plane. This
protractor, pulley attached to the end should be mg sin θ where m is the mass of the
of the plane, cotton attached to trolley.
trolley, mass hanger
2. Set plenty of problems that involve resolving different Make sure these include questions in which
types of vector: displacement, velocity, force. students could select more than one set of
perpendicular axes to resolve the vectors.

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3. Demonstrate the independence of horizontal and vertical Monkey and hunter apparatus sets This needs careful set-up. It could also be used as
components of velocity using an experiment such as the are available from a range of an introduction to projectile motion in Section 1A.8
‘monkey and hunter’. suppliers. It can also be compiled or left until later.
using standard lab equipment as The idea is that the ball bearing breaks a circuit that
follows: spring-loaded trolley, ball releases the can so that the can begins to fall as
bearing, electromagnet, power
the ball bearing is fired towards it. Both accelerate
supply, ferromagnetic can.
at the same rate in the same gravitational field so
You will also need to improvise a
the ball bearing will end up inside the can.
switch that opens as the ball is fired,
such as a strip of aluminium foil Practise first before demonstrating!
between two crocodile clips.

Homework suggestions
● Lots of practice is essential here. Students should answer the questions from the Student Book, but it may be useful to set further practice.
Wider reading
● Students could investigate medieval ideas about the paths of projectiles and Galileo’s experiments with inclined planes and falling bodies.
Support ideas
● Less able students will find the scale drawing approach simpler at the beginning and should only move over to the use of trigonometry when they
fully understand the idea of resolving a vector.
● It might be helpful to remind students of the definitions of sines and cosines prior to using them to resolve vectors.
Extension ideas
● Challenge able mathematicians to prove that the path followed by an object projected horizontally in a uniform gravitational field is parabolic.
Potential misconceptions
● Students may assume that vectors must always be resolved vertically and horizontally. Problems on inclined planes should convince them that this is
not always the simplest choice of axes.
Links to future learning
● Independence of horizontal and vertical components of motion in projectile motion.
● Components of fields.
Differentiation for IAS students
● This entire unit is relevant for both IAS students and IAL students.

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Teaching plan 1A.8 Projectiles
Student Book links Specification links Links to prior learning Suggested teaching order
● 1A.8 ● 1.3.1 ● Motion graphs 1. Review of independence of vector components.
● 1.3.7 ● Newton’s laws of motion 2. Definition of ‘projectile motion’ and examples.
● Kinematic equations 3. Analysis of the motion of a projectile.
● Resolving vectors 4. Recombining velocity components.
Learning objectives
● Apply kinematics equations to moving objects.
● Apply the independence of horizontal and vertical motion to objects moving freely under gravity.
● Combine horizontal and vertical motion to calculate the movements of projectiles.

Key terms Practical skills

● Projectile ● Use of light gates to measure
● Use of rules to measure height and range.
Suggested activity
● Practical: Investigate projectile motion.

Maths skills Digital learning ideas

● Change the subject of an equation, including non-linear equations (C.2.2). ● Data for the projectile experiments can be
● Substitute numerical values into algebraic equations using appropriate units for physical recorded and analysed using a spreadsheet.
quantities (C.2.3). ● Analyse multiflash images, which can be
● Solve algebraic equations, including quadratic equations (C.2.4). found online, using a suitable software
package, such as Tracker.
● Use angles in regular 2D and 3D structures (C.4.1).
● Use Pythagoras’ theorem, and the angle sum of a triangle (C.4.4).

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Pre-unit homework suggestions
● Students could research Galileo’s thought experiments about projectile motion.

Suggested starter activities Equipment Teacher notes

1. Challenge students to describe the path of an object This links to Galileo’s original thought experiments:
dropped vertically inside a uniformly moving vehicle, for Where does a ball fall when dropped from the top of
example, a bus, train, boat or plane. a ship’s mast (i) with the ship at rest? (ii) when the
ship moves forwards at constant velocity?
2. Demonstrate that objects of different mass fall with the The famous ‘hammer and feather’ experiment was
same vertical acceleration (ignoring friction). carried out by Apollo astronauts on the Moon. In the
absence of air resistance both reached the surface
at the same time. The clip is available on YouTube.
3. Demonstrate the ‘monkey and hunter’ experiment. Monkey and hunter apparatus sets This might be worth repeating, even if
are available from a range of demonstrated in 1A.7.
suppliers. It can also be compiled You will also need to improvise a switch that opens
using standard lab equipment as as the ball is fired, such as a strip of aluminium foil
follows: spring-loaded trolley, ball between two crocodile clips.
bearing, electromagnet, power
supply, ferromagnetic can. This needs careful set-up and needs to be
convincing. It could be used as an introduction to
projectile motion in this section or left until later.
Suggested main activities Equipment Teacher notes
1. Show how to calculate the maximum height and time of This should be a straightforward review of use of
flight of a projectile fired vertically. KINEMATICS equations. It can also be used to
introduce the idea of symmetry – the time to reach
maximum height is half the total time of flight.
2. Investigate how the range of a projectile fired horizontally Suitable object and launching If frictional forces can be neglected, the range
from the edge of a bench depends on its initial velocity. mechanism (e.g. a ramp and a toy should be directly proportional to the initial velocity.
car), apparatus to measure initial This is because the time to fall is independent of the
velocity (e.g. a light gate), tray or horizontal velocity. Students should plot range
carpet for landing, metre rule against initial velocity and be challenged to explain
their result.

3. Show students how to recombine velocity components to

calculate impact angle and magnitude of impact velocity.

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4. Derive a formula for the range of a projectile fired at an This involves several mathematical ideas and
angle  to the horizontal. needs to be presented carefully. It might be a step
too far for less able mathematicians at this stage.
Suggested plenary activities Equipment Teacher notes
1. Challenge students to work out the speed of water flow Water jet (e.g. a narrow rubber tube It might be helpful to hint that the idea is the same
from a rubber pipe by making suitable measurements on attached to a tap), rule as in the range experiment in activity 2 above.
the trajectory.
2. Set plenty of practice questions on projectile motion. These should include objects launched horizontally
from a height above the ground, vertically from the
ground and at an angle to the ground.
3. Investigate the range of a simple catapult. Low-powered catapult
(spring-loaded), sand tray to catch
projectile, rule, protractor
Homework suggestions
● Students tackle the questions in the Student Book.
● This is a good place to introduce some past exam paper questions.
● Students could write an explanation of how they calculated (or could calculate) water flow speed by measuring the trajectory of the flow.
Wider reading
● Investigate Galileo’s writings in Discourse on the Two New Sciences.
● Investigate how well ideas about projectile motion apply in different ball sports.
Support ideas
● Remind students that both weight and inertia depend on mass so that all objects have the same freefall acceleration.
● It can be helpful for students to imagine moving horizontally with the projectile so that, in their reference frame, it falls vertically. This reinforces the idea
that the two components of the motion are independent. It can be demonstrated by asking a student to drop a ball beside him/her as he/she walks
across the room.
Extension ideas
● How might air resistance affect the maximum height and range of a projectile?
● How is range affected if the projectile is launched on sloping ground?
● Under what circumstances does the simple model of projectile motion break down?

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Potential misconceptions
● Ask students to imagine a bullet fired horizontally at the same time as another similar bullet is dropped vertically (ignoring air resistance and the
curvature of the Earth). Which reaches the ground first? Many will still expect the bullet that falls vertically to land first. Discussion should help
to reinforce the genuine independence of horizontal and vertical motions.
● Ask students where a bullet fired vertically from a uniformly moving vehicle would return to the ground. In reality, on Earth it would not be possible to
ignore air resistance so this thought experiment should be located on the Moon! Many will not realise that the bullet’s horizontal motion will mean that
it falls back onto the car. Discussion can again help to clarify ideas about independent components.
Links to future learning
● Projectile motion can be used as an introduction to orbital motion, as Newton did in the Principia.
● Paths of charged particles in uniform electric fields are mathematically equivalent to projectile motion in a uniform gravitational field.
Differentiation for IAS students
● This entire unit is relevant for both IAS students and IAL students.

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