Topic 1 Mechanics Teaching Plan 1C.1 Momentum

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Topic 1 Mechanics

Teaching plan 1C.1 Momentum

Student Book links Specification links Links to prior learning Suggested teaching order
● 1C.1 ● 1.3.9 ● Speed, distance, time, velocity, 1. Qualitative idea of linear momentum.
● 1.3.13 acceleration 2. Definition of ‘linear momentum’.
● Resolving vectors 3. Force and rate of change of momentum.
● Newton’s laws of motion and 4. Newton’s second law of motion.
the kinematics equations
Learning objectives
● Calculate the momentum of an object.
● Explain how momentum is gained or lost.

Key terms Practical skills

● Momentum ● Measurements of length and time.
● Use of stop watch or light gates.
● Use of datalogger.
Maths skills Digital learning ideas
● Recognise and make use of appropriate units in calculations (C.0.1). ● Use of spreadsheets to collect and analyse
● Change the subject of an equation, including non-linear equations (C.2.2). data.
● Substitute numerical values into algebraic equations using appropriate units for physical ● Use of dataloggers to collect and display
quantities (C.2.3). motion data.

● Solve algebraic equations, including quadratic equations (C.2.4).

● Plot two variables from experimental or other data (C.3.2).
● Understand the possible physical significance of the area between a curve and the
x-axis and be able to calculate it or estimate it by graphical methods as appropriate (C.3.8).

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Pre-unit homework suggestions
● Students could investigate airbags, crumple zones and seat belts in cars, or similar force reduction technologies elsewhere – children’s playgrounds,
training shoes, cycle helmets, etc., and discuss how they work as a class.
Suggested starter activities Equipment Teacher notes
1. Ask students why being hit by a cricket ball moving at Examples like these can be used to introduce the
10 m s–1 hurts more than being hit by a table tennis ball concept of momentum qualitatively and to link it to
moving at the same velocity, or why being hit by a tennis the forces involved in momentum changes.
ball at 40 m s–1 hurts more than being hit by the same
tennis ball at 10 m s–1.
2. Introduce the idea of momentum as a measure of Video clips of situations in which Again, a qualitative discussion, but one that can
‘quantity of motion’ and ask how momentum can be momentum is changing reinforce the link between force and rate of change
changed. of momentum, and the idea of that using a larger
force for a longer time increases the change of
The vector nature of momentum can also be
introduced at this stage by discussing simple
collisions. Video clips of a gymnast trampolining are

Suggested main activities Equipment Teacher notes

1. Define ‘linear momentum’. Provide plenty of examples of Examples should be wide-ranging and could
objects in motion and ask students to calculate their include anything from protons in the Large Hadron
momentum. Collider to planets.
Questions such as ‘estimate how fast you would
have to move to have the same momentum as a
rifle bullet’ are helpful for discussion.
2. Demonstrate changes of momentum from impulsive Suggested equipment includes: a The demonstrations can be used to show that
interactions. nail in a block of wood, a hammer, change of momentum depends on force and
and a tennis racket and tennis ball duration of force. The equation mv = Ft can be
derived from F = ma at this stage or linked to
Newton’s second law later.

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3. Students measure the velocity of a trolley running down Trolley, ramp, motion sensor to Students should calculate momentum as a function
an inclined plane under the influence of a constant measure velocity as a function of of time. This gives a straight line graph of constant
resultant force. Use student results to time (or several light gates along gradient – a constant rate of change of momentum
introduce/reinforce the idea of force as rate of change ramp) from a constant force. The gradient equals the
of momentum. force. If a graph of force against time is also plotted,
the area underneath equals the final momentum.

4. Develop the theory of Newton’s second law of motion in Emphasise the equivalence of kg m s–1 and Ns as
more mathematical detail. SI units of momentum and impulse.
Suggested plenary activities Equipment Teacher notes
1. Ask students to sketch the variation of force with time for This may well lead to a preliminary discussion of
a racket hitting a tennis ball and to relate this to the Newton’s third law.
change of momentum of the ball. The graph of force against time on the racket is the
negative of the graph for the force on the ball.
2. Demonstrate how to measure the force exerted on a Football with electrical contact, shoe This is best done outside with a student goalkeeper
football in a free kick by using the rate of change of with electrical contact, electronic to catch the ball. There are various ways to
momentum of the ball. timer to time when foot is in contact measure the velocity of the ball but a rough value
with ball, goalkeeper, stopclock, using a stop watch and tape measure is fine.
tape measure, top pan balance
The force exerted on the ball is given by F= .
3. Rocket launch demonstrations. Rockets, tape measure, large These demonstrations require a robust risk
protractor, metre rule, stopclock assessment. If carried out successfully the
maximum altitude can be used to estimate initial
velocity. A further estimate (based on observation)
of time for the ‘burn’ can be made. Using these
values and rocket mass, the thrust can be
There is plenty to discuss here. It is also possible to
attach a rocket motor to a force sensor (on a
suitable launch pad) to obtain a graph of force
against time directly.

Homework suggestions
● Students write up the experimental results and analysis of graphs of mv against time and F against time.
● Set plenty of practice questions including questions from the Student Book.

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Wider reading
● Students can investigate the advantages and disadvantages of colliders versus fixed target devices in particle physics experiments.
● An investigation of aircraft and rocket propulsion systems can lead to a discussion of Newton’s third law and momentum conservation.
Support ideas
● This is quite a challenging concept and needs to be developed gradually. Visual examples and graphical analogues to reinforce the mathematical ideas
will help less able students.
● Ideas related to rates of change (differentiation) and areas under a graph (integration) are particularly difficult for many students and require careful
reinforcement and plenty of practice.
Extension ideas
● Ideas of impulse and change of momentum follow naturally from this work and may well be included from the outset.
● Impulse as the integral of F(t) with respect to time. For confident mathematicians, a more formal approach can be taken, emphasising the techniques of
Potential misconceptions
● Students may get confused between kinetic energy and linear momentum since both depend on mass and velocity.
● Confusion often arises in distinguishing force and impulse.
● Force as rate of change of momentum is a tricky concept.
Links to future learning
● Conservation of momentum.
● Elastic and inelastic collisions.
Differentiation for IAS students
● This entire unit is relevant for both IAS students and IAL students.

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Teaching plan 1C.2 Conservation of linear momentum
Student Book links Specification links Links to prior learning Suggested teaching order
● 1C.2 ● 1.3.12 ● Speed, distance, time, velocity, 1. Momentum changes in collisions.
● 1.3.14 acceleration 2. Conservation of linear momentum.
● Resolving vectors 3. Newton’s third law of motion.
● Newton’s laws of motion and 4. Explosions.
the kinematics equations
● Momentum and impulse
Learning objectives
● Explain the principle of conservation of linear momentum.
● Make calculations based on the conservation of linear momentum.

Key terms Practical skills

● Conservation of linear momentum ● Measurements of length and time.
● Explosion ● Use of stopwatch or light gates.

Maths skills Digital learning ideas

● Change the subject of an equation, including non-linear equations (C.2.2). ● Video analysis.
● Substitute numerical values into algebraic equations using appropriate units for physical
quantities (C.2.3).
● Solve algebraic equations, including quadratic equations (C.2.4).
Pre-unit homework suggestions
● Review free-body force diagrams and ask students to identify all forces acting on interacting objects. This could include a person sitting on a stool, an
apple hanging from a tree (note: students may get confused about the role of the Earth), two sportswomen colliding and a dart striking a dart board.
Students should draw each body separately and identify only the forces that act on that body.

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Suggested starter activities Equipment Teacher notes
1. Demonstrate and discuss examples of collisions and Dependent on examples chosen: Ask students to consider how momentum is
explosions. Newton’s cradle, jumping frog toy, transferred and to identify the important forces
video clips of car crash tests, pool during the interaction.
table, air track and riders
2. Film an inelastic collision between two trolleys of equal Webcam and laptop, two trolleys Time reversal turns an inelastic collision into an
mass approaching from opposite directions with equal (one with a spike, the other with explosion. In both cases, the total momentum (in
velocity. Show the video both forwards and reversed. modelling clay or similar for a spike the centre-of-momentum frame) is zero. Note that
to stick into), runway whilst linear momentum is conserved in both cases,
kinetic energy is not.
Suggested main activities Equipment Teacher notes
1. State the conservation of linear momentum and explain The idea of a closed system (no external forces) is
the conditions under which it applies. crucial, as is the vector nature of the law.
2. Either demonstrate, or invite students to measure, the Runway or air track, trolleys or air It is important to use a low friction system otherwise
momentum changes in simple linear collisions of different track riders, light gates to measure transfer of momentum out of the system will
kinds. velocity before and after collisions, confuse results. Students need to measure and
means of varying the nature of the compare the total linear momentum vector before
collisions (elastic/inelastic), top pan and after collisions.

3. State and explain Newton’s third law of motion using a The compact statement ‘for every action there is an
variety of examples or simple demonstrations. equal and opposite reaction’ needs very careful
unpacking and explanation.
4. Analyse momentum conservation for a simple linear Two trolleys, runway, spring, light Vary the masses and show students how the final
‘explosion’. This could be two trolleys pushed together gates to measure velocity of each velocities change.
with a spring compressed between them and then trolley after ‘explosion’
Suggested plenary activities Equipment Teacher notes
1. There are plenty of ‘brain teaser’ problems that can be Can a boat be propelled by firing cannon balls from
used to deepen understanding. one end to another? How can an astronaut
stranded in the middle of a space station get to the
side? When the Moon orbits the Earth, its direction
continually changes, so how is momentum
conserved in the Earth–Moon system?

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2. Students could use Tracker or a similar video analysis Laptops, video tracking software There are plenty of suitable collision videos on
software package to analyse video clips of collisions. (e.g. Tracker), video clips YouTube. These must be preselected to ensure
they are appropriate.
3. Use conservation of momentum to calculate the velocity Video clip from YouTube
of an air pistol pellet fired into a target on an air track

4. Provide a set of pictorial examples and challenge Examples sheet or projected images
students to identify ‘action–reaction’ pairs.

Homework suggestions
● Students could investigate how the law of conservation of momentum applies to rocket propulsion both during initial launch and when in deep space.
● Students need to tackle a large number of problems on momentum conservation including those in the Student Book.
Wider reading
● Students could analyse particle tracks in detectors such as a cloud chamber and bubble chamber as well as more modern devices.
● Explore the physical principles behind jet engines and rocket motors.
Support ideas
● Encourage students to start by adopting a sign convention, such as ‘right is positive’, and then to write out ‘momentum before’ and ‘momentum after’
before equating these to solve a problem.
● Students who are visual learners will appreciate a treatment of conservation of linear momentum using vector arrows to represent the momentum of
the system before and after a collision or explosion.
Extension ideas
● Collisions in 2D (and 3D) such as pool or billiards can be used to develop ideas about resolving and combining vectors (covered in Section 1A.7)Explore
elastic and inelastic collisions.
● Conservation of momentum and energy in alpha decay could be researched here.
● Use of momentum conservation in identification of subatomic particles would be an interesting extension.
● Conservation of momentum when mass is changing, as in rocket equations, may be interesting to students.

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Potential misconceptions
● Confusion of momentum with energy in collisions may occur – the false idea that momentum can be changed to ‘other forms’.
● The suggestion that momentum is ‘lost’ when something comes to rest rather than that it has been transferred to another body. This is particularly
true for situations involving the Earth whose large mass means that its momentum changes when we or objects we use interact with it.
● Students often forget to use a sign convention when solving problems involving collisions and explosions.
● Many students get confused by the third law. It is better to teach it in the form ‘When A exerts a force on B, B exerts a force of equal magnitude but
acting in the opposite direction on A’. The three key points are: forces come in pairs as ends of an interaction, Newton’s third law applies to forces of the
same kind (such as gravitational), the forces in Newton’s third law always act on different bodies so they can never cancel out.
● The term ‘reaction’ in Newton’s law can become confused with the way ‘reaction forces’ are often used in mathematics courses, in which they refer to
normal forces from a surface. This can lead to the mistake of thinking that the normal reaction from the surface is a reaction to the weight of an
Links to future learning
● Momentum conservation in atomic physics.
● Elastic and inelastic collisions.
Differentiation for IAS students
● It is best to stick to simple 1D examples for IAS students.

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