7 Plant Kingdom: Solutions

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Chapter 7

Plant Kingdom


Objective Type Questions
(Classification systems and Branches of Taxonomy)
1. Which of the following systems of classification involves usage of one or few morphological characters for
grouping of organisms?
(1) Artificial system (2) Natural system
(3) Phylogenetic system (4) Bentham and Hooker’s system
Sol. Answer (1)
Artificial system of classification involves usage of one or few morphological characters.
2. Classification of organisms on the basis of fossils record that play important role in elucidation of evolutionary
relationships is
(1) Earliest systems (2) Phylogenetic systems (3) Morphotaxonomy (4) Artificial system
Sol. Answer (2)
Phylogenetic system plays important role in elucidation of evolutionary relationships.
3. DNA sequence is the basis of grouping organisms in
(1) Karyotaxonomy (2) Cytotaxonomy (3) Phenetics (4) Chemotaxonomy
Sol. Answer (4)
Chemotaxonomy involves grouping of organisms on the basis of :
 DNA sequence
 RNA sequence
 Chemical nature of protein etc.
4. Plants which are not differentiated into roots, stems and leaves are
(1) Algae (2) Gymnosperms (3) Pteridophytes (4) Angiosperms
Sol. Answer (1)
Algae are thallophytes.

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128 Plant Kingdom Solutions of Assignment (Set-2)

5. Cell wall of Spirogyra is composed of

(1) Peptidoglycan (2) Pectin (3) Cellulose (4) Both (2) & (3)
Sol. Answer (4)
Cell wall of Spirogyra is composed of pectin and cellulose.
6. Kelps are massive
(1) Brown algae (2) Amphibious plants
(3) Flowering plants (4) Plants with naked seeds
Sol. Answer (1)
Kelps are massive brown algae.
7. Laminarin is the stored food in
(1) Dictyota (2) Volvox (3) Polysiphonia (4) Chlamydomonas
Sol. Answer (1)
Laminarin is the stored food in brown algae e.g., Dictyota.
8. In Gracilaria, sexual reproduction is
(1) Isogamous (2) Anisogamous (3) Oogamous (4) Both (1) & (2)
Sol. Answer (3)
Sexual reproduction in red algae is oogamous
e.g., Gracilaria, Gelidium
9. Ectocarpus is
(1) Unicellular green algae (2) Filamentous brown algae
(3) Branched red algae (4) Colonial green algae
Sol. Answer (2)
Ectocarpus is branched filamentous brown algae
10. Find out the mismatch pair
(1) Carrageen – Red algae (2) Algin – Brown algae
(3) Agar – Chlorella (4) Single celled protein – Spirullina
Sol. Answer (3)
Agar – Red algae
11. In algae, the photosynthetic pigments are present in
(1) Pyrenoids (2) Cell wall (3) Chloroplast (4) Vacuole
Sol. Answer (3)
Photosynthetic pigments in algae are present in chloroplast.
12. Which of the following statement is incorrect regarding bryophytes?
(1) They are dependent on water for sexual reproduction
(2) The main plant body is diploid
(3) They usually occur in damp, humid and shaded localities
(4) They play an important role in plant succession on bare rocks
Sol. Answer (2)
The main plant body in bryophytes is haploid.
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13. Peat is obtained from
(1) Sphagnum (2) Funaria (3) Riccia (4) Marchantia
Sol. Answer (1)
Peat is obtained from Sphagnum.
14. Liverworts reproduce asexually by
(1) Gemmae (2) Fragmentation (3) Mitospores (4) Both (1) & (2)
Sol. Answer (4)
Liverworts reproduce asexually by gemmae and fragmentation.
15. _______ is used by gardeners to keep cut plants moist during transportation and propagation.
(1) Marchantia (2) Sphagnum (3) Equisetum (4) Funaria
Sol. Answer (2)
Sphagnum is used for seedling of cut plants.
16. In mosses the sex organs are present in the
(1) Protonema stage (2) Sporophytic stage (3) Leafy stage (4) Both (1) & (2)
Sol. Answer (3)
In mosses the sex organs are present in the leafy stage.
17. Antherozoids represent
(1) Male gametophyte (2) Photosynthetic sporophyte
(3) Female gametophyte (4) Motile male gametes
Sol. Answer (4)
Antherozoids represent male motile gametes.
18. In pteridophytes, spores germinate to give rise to
(1) Prothallus (2) Protonema (3) Leafy stage (4) Strobili
Sol. Answer (1)
In pteridophytes, spores germinate to give rise to prothallus.
19. In Selaginella the embryo develops into
(1) Gametophyte (2) Sporophyte (3) Archegonium (4) Antheridium
Sol. Answer (2)
In Selaginella the embryo develops into sporophyte.
20. In pteridophytes, the megaspore germinates to form
(1) Pollen grain (2) Embryo (3) Seed (4) Female gametophyte
Sol. Answer (4)
In pteridophytes, the megaspore germinates to form female gametophytes.

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21. The development of young embryos of pteridophytes within the female gametophytes is a precursor to the
(1) Aquatic habit (2) Autotrophic habit (3) Seed habit (4) Parasitic habit
Sol. Answer (3)
Young embryos of pteridophytes within the female gametophyte – precursor to the seed habit.
22. Which of the following possess vascular tissues but lacks seeds?
(1) Mosses (2) Volvox (3) Ferns (4) Liverworts
Sol. Answer (3)
Pteridophytes possess vascular tissues but lacks seeds. e.g., Ferns
23. The main plant body is differentiated into true root, stem and leaves in
(1) Green algae (2) Bryophytes (3) Blue green algae (4) Pteridophytes
Sol. Answer (4)
The main plant body is corprophytes differentiated into true root, stem and leaves. They are pteridophytes,
gymnosperm and angiosperm.
24. Evolutionarily, the first terrestrial plants to possess vascular tissues are
(1) Green algae (2) Pteridophytes (3) Brown algae (4) Bryophytes
Sol. Answer (2)
Pteridophytes, first terrestrial plants to possess vascular tissues.
25. In pteridophytes, fusion of gametes takes place in
(1) External medium (2) Antheridium (3) Sporangium (4) Archegonium
Sol. Answer (4)
In pteridophytes, fusion of gametes takes place in archegonium.
26. The first seeded plants are the
(1) Bryophytes (2) Gymnosperms (3) Algae (4) Pteridophytes
Sol. Answer (2)
Gymnosperms are first seeded plants.
27. Gymnosperms have
(1) Tap root system (2) Seeds enclosed within the fruit
(3) Rhizoids (4) Branched stems always
Sol. Answer (1)
Gymnosperms have tap root system.
28. Which of the following has both the male and female cones on same plant body?
(1) Cycas (2) Ginkgo (3) Eucalyptus (4) Pinus
Sol. Answer (4)
Pinus is monoecious.

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29. Which of the following plants possess naked seeds?
(1) Bryophytes (2) Gymnosperms (3) Pteridophytes (4) Angiosperms
Sol. Answer (2)
Gymnosperms (Naked seeds)

30. The megaspore mother cell is differentiated from one of the cells of the
(1) Nucellus (2) Pollen grain (3) Microsporangia (4) Both (2) & (3)
Sol. Answer (1)
Source of megaspore mother cell is nucellus.

31. Coralloid roots have a symbiotic association with

(1) Photosynthetic green algae (2) Nitrogen-fixing cyanobacteria
(3) Fungus (4) Photosynthetic brown algae
Sol. Answer (2)
Coralloid roots have a symbiotic association with Nitrogen-fixing cyanobacteria.

32. The cones bearing microsporophylls are known as

(1) Male strobili (2) Macrosporangiate (3) Female strobili (4) Both (2) & (3)
Sol. Answer (1)
The cones bearing microsporophylls are male strobili.

33. Pollen grains are released from

(1) Macrosporangium (2) Microsporangium
(3) Megaspore mother cell (4) Archegonium
Sol. Answer (2)
Pollen grains are released from microsporangium.

34. In angiosperms the sporophylls are organised into
(1) Seeds (2) Fruits (3) Flowers (4) Seed coats
Sol. Answer (3)
In angiosperms the sporophylls are organised into flowers.

35. Which of the following angiosperm is almost microscopic?

(1) Eucalyptus (2) Wolfia (3) Acacia (4) Colocasia
Sol. Answer (2)
Wolfia is a microscopic angiosperm.

36. Endosperm of angiosperm is

(1) Triploid (2) Diploid (3) Haploid (4) Tetraploid
Sol. Answer (1)
Endosperm of angiosperm is triploid (3n).

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37. Fusion of a male gamete with the secondary nucleus forms the
(1) Zygote (2) Embryo (3) Seed (4) Endosperm
Sol. Answer (4)
Triple fusion – Fusion of a male gamete with secondary nucleus, forms the endosperm.
38. In angiosperms the female gametophyte is also known as
(1) Nucellus (2) Embryo sac (3) Endosperm (4) Stigma
Sol. Answer (2)
In angiosperms, female gametophyte is also known as embryo sac.
39. An event unique to angiosperms is
(1) Double fertilisation (2) Sexual reproduction
(3) Pollination (4) Spore formation
Sol. Answer (1)
Double fertilization is an event unique to angiosperms.
40. _______ functions as landing platform for the pollen grains in flowering plants.
(1) Style (2) Stigma (3) Ovary (4) Ovules
Sol. Answer (2)
Stigma – Landing platform for the pollen grains.
41. Which of the following cells of embryo sac degenerate after fertilisation in angiosperms?
(1) Synergids (2) Polar nuclei (3) Antipodal cells (4) Both (1) & (3)
Sol. Answer (4)
Cells of embryo sac degenerate after fertilisation in angiosperms are Synergids and Antipodal cells.
42. In angiosperms, the megaspore develops into
(1) Pollen grain (2) Embryo sac (3) Stigma (4) Ovary
Sol. Answer (2)
In angiosperms, the megasopre develops into embryo sac.
43. The germination of pollen grain results in the formation of
(1) Primary endosperm nucleus (2) Embryo
(3) Pollen tube (4) Polar nuclei
Sol. Answer (3)
The germination of pollen grain results in the formation of pollen tube.
44. Eucalyptus is different from Cedrus in the presence of
(1) Syngamy (2) Seeds (3) Archegonia (4) Triple fusion
Sol. Answer (4)
Eucalyptus is angiosperm, have triple fusion.

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45. Cotyledons are

(1) Modified roots

(2) Embryonic leaves

(3) Known as primary endosperm nucleus]

(4) Present in gymnospermic seeds only

Sol. Answer (2)

Cotyledons are embryonic leaves.

46. Which of the following is not a dicot?

(1) Eucalyptus (2) Sunflower (3) Acacia (4) Banana

Sol. Answer (4)

Banana – Monocot

(Plant life cycles and Alternation of generations)

47. The diploid sporophyte is dominant in life cycle of

(1) Volvox (2) Spirogyra (3) Chlamydomonas (4) Eucalyptus

Sol. Answer (4)

Eucalyptus :

 Angiosperm

 Diploid sporophyte dominant

48. Haplo-diplontic condition is exhibited by
(1) Most algae (2) Bryophytes (3) Angiosperms (4) Gymnosperms
Sol. Answer (2)
Bryophytes – Haplo-diplontic
49. Haplontic life cycle is represented by
(1) Volvox (2) Cycas (3) Selaginella (4) Salvinia
Sol. Answer (1)
Volvox – Haplontic life cycle
50. An alga which exhibits diplontic life cycle is
(1) Spirogyra (2) Fucus (3) Polysiphonia (4) Ulothrix
Sol. Answer (2)
– Algae
– Diplontic life cycle
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134 Plant Kingdom Solutions of Assignment (Set-2)

Objective Type Questions

(Classification systems and Branches of Taxonomy)

1. Sexual system of classification is

(1) Artificial system (2) Based on stamens characters

(3) Based on corolla and carpels characters (4) Both (1) & (2)

Sol. Answer (4)

Sexual system of classification is

– Artificial system

– Based on stamens characters

2. The Bentham and Hooker’s classification is

(1) Classification of taxa based on actual examination (2) Artificial system of classification

(3) Phylogenetic system of classification (4) Based on evolution

Sol. Answer (1)

Bentham and Hooker's classification is based on actual examination


3. The thallus organisation of Volvox is

(1) Multicellular and coccoid (2) Colonial and nonflagellate

(3) Unicellular (4) Colonial and motile

Sol. Answer (4)

Thallus organisation of Volvox is colonial and motile.

4. Brown algae are quite common in

(1) Fresh water habitats (2) Tropical sea water

(3) Temperate sea water (4) Both (2) & (3)

Sol. Answer (3)

Brown algae are quite common in temperate sea water.

5. Algae with floridean starch as reserve food material is also characterised by

(1) Presence of chlorophyll b (2) Stacked thylakoids

(3) Nonsulphated phycocolloids (4) Nonflagellate nature

Sol. Answer (4)

Red algae has floridean starch as reserve food and they are nonflagellate in nature.
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6. 100 zygospores, alternate with empty cells in Spirogyra are under ______ conjugation and the total number
of daughter filaments formed will be ______
(1) Scalariform, 400 (2) Lateral, 100 (3) Lateral, 400 (4) Scalariform, 100
Sol. Answer (2)

1 zygospore 4 nuclei 3 degenerate
One new individual
1 germ tube

i.e., 100 zygospores = 100 new daughter filaments

7. Algin is a phycocolloid, obtained from the cell wall of
(1) Macrocystis and Porphyridium (2) Mastigocladus and Laminaria
(3) Microcystis and Nereocystis (4) Macrocystis and Fucus
Sol. Answer (4)
Algin is obtained from cell wall of brown algae. e.g., Macrocystic & Fucus
8. Which of the following is a red alga that is not red?
(1) Nemalion (2) Polysiphonia (3) Gelidium (4) Batrachospermum
Sol. Answer (4)
Red Algae

Red in colour Non-red in colour

e.g., Nemalion e.g., Batrachospermum
9. In chlorophyceae, the flagella are
(1) Tinsel type (2) Whiplash type
(3) Whiplash and tinsel type (4) Basal tinsel, apical whiplash type
Sol. Answer (2)
In chlorophyceae, the flagella are whiplash type.
10. Which of the following are useful for curing goitre?
(1) Sea kelps (2) Diatoms (3) Red algae (4) Porphyra
Sol. Answer (1)
Sea kelps are sources of I2 & Br2 which are useful for curing goiter.
11. Non-motile gametes are characteristically found in
(1) Cyanophyta (2) Rhodophyta (3) Phaeophyta (4) Chlorophyta

Sol. Answer (2)

Rhodophyta – Non-motile gametes

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12. The female sex organ in red algae is flask-shaped and is known as
(1) Trichogyne (2) Carpogonium (3) Spermatium (4) Archegonium
Sol. Answer (2)
The female sex organ in red algae is flask-shaped and is known as carpogonium.
13. Some characters of algae are given below
a. Floridean starch
b. Sulphated phycocolloids in cell wall
c. Alginic acid
d. Trumpet hypha
e. Haplodiplontic life cycle
f. Isomorphic alternation of generation
g. Fucoxanthin
h. Phycoerythrin
i. Zygotic meiosis
j. Two anterior flagella
Which of the given set of characters belongs to Laminaria?
(1) a, b, e, f, h (2) c, d, e, g (3) b, c, d, e, f, g, i (4) c, d, e, f, g, i
Sol. Answer (2)
Characters belong to brown algae are
– Alginic acid
– Trumpet hyphae
– Haplodiplontic life cycle
– Fucoxanthin
14. Bryophytes are not characterised by
(1) Sporophyte parasitic over gametophyte (2) Independent gametophyte
(3) Absence of vascular tissues (4) Independent sporophyte
Sol. Answer (4)
Bryophytes – Independent sporophytes absent
15. Stems and leaves of bryophytes are
(1) Analogous to vascular plants (2) Homologous to vascular plants
(3) Analogous to algae & fungal thallus (4) None of these
Sol. Answer (1)
Stem and leaves of bryophytes are analogous to vascular plants
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16. Non-vascular embryophyte with leaves is
(1) Riccia (2) Porella (3) Selaginella (4) Macrocystis
Sol. Answer (2)
Non-vascular embryophyte with leaves is Porella.
17. Find set of features related to Funaria
a. Protonema b. Prothallus
c. Gametophore d. Prostate thallus body
e. NCC in antheridium f. Haplodiplontic
g. True plant organs in sporophyte
h. Fragmentation
(1) b, d, e, g (2) a, d, f, g (3) a, c, f, g, h (4) a, c, f, h
Sol. Answer (4)
Features of Funaria
– Protonema
– Gametophore
– Haplodiplontic
– Fragmentation
18. In Funaria, 20 chromosomes are present in rhizoids, then the number of chromosome in calyptra, theca and
foot will be
(1) 20, 40, 40 respectively (2) 40, 20, 20 respectively
(3) 20, 40, 20 respectively (4) 40, 10, 20 respectively
Sol. Answer (1)
In Funaria,rhizoids (n) = 20
Calyptra (n) = 20
Theca (2n) = 40
Foot (2n) = 40
19. Identify the plants A and B in the figures given below

(1) A - Female Marchantia, B - Sphagnum (2) A - Riccia, B - Marchantia

(3) A - Marchantia, B - Funaria (4) A - Male Marchantia, B - Sphagnum
Sol. Answer (4)
Plant 'A' – Male Marchantia
Plant 'B' – Sphagnum
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138 Plant Kingdom Solutions of Assignment (Set-2)

20. Algae, bryophytes and pteridophytes resemble with each other in which one of the following feature?
(1) Gametophytic plant body
(2) Dependence on water for fertilisation
(3) Haplontic alternation of generation
(4) Presence of embryo
Sol. Answer (2)
Algae, bryophytes and pteridophytes resemble in dependence on water for fertilisation.
21. Find correct statement for the prothallus of fern
(1) Monoecious, protandrous with multicellular rhizoides
(2) Monoecious, protandrous with unicellular rhizoides
(3) Dioecious, with unicellular rhizoides
(4) Monoecious, protandrous with apical antheredia and basal archegonia on ventral surface
Sol. Answer (2)
Prothallus of fern is monoecious andprotandrous with unicellular rhizoids
22. The dominant photosynthetic phase in the life cycle of pteridophyta is equivalent to the
(1) Gametophytic phase of bryophyta
(2) Sporophytic phase of bryophyta
(3) Gametophytic phase of pteridophytes
(4) Gametophytic phase of gymnosperm
Sol. Answer (1)
The dominant photosynthetic phase in the life cycle of pteridophyta is equivalent to the gametic phase of
23. In Pteridophytes, reduction division occurs when
(1) Prothallus is formed (2) Sex organs are formed
(3) Spores are formed (4) Gametes are formed
Sol. Answer (3)
In pteridophytes, sporogenic meiosis occurs.
24. The evolutionary advanced features of Selaginella are
(a) Heterospory
(b) Endosporic development of gametophyte
(c) Reduced gametophyte
(d) Localization of sporangium bearing appendages in strobili
(e) Unisexual gametophytes
(f) Fertilization with the help of water
(1) All are correct (2) All except (f) is correct
(3) All except (e) and (f) are correct (4) All except (c) is correct
Sol. Answer (2)
Fertilization with the help of water is not the evolutionary advanced features of Selaginella.

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25. How many structures listed below are diploid for a typical fern member?
a. Indusium cell b. Stomium cell
c. NCC d. Rhizome cell
e. Sporophyll cell f. Prothallus cell
g. SMC h. Spore
i. Antherozoid mother cell
(1) Nine (2) Six (3) Five (4) Seven
Sol. Answer (3)
Diploid structures of fern (typical)

26. Mark the correct statement for the organism given below in figure.

(1) The structure labelled A is male cone (2) It is member of sphenopsida

(3) Nodes are hollow while internodes are solid (4) This is commonly called as stonewort
Sol. Answer (2)
Equisetum (horse tail) is member of sphenopsida

27. Member of plantae having endospermic, perispermic, polycotyledonous and winged seeds is also related to
(1) Sulphur shower (2) Largest ovule (3) Double fertilization (4) Placentation
Sol. Answer (1)
Pinus seeds are
– Endospermic
– Perispermic
– Polycotyledonous
– Winged seeds
– Pollen dispersal (sulpher shower)

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28. Which one constitutes the dominant vegetation in colder regions?

(1) Monocots (2) Dicots (3) Legumes (4) Gymnosperms
Sol. Answer (4)
Gymnosperm – Dominant vegetation in colder regions

29. Which of the given sets are matched correctly?

a. Chondrus - Algin
b. Gracilaria - Agar
c. Cycas - Coralloid root
d. Pinus - Canada balsam
e. Adiantum - Walking fern
f. Lycopodium - Cord moss
g. Cedrus - Independent gametophyte
h. Sequoia - Tallest gymnosperm
(1) b, c, e, h (2) a, b, c, e, f (3) b, c, e, g, h (4) b, c, d, e, g, h
Sol. Answer (1)
Gracilaria – Agar
Cycas – Coralloid root
Adiantum – Walking fern
Sequoia – Gymnosperm

30. How many generations are present in the seed of gymnosperm?

(1) 2 (2) 3 (3) 1 (4) 4
Sol. Answer (2)
Generations in the seed of gymnosperm
(a) Parental sporophyte = Seed coat = 2n
(b) Female gametophyte = Endosperm = n
(c) New plant = Embryo = 2n

31. Gametophytic plant body is nonvascular in

(1) Algae and liverworts (2) Mosses and ferns
(3) Gymnosperms and angiosperms (4) All of these
Sol. Answer (4)
Gametophytic plant body is nonvascular in all plants.

32. Endosperm of gymnosperm is ontogenetically similar to angiospermic

(1) Endosperm (2) Embryo sac (3) Archegonium (4) Megasporangia
Sol. Answer (2)
Endosperm of gymnosperm is ontogenetically similar to angiospermic embryo sac.

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33. Flowering plants are more successful than other members of the plant world because
(1) They are large and have a good vascular tissue system
(2) They carry out variety of pollination mechanism
(3) The protected plant embryo can survive in the period of unfavourable conditions
(4) All of these
Sol. Answer (4)
Flowering plants are more successful
 Large and have a good vascular system
 Variety of pollination
 Embryo can survive in the period of unfavourable conditions

(Plant life cycles and Alternation of generations)

34. A. Heterospory is found in all members of pteropsida
B. Selaginella is advance among pteridophytes as it produces seeds
C. Pinus leaves are monomorphic, pinnate compound and have sunken stomata as adaptation against
D. Sporic meiosis is characteristic of life cycle in many organisms like Volvox, Chlamydomonas and Ulothrix.
(1) All are incorrect (2) Both B and C are correct
(3) Only B is correct (4) Only D is incorrect
Sol. Answer (1)

35. Identify the labels A, B, C and D in the figure given below


C Spores


(1) A - Sporophyte; B - Meiosis (2) A - Sporophyte; B - Mitosis

C - Gametogenesis; D - Endosperm C - Gametogenesis; D - Zygote
(3) A - Gametophyte; B - Meiosis (4) A - Sporophyte; B - Meiosis
C - Gametogenesis; D -Zygote C - Gametogenesis; D - Zygote
Sol. Answer (4)
A = Sporophyte B = Meiosis
C = Gametogenesis D = Zygote

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142 Plant Kingdom Solutions of Assignment (Set-2)

Previous Years Questions

1. Select the mismatch :

[NEET - 2017]
(1) Pinus – Dioecious
(2) Cycas – Dioecious
(3) Salvinia – Heterosporous
(4) Equisetum – Homosporous
Sol. Answer (1)
Pinus is monoecious plant having both male and female cones on same plant.
2. An example of colonial alga is
[NEET - 2017]
(1) Chlorella (2) Volvox
(3) Ulothrix (4) Spirogyra
Sol. Answer (2)
Volvox is motile colonial fresh water alga with definite number of vegetative cells.
3. Life cycle of Ectocarpus and Fucus respectively are
[NEET - 2017]
(1) Haplontic, Diplontic
(2) Diplontic, Haplodiplontic
(3) Haplodiplontic, Diplontic
(4) Haplodiplontic, Haplontic
Sol. Answer (3)
Ectocarpus has haplodiplontic life cycle and Fucus has diplontic life cycle.
4. Conifers are adapted to tolerate extreme environmental conditions because of
[NEET (Phase-2) 2016]
(1) Broad hardy leaves (2) Superficial stomata (3) Thick cuticle (4) Presence of vessels
Sol. Answer (3)
In conifers, the needle like leaves, thick cuticle and sunken stomata help to reduce water loss.
5. Which one of the following statements is wrong? [NEET (Phase-2) 2016]
(1) Algae increase the level of dissolved oxygen in the immediate environment
(2) Algin is obtained from red algae, and carrageenan from brown algae
(3) Agar-agar is obtained from Gelidium and Gracilaria
(4) Laminaria and Sargassum are used as food
Sol. Answer (2)
Algin is obtained from brown algae, and carrageenin from red algae.
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6. Select the correct statement [NEET-2016]
(1) The leaves of gymnosperms are not well adapted to extremes of climate
(2) Gymnosperms are both homosporous and heterosporous
(3) Salvinia, Ginkgo and Pinus all are gymnosperms
(4) Sequoia is one of the tallest trees
Sol. Answer (4)
Sequoia is one of the tallest tree species, known as red wood tree.
7. Which one is a wrong statement? [Re-AIPMT-2015]
(1) Brown algae have chlorophyll a and c, and fucoxanthin
(2) Archegonia are found in Bryophyta, Pteridophyta and Gymnosperms
(3) Mucor has biflagellate zoospores
(4) Haploid endosperm is typical feature of gymnosperms
Sol. Answer (3)
Mucor has non-motile spore i.e. sporangiospores.
8. Read the following five statements (A to E) and select the option with all correct statements
(A) Mosses and Lichens are the first organisms to colonise a bare rock.
(B) Selaginella is a homosporous pteridophyte.
(C) Coralloid roots in Cycas have VAM.
(D) Main plant body in bryophytes is gametophytic, whereas in pteridophytes it is sporophytic.
(E) In gymnosperms, male and female gametophytes are present within sporangia located on sporophyte.
(1) (B), (C) and (E) (2) (A), (C) and (D) (3) (B), (C) and (D) (4) (A), (D) and (E)
Sol. Answer (4)
9. In which of the following gametophyte is not independent free living? [AIPMT-2015]
(1) Pinus (2) Funaria (3) Marchantia (4) Pteris
Sol. Answer (1)
10. Which one of the following statements is wrong? [AIPMT-2015]
(1) Mannitol is stored food in Rhodophyceae (2) Algin and Carrageen are products of algae
(3) Agar-agar is obtained from Gelidium and Gracilaria (4) Chlorella and Spirulina are used as space food
Sol. Answer (1)
11. Male gametes are flagellated in [AIPMT-2015]
(1) Spirogyra (2) Polysiphonia (3) Anabaena (4) Ectocarpus
Sol. Answer (4)
12. Which of the following is responsible for peat formation ? [AIPMT-2014]
(1) Marchantia (2) Riccia (3) Funaria (4) Sphagnum
Sol. Answer (4)
Sphagnum is responsible for peat formation.

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144 Plant Kingdom Solutions of Assignment (Set-2)

13. Male gametophyte with least number of cells is present in [AIPMT-2014]

(1) Pteris (2) Funaria (3) Lilium (4) Pinus
Sol. Answer (3)
Male gametophyte with least number of cells is present in angiosperm e.g., Lilium
14. Which one of the following shows isogamy with non-flagellated gametes? [AIPMT-2014]
(1) Sargassum (2) Ectocarpus (3) Ulothrix (4) Spirogyra
Sol. Answer (4)
Spirogyra shows isogamy with non-flagellated gametes.
15. Select the wrong statement: [NEET-2013]
(1) Anisogametes differ either in structure, function or behaviour
(2) In Oomycetes female gamete is smaller and motile, while male gamete is larger and non-motile
(3) Chlamydomonas exhibits both isogamy and anisogamy and Fucus shows oogamy
(4) Isogametes are similar in structure, function and behaviour
Sol. Answer (2)
16. Monoecious plant of Chara shows occurrence of [NEET-2013]
(1) Stamen and carpel on the same plant
(2) Upper antheridium and lower oogonium on the same plant
(3) Upper oogonium and lower antheridium on the same plant
(4) Antheridiophore and archegoniophore on the same plant
Sol. Answer (3)
17. Read the following statements (A-E) and answer the question which follows them
(A) In liverworts, mosses and ferns gametophytes are free-living.
(B) Gymnosperms and some ferns are heterosporous.
. (C) Sexual reproduction in Fucus, Volvox and Albugo is oogamous.
(D) The sporophyte in liverworts is more elaborate than that in mosses.
(E) Both, Pinus and Marchantia are dioecious.
How many of the above statements are correct? [NEET-2013]
(1) Two (2) Three (3) Four (4) One
Sol. Answer (2)
Pinus is monoecious
Sporophyte in mosses is partial parasite.
18. Which one of the following pairs is wrongly matched ? [AIPMT (Mains)-2012]
(1) Ginkgo – Archegonia (2) Salvinia – Prothallus
(3) Viroids – RNA (4) Mustard – Synergids
Sol. Answer (2)
Salvinia is heterosporous [ Prothallus  homosporous ]
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19. Gymnosperms are also called soft wood spermatophytes because they lack [AIPMT (Prelims)-2012]

(1) Thick-walled tracheids (2) Xylem fibres (3) Cambium (4) Phloem fibres

Sol. Answer (2)

20. Which one of the following is common to multicellular fungi, filamentous algae and protonema of mosses?

[AIPMT (Prelims)-2012]

(1) Multiplication by fragmentation (2) Diplontic life cycle

(3) Members of kingdom Plantae (4) Mode of Nutrition

Sol. Answer (1)

21. Cycas and Adiantum resemble each other in having [AIPMT (Prelims)-2012]

(1) Cambium (2) Vessels (3) Seeds (4) Motile Sperms

Sol. Answer (4)

Cycas and Adiantum resemble each other in having motile sperms

22. Which one of the following is a correct statement? [AIPMT (Prelims)-2012]

(1) Antheridiophores and archegoniophores are present in pteridophytes

(2) Origin of seed habit can be traced in pteridophytes

(3) Pteridophyte gametophyte has a protonemal and leafy stage

(4) In gymnosperms, female gametophyte is free-living

Sol. Answer (2)

Origin of seed habit can be traced in pteridophytes.

23. Read the following five statements (A-E) and answer as asked next to them

(A) In Equisetum, the female gametophyte is retained on the parent sporophyte

(B) In Ginkgo, male gametophyte is not independent

(C) The sporophyte in Riccia is more developed than that in Polytrichum

(D) Sexual reproduction in Volvox is isogamous

(E) The spores of slime molds lack cell walls

How many of the above statements are correct ? [AIPMT (Mains)-2012]

(1) Two (2) Three (3) Four (4) One

Sol. Answer (4)

In Selaginella, the female gametophyte is retained on the parent sporophyte.

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24. Selaginella and Salvinia are considered to represent a significant step toward evolution of seed habit because
[AIPMT (Mains)-2011]
(1) Megaspores possess endosperm and embryo surrounded by seed coat
(2) Embryo develops in female gametophyte which is retained on parent sporophyte
(3) Female gametophyte is free and gets dispersed like seeds
(4) Female gametophyte lacks archegonia
Sol. Answer (2)
Evolution of seed habit in pteridophytes
– embryo develops in female gametophyte which is retained on parent sporophyte.
25. Examine the figure given below and select the right option giving all the four parts (a, b, c, d) correctly identified
[AIPMT (Mains)-2011]


(1) a – Seta (2) a – Antheridiophore
b – Sporophyte b – Male thallus
c – Protonema c – Globule
d – Rhizoids d – Roots
(3) a – Archegoniophore (4) a – Archegoniophore
b – Female thallus b – Female thallus
c – Gemmacup c – Bud
d – Rhizoids d – Foot
Sol. Answer (3)
26. Consider the following four statements whether they are correct or wrong?
(A) The sporophyte in liverworts is more elaborate than that in mosses
(B) Salvinia is heterosporous
(C) The life–cycle in all seed bearing plants is diplontic
(D) In Pinus, male and female cones are borne on different trees
The two wrong statements together are [AIPMT (Mains)-2011]
(1) (B) and (C) (2) (A) and (B) (3) (A) and (C) (4) (A) and (D)
Sol. Answer (4)
Sporophyte in liverwort is less elaborate than mosses
Pinus is monoecious, male and female cones are borne on same tree.
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27. Archegoniophore is present in : [AIPMT (Prelims)-2011]
(1) Funaria (2) Marchantia (3) Chara (4) Adiantum
Sol. Answer (2)
Archegoniophore is present in Marchantia
28. The gametophyte is not an independent, free - living generation in: [AIPMT (Prelims)-2011]
(1) Pinus (2) Polytrichum (3) Adiantum (4) Marchantia
Sol. Answer (1)
Gametophyte is not independent and free living.
– Gymnosperms & Angiosperms
29. Compared with the gametophytes of the bryophytes, the gametophytes of vascular plants tend to be
[AIPMT (Prelims)-2011]
(1) Smaller and to have smaller sex organs (2) Smaller but to have larger sex organs
(3) Larger but to have smaller sex organs (4) Larger and to have larger sex organs
Sol. Answer (1)
Gametophytes of vascular plants – Smaller and have smaller sex organs
30. Which one of the following is monoecious ? [AIPMT (Mains)-2010]
(1) Marchantia (2) Cycas (3) Pinus (4) Date palm
Sol. Answer (3)
31. Male and female gametophytes are independent and free-living in [AIPMT (Prelims)-2010]
(1) Sphagnum (2) Mustard (3) Castor (4) Pinus
Sol. Answer (1)
– Bryophytes
– Male and female gametophytes are independent and free living.
32. Examine the figures A, B, C and D. In which one of the four options all the items A, B, C and D are correct?
[AIPMT (Mains)-2010]

A. B. C. D.

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148 Plant Kingdom Solutions of Assignment (Set-2)


(1) Chara Marchantia Fucus Pinus

(2) Equisetum Ginkgo Selaginella Lycopodium

(3) Selaginella Equisetum Salvinia Ginkgo

(4) Funaria Adiantum Salvinia Riccia

Sol. Answer (3)

Correct match
A - Selaginella
B - Equisetum
C - Salvinia
D - Ginkgo
33. Which one of the following plants is monoecious? [AIPMT (Prelims)-2009]
(1) Pinus (2) Cycas (3) Papaya (4) Marchantia
Sol. Answer (1)
34. Which one of the following has haplontic life cycle? [AIPMT (Prelims)-2009]
(1) Polytrichum (2) Ustilago (3) Wheat (4) Funaria
Sol. Answer (2)
Wheat - Diplontic Funaria - Haplo-diplontic
Polytrichum - Haplodiplontic Ustilago - Haplontic
35. Phylogenetic system of classification is based on: [AIPMT (Prelims)-2009]
(1) Morphological features (2) Chemical constituents
(3) Floral characters (4) Evolutionary relationships
Sol. Answer (4)
36. Mannitol is the stored food in: [AIPMT (Prelims)-2009]
(1) Porphyra (2) Fucus (3) Gracillaria (4) Chara
Sol. Answer (2)
Mannitol is the stored food in brown algae. e.g., Fucus
37. Which one of the following is considered important in the development of seed habit? [AIPMT (Prelims)-2009]
(1) Heterospory (2) Haplontic life cycle
(3) Free-living gametophyte (4) Dependent sporophyte
Sol. Answer (1)
– important in the development of seed habit.
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38. Select one of the following of important features distinguishing Gnetum from Cycas and Pinus and showing
affinities with angiosperms [AIPMT (Prelims)-2008]
(1) Embryo development and apical meristem
(2) Absence of resin duct and leaf venation
(3) Presence of vessel elements and absence of archegonia
(4) Perianth and two integuments
Sol. Answer (3)
Gnetum is advanced gymnosperm and resembles angiosperm
– Vessel present
– Archegonia absent
39. Which one of the following is heterosporous? [AIPMT (Prelims)-2008]
(1) Equisetum (2) Dryopteris (3) Salvinia (4) Adiantum
Sol. Answer (3)

(a) Homosporous (b) Heterosporous

e.g., Dryopteris e.g., Salvinia
Adiantum Selaginella
Equisetum Azolla
40. In which one of the following male and female gametophytes do not have free living independent existence?
[AIPMT (Prelims)-2008]
(1) Cedrus (2) Pteris (3) Funaria (4) Polytrichum
Sol. Answer (1)
Gametophytes do not have free living independent existence
– Gymnosperms & Angiosperms
41. In the prothallus of vascular cryptogam, the antherozoids and eggs mature at different times. As a result:
[AIPMT (Prelims-2007)]
(1) Self fertilization is prevented (2) There is no change in success rate of fertilization
(3) There is high degree of sterility (4) One can conclude that the plant is apomictic
Sol. Answer (1)
Antherozoids and eggs mature at different times
– Self fertilization is prevented
42. If you are asked to classify the various algae into distinct groups, which of the following characters you should
choose? [AIPMT (Prelims)-2007]
(1) Chemical composition of the cell wall (2) Types of pigments present in the cell
(3) Nature of stored food materials in the cell (4) Structural organization of thallus
Sol. Answer (2)
Types of pigments present in the algal cell is the basis of algal classification.

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150 Plant Kingdom Solutions of Assignment (Set-2)

43. Flagellated male gametes are present in all the three of which one of the following sets?
[AIPMT (Prelims)-2007]
(1) Riccia, Dryopteris and Cycas (2) Anthoceros, Funaria and Spirogyra
(3) Zygnema, Saprolegnia and Hydrilla (4) Fucus, Marsilea and Calotropis
Sol. Answer (1)
Riccia, Dryopteris and Cycas – Flagellated male gametes
44. In gymnosperms, the pollen chamber represents: [AIPMT (Prelims)-2007]
(1) The microsporangium in which pollen grains develop
(2) A cell in the pollen grain in which the sperms formed
(3) A cavity in the ovule in which pollen grains are stored after pollination
(4) An opening in the mega gametophyte through which the pollen tube approaches the egg
Sol. Answer (3)
In gymnosperms, pollen chamber represents a cavity in the ovule in which pollen grains are stored after
45. Spore dissemination in some liverworts is aided by: [AIPMT (Prelims)-2007]
(1) Peristome teeth (2) Elaters (3) Indusium (4) Calyptra
Sol. Answer (2)
Spore dispersal
(a) Elater - Liverwort e.g., Marchantia
(b) Peristome teeth - Moss e.g., Funaria
(c) Pseudoelaters - Hornworts e.g., Anthoceros
46. Moss peat is used as a packing material for sending flowers and live plants to distant places because :
[AIPMT (Prelims)-2006]
(1) It is easily available
(2) It is hygroscopic
(3) It reduces transpiration
(4) It serves as a disinfectant
Sol. Answer (2)
Moss peat Sphagnum and Hygroscopic
47. Conifers differ from grasses in the : [AIPMT (Prelims)-2006]
(1) Production of seeds from ovules
(2) Lack of xylem tracheids
(3) Absence of pollen tubes
(4) Formation of endosperm before fertilization
Sol. Answer (4)
Conifers differ from grasses in the formation of endosperm before fertilization
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48. In a moss, the sporophyte [AIPMT (Prelims)-2006]
(1) Is partially parasitic on the gametophyte
(2) Produces gametes that give rise to the gametophyte
(3) Arises from a spore produced from the gametophyte
(4) Manufactures food for itself, as well as for the gametophyte
Sol. Answer (1)
49. Match items in column-I with those in column-II
Column-I Column-II
a. Peritrichous flagellation (i) Ginkgo
b. Living fossil (ii) Macrocystes
c. Rhizophore (iii) Escherichia coli
d. Smallest flowering plant (iv) Selaginella
e. Largest perennial alga (v) Wolffia
Select the correct answer from the following : [AIPMT (Prelims)-2005]
(1) a(ii),b(i), c(iii), d(iv), e(v) (2) a(v), b(iii), c(ii), d(v), e(i)
(3) a(i), b(ii), c(v), d(iii), e(ii) (4) a(iii), b(i), c(iv), d(v), e(ii)
Sol. Answer (4)
(a) Peritrichous flagella - E.coli
(b) Living fossils - Ginkgo
(c) Rhizophore - Selaginella
(d) Smallest flowering plant - Wolfia
(e) Largest perenial algae - Macrocystis
(Brown algae kelp)
50. Ectophloic siphonostele is found in : [AIPMT (Prelims)-2005]
(1) Adiantum and Cucurbitaceae (2) Osmunda and Equisetum
(3) Marsilea and Botrychium (4) Dicksonia and maiden hair fern
Sol. Answer (2)
Ectophloic siphonostele – Osmunda & Equisetum
51. Top-shaped multiciliate male gametes and the mature seed which bears only one embryo with two cotyledons,
are characteristic features of : [AIPMT (Prelims)-2005]
(1) Polypetalous angiosperms (2) Gamopetalous angiosperms
(3) Conifers (4) Cycads
Sol. Answer (4)

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152 Plant Kingdom Solutions of Assignment (Set-2)

52. A system of classification, in which a large number of traits are considered, is

(1) Natural system (2) Phylogenetic system

(3) Artificial system (4) Synthetic system

Sol. Answer (1)

Natural system – A large number of traits are considered.

53. The book ‘Genera plantarum’ was written by

(1) Engler & Prantl (2) Bentham & Hooker (3) Bessey (4) Hutchinson

Sol. Answer (2)

Genera Plantarum written by Bentham & Hooker

54. Phylogenetic classification is one which is based on

(1) Overall similarities (2) Utilitarian system

(3) Habits of plants (4) Common evolutionary descent

Sol. Answer (4)

Phylogenetic classification – Evolutionary descent

55. According to which phylogenetic system, dicots are advanced with sympetalae conditions?

(1) Bentham & Hooker’s (2) Engler & Prantl (3) Hutchinson (4) Takhtajan

Sol. Answer (2)

Engler & Prantl

 Phylogenetic system

 Dicots are advanced with sympetalae conditions

56. Phenetic classification is based on

(1) The ancestral lineage of existing organisms (2) Observable characteristics of existing organisms

(3) Dendrograms based on DNA characteristics (4) Sexual characteristics

Sol. Answer (2)

Phenetics – Observable characteristics of existing organisms

57. Which one of the following is wrongly matched?

(1) Nostoc-Water blooms (2) Spirogyra-Motile gametes

(3) Sargassum-Chlorophyll c (4) Basidiomycetes-Puffballs

Sol. Answer (2)

Spirogyra – Non-motile gametes

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58. In chlorophyceae, the mode of sexual reproduction is
(1) Isogamy (2) Anisogamy (3) Oogamy (4) All of these
Sol. Answer (4)
Green algae

Anisogamy All are present

59. An alga as the source of protein is

(1) Chlorella (2) Nostoc (3) Spirogyra (4) Ulothrix
Sol. Answer (1)
Chlorella is the source of protein.
60. Ulothrix can be described as a
(1) Filamentous alga lacking flagellated reproductive stages
(2) Coenobial alga producing zoospores
(3) Filamentous alga with flagellated reproductive stages
(4) Non-motile colonial alga lacking zoospores
Sol. Answer (3)
– Filamentous alga
– Flagellated reproductive stages
61. Sexual reproduction in Spirogyra is an advanced feature because it shows
(1) Different sizes of motile sex organs (2) Same size of motile sex organs
(3) Morphologically different sex organs (4) Physiologically differentiated sex organs
Sol. Answer (4)
Physiologically differentiated sex organs is an advanced feature of sexual reproduction in Spirogyra.
62. The pyrenoids are made up of
(1) Proteinaceous centre and starchy sheath (2) Core of nucleic acid surrounded by protein sheath
(3) Core of protein surrounded by fatty sheath (4) Core of starch surrounded by sheath of protein
Sol. Answer (1)
The pyrenoids are made up of proteinaceous centre and starchy sheath.
63. Brown algae is characterised by the presence of
(1) Fucoxanthin (2) Haematochrome (3) Phycocyanin (4) Phycoerythrin
Sol. Answer (1)
Brown algae – Fucoxanthin present
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154 Plant Kingdom Solutions of Assignment (Set-2)

64. Ulothrix filaments produce

(1) Heterogametes (2) Basidiospores (3) Isogametes (4) Anisogametes
Sol. Answer (3)
Ulothrix filaments produce isogametes.
65. The plant body is thalloid in
(1) Funaria (2) Sphagnum (3) Salvinia (4) Marchantia
Sol. Answer (4)
Plant body of Marchantia is thalloid
66. In bryophytes
(1) Both generations are independent
(2) Gametophyte is dependent upon sporophyte
(3) Sporophyte is free living
(4) Sporophyte is dependent upon gametophyte
Sol. Answer (4)
Bryophytes – Sporophyte is dependent upon gametophytes.
67. Which of the following in plant kingdom is called ‘amphibians’?
(1) Gymnosperm (2) Thallophyta (3) Tracheophyta (4) Bryophyta
Sol. Answer (4)
Amphibians of plant kingdom – Bryophyta
68. Bryophytes can be separated from algae, because they
(1) Possess archegonia
(2) Contain chloroplast
(3) Are thalloid forms
(4) Have no conducting tissue
Sol. Answer (1)
Bryophytes differ from algae because it possesses archegonia.
69. Bryophytes are dependent on water, because
(1) Water is essential for their vegetative propagation
(2) The sperms can easily reach upto egg in the archegonium
(3) Archegonium has to remain filled with water for fertilization
(4) Water is essential for fertilization for their - homosporous nature
Sol. Answer (2)
Bryophytes are dependent on water because sperms can easily reach upto egg in the archegonia.

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70. Bryophytes comprise
(1) Dominant phase of gametophyte which produces spores
(2) Small sporophyte phase and generally parasitic on gametophyte
(3) Sporophyte is of longer duration
(4) Dominant phase of sporophyte which is parasitic
Sol. Answer (2)
– Small sporophytic phase
– Generally parasitic on gametophyte
71. The antherozoids of Funaria are
(1) Multiciliated (2) Monociliated (3) Aciliated (4) Biciliated
Sol. Answer (4)
The antherozoids of Funaria are biciliated
72. The plant body of moss (Funaria) is
(1) Completely sporophyte (2) Predominantly gametophyte with sporophyte
(3) Completely gametophyte (4) Predominantly sporophyte with gametophyte
Sol. Answer (2)
Funaria – Sporophyte is partial parasitic on gametophytes
73. Which of the following is true about bryophytes?
(1) They are thalloid (2) They possess archegonia
(3) They contain chloroplast (4) All of these
Sol. Answer (4)
– Thalloid
– Posses archegonia
– Contain chloroplast
74. Multicellular branched rhizoids and leafy gametophytes are the characteristics of
(1) Some bryophytes (2) Pteridophytes (3) All bryophytes (4) Gymnosperms
Sol. Answer (1)
Multicellular branched rhizoids and leafy.
75. Elater for spore dispersal mechanism is exhibited by
(1) Liverworts (2) Marchantia (3) Riccia (4) Funaria
Sol. Answer (2)
Spore dispersal in Marchantia – Elater

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156 Plant Kingdom Solutions of Assignment (Set-2)

76. Dichotomous branching is found in

(1) Liverworts (2) Pteridophytes (3) Fern (4) Funaria
Sol. Answer (1)
Liverworts have dichotomous branching
77. The walking fern is so named because
(1) It propagates vegetatively by its leaf tips
(2) It knows how to walk by itself
(3) Its spores are able to walk
(4) It is dispersed through the agency of walking animals
Sol. Answer (1)
Walking fern (Adiantum)
– Propagates vegetatively by its leaf tips.
78. In which of the following would you place the plants having vascular tissue lacking seeds?
(1) Pteridophytes (2) Gymnosperms (3) Algae (4) Bryophytes
Sol. Answer (1)
Pteridophytes – Vascular tissue lacking seeds.
79. Which aquatic fern performs nitrogen fixation?
(1) Azolla (2) Nostoc (3) Salvia (4) Salvinia
Sol. Answer (1)
– Aquatic fern
– Performs nitrogen fixation
80. A well developed archegonium with neck consisting of 4-6 rows and neck canal cells, characterises
(1) Gymnosperms and flowering plants
(2) Pteridophytes and gymnosperms
(3) Gymnosperms only
(4) Bryophytes and pteridophytes
Sol. Answer (4)
Archegonium with 4-6 rows of neck and neck canal cells.
– Bryophytes
– Pteridophytes (generally one neck canal cell).
81. Plants reproducing by spores such as mosses and ferns are grouped under the general term
(1) Cryptogams (2) Bryophytes (3) Sporophytes (4) Thallophytes
Sol. Answer (1)
Bryophytes and Pteridophytes – Cryptogams

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Solutions of Assignment (Set-2) Plant Kingdom 157
82. Which one of the following is a vascular cryptogam?
(1) Cedrus (2) Equisetum (3) Ginkgo (4) Marchantia
Sol. Answer (2)
Vascular cryptogam – Pteridophytes e.g., Equisetum
83. Heterospory and seed habit are often exhibited by a plant possessing
(1) Petiole (2) Ligule (3) Bract (4) Spathe
Sol. Answer (2)
Heterospory and seed habit plants also possess - Ligule.
84. What is common in all the three, Funaria, Dryopteris and Ginkgo?
(1) Independent sporophyte (2) Presence of archegonia
(3) Well developed vascular tissues (4) Independent gametophyte
Sol. Answer (2)
Funaria - Bryophytes - Archegonia
Drypteris - Pteridophytes - Archegonia
Ginkgo - Gymnosperm (Primitive) - Archegonia
85. In Pinus, the wing of the seed develops from
(1) Ovuliferous scale (2) Integument (3) Nucellus (4) Bract
Sol. Answer (1)
In Pinus, the wing of the seed develops from ovuliferous scale.
86. The smallest plant group gymnosperm has how many species?
(1) 640 (2) 300 (3) 1000 (4) 900
Sol. Answer (4)
Gymnosperms have 900 species.
87. Which one of the following statements about Cycas is incorrect?
(1) It has circinate vernation
(2) Its xylem is mainly composed of xylem vessel
(3) Its roots contain blue-green algae
(4) It does not have a well organized female flower
Sol. Answer (2)
Vessel element is absent in Cycas.
88. Largest sperms in the plants world are found in
(1) Banyan (2) Cycas (3) Thuja (4) Pinus
Sol. Answer (2)
Largest sperms in the plants world – Cycas

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158 Plant Kingdom Solutions of Assignment (Set-2)

89. Transfusion tissue is present in the leaves of

(1) Pinus (2) Dryopteris (3) Cycas (4) Both (1) & (3)
Sol. Answer (4)
Transfusion tissue is present in gymnosperms, e.g., Pinus & Cycas
90. The endosperm of gymnosperm is
(1) Diploid (2) Polyploid (3) Triploid (4) Haploid
Sol. Answer (4)
Endosperm of gymnosperm is haploid
91. Plant group with largest ovule, largest tree, and largest gametes is
(1) Gymnosperm (2) Angiosperm (3) Bryophyta (4) Pteridophyta
Sol. Answer (1)
Gymnosperm – Largest ovule, Largest gametes
92. Which of the following plants produce seeds but not flowers?
(1) Maize (2) Mint (3) Peepal (4) Pinus
Sol. Answer (4)
Gymnosperm produces seeds but not flowers.
93. Cycas have two cotyledons but not included in angiosperms because of
(1) Naked ovules (2) Seeds like monocot
(3) Circinate ptyxis (4) Compound leaves
Sol. Answer (1)
– Two cotyledons
– Naked ovules
94. Which one of the following is a living fossil?
(1) Cycas (2) Moss (3) Saccharomyces (4) Spirogyra
Sol. Answer (1)
Cycas – Living fossil
95. Which of the following is without exception in angiosperms?
(1) Presence of vessels (2) Syngamy (3) Secondary growth (4) Autotrophic nutrition
Sol. Answer (2)
Syngamy is without exception in angiosperm
96. Which one of the following pairs of plants are not seed producers ?
(1) Fern and Funaria (2) Funaria and Ficus
(3) Ficus and Chlamydomonas (4) Punica and Pinus
Sol. Answer (1)
Non-seed producing plants are – Fern and Funaria.
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97. Angiosperms have dominated the land flora primarily because of their
(1) Power of adaptability in diverse habitat
(2) Property of producing large number of seeds
(3) Nature of self pollination
(4) Domestication by man
Sol. Answer (1)
Angiosperms are dominated due to power of adaptability in diverse habitat.
98. Transport of food material in higher plants takes place through
(1) Companion cells (2) Transfusion tissue (3) Tracheids (4) Sieve elements
Sol. Answer (4)
Transport of food material – Sieve elements
99. An alga which can be employed as food for human being is
(1) Ulothrix (2) Chlorella (3) Spirogyra (4) Polysiphonia
Sol. Answer (2)
Chlorella is the rich source of protein.

Assertion - Reason Type Questions
1. A : Thallophytes are non-vascular, non-archegoniate and non-cormophytic plants.
R : Thallophytes lack vascular bundles, archegonia and differentiated plant body.
Sol. Answer (1)
Assertion and Reason both are correct and reason has correct explanation.
2. A : Funaria archegonium has maximum concentration of sucrose at the tip of neck.
R : Male gametes show chemotropic movement.
Sol. Answer (3)
Male gametes show chemotactic movement
3. A : Pyrenoids may or may not be surrounded by a sheath of starch plates in algae.
R : In higher plants, these are replaced by amyloplasts.
Sol. Answer (2)
Assertion and Reason both are correct.
4. A : Seeds are formed by some species of spike moss.
R : All conditions for seed habit are fulfilled by these species of spike moss.
Sol. Answer (4)
Seeds are not formed in pteridophytes

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160 Plant Kingdom Solutions of Assignment (Set-2)

5. A : Endosperm in Cycas is haploid in nature.

R : Cycas roots shows association with oxyphoto -bacteria.
Sol. Answer (2)
Both Assertion and Reason are correct.
6. A : Sexual reproduction shows considerable variation in the type and formation of sex cells in members of
R : It may be isogamous, anisogamous and oogamous.
Sol. Answer (1)
Assertion and Reason both are correct and Reason has correct explanation.
7. A : In mosses, second stage of gametophyte consist of upright, slender axes bearing spirally arranged leaves.
R : This stage of gametophyte consists of sex organs.
Sol. Answer (2)
Assertion & Reason both are correct.
8. A : Events precursor to the seed habit is seen in some members of pteridophytes.
R : Development of the zygotes into young embryo take place within the female gametophyte.
Sol. Answer (1)
Reason has correct explanation of assertion.
9. A : Different plant groups show different patterns of life cycles.
R : During life cycle there is alternation of generation between diploid gametophyte and haploid sporophyte.
Sol. Answer (3)
Cycle of alternation of generation between haploid gametophyte & diploid sporophyte.
10. A : Microspores and megaspores are produced in same lax in gymnosperms.
R : Lax represents compact strobilus which bear microsporophyll and megasporophyll.
Sol. Answer (4)
Gymnosperms are mostly monoecious.
Exception - Cycas


Aakash Educational Services Pvt. Ltd. - Regd. Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005, Ph.011-47623456

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