Advantages and Disadvantages of Online Platforms

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Google Meet When you sign up for the Software faults can cause
Teaching and Learning your web browser to crash
Upgrade or Education Plus, or an app to not run. Your
it can enable you to webcam and/or microphone
enhance teaching and may be malfunctioning if you
learning with cutting-edge experience hardware
features like breakout problems, which are most
rooms, live streaming, frequently experienced on
attendance tracking, Q&A, PC and Mac.
polls, and more.

Zoom In addition to working with Lack of personal

Macs and PCs, Zoom is free connections that students
for professors and students may have with the
to use. It also functions well instructors, restrictions on
on desktop and laptop some course activities,
computers, as well as participation in and
smartphones and tablets. attendance at class, and
Some of the early problems easy access to an internet
with Zoombombing and the connection are all factors.
inability for hosts to remove
unwanted users have been
resolved by recently
enhanced security
standards, which include
making passwords
necessary for new meetings.

Blackboard As a traditional teaching Due to its inability to

tool, the blackboard has manage big file sizes,
benefits such as being Blackboard has restrictions
affordable and reusable, when it comes to the
enabling students to follow delivery of content and the
along with the teacher, and evaluation of student work.
not requiring energy. The Its capacity to monitor
chalk that is used for writing student activity is likewise
needs no particular constrained. The student's
maintenance, is less most recent login is visible
expensive, has no scent, to instructors, but they are
and works well for unable to monitor behavior.
expressing written and
visual concepts.

Edmodo The three beneficial criteria The findings point to

offered by Edmodo— potential Edmodo
usability, accessibility, and drawbacks, including a lack
compatibility—promote of face-to-face connection,
teachers to cater to the amenities that might not be
needs of various students, accessible to all students,
foster a feeling of and potential distractions in
community among students, online learning
make them feel appreciated environments.
and significant, and provide
three such standards.

Canva Anyone may create stunning Canva for Education is ideal

photos and infographics with for teachers and educators
the help of a ton of free who want to boost
templates and excellent classroom creativity as well
instructions. as those who are converting
to remote working or online
programs. The key
advantage is that educators
and all of their students can
use this platform without any
time or offering restrictions
for free.

Youtube The accessibility of free, To obtain quality instructive

excellent, and educational content, it could be essential
movies online on sites like to go through several
YouTube is a natural videos. Comments and
addition to contemporary other ancillary content may
learning environments. not be acceptable. In certain
Parents, children, and cases, the entire website is
educators all concur that restricted in libraries and
web videos are a valuable schools.
teaching and learning tool.
The best thing about
YouTube videos is how
effortlessly they can be
incorporated into a number
of learning environments,
especially online learning.

Discord Discord features include Conflict may be a source of

screen sharing, multi- exploitation and
platform compatibility, pornography.
simple registration, Discord has a sordid
numerous communities, free underbelly because it is
programmability, and real- based on private groups,
time conversation made and there are groups
simple. promoting child
pornography, white
nationalism, and criminal
behaviour on the network.
By creating restricted groups
to exclude certain kids and
sharing unpleasant jokes
and images, students can
use Discord to bully others.

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