Student Regulation Manual

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Civil Military Operations School

Dear Almighty and ever loving God, we glorify
and thank thee name. Your infinite blessing
would mean the success of this lecture, may
we be living witnesses of your genuine love,
through the enactment of the knowledge
acquired through this activity. We ask this in
the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord and savoir.
Student Regulations
Manual Revised to include
provisions for Blended Learning and
Online courses
(A group output of students-instructors from NOSC, CMOS and NRCTC)

The SRM is a set of rules and regulations governing the students of
The interpretation of this regulation is a function of command exercised by the
Commandant/Director. If any doubt arises as to the meaning of a regulation, students
shall seek advice from their respective Course Directors/Assistant Course Directors.
Students shall comply with the intent of all provisions of the SRM and
shall be held responsible for the reading and understanding of the regulations
provided therein. Within one week after the convening of each course, every
student shall sign a certificate that he has read and understood all provisions of
the SRM.
The SRM will be distributed to all the students of NOSC/CMOS/NRCTC.
It is when a student may no longer attend the course, and must repeat the whole
course the next chance he/she is given.
In such case, the student must submit a formal written report addressed to the
Head, Admin Department citing the reason/s for dropping from the course. Only
permissible reasons shall be approved.
Grounds for Dropping
The Course Director shall recommend to the Superintendent or Director of the Schools
concerned the dropping from the course of a student who falls under any of the following
a) Has a course final grade below 75%;
b) Continuous unauthorized absence of 10 calendar days;
c) Is found guilty of hazing or cheating including plagiarism and other serious offenses
as may be determined by the Course Director;
d) Has a final grade in aptitude below 75%;
e) Has failed in the remedial examination and his course grade-to-date is below 75%.
Grounds for Dropping (Cont..)
f) Has accumulated absences, not due to certified sickness, equivalent to 25% or more of
the instructional hours prescribed in any module or in any subject of non-modular course or 15%
or more of the course instructional hours prescribed in the curriculum and his course grade
to-date is below 75% at the time he exceeded the allowable number of absences; and/or

g) Has exceeded the allowable demerits prescribed in the course and his grade-to-date
is below 75% at the time he exceeded the allowable number of demerits.

It is when a student may no longer attend the course, and may repeat
the whole course the next chance he/she was given.
Students who will not be able to continue the course due to
authorized/valid reasons as determined by the school Academic Board and
approved by the Commandant, shall be allowed to take the same course on
deferment basis.
Conduct of Online Examination

All online examination will be time- based and conducted thru Google
forms and other web- based application. Time allocation to finish the
examination is based on the number of items and difficulty of the
As to be determined by the CD and relayed to the proctor. For
the late submission of answers, appropriate deductions will be incurred
Remedial Exam
A remedial examination shall be given to a student who obtained a subject final grade of less than 75% in non
modular course and or a student who obtained a module final grade of less than 75% in a modular course.
a) The remedial examination for the subject shall cover all the
topics under that, the remedial examination for the module shall cover all the subjects under that module.

b) A student who passes the remedial examination shall be given 75% as final grade in that particular
subject or module. However, if he fails, his final grades shall be his original grade before the remedial

c) No remedial examination in a particular subject or module shall be given more than once

to the same subject.

d) Has failed in the remedial examination provided his course grade-to-date or his course final grade

is 75% or higher, is subject for deferment.

Students are required to attend all scheduled sessions, lectures and activities.
However, circumstances may warrant that some student will be absent for health,
official and personal reasons, hence such absences could be authorized for allowed.
1. Authorized Absences – are absences which are considered official in which
the attendance to certain activities is a must.
2. These activities should be supported by official notices or communication from
duly authorized persons. However, in the computation of grades, there must be
certain deduction compared with `those with no absence. The perfect attendance
will get the perfect score while 25% will be deducted to those who availed the
authorized absences.
(Note: Request for absences must be done at least two (2) days prior the date of
absence unless due to sickness (should be supported with medical certificate).
3. Unauthorized Absence – are absences which are not considered official or justifiable:
a. Shall be meted with appropriate administrative sanctions;

b. Accumulated absences which exceeded the total number of absences authorized on the
course POI will be referred to the Academic Board to determine the degree of sanctions to be
c. The Academic Board Resolution shall be submitted to SNOSC/CCMOG-PN/CNRC.
d. For blended learning and online courses, ABSENCE shall be defined as not being able to
join a pre-scheduled online meeting in any recognized virtual platform without justifiable reason.
For Blended Learning and Online Course:
a. Students who log-in late for the ZOOM class meeting
shall be deducted 25% in the attendance.
b. Students who are fail to log-in for the first 30 minutes of
an online class shall considered as absent.
For submission of turn-ins for Blended Learning and Online
Courses: Definition:
Students must submit the required turn-in at the prescribed date and
time of submission
1. One (1) point will be deducted from turn-in grade of students for every minute of
tardiness, reckoned from the prescribed time of submission. Maximum deduction shall be
20 points.
2. Turn-ins submitted beyond 20 minutes from the prescribed time shall
automatically be given a grade of 75%.

Delinquency Report
A brief account of a delinquency committed by a student, either handwritten or
typed in an official form.
A. Grave (Class A) Delinquencies
Grave Delinquency – punishable in the maximum by discharge and in the minimum
by return to unit (RTU). Punishments for grave delinquencies are meted out or endorsed
by the Conduct/Honor Board or higher authority approval and further disposition.
Likewise, cases that will qualify trial by a court-martial or
deliberation by the Efficiency and Separation Board (ESB) shall be
endorsed, as appropriate. The following acts shall constitute grave
1. Possessing, trafficking or using prohibited drugs, taking-in or
drinking, bring or possession of the same;
2. Engaging in a fight;
3. Disorders and Neglect;
Grave delinquencies (Cont..)
4. Concerted action among students;
5. Ungentlemanly Conduct;
6. Challenging and/or Accepting a Challenge – committed by a student who
challenges or accepts challenge to fight another student;
7. Violation of the Honor Code;
8. AWOL;
9. Usurpation of authority or other lawful assumption of power results in the
commission of any of the above mentioned grave delinquencies
Grave delinquencies (Cont..)
10. Intentional destruction or waste, damage to, or loss of any
government property;
11. Sexual misconduct;
12. Female students who become pregnant and students who
caused pregnancy during the duration of the course shall be out-rightly
dismissed from the school;
Grave delinquencies (Cont..)
13. Undesirable habits or traits of character. This shall include but not
limited to extortion, peddling, giving illegal orders and other acts involving moral
turpitude. Students guilty of violating this provision shall be separated from the
14. Maltreatment, encouraging, countering and not reporting
maltreatment; 15. Unauthorized absence from school; and
16. Other grave offenses determined by their very nature and results;
B. Grave (Class B) Delinquencies
Serious Delinquencies – Are offenses whose punishments are
meted out by the Head of School:
1. Neglect of duty
2. Absence from a prescribed duty
3. Insubordination
4. Gambling
5. Improper conduct
Serious Delinquencies (Cont..)
6. Intentional destruction of waste, damage to, or loss of any
government property;
7. Late from termination or leave;
8. Making unnecessary or uncalled for remarks, comments, or opinions
prejudicial to the interest of the School, PN and AFP in general;
9. Under the influence of liquor;
10. Cutting classes;
11. Deliberately not taking exam without justifiable reasons;
Serious Delinquencies (Cont..)
12. Usurpation of authority or unlawful assumption of authority resulting in
commission of any of the above-mentioned serious delinquencies;

13. Breach of confinement – Committed by a student in violation of the

restrictive provisions of special, ordinary or school confinement he/she is serving;

14. Unauthorized solicitation or donation of any kind or any favor, personal

or otherwise;

15. Other serious delinquencies as determined by their nature and results.

C. Less Serious (Class C) Delinquencies
Less Serious Delinquencies – Offenses whose punishments are
meted out by the Head, Non-Academic Department. Less serious
delinquencies include:
1. Failure to obey orders, instructions or regulation not amounting
to insubordination;
2. Derelictions that tend to incite unfavorable comments regarding
3. Indifference of any kind not amounting to insubordination;
Less Serious Delinquencies (Cont..)
5. Repeated failure to maintain standards of soldier appearance;
6. Intentional destruction of waste of damage to or loss of any
government property;
7.Late from termination of authorized absence;
8. Sleeping during class instructions;
9. Usurpation of authority or unlawful assumption of power not
resulting to the commission of any delinquencies;
Less Serious Delinquencies (Cont..)
10. Failure to maintain order or discipline as a responsible
student; 11. Failure to render appropriate courtesy toward
12. Borrowing and using all issued items of uniform and paraphernalia
personally belonging to another student;
13. Lying on reason for absences and tardiness during online meetings;
and 14. Other less serious delinquencies determined by their nature and
D. Light (Class D) Delinquencies
Light Delinquencies – Punishment for these delinquencies are
meted out by the Tactical Petty Officer. Light delinquencies include: 1.
Failure to maintain standards of soldiers’ appearance, e.g. unauthorized
haircut/long hair and authorized/unpolished shoes and buckles, etc.;
2. Unintentional failure to comply with instructions or published
3. Violation of specific instructions;
Light Delinquencies (Cont..)
4. Failure to observe and/ or non-conformance with the prescribed classroom
instruction, conduct and procedure, e.g. not standing attention while marcher is
rendering report to the instructor, etc.;
5. No-submission, improper or incorrect entry on the class marcher’s report;
6. Unintentional violation of limits;
7. Rusty, dirty, torn or shabby personal articles or items of equipment;
Light Delinquencies (Cont..)
8. Late from assembly/attention call from any formation and
classroom instructions;
9. Making or causing to make unnecessary noise or disturbance
during office and study periods and after taps;
10. Failure to render appropriate courtesies towards superiors, e.g.
failure to salute;
Light Delinquencies (Cont..)
11. Doing acts or things other than the activity authorized for a specific
period or place;
12. Failure to follow prescribed classroom regulation and procedures;
13. Pretending to be online and doing something else apart from
participating in classroom instructions;
14. Possession of unauthorized articles; whether the possessor be the
owner or not; and
15. Other light offenses similar to the foregoing.
Class I RTU Discharge For recommendation
of Commander to
Class II 10 Demerits Max Allowable Demerits Commandant or
Class III 5 Demerits 10 Demerits Head Non-Academics

Class IV 1 Demerit 5 Demerits Tactical Officer

Grading System
Definition: The student’s overall performance composing of the academic,
aptitude and physical training performance for the course.
1. All examinations to be graded shall be converted from raw scores
into standard scores as per Standard Score Conversion Table (Annex “A”;
Circular Nr 12 HPN dtd 15 July 2013).
2. Passing grade for all examinations, assignments, and other outputs
shall be 75%.
Student Marcher
Definition: A designated student in charge of the class for the whole
24 hours.
Duties and Responsibilities:
1. Will act as the representative of the Course Director;
2. He shall see to it that all disseminations coming from the
Course Director/Assistant Course Director shall be properly
Class Marcher (Cont..)
3. He shall be held responsible for the overall behavior of the class; 4.
In-charge of the accounting, formation and marching of his/her classmates; 5.
In-charge of the conduct and classroom procedures;
6. Will render the completeness report and the status of his/her classmates to
the instructors for the day; and
7. Accomplish the marcher’s report and submit it to the admin officer of the

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