Module Unit I Week 1&2

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Module In

From the

For Grade 12 Senior High School

Contemporary arts of the Philippines for Senior High School is a response to radical changes of
the environment and culture of different regions. It helps the learners understand the significance of art
in history and today’s modern world. This module is designed for the enhancement of learner’s skill and
for self-exploration.

As they go deeper on this module, their artistic skill will be developed and they will become
appreciative to all forms of art in different regions. For applied product, they’ll collaborate the
traditional style and modern style to form a new unique masterpiece.

This module is guided with different signals corresponding activities and other related exercises.

WHAT YOU THINK?? Something will happen in the lessons that will outline the
learners’ objectives.

BUBBLEFAQ these are formative questions that activates the awareness of the
student to the main topic and sub topic

SELFIE are hands-on activities, showcases the artistic sides of the students

GROUPIE group activities

H.W these are take home assignments and tasks and it is also an extended
lesson that needs long research and further readings of the lesso


1 Definition of Art
2 functions of Art
3 Art Style and Factors Affecting Style
4 Principles of Art
5 Classification of Arts Forms
6 Divisions of Art Study
7 Integrative Art
8 Contemporary Art
Unit 1 Figures
Unit 1 Exercise
(Week 1&2)
Integrative Art as Applied
To Contemporary Arts
from the regions

At the end of the lesson, you are expected to:

• Define art;
• Discuss functions of art;
• Explain art principles;
• Classify art forms;
• Identify various contemporary art forms and their practices from the
various regions and their practices; and
• Classify various art forms found in the Philippines

WARM-UP: The students will watch a short video clip. ‘’Timeline of Philippine Art by: Raymart

1. In your own idea, how will you define Philippine Arts?

2. What is the main focus of the artists in their masterpieces?
3. Does art convey messages?


Definition of Art
A rt is anything done by man with creative perception. It’s an expression of human
creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, producing works to
be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power.

Through art artist express their emotions and thoughts, it can be real or imaginary.
Others do it to produce things of beauty, like architectural wonders. A small number of artists do it to
immortalize themselves as do painters who do self-portraits or to immortalize other people as do
sculptors who erect monuments of heroes and writers who make biographies. A few artists do it to
inform as do historical dramatists and biographical essayists. Several engage in art in order to persuade;
among them are the propaganda writers, copywriters, and editorial cartoonists. But most artists intend
to entertain people. That viewers enjoy the sight of beautiful paintings, sculptures, and buildings.

Victorio C. Edades : Self-portrait Dr. Jose Rizal Monument in Luneta Calle Crisologo VIgan,
Ilocos Sur

Functions of Art
Art serves several functions which are the outcomes to its purposes. Artists have different objectives
and agendas.

There are nine (9) functions of art that drives artists to create art/masterpieces.

1. Personal or Individual Function- Artists have their own personal reasons of indulging in
art. Other artists do their thing because of their passion for their respective art forms. Personal
functions are difficult to characterize. Because art can mean different things to different people
based on their personal life history and experiences, these personal functions vary greatly. Two
different people may receive highly different understanding to what the artist really meant from his
‘’The Starry Night’’ by Vincent Van Gogh CNN Philippines "The Game of the Real (#8),"

What do the two paintings tells about?


2. Social Function- Man is a social being and as such he associates with his fellow beings.
This association is evidenced by the choral singing and group dancing in religious rites and other
practices. Oftentimes, houses are constructed by groups of men for the smallest social groups in a
society, the families. Churches are built foe communal worship. A drama is performed by a group of
performers called the cast before a group of viewers known as the audience. Oral and written literatures
are handed from one generation to the next and enjoyed by people of various races and ages. Jose
Rizal’s novels were written arouse social consciousness. Museums house paintings and sculptures which
are viewed by many onlookers.

“Noli Me Tangere’’ by Jose Rizal (Ifugao Dance) Hingyon, Ifugao

Did you know!

Long before Skype and Face Time, there was “videophone” invented by a
Filipino engineer in the 1950s.

3. Economic Function- Many people believe that it does not pay to be an artist. GMA 7 spent
millions of pesos for the set of “Indio” and “Encantadia” and the costume of Richard Gutierrez in
“Captain Barbel” Cultural Economics is concerned with the arts in a broad sense. The goods considered
have creative content. Cultural goods are those with a value determined by symbolic content rather
than physical characteristics.
*GMA TV series “Encantadia” and “Indio”

Did you know!

President Corazon Aquino, who has been associated with the color yellow since the EDSA People
Power Revolution, admitted that her favorite color was actually red.

4. Political Function- A strong relationship between the arts and politics, particularly between
various kinds of art and power, occurs across historical epochs and cultures. As they respond to
contemporaneous events and politics, the arts take on political as well as social dimension, becoming
themselves in focus of controversy and even a force of political as well as social change.

The CCP (Cultural Center of the Philippines) Complex; these include the PICC (Philippine International
Convention Center) , FAT ( Folk Arts Theater, now known as Tanghalang Balagtas) and the Film Center
these were built to show Marcos administration image-building and to promote their program by
means of the art.
CCP (Cultural Center of the Philippines) Complex in Pasay City

5. Historical Function- Painting, sculpture, architectural works, and other art forms serve to record
historical figures and events.

Mostly historical art focuses on the significance of works as cultural artifacts. It is characterized
by a variety approaches, but all share the basic objective of examining art in relation to its historical
context. Most often, this is the time in place in which a work was created.

Cenaculo, depicting the life and EDSA Shrine, Patroness of Bloodless Revolution
sufferings of Jesus Christ

Did you know!

Aluling Bridge in Ilocos Sur took six Philippine presidents and almost
four decades to complete.

6. Cultural Function- Buildings, furniture (chairs, tables, etc.), clothes, and the like form part of the
country’s material culture, while music, dance, and language, which is incorporated in oral and written
literature and drama, form part of its non-material culture. Therefore, paintings, sculptures,
architectural works, songs, dances, drama and literary pieces are embodiments of a nation’s culture.
Yakan Weaving in Basilan Paete products in Laguna

7. Religious Function- This art forms evolved from religion. People in the olden times worshipped
their gods in the form of songs and dances. The earliest dramatic forms were religious in nature. Religion
is a cultural universal because it fulfills several basic functions within human societies.

‘’Pabasa’’ is a Catholic devotion during Holy Week

Did you know!

Batanes is the only region in the country with a “winter” season

8. Physical Function- Houses and other buildings are constructed to protect their occupants and all
the others inside them. At times, paintings serve to protect the walls and ceilings of some buildings.
Many people claim that dance is one of the best forms of exercise, while music is a form of therapy.
‘’ Intramuros, or the Walled city’’ built in 1571 Barasoain Church-Site of first Congress

9. Aesthetic Function- Artworks serve to beautify. Paintings serve to decorate houses and other
buildings. Sculptures serve to decorate churches and similar edifices. Tall buildings are sights to behold.
Set designs, as well as costumes and props, make dramas, dance performances, and song renditions not
only realistic but also appealing to the audience.

Vandalism as an art in Malate Manila The famous art ceiling of Magellan’s Cross in
A. Given the names of selected artworks, masterpieces and historical places,
complete the table below by writing the artwork’s respective artists, genre,
and places of origin.



El Filibusterismo
The Oblation
Banawe Rice
Malacanang Palace
Ibong Adarna
Atin Cu Pung


Smokey Mountain

Return to a land called paraiso

A place where a dying river ends.
No birds there fly over paraiso
No space allows them to endure.
The smoke that screens the air
The grass that's never there.
And if i could see a single bird, what a joy.
I try to write some words and create
A simple song to be heard
By the rest of the world.
I live in this land called paraiso
In a house made of cardboard floors and walls.
I learned to be free in paraiso
Free to claim anything i see.
Matching rags for my clothes
Plastic bags for the cold.
And if empty cans were all i have, what a joy.
I never fight to take someone
Else's coins and live with fear
Like the rest of the boys.
Paraiso, help me make a stand.
Paraiso, take me by the hand
Paraiso, make the world understand
That if i could see a single bird, what a joy.
This tired and hungry land could expect
Some truth and hope and respect
From the rest of the world.

Let the student listen to the music “PARAISO” by Smokey Mountain and answer the following

1. What functions of art shows in the music and explain?


2. What is the message of the music base in your own understanding?


3. How will you apply the message of the song in your life?

Art Forms from the Regions. Research for function of art found in the region
and list
them down in the table that follows.







Principles of Art

To come up with attractive artworks, artists must be governed by the five conventions of
artistic compositions. The five principles of art are harmony, balance, rhythm, proportion, and

1. Harmony- it is the most essential factor in a composition. Also called unity, harmony is
achieved when all the elements of a thing are put together to come up with a coherent whole.
Through repetition and gradual changes,
This design has harmony
Examples of Harmony

2. Balance- Known as physical equilibrium, balance is stability produced by even distribution

of weight on each side of the thing. It is classified into formal or informal.

-It weighs at equal distance Informal balance is

from the center are equal. When the left and the
sides of the thing,
not identical in

3. Rhythm- Rhythm is the continuous use of a motif or repetitive pattern of a succession of

similar and identical items. It can be achieved by ALTERNATION ( use of two pattern
alternately), RADIATION (repetition of the motif from the center or toward it), PROGRESSION
(use of motifs of varying sizes, that is, from the smallest to largest, or vice versa), or
PARRARELISM (use of a pattern with an equal distance from each other)

Examples of rhythm
4. Proportion- Proportion is the comparative relationship of the different parts in relation
to the whole. It is the proper and pleasing relationship of one object with the others in a design.

Examples of Proportion

5. Emphasis- Emphasis is giving proper importance on one or more parts of the thing or the
whole thing itself. It is achieve by means of size or proportion, shape, color, line, position, and

Examples of Emphasis


Create an artwork using at least 2 principle of art. Use the space provided.


B. Identify the function of art of the following pictures.

1. 2.

_____________________ _____________________
3. 4.

___________________ ______________________

5. 6.

________________________ ______________________

7. 8.

_______________________ ________________________

9. 10.
_______________________ ________________________

Visual arts – are those forms perceived by the eyes. These include painting, sculpture, and
architecture. They are also called spatial arts because artworks produced under this genre
occupy space. They are further divided into graphic arts and plastic arts.

The Palay Maiden The Oblation

by Fernando Amorsolo

Graphic arts- are those visual arts that have length and width; thus, they are also called
two- dimensional arts. Examples of these arts are painting, printing, drawing, sketching,
commercial art, mechanical; processes, computer graphics and photography.
Philippine arts festival Wham Bacabac
Plastic arts- are those visual arts that have length, width, and volume; thus, they are also
called three-dimensional arts. Examples of these are sculpture, architecture, landscape
architecture, city planning, interior design, costume design, theater design, set design, industrial
design, crops (handy crops and allied arts).


by Francis Solano

Audio-visual arts- are those forms perceived by both years and eyes. They are called
performing art inasmuch as the artists render a performance in front if an audience. Examples
of these are music, dance, and drama.

Noli Me Tangere Drama Tinikling

Literary arts- are those presented in the written mode and intended to be read this
includes prose (short story, novels, essays and play) and poetry (narrative poems, lyric poem and
dramatic poem)

Ibong Adarna Biag ni Lam-ang

Integrative Art
A number of art forms are combined to form an artwork. For example, an opera or
musical play is a combination of music, dance and drama. A building is an architectural work that
can have paintings and sculpture as integral parts. Dishes are products of culinary arts; they may
have vegetables or fruit sculpture as decorations. A t-shirt or another piece of garment may have
a design through computer graphics. A novel or another literary piece in book form may have a
painting or drawing as its cover.
Fruits and Vegetables sculpture Handmade T-shirt Design

Contemporary Art
Includes and develops from, post-modern art, which it is self as successor to modern art another
online definition is “art that has been continues to be created during our lifetimes.”
Contemporary art runs from 1970 until now. “a whole lot of art from the last 30 years has been
connected with one issue or another: feminism , multiculturalism, globalization, bio-engineering,
and AIDS awareness all come readily to mind a subject matter.”

Globalization Feminism

Did you know!

According to Filipino custom, it is considered rude to open gifts immediately
after they are given.
A. Slogan Making

The pictures above are the current issues we are facing nowadays.
Make a slogan of these contemporary art to help spread awareness.

B. Make a research about other forms of contemporary arts in the



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