SOLIMAN - 06 - Performance - Task - 1

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Jerick R. Soliman
Names ____________________________________________________________________ BSIT101A
Section __________________ 11/13/2022

General Guidelines: (9 items x 10 points)
1. Develop a business model canvass using the context of your proposed product/service in the earlier performance task.
2. Refer to the structure below and use the guide questions to complete the canvas.
3. Keywords can be presented in the canvas, but each element must also provide a detailed description/narrative.
Key Partners Key Activities Value Propositions Customer Relationships Customer Segments
Who are the key partners? What key activities do the What value do we deliver to How do we get, keep, and For whom are we creating
Who are the key suppliers? following require? the customer? grow customers? value?
Which key resources are we Our value propositions Which one of our customer's Which customer Who are our most important
acquiring from our partners? Our distribution channels problems are we helping to relationships have we customers?
Which key activities do Our customer relationships solve? established? What are the customer
partners perform? Our revenue streams What bundles of products How are they integrated archetypes?
Who are the key partners? What key activities do the and services are we offering with the rest of our business For whom are we creating value?
- Our key partners are our chip following require? - For people that looks for a
maker partners like AMD, TSMC, - Supplying circuity boards and
to each segment? model?
cleaning tool and at the same
and Inter. needed electronics for our Which customer needs are How costly are they? time, the people who wants to
product. we satisfying? earn money while doing the
Who are the key suppliers? cleaning part.
- Our key suppliers are also Key Resources What is the minimum viable Channels
them. What key resources do the product? Through which channels do Who are our most important
following require? - We provide value by having our our customer segments customers?
Which key resources are we customer have our cleaning pro- - People 18 years old above.
acquiring from our partners? Our value propositions duct and at the same time earn
want to be reached?
- From chips to our products to Our distribution channels money while doing it. How do other companies What are the customer
small circuitry boards needed for - By having a tool to clean up un- reach them now? archetypes?
the function of our high tech Our customer relationships
necessary mess and so-on, while - Segmentation prefers direct.
broom. Our revenue streams earning. Which ones work best? gimmick-free language.
- From our manufactures. - The earning part. Which ones are most cost-
Which key activities do partners - The needed of a tool for cleaning efficient?
perform? various areas and at the same time,
- Key activities that our partners earning money by doing such baic How are we integrating
perform is supplying essential thiing. them with customer
components for our products. - The implementation of cyrptocurrency
in our product.
Cost Structure Revenue Streams
What are the most important cost inherent to our business model? For what value are our customers willing to pay?
Which key resources are the most expensive? For what do they currently pay?
Which key activities are the most expensive? What is the revenue model?
- The manufacturing of the chips needed to be embedded in our Broom. What are the pricing tactics?
- The true value of having a cleaning tool at the same time. the abilty to earn from it/
- The chips needed.
- For the ability of our products to earn more cryptocurrency coin.
- The outsourcing of chips needed for our product. - From customers and stakeholders.

06 Performance Task 1 - The pricing tactics will be based on geographical considerations *Property of STI
like minimum wage in that certain area, people around it. and etc. Page 1 of 2
Jerick R. Soliman
Names ____________________________________________________________________ BSIT101A
Section __________________ 11/13/2022

Rubric for grading:

Content Provided pieces of evidence, supporting
details, and factual scenarios
Organization Expressed the points in a clear and
of Ideas logical arrangement of ideas in the 2

06 Performance Task 1 *Property of STI

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