Agustin Career Plan Worksheet

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Career Plan Worksheet ( 50 points)

The purpose of this activity is to help students understand their interests and how they relate to career
choices. It also encourages them to look beyond their preconceptions about careers and investigate
alternatives they may not have considered before. Classroom discussion can focus on two issues: the
relationship between people’s interests and their career choices, and how much (or little) we know about
various careers. The teacher asks students which occupations they are thinking about pursuing. Then ask
them how much they know about those occupations. How do they know they will like those careers? There
are hundreds of occupations to pursue, yet many students only think of a handful when imagining their
future career paths.

Career Development Plan

This career development plan template can be used as a tool to guide your thought process and map
your progress over a chosen period. Completion of this plan will follow a 4 step process. Each step will
address specific career-related questions:
• What skills do you already possess? (Where are you now?)
• What do you want for your career? (Where do you want to go?)
• How might you get there? (What steps do you need to take to get there?)
• Who can help? (What resources might I use?)
Where are you now?
This process starts with taking a good look at where you are currently at. What are your skills,
talents, and interests? What are your values do you like to lead, work with people, or alone with data or text?
Do you like working face to face with people or prefer independent work? Do you like to work inside or
outside? Do you like working to deadlines? Which teams do you like working on, quiet or loud, small or
Answering the questions below will assist you in determining your starting point.

Question Notes.
Where am I now in regards to my I’m just in the first step in choosing career.
What is my view of the current I’m still searching for a career that suits my skills and my interests.
What do I enjoy most? Drawing and watching architectural designs.

What skills come to me naturally? I’m artistic

What do I think my strengths/assets Interests in making designs and drawings.

are? (Skills, knowledge, talents,
What are some things people ask me to Sometimes they ask to help them to draw there project.
help with?

What do I do well? Drawing

What appeals to me? Creativity

What are my values? (work/life) Respect one another, treat them with a good service.
Do I like to lead, work with people as I like to work alone because I believe I can concentrate more my
a team, or work alone (with data or work.
Do I like working face to face with I rather work in back-office because I’m not good in interacting
customers or back-office work? with other people.

How do I feel when I think about my I’m fear to get mistake but in opposite of that I am excited in my
ideal job (excited, motivated, fear)? ideal job.

Is there anything getting in my way of I am afraid to make a mistake in the future that it makes me regret.
achieving what I want?

Where do you want to go?

Develop concise written statements related to your goals and add them to the table below. Knowing
where you want to go makes the next steps in determining your future career move much easier

Question Notes
My ideal job is I am happy to go in my workplace and I’m
What does my ideal job look like?
motivated to wake-up in the morning.

If I could do any job in the world what Architecture because I am very interested in that field.
might it be and why?

What are my goals (short/long term)? Long term because I already love my work
I love to see architecture designs or interior designs in social media
What energizes me?
that energizes me a lot.
Where do I want to be (in 1 yr., in 5 In 5 years, I hope I successful in that career.
Are there any specific challenges I Competition in drawing.
want to face?
Why is this important to me? It is important because that’s my goal in my life.
What do I want to see/get/do more of? I want to see that all of my dreams are fulfilled.
What do I want to see/get/do less of? Worrying about something.
What is my preferred balance between Keep myself productive in my work and prioritize my health first.
work and my personal life?
What normally gets in the way of Procrastination and high expectation sometimes.
achieving my goals?
What kind of work environment suits Work life balance, flexible and resilient in workplace.
me best?
Yes, I have. That sometimes I notice signs to God that things
Do I feel I have a calling in life?
happen in my life.

How might I get there?

By answering questions 1 & 2, you should now have a clearer idea of what you want & where you
want to go. The next step is figuring out how you might get there. What do you need to do? Below are some
questions you may consider in deciding what resources may be useful. Some several tools & resources can
assist you with this.

Question Notes
Be practical thinking and choose to surround your self in minded
How can I prepare myself and my
environment to achieve my goals?

What resources and tools/resources do Focus, support, time and energy.

I need?

What steps do I need to take to get Pursue my studies, focus on my goals, avoid distractions to achieve
from where I am now to where I want my dreams that I want to be.
to be?
What new skills, knowledge do I need Management skills and communication skills.
to possess?
What new skills do I want to learn? Flexibility and adaptability.
What existing skills do I need to Ability to solve problems.
How can I commit to achieving my Set my goals in my mind to be motivated always and make sure
goals? that I know exactly what I want to be.
What barriers do I need to remove to Stop thinking negatives and avoid low self confidence.
make this happen?
How will I know I have been When I do not compare myself to others and I can provide my
successful? family in what they want, that no need to worry about money.

Who can help (resources)?

Knowing who can assist you and what resources you need to achieve your career goals can greatly
assist you in staying focused on your goals.
Question Notes
What new relationships might I build More socialize to other people.
help me attain my career goals?

My family because they are my inspiration why I need to

Who do I know who can support me achieve my goals.
attain my career goals?

Who have I lost touch with who might My closes relatives who died.
be able to support me in my career
They help me to achieve my dreams and the best people who
What role can my friends and take in encouraging me.
encouraging me to stay focused?

Setting Goals
Now that you have a clearer picture of where you are now and where you want to go, it is now time
to set some goals for yourself and create your Career Development Plan – goal summary. When deciding on
your career development goals you must set yourself up for success. Using the SMART goal setting process
is a good way to achieve this.

Write the goal you have in mind

Finish my college course.

What do you want to accomplish? Who needs to be included? When do you want to do this? Why is
this goal?

I want to finish my career. And I want to provide a good life to my parents. Because they are the one
who support mo to achieve my goal.

M How can you measure progress and know if you’ve successfully met your goal?

MEASURABLE I keep it on my journal to track my daily progress.

Do you have the skills required to achieve the goal? If not, can you obtain them? What is the motivation
for this goal? Is the amount of effort required on par with what the goal will achieve?

Yes, I have. Skill to focus everyday and avoid distractions all the time. Also I motivated to do this
because I’m the only one who still studying on my family that’s why I need to finish. And to do that I
ACHIEVABLE should give my all efforts to my study.

R Why am I setting this goal now? Is it aligned with the overall objectives?

RELEVANT To guide me and to stay focus on my goals. Yes, it is aligned to my objectives.

T What’s the deadline and is it realistic?

TIME-BOUND Deadline is a date of particular task to finish.

Review what you have written, and craft a new goal statement based on what the answers to the
questions above have revealed
GOAL My goal know is to find a course that I want to be and finish my studies.

• Specific (so you know exactly what you are trying to achieve
• Measurable (so you know when you have achieved it!)
• Action-oriented (so you can DO something about it!)
• Realistic (so it IS achievable) and
• Time-Bound (has a deadline)
Focusing on the Outcome:
• What is it that you want to achieve? … have my own house and car, also stable in financial.
• What is the SPECIFIC OUTCOME that you are looking for? I can see myself wearing tuga in my
• How will you know you have achieved it? That I dont worry anything about school.

Personal Career Plan – Goal Summary

Once you have your goals in a SMART format – add them to the Personal Career Plan – Goal Summary

What resources Success criteria

Specific How will I
do I need By when – how will I
Goal knowledge, achieve the
(people, (timeline) know I have
skills achieved goal?
material, etc.) been successful?
Finish my Set my goals and Study, pass my God, my family In the year When I don’t
studies. avoid not exams and to motivate me 2026. think about my
necessary projects. and money also schooling
activities. because its very anymore.
material in
To be a Hardworking Planning and Give your Year 2028 I’m When I see my
Professional. and time patience. clients a good gonna pass my name in the list
In achi. Or management. work. board of passer.
interior examination.

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