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Reg. No.

Question Paper Code :


Fifth Semester

Mechanical Engineering


(Regulation 2008)

(Common to PTME 2302 Dynamics of Machinery for B.E. (Part-Time)

Mechanical Engineering Fourth Semester – Regulation 2009)

Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks

0Answer ALL questions

PART A — (10 × 2 = 20 marks)

1. Write D’Alembert’s principle. What is the use of it?


2. Differentiate between the usage of flywheel in engines and punching

presses with turning moment diagrams.

3. How does firing order affect the balancing of inline multi cylinder engines?

4. Draw a sketch of pivoted cradle balancing machine with parts indicated.

5. A 5 kg mass attached to the lower end of a spring, whose upper end is

fixed, vibrates with a natural period of 0.45 sec. Determine the stiffness of
the spring.

6. A vibrating system has the following: m = 3 kg, k = 100 N/m and C = 3 N-

sec/m. Determine the damping factor in the system.

7. Draw a graph showing the variation of amplitude transmissibility with

respect to the variation in damping factor and frequency ratio.

8. A vibrating system having mass 1 kg is suspended by a spring of stiffness

1000 N/m and it is put to harmonic excitation of 10 N. Damping factor =
0.6. Determine the amplitude of vibration at resonance.

9. Define hunting and isochronism.

10. Write the equation for the stability of a two wheeler when it is taking a
turn towards left or right.
PART B — (5 × 16 = 80 marks)

11. (a) The crank and the connecting rod of an engine are 125 mm and 500
mm respectively. The mass of the connecting rod is 60 kg and its
center of gravity is 275 mm from the cross head pin center. The
radius of gyration about center of gravity being 150 mm. If the engine
speed is 600 rpm for a crank position of 45 o from the IDC, determine
the acceleration of the piston and the magnitude, position and
direction of inertia force due to the mass of the connecting rod.

(b) A punching press is required to punch 30 mm diameter holes in a
plate of 20 mm thickness at the rate of 20 holes/mm. It requires 6
Nm energy/mm2 of sheared area. If punching takes places in 1/10 of

a second and the speed of the flywheel varies from 160 to 140 rpm,
determine the mass of the flywheel having radius of gyration 1 m.

12. (a) Determine the masses to be added at planes L and U at radii 0.6m if
the system shown in Fig.l is to be dynamically balanced. The
unbalance mass and the eccentricities are given in the table below.
Plane Mass Eccentricity
(kg) (m)
13.A 14.400 15.0.22
16.B 17.600 18.0.18
19.C 20.480 21.0.25
22.D 23.520
0 24.0.3

0.3 0.45
0.45 0.50
m m 0.25
m m m

(i) Position of planes


(ii) Angular position.


(b) Crank and connecting rod of 4-cylinder in-line engine running at

1800 rpm are 60 mm and 240 mm respectively and the cylinders are
spaced 150 mm apart. If the cylinders are numbered 1— 4 in
sequence from one end, the cranks appear at intervals of 90° in an
end view in the order
1-4-2-3. Reciprocating mass per cylinder is 1.5 kg. Find the
unbalanced primary and secondary forces and unbalanced primary
and secondary couples with reference to central plane of engine.

13. (a) A vibrating system consists of a mass of 20 kg, a spring of stiffness

20 kN/m and a damper. The damping provided is only 30 % of the

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critical value. Determine the damping factor, critical damping co-
efficient, natural frequency of damped vibrations, logarithmic
decrement and the ration of the consecutive amplitudes.

(b) The flywheel of an engine driving a dynamo has a mass of 180 kg and
a radius of gyration of 30 mm. The shaft at the flywheel end has an
effective length of 250 mm and is 50mm in diameter. The armature

mass is 120 kg and its radius of gyration is 22.5 mm. The dynamo
shaft is 43 mm diameter and has 220 mm of effective length.
Calculate the position of node frequency of torsional vibration.
14. (a) An electric motor is supported on a spring and a dashpot. The spring
has the stiffness 6400 N/m and the dashpot offers resistance of 500

N at 4 m/sec. The unbalanced mass 0.5 kg rotates at 5 cm radius
and the total mass of vibratory system is 20 kg. The motor runs at
400 rpm. Determine damping factor, amplitude of vibration, forces
exerted by the spring and dashpot on the motor.
(b) A vehicle weighs 490 kg and total spring constant of its suspension
system is 300 N/cm. The profile of the road is approximated as SHM
of amplitude 4 cm and wavelength of 4m. Determine the critical
speed of the vehicle, the amplitude of the steady state motion of the
mass when the vehicle is driven at critical speed when the damping
factor is 0.5 and amplitude of the steady state motion when the
vehicle is driven at 57 km/hr with same damping factor.
15. (a) The lengths of the upper and lower arms 200 mm and 250 mm
respectively. Both the arms are pivoted on the axis of rotation. The
central load is 150 N, the weight of each ball is 20 N and the friction
of the sleeve together with the resistance of the operating gear is
equivalent to a force of 30 N at the sleeve, If the limiting inclinations
of the upper arms to the vertical are 28° and 38°, taking friction into
account, find the range of speed of the governor.
(b) Each wheel of a four-wheeled, rear engine automobile has a moment
of inertia of 2.4 kg-m2 and an effective diameter of 660 mm. The
rotating parts of the engine have a moment of inertia of 1.2 kg-m2,
The gear ratio of engine to the back wheel is 3. The engine axis is
parallel to the rear axle and the crank shaft rotates in the same

sense as the road wheels. The mass of the vehicle is 2200 kg and the
centre of the mass is 550mm above the road level. The track width of
the vehicle is 1.5 m. Determine the limiting speed of the vehicle
around a curve with 80 m radius so that all the four wheels maintain

contact with the road surface.


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