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Reg. No.: I I I · I I .

I I I I ·1 I · I I

Question Paper Code: 80298


Fourth Semester

Production Enginee.ring


(Common to Aeronautical Engineering/Automobile Engineering/Industrial

Engineering/Manu~acturing Engineering/Mechanical and Automation Engineering)

(Regulation 2017)
Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks

Answer ALL questions.

PART A- (10 x 2 = 20 marks)

1. State the use of kinematic analysis of mechanisms. ·

2. What is the use of offset follower in cams? .

3. How do you relate interference and undercutting?

4. Distinguish cycloid and involute tooth profile in any 2 aspects.

5. Angle of friction and angle of repose are the same. Justify.

6. When will you go for multtplate clutch?

7. What is known as dynamic balancing?

8. What is the use of mechanical governors? ·

9. Why vibration isolation is needed?

10. Damped vibration-brief with an examp~e.

PART B-(5 x 1_3 = 65 marks) _

11. (a) Explain kine:matic . links, its ·types and kinematic pairs with its t
· based on the relative motion between the links. · YPei
Or ·, .
(b) Determine the degree of fre~dom of the mechanisms shown in Fig. 11 (b)
(i) , (ii) and (iii). ·· . .• · ·_ . · - ·

. (ii\)

12: (a) : The centre distallce between two spur gears "in a mesh is to b,
approximately 275 mm. The gear ·ratio is 10 to ·_1. ·The pi11ion. transmi1
360 kW at ·1soo rpm. The pressure angle of the involute teeth is 20° anc
the addendum is equal to one module; The limiting value of normal tootl
pressure is 1 kN/mm_of width. Determine the
(i) ~earest standard module so that interference does not occur
(~) number of teeth on each gear wheel, and
(iii) -width of pinion.·
(b) · The sun and plariet gear of an epicyclic gear are shown in Fig. 12(b). The
_ann·ular gear D -has 100 internal teeth, the sun gear A has 50 external
. teeth and planet gear B has 25 external teeth. The gear B meshes with
gear D and gear A. The gear Bis carried on the arm E, which-rotates
about the centre of annular gear D. If the gear D is fixed and arm rotates
at 20 r:p.m, then :find the speeds. of gear A and B.
. Annular geor. 0

·c,oo> ·
•t-:.__-::i.c-~Plan,t gtor, B

13, (a) A square-threaded bolt· with a core diameter of 25 ·mm and a pitch of
6 mm is tigh:tened by screwing a nut. The mean diameter of t4e bearing
surface _of the nut is 60 mm. The coefficient of friction for the nut and the
bolt is 0.12 and for the nut and the bearing surface, it is 0.15_- Determine
the force required at the end of 40Q-mm long spanner if the load on the
bolt is 12 kN.

Or .

(b) Two parallel shafts that are 3.5 m apart are connected by two pulleys of
1-m and 400 nim diameters the larger pulley being the d:river runs at
220 rpm. The belt weights _1.2 kg per metre length. The maximum
tension in the belt is not to exceed 1.8-kN. The coefficient of friction is
0.28. Owing to slip on one of the pulleys, the Vl;)locity ?f ,t he driven shaft
is 520 rpm only. betermine the
(i) torque on each shaft -
(ii) . power ·transmitted

(iii) ' power lost in friction

(iv) efficiency of the ~~ve:_

14. (a) -A four-cylinder oil engine J1 in ..cO:mple~ primary balance. The

arrangement of the reciprocating masses _in differ~nt planes is a~ shown
. in Fig.14(a). The stroke of each piston is_ 2 r . mm. Dete~~nne the
rec1proca t·1ng mass of the cy·linder.
. 2 and
. the ·relative
. crank_ positions.




fig.14(a) _


3 80298
(b) In P~oell governor the ma,ss of each haµ is 8 kg 3:nd the mass of the
sleeye 1s 120 kg. E~ch arm 1~ 180 mm long. The length of extensio~ '~f
lower arms to which the ba.l~§ are attached is 80 mm. The distance of
pivots qf arms from axis of.rotations is 30 mm tp.e radius of rotation
of the balls is 160 mm when the arms are inclined at 40° to the axis of
rotation. Determine the
(i) equilibrium .speed
(ii) coefficient of insensitiveness ·if the friction of the mechanism is
equivalent to 30 N
(iii) range of spee.d when the governor is inoperative'. ·

15. (a) A machine part having a mass of 2.5 kg vibrates in a viscous medium. A
harmonic exciting force of 30 N acts on the part and causes a resonant
amplitude of 14 mm with a period of 0.22 second. Find the damping
coefficient. If the frequency of the existing force is changed to 4 Hz,
determine the increase in the amplitude of the forced vibrations upon the
removal of the damper.


(b) The following da.t a refer to the transmission gear of a motor ship as
shown in Fig.15(b) ....

Flywheel Propeller
300 . B
l 300 280nvn

· 1.2m 1.: ,~+61114-~ .

4800 ~.m2 1320
, ' ,

Figure 15(b)'
Moment ofinertia of flywheel -~ 4800 kg. m~ ·
Moment of inertia of pr~peller = 3200 kg. m 2
Modulus of rigidity of shaft , •·
Materi~l = so·x 1Q9 N/m2
Equivalent MOI per cylinder = 400 kg. m 2
.. Assuming
, the
d diameter
. ·0 f th e ·t orswnally
· . -.
equivalent ··
crankshaft to be
320 mm an _ treatmg i t~e arrangement . as a three-rotor
_d etermine
. the .frequency offree
., torsional
.. vi'b ra t·10ns. system,1·, ..
- ' ·':

4 ~0298
PART C-(1 x 15 = 15 marks)

16. (a} In a four-link m,echanism shown in fig.16(a), the dimensions of the links
are as ~nder : AB =50 mm, BC =66 min, .CD =56 mm and AD =100
mm. At the instant when LDAB = 60° ; the link · AB has an .angular
velocity of 10.5 rad/s in the counter -clockwise direction. Determine the .

(i) velocity of the point C

(ii) · velocity of the point E on the link BC when BE= 40 inm

(iii) angular velocities of the links BC and CD

·(iv) velocity of ·an offset point' F on the link BC if BF ·= 45 mm,

CF= 30 mm and BCF is read clockwise ·
. .
(v) velocity of an offset point G on the link if CF= 24 mm , [JG = 44 mm
and DCG is read cloc:kwise ·

(vi) velocity of rubbing at points A,B,C and D when the radii of the
pins are 30, 40, 25 and 35 m respectively.


(b) Cam with 50 . mm as minimum dia~eter is · rotating clockwise at a .

uniform speed of 1200 rpm and has to give the motion to the roller ·
follower ofl0-mm diameter as follows: .

. (i) . Follower to complete outward stroke·

. of 30. mm .during. 120° of cain
rotation with equal unifor_m acceleration: and retardation.

(ii) Follower to dwell for 60° of cam rotation

(iii) Follower to r~turn to its initial position during_90° of cam: rotation

5· 80298
(iv) Follower to d ll £ · : · ·
. : . we . or the remaining period. Layout the earn Profi.J.

The roller follower axis is off-set t~ the right by l'O mm.

Draw the displacement diagram and cam profiles.
Determine the ·uniform a~celeration of the folfo~er on the outstroke
· and the return stroke, and · also the maximum ·velocity of the
follower during outstroke and return stroke.

,';. ·.
. ·,

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