2011 Kivlin
2011 Kivlin
2011 Kivlin
Global diversity and distribution of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi
Soil biology & biochemistry, 43(11)
Kivlin, Stephanie N
Hawkes, Christine V
Treseder Kathleen K.
Publication Date
Copyright Information
This work is made available under the terms of a Creative Commons Attribution License,
availalbe at https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
Peer reviewed
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi form associations with most land plants and can control carbon,
Received 22 March 2011 nitrogen, and phosphorus cycling between above- and belowground components of ecosystems. Current
Received in revised form estimates of AM fungal distributions are mainly inferred from the individual distributions of plant
15 July 2011
biomes, and climatic factors. However, dispersal limitation, local environmental conditions,and inter-
Accepted 18 July 2011
Available online 2 August 2011
actions among AM fungal taxa may also determine local diversity and global distributions. We assessed
the relative importance of these potential controls by collecting 14,961 DNA sequences from 111 pub-
lished studies and testing for relationships between AM fungal community composition and geography,
Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi
environment, and plant biomes. Our results indicated that the global species richness of AM fungi was up
Biogeography to six times higher than previously estimated, largely owing to high beta diversity among sampling sites.
Diversity Geographic distance, soil temperature and moisture, and plant community type were each significantly
Dispersal limitation related to AM fungal community structure, but explained only a small amount of the observed variance.
Environmental filtering AM fungal species also tended to be phylogenetically clustered within sites, further suggesting that
Biotic interactions habitat filtering or dispersal limitation is a driver of AM fungal community assembly. Therefore, predicted
shifts in climate and plant species distributions under global change may alter AM fungal communities.
Published by Elsevier Ltd.
Dispersal limitation, environmental filtering, and biotic inter- would be dispersal limited, owing to large spore size and below-
actions between AM fungal taxa, however, may also contribute to ground spore production. In addition, we predicted that AM fungal
their biogeography (Dumbrell et al., 2010; Lekberg et al., 2007). community composition would vary as a function of climate, soil
Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi produce relatively large spores characteristics, and plant community type. We predicted that
(up to w640 mm) that are mainly wind or animal dispersed over local AM fungal communities would be phylogenetically clustered
intermediate ranges (<2 km); their hyphae can be dispersed over if environmental selection or dispersal limitation controlled
smaller areas (<10 m) (Mangan and Adler, 2000; Warner et al., community assembly, or overdispersed if interactions between
1987). Both can restrict the range of AM species. Nevertheless, fungal taxa were prevalent. We hypothesized that if AM fungi were
the recent human-mediated introduction of microorganisms in soil influenced by one or more of these filters, community composition
and plant inoculum could result in large-scale dispersal of AM fungi would differ significantly between sites (i.e., exhibit high beta
(Schwartz et al., 2006; Vellinga et al., 2009). Distributions of diversity), perhaps leading to higher global diversity than previ-
arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi are also affected by many environ- ously estimated. Our analysis differs from other recent approaches
mental parameters. For example, soil type and texture, disturbance, in that we focus on how community-level interactions (based on
moisture, temperature, and nutrient availability are often corre- phylogenetic history) affect AM fungal distributions and compare
lated with AM fungal composition (Hawkes et al., 2011; Lekberg the relative strengths of abiotic, biotic and spatial drivers affecting
et al., 2007; Pringle and Bever, 2002; Rillig et al., 2002). community assembly patterns.
Trade-offs in phylogenetically-conserved traits have occurred
during the evolution of the Glomeromycota lineage, affecting the 2. Materials and methods
growth of the fungus and plant host (Hart and Reader, 2002; Koide,
2000; Maherali and Klironomos, 2007; Powell et al., 2009), For 2.1. Sequence collection
example, Hart and Reader (2002) demonstrated that members of
the Gigasporaceae family preferentially produce extraradical Fungal 18S and 28S sequences were compiled from GenBank
hyphal biomass in the soil, while members of the Glomeraceae using the search terms of “soil, grassland, litter, tundra, agriculture,
family extensively colonize roots. These trade-offs in hyphal traits marsh, permafrost, forest, or desert” and “fung*”. All sequences
contribute to higher nutrient acquisition and biomass of plants in were downloaded by 03/15/2010. We only included sequences
symbiosis with Gigasporaceae species, and greater pathogen collected from natural habitats that had not been manipulated by
protection of plants that associate with Glomeraceae species fertilization, tillage or heavy metal disturbances. We collected 9905
(Powell et al., 2009). They are also hypothesized to affect AM 18S and 5056 28S Glomeromycota sequences from both published
distributions; Glomeraceae species are expected to be prevalent in and unpublished sources. All non-identical sequences were used to
high nutrient soils while Gigasporaceae are predicted to dominate determine diversity metrics. For all other community analyses, we
in low nutrient conditions (Treseder, 2005). These long-existing focused on studies that reported 16 or more sequences and 3 or
trade-offs may also lead to interactions between AM fungal taxa more operational taxonomic units (Tables S1 and S2), resulting in
that could affect community assembly. If traits are phylogenetically the inclusion of 4680 18S sequences and 1896 28S sequencesfrom
conserved, competitive exclusion between closely related AM fungi 72 studies for the 18S region and 39 for the 28S region (see Fig. S1
could lead to a community in which species are less related than for distribution of study sites). This approach allowed us to sample
expected by chance (i.e., phylogenetic overdispersion). Alterna- depauperate communities, but also ensured that sampling depth
tively, if environmental filtering or dispersal limitation selects for was adequate to capture additional diversity if it existed in the
these traits, species within AM fungal communities could be more community. The number of sequences reported (i.e., sampling
closely related than expected by chance (i.e., phylogenetic clus- intensity) was not significantly correlated to the number of oper-
tering) (Webb et al., 2002). ational taxonomic units (OTUs, i.e., taxa defined by genetic identity)
Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi are often considered generalists, described for each study (r2 ¼ 0.019). This lack of a trend was largely
since only 200e300 species have been described to date (Öpik driven by datasets containing few OTUs but many sequences, even
et al., 2010; Schüßler and Walker, 2010). However, current esti- though the smallest datasets tended to contain fewer OTUs. In
mates of AM fungal diversity are largely based on spore general, there were many singleton OTUs: up to 54% for the 18S
morphology (Morton, 1988), which does not always separate gene dataset. Nevertheless, the community-level trends were
genetically distinct taxa (Hijri and Sanders, 2005). Molecular robust when analyzed with singletons and low sampling intensity
surveys of AM fungi at the regional scale or larger are uncommon sites excluded, indicating that sampling intensity and singleton
and have thus-far been restricted to only one gene (18S) in the most distributions were not main explanatory variables in our dataset
abundant taxa (Dumbrell et al., 2010; Öpik et al., 2006, 2010). For (but see Unterseher et al., 2011).
example, Öpik et al. (2010), discovered that the distributions of the All Glomeromycota species were assumed to form AM fungal
majority of AM fungal taxa are affected by associations with broad associations, and all studies were assumed to include bulk soil and
plant lineages or climate zones (i.e., tropical vs. temperate regions), root fragments. While this may not always have been the case,
but were unaffected by latitude, elevation or plant species richness. sampling methods were not available for unpublished studies and
Here we expand upon these approaches by comparing the relative therefore could not be assessed. To compare sites, we limited the
influence of spatial, environmental, and biotic drivers on global AM 18S sequences to a 500-bp region between the NS31 and AM1
fungal distributions and examining how these factors, along with primers, while the 28S sequences were from a 500-bp region in
phylogenetic trait conservation, can structure local AM fungal the D1/D2 variable region. We analyzed both gene regions, as
communities. To our knowledge, our study is the first to examine the 18S conserved region captures distant evolutionary events
how AM fungal community composition relates to soil character- (i.e., dispersal limitation over paleological time periods), while the
istics and phylogenetic history on the global scale. We indepen- 28S variable region represents more recent evolutionary adapta-
dently confirmed our analyses by comparing two genetic loci; the tions (i.e., local environmental specialization). Furthermore, by
18S and 28S genes. comparing these gene regions, we can avoid the sampling biases
We conducted a synthesis of published DNA sequences to inherent in the distribution of study locations, and determine if
determine controls over AM fungal distributions and community gene-specific evolution rates hinder comparison between studies
composition on the global scale. We hypothesized that AM fungi conducted on different gene regions.
2296 S.N. Kivlin et al. / Soil Biology & Biochemistry 43 (2011) 2294e2303
marginally to 17.57 (1.51) OTUs for the 18S sequences and 30.27 increased, albeit with a high degree of unexplained variation
(4.93) OTUs for the 28S sequences. There was little overlap (r2 ¼ 0.035, P < 0.001) (Fig. 3). Within continents, however, AM
between AM fungal communities at different sites. For example, fungal communities did not differ significantly with geographic
from the 18S dataset at the 97% OTU cutoff, 379 OTUs were found at distance (Europe r2 ¼ 0.0196, P ¼ 0.188, North America r2 ¼ 0.026,
single sites, while the most cosmopolitan taxon was found only at P ¼ 0.22).
18 of the 71 sites (Fig. 1a). This pattern was similar for the 18S
sequences at the 99% OTU cutoff and the 28S region (Fig. 1b, c, d). 3.3. Community composition: habitat effects
This variation led to high beta diversity estimates ranging from
36.58 and 31.26 for 18S and 28S regions at the 97% cutoff to 55.04 Plant biomes appeared to influence AM fungal community
and 38.29 for 18S and 28S regions at the 99% cutoff. These estimates composition, with distinct fungal communities found across the
of diversity were further supported by high Chao1 estimates of dominant habitats. In the 18S dataset, all plant biomes examined
overall fungal diversity: ranging from 789 and 1321 OTUs for the (agriculture, grasslands, forests and wetlands) contained distinct
18S and 28S regions at the 97% cutoff to 1442 and 2636 OTUs at the AM fungal communities (Fig. 4; T ¼ 4.626, A ¼ 0.009, P < 0.001),
99% cutoff for the 18S and 28S regions respectively. while in the 28S dataset only grasslands were distinct from agri-
culture (T ¼ 2.740, A ¼ 0.011, P ¼ 0.014) and wetlands (T ¼ 2.520,
3.2. Community composition: spatial effects A ¼ 0.010, P ¼ 0.020). The community composition of AM fungi was
only marginally affected by plant NPP in the 18S dataset at the 97%
Spatial factors were significant drivers of AM fungal distribu- cutoff (r2 ¼ 0.017, P ¼ 0.010).
tions, with significant clustering by continent for the 18S
(T ¼ 7.138, A ¼ 0.021, P < 0.001) and 28S datasets (T ¼ 7.439, 3.4. Community composition: abiotic effects
A ¼ 0.045, P < 0.001). In the 18S dataset, AM fungal communities
were distinct among all continents except Australia, which had the Environmental factors also co-varied with AM fungal distribu-
most variability in AM fungal communities and thus did not differ tions, with the strongest relationships observed for soil tempera-
from South America (T ¼ 0.429, A ¼ 0.008, P ¼ 0.260), Europe ture (18S: T ¼ 8.060, A ¼ 0.020, P < 0.001; 28S: T ¼ 3.267,
(T ¼ 0.751, A ¼ 0.003, P ¼ 0.177), Asia (T ¼ 0.518, A ¼ 0.009, A ¼ 0.020, P ¼ 0.010)and soil moisture (18S: T ¼ 6.070, A ¼ 0.0145,
P ¼ 0.184) or North America (T ¼ 0.042, A ¼ 0.003, P ¼ 0.230). The P < 0.001; 28S: T ¼ 1.299, A ¼ 0.008, P ¼ 0.105) (Fig. 5). Relative
28S dataset was consistent with the 18S results, but statistically humidity, PET, soil pH, and soil series also affected distributions
different AM fungal communities only occurred between Europe based on PerMANOVA, but to a lesser extent (Table 1).
and South America (T ¼ 0.251, A ¼ 0.050, P < 0.001) (Fig. 2). The relative contributions of spatial (latitude, longitude, and
Clustering by paleocontinent was evident in the 18S dataset, with continent), plant community, and other environmental factors
continents of former Laurasia (North America, Europe and Asia) affecting AM fungal distributions were similar based on the results
grouping distinctly from those found in former Gondwanaland of the PerMANOVA model. Each variable explained a small, but
(South America, Australia and Africa) (T ¼ 5.493 A ¼ 0.006, significant, portion of the variance (1.18e4.47%) in AM fungal
P < 0.001). At the global scale, AM fungal communities also became community composition between sites (Table 1). Furthermore, we
more dissimilar as the geographic distance between the sites found significant interactions between geographic, plant
a b
c d
Fig. 1. Distribution of OTUs for the 18S and 28S datasets at the 97% and 99% similarity cutoffs. The number of sites that each OTU occurs in is on the X axis. Most OTUs only occur at
one site. As the OTU similarity cutoff is increased, the overlap between sites is diminished.
2298 S.N. Kivlin et al. / Soil Biology & Biochemistry 43 (2011) 2294e2303
a b
Fig. 2. Nonmetric Multidimensional Scaling (NMS) of AM fungal communities by continent for (a) the 18S dataset and (b) 28S dataset based on the 97% OTU designation. Open
symbols correspond to continents formerly in Laurasia and closed symbols correspond to continents formerly in Gondwanaland. Mean (1 SE) NMS estimates are plotted. Final
stress values after 500 iterations were (a) 25.8472 and (b) 26.107.
a b
Fig. 4. Nonmetric Multidimensional Scaling (NMS) of AM fungal communities by plant community for (a) the 18S dataset and (b) 28S dataset based on the 97% OTU designation.
Mean (SE) NMS estimates are plotted. Final stress values after 500 iterations were (a) 25.8472 and (b) 26.107.
forests, and across African grasslands (Bever et al., 2001; Lekberg have been shown to be more host specific than others (Helgason
et al., 2007; Mangan et al., 2004; Peay et al., 2007). However, et al., 2002; Husband et al., 2002; Öpik et al., 2009; Smith and
a mechanistic understanding of this spatial variation is lacking, Read, 2008). Associations between AM fungi and host plant
especially at the global scale. species can vary spatially, even over small distances, which could
One scenario is that AM fungi possess more specialized host further explain the high variation in AM fungal community
plant associations than previously recognized. Although AM fungi composition between our study sites (Klironomos, 2003). While
are thought to be predominantly generalists, certain AM fungal taxa our analysis could not determine levels of host specificity, the
a b
c d
Fig. 5. Nonmetric Multidimensional Scaling (NMS) of AM fungal communities by soil moisture (a, b) and temperature (c, d) for the 18S dataset (a, c) and the 28S dataset (c, d) based
on the 97% OTU designation. Soil moisture and temperature designations follow USDA-NRCS taxonomy. Briefly, soil moisture from driest to wettest is Aridic, Xeric, Ustic, Udic,
Perudic, while soil temperature from coldest to warmest is Cryic, Mesic, Thermic, Isothermic, Isohyperthermic. Mean (SE) NMS estimates are plotted. Final stress values after 500
iterations were (a) 25.8472 and (b) 26.107.
2300 S.N. Kivlin et al. / Soil Biology & Biochemistry 43 (2011) 2294e2303
Table 1
Table 1 (continued)
PerMANOVA values for the 18S and 28S datasets at the 97% sequence similarity run
after 999 iterations. Boldface type indicates P < 0.05. Df Sum of Mean sum F. Model r2 P
squares of squares
Df Sum of Mean sum F. Model r P
squares of squares Temperature 1 0.575 0.575 1.283 0.029 0.087
PET 1 0.542 0.542 1.210 0.028 0.124
18S 97% PerMANOVA results
pH 1 0.499 0.499 1.113 0.026 0.192
Latitude 1 0.979 0.979 3.309 0.030 0.01
Soil series 1 0.481 0.481 1.075 0.025 0.291
Longitude 1 0.617 0.617 2.086 0.019 0.01
NPP 1 0.445 0.445 0.993 0.023 0.406
Elevation 1 0.553 0.553 1.870 0.017 0.01
Organic matter 1 0.617 0.617 1.377 0.032 0.076
Plant 1 0.561 0.561 1.897 0.017 0.01
Soil moisture 1 0.522 0.522 1.166 0.027 0.155
Precipitation 1 0.564 0.564 1.906 0.017 0.01
Soil temperature 1 0.496 0.496 1.108 0.025 0.228
Temperature 1 0.677 0.677 2.288 0.021 0.01
Latitude:Longitude 1 0.514 0.514 1.148 0.026 0.181
Humidity 1 0.673 0.673 2.275 0.021 0.01
Latitude:Elevation 1 0.564 0.564 1.258 0.029 0.102
PET 1 0.714 0.714 2.411 0.022 0.01
Longitude:Elevation 1 0.442 0.442 0.987 0.023 0.435
pH 1 0.685 0.685 2.315 0.021 0.01
Latitude:Plant 1 0.569 0.569 1.271 0.029 0.096
Soil series 1 0.440 0.440 1.487 0.013 0.01
Longitude:Plant 1 0.423 0.423 0.945 0.022 0.560
NPP 1 0.552 0.552 1.867 0.017 0.01
Elevation:Plant 1 0.499 0.499 1.115 0.026 0.216
Organic matter 1 0.447 0.447 1.512 0.014 0.01
Latitude:Precipitation 1 0.450 0.450 1.004 0.023 0.352
Soil moisture 1 0.699 0.689 2.328 0.021 0.01
Elevation:Precipitation 1 0.513 0.513 1.147 0.026 0.176
Soil temperature 1 0.418 0.418 1.413 0.013 0.01
Plant:Precipitation 1 0.354 0.354 0.790 0.018 0.909
Latitude:Longitude 1 0.440 0.440 1.487 0.013 0.01
Latitude:Temperature 1 0.428 0.428 0.956 0.022 0.507
Latitude:Elevation 1 0.553 0.553 1.867 0.017 0.01
Longitude:Temperature 1 0.430 0.430 0.960 0.022 0.501
Longitude:Elevation 1 0.479 0.479 1.617 0.015 0.01
Elevation:Temperature 1 0.367 0.367 0.820 0.019 0.840
Latitude:Plant 1 0.609 0.609 2.059 0.019 0.01
Plant:Temperature 1 0.463 0.463 1.033 0.024 0.334
Longitude:Plant 1 0.609 0.609 2.056 0.019 0.01
Precipitation:Temperature 1 0.309 0.309 0.690 0.016 0.977
Elevation:Plant 1 0.453 0.453 1.529 0.014 0.01
Latitude:PET 1 0.422 0.422 0.941 0.022 0.548
Latitude:Precipitation 1 0.435 0.435 1.469 0.013 0.02
Longitude:PET 1 0.499 0.499 1.115 0.026 0.237
Longitude:Precipitation 1 0.625 0.625 2.113 0.019 0.01
Elevation:PET 1 0.416 0.416 0.928 0.021 0.597
Elevation:Precipitation 1 0.378 0.378 1.276 0.012 0.08
Plant:PET 1 0.463 0.463 1.033 0.024 0.330
Plant:Precipitation 1 0.620 0.620 2.095 0.019 0.01
Precipitation:PET 1 0.382 0.382 0.853 0.020 0.791
Latitude:Temperature 1 0.486 0.486 1.641 0.015 0.01
Temperature:PET 1 0.372 0.372 0.831 0.019 0.857
Longitude:Temperature 1 0.537 0.537 1.813 0.016 0.01
Latitude:pH 1 0.320 0.320 0.715 0.016 0.963
Elevation:Temperature 1 0.430 0.431 1.454 0.013 0.02
Longitude:pH 1 0.468 0.468 1.045 0.024 0.317
Plant:Temperature 1 0.431 0.431 1.456 0.013 0.01
Elevation:pH 1 0.442 0.442 0.988 0.023 0.448
Precipitation:Temperature 1 0.456 0.456 1.539 0.014 0.01
Plant:pH 1 0.365 0.365 0.816 0.019 0.867
Latitude:Humidity 1 0.487 0.487 1.645 0.015 0.01
Precipitaiton:pH 1 0.412 0.412 0.921 0.021 0.621
Longitude:Humidity 1 0.503 0.503 1.699 0.015 0.01
Temperature:pH 1 0.120 0.120 0.269 0.006 1
Elevation:Humidity 1 0.485 0.485 1.640 0.015 0.01
Residuals 7 0.448 0.448 0.023
Plant:Humidity 1 0.384 0.384 1.296 0.012 0.03
Precipitation:Humidity 1 0.476 0.476 1.609 0.015 0.01 Total 48
Temperature:Humidity 1 0.497 0.497 1.678 0.015 0.01
Latitude:PET 1 0.444 0.444 1.501 0.014 0.01
Longitude:PET 1 0.437 0.437 1.475 0.013 0.01
Elevation:PET 1 0.440 0.440 1.485 0.013 0.01 differences in AM fungal communities among forest, grassland,
Plant:PET 1 0.351 0.351 1.186 0.011 0.1 agriculture, and wetland plant communities in this synthesis are
Precipitation:PET 1 0.381 0.381 1.289 0.012 0.02
consistent with some degree of host effects, or factors confounded
Temperature:PET 1 0.469 0.469 1.584 0.014 0.01
Humidity:PET 1 0.475 0.475 1.605 0.015 0.01 with host plants. The importance of host effects could occur at
Latitude:pH 1 0.403 0.403 1.362 0.012 0.03 a coarse scale, such as trees versus grasses, or could be based on
Longitude:pH 1 0.456 0.456 1.542 0.014 0.01 plant host or plant community characteristics such as exotic origin,
Elevation:pH 1 0.386 0.386 1.305 0.012 0.03
diversity, priority effects, and neighborhood identity (Hausmann
Plant:pH 1 0.372 0.372 1.255 0.011 0.08
Precipitation:pH 1 0.428 0.428 1.447 0.013 0.01
and Hawkes, 2009, 2010; Hawkes et al., 2006; Kivlin and Hawkes,
Temperature:pH 1 0.357 0.357 1.206 0.011 0.07 2011). For example, previous field studies indicate that AM fungal
Humidity:pH 1 0.452 0.452 1.528 0.014 0.01 communities are altered by non-native annual grasses in California,
PET:pH 1 0.445 0.445 1.505 0.014 0.02 with up to an 80% shift in composition between non-native and
Latitude:Soil Series 1 0.690 0.690 2.332 0.021 0.01
native plants (Batten et al., 2006, 2008; Hawkes et al., 2006).
Longitude:Soil Series 1 0.386 0.386 1.305 0.011 0.03
Elevation:Soil Series 1 0.370 0.370 1.251 0.011 0.13 Recently, Öpik et al. (2010) found that AM fungi with a larger
Plant:Soil Series 1 0.303 0.303 1.023 0.009 0.32 breadth of host plants were also more widely distributed, indi-
Precipitation:Soil Series 1 0.431 0.431 1.458 0.013 0.01 cating that the relationship of AM fungi with their plant hosts may
Temperature:Soil Series 1 0.422 0.422 1.425 0.013 0.01
play a significant role in AM fungal biogeography.
Humidity:Soil Series 1 0.442 0.441 1.492 0.013 0.01
PET:Soil Series 1 0.450 0.450 1.519 0.014 0.01
We also found evidence that local AM fungal communities were
pH:Soil Series 1 0.546 0.546 1.844 0.017 0.01 affected by dispersal limitation between sites. In addition to the low
Latitude:NPP 1 0.490 0.490 1.654 0.015 0.01 overlap of taxa among sites, a significant negative relationship
Longitude:NPP 1 0.366 0.366 1.238 0.011 0.06 between community similarity and distance was observed across
Elevation:NPP 1 0.346 0.346 1.169 0.011 0.03
sites at the global scale. Distinct clustering in community compo-
Residuals 8 2.368 0.296 0.072
sition within paleocontinents suggests that long-range dispersal
Total 70 32.849 1 and subsequent establishment of AM fungi over oceans may be
relatively uncommon (but see Koske and Gemma, 1990). However,
28S 97% PerMANOVA results
Latitude 1 0.737 0.737 1.646 0.038 0.033
AM fungal communities did not differ significantly within conti-
Longitude 1 0.874 0.874 1.951 0.045 0.025 nents, suggesting that dispersal limitation may not be prevalent
Elevation 1 0.580 0.580 1.294 0.030 0.062 over shorter spatial scales. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal compo-
Plant 1 0.581 0.581 1.298 0.030 0.089 sition did not consistently differ with space; some communities
Precipitation 1 0.692 0.692 1.545 0.035 0.042
located far apart were more similar than expected and geographical
S.N. Kivlin et al. / Soil Biology & Biochemistry 43 (2011) 2294e2303 2301
close sites often differed substantially. Thus, dispersal limitation mycorrhizal fungi interact with many organisms in the rhizo-
alone cannot explain trends in AM fungal community composition. sphere including bacteria, protists and nematodes, all of which
Moreover, our ability to detect significant differences in community are known to affect AM fungal community composition on
composition between continents is greatly hindered by the poor smaller scales (Fitter and Garbaye, 1994). Local conditions may
sampling in the Southern hemisphere (e.g., Africa ¼ 4 studies, also play a role, including successional stage, assembly history,
Australia ¼ 2, and South America ¼ 5). and disturbance; these were not captured in our dataset. Other
Belowground AM fungal spore production is limited by moisture abiotic factors such as nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations,
and nutrient availability (Auge, 2001; Johnson et al., 2003). Thus, heavy metal contamination, and disturbance history can
spatial and temporal dynamics of spore production as well as wind also influence AM fungal community composition (Hijri et al.,
currents could inhibit dispersal (Warner et al., 1987). Moreover, AM 2006; Khan, 2005; Khan et al., 2000; Treseder, 2004). Clearly,
fungal spores are often very large (w40e640 mm) and numerous multiple factors can influence the distributions of AM fungi, and
AM fungal taxa are thought to be largely animal-dispersed, which distinguishing among them at local to global scales will require
could lead to a decreased dispersal range compared to mainly targeted sampling along environmental and successional gradi-
wind-dispersed organisms (Mangan and Adler, 2000). All of these ents over large areas.
factors can reduce the probability that an AM spore will disperse to
another ecosystem, reach a suitable location, and colonize a host
plant. If dispersal and establishment events are sufficiently low, 5. Conclusions
evolutionary genetic drift in AM fungal taxa within sites could
contribute to the high beta diversity we observed in AM species Overall, we found evidence for substantial differences in AM
between sites. The prevalent trend of phylogenetic clustering near fungal communities among locations, which resulted in high
the tips of both the 18S and 28S phylogenies in the majority of richness of AM fungal taxa at the global scale. Dispersal limitation,
studies examined is consistent with genetic drift (or historical host plant communities, and other environmental factors could
adaptive radiations) playing a role in current AM fungal community contribute to the high variability of AM fungi between sites.
assembly. Furthermore, environmental filtering and dispersal limitation
Environmental factors such as soil moisture and temperature seemed to influence local AM fungal community assembly
were as important as spatial and plant community variables in their patterns.
influence on AM fungal communities. Distinct AM fungal taxa were High turnover between AM fungal communities is of conse-
located in warm versus cold sites and in arid versus mesic condi- quence to both restoration efforts and global climate change. The
tions. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi are known to exhibit physio- widespread practice of applying AM fungal inoculum to restore
logical responses to temperature and moisture, which could affect plant communities and ecosystem services largely assumes that
their environmental tolerance to adverse abiotic conditions AM fungal composition does not vary considerably between sites
(e.g., Hawkes et al., 2008). In laboratory microcosms, freezing and (Schwartz et al., 2006). However, our results indicate that climatic
drought have species-specific effects on AM fungal colonization and plant host effects are correlated with AM fungal communities.
and plant growth with some AM fungal taxa proliferating under Therefore, tailoring the origin of AM fungal inocula to match the
drought while others decreased in biomass (Klironomos et al., degraded ecosystem, may improve restoration. In addition, rela-
2001). Shifts in AM fungal community composition and abun- tionships between AM fungal taxa, temperature, and moisture may
dance have also been found in long-term experimental tempera- become particularly germane in the future, as climate change may
ture and precipitation manipulations (Hawkes et al., 2011; Rillig select for specific AM fungi. If these taxa maintain host-specific
et al., 2002). Because basal and terminal nodes within communi- interactions with the aboveground plant community or have
ties were more closely related than expected by chance, environ- distinct differences in ecological functions, nutrient dynamics may
mental filtering may influence community structure. be altered as a result. These effects could become particularly acute
Because our results are correlative, we cannot confirm whether as dispersal limitation could hinder the ability of AM fungal taxa to
abiotic controllers and dispersal limitation were the main cause of leave areas that become unsuitable in future climates, leading to
shifts in AM fungal composition or if these factors, for example, local extinction.
indirectly affected AM fungi via effects on host plant distributions.
The effects of spatial autocorrelation in environmental and plant
community factors can also result in spatial distance decay rela-
tionships in AM community composition, potentially biasing our Acknowledgements
results (Legendre, 1993). Additionally, many environmental vari-
ables co-vary across global scales (e.g., Craine et al., 2009). We J.B.H. Martiny, S.D. Allison, N.A. Hynson, J.M. Talbot, S.R. Dooley,
excluded variables that co-varied more than 40%, and significant and three anonymous reviewers provided invaluable comments on
interactions between variables explained less of the variation in earlier versions of this manuscript. This publication was developed
composition than single variables alone. Thus, the independent under STAR Fellowship Assistance Agreement no. FP917191-01-
effects of environmental and spatial factors may influence 0 awarded by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to
AM fungal communities more than spatial heterogeneity or SNK. It has not been formally reviewed by the EPA. The views
interactions between abiotic drivers. Our phylogenetic analysis expressed in this publication are solely those of the authors and
supports the view that spatial and environmental factors structure EPA does not endorse any products or commercial services
communities at contemporary and historic timescales. Notably, we mentioned. SNK and KKT were supported by a Kearney Foundation
observed few examples of phylogenetic overdispersion, indicating grant. CVH was supported by DOE 08-SC-NICCR-1071.
that competition between closely related AM fungal taxa does not
seem to be structuring AM fungal communities in the systems we
examined. Appendix. Supplementary information
The low predictive power of any of our variables to describe
AM fungal distributions suggests that additional factors can Supplementary information associated with this article can be
affect the structure of AM fungal communities. Arbuscular found in the online version, at doi:10.1016/j.soilbio.2011.07.012.
2302 S.N. Kivlin et al. / Soil Biology & Biochemistry 43 (2011) 2294e2303
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