Lecture 9 - MDPE - Design of Gasket & Bolts

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Process Equipment Design – II


Jilesh M. Pandya
Assistant Professor,
Chemical Engineering Department,
V. V. P. Engineering College, Rajkot.
:: Content ::
1 Introduction : 04
Concept of internal & external design pressure, design stress & design temperature,
Different types of equipments, Static & rotary equipments, Different types of static
equipments, Various mechanical properties of material, Different methods of
fabrication, Different types of welding joints, Joint efficiency, Radiography.

2 Mechanical design of Pressure vessel: 20

Introduction of ASME Code sec-VIII, DIV-I & IS-2825, Classification of pressure vessel as
per IS-2825,Mechanical design of Shell: shell subjected to internal pressure, Graphical
& analytical method for Shell subjected to external pressure, design of shell for
external pressure with & without stiffening ring, Different types of head, their selection
criteria, Mechanical design of heads: Heads subjected to internal pressure, Graphical
& analytical method for heads subjected to external pressure, Different types of
Nozzles, their selection criteria, Design of nozzle pipe, Design of reinforcement pad by
area for area method, Different types of flanges, Different types of standard flanges,
their important features & selection criteria, Different types of flange facings & their
selection criteria, Different types of gaskets, their selection criteria, Design of ring
3 Mechanical design of Reaction Vessel: 06
Mechanical design of shell, head, Jacket, coil, agitator, nozzle, body flange, etc., Different types of
agitators & their selection criteria, Different types of agitator shaft sealing system & their selection criteria,
Different types of power transmission system, Determination of power required for agitation, shaft diameter,
blade thickness, etc., Different types of jackets & their selection criteria, Selection between coil & jacket.
4 Mechanical design of Storage Tank: 05
Classification of storage tank as per IS-803, Capacity of storage tank, its diameter & height, Design of shell
and bottom plate for storage tank, Design of Self supported conical roof, Design of structured supported
conical roof as per API 620, Selection of column, girders and rafters, Roof curb angel, Floating roof.

5 Mechanical design of Shell & Tube Heat Exchangers: 05

Mechanical design of Shell, tube, tube sheet, head, channel shell, , etc. of shell & tube heat exchanger.

6 Mechanical design of Vertical tall tower (Distillation Column): 08

Mechanical design of shell, head, tray support, nozzle, body flange, for Vertical tall tower, Determination of
shell thicknesses at various heights for tray tower & packed tower in case of internal & external pressure,
Different types of tray supports & their selection criteria, design of horizontal structural member with
periphery ring type packing support.

7 Supports : 06
Different types of supports, Mechanical design of bracket support, skirt, support & saddle support.
Chapter: 2 Designing of Pressure Vessel
 Gasket is placed between two flange facing and
is held tightly by a series of bolts.
 Leak proof metal to metal surface without gasket is
difficult to fabricate.
 Irregularities in surface in order of even few millionth
of inch can permit the escape of fluid under
 Gasket is a plastic or semi-plastic material.
 It is tightened by BOLTS.
 Gasket deforms and tries to expand, occupies the
total space between two flange facing and thereby
it seals the minute irregularities of surface to prevent
the leakage of fluid.
 The minimum amount of force that must be supplied
to gasket to flow and seal the surface irregularities is
known as SEAL or YIELD force.
 Stresses created by this force in Gasket is called as
 Upon the application of INTERNAL PRESSURE two more forces are acting on gasket.
a) Hydrostatic End Forces: Separates the flanges & decrease the unit stress on
gasket; acting in opposite direction of gasket seating force.
b) Force created by Internal Pressure: Tries to blow out the gasket between facings;
which can also break the gasket in unusual condition.
 These forces are acting on gasket in operating conditions.
 Bolt load creates the stress in the gasket in operating condition is reduced by
Hydrostatic end force.
 The ratio of gasket stress at operating conditions to internal pressure is called GASKET
 Gasket factor is a property of gasket material; over a wide range of pressure and it
remains constant.
 The width of gasket can be decided by the definite relationship.
 Residual gasket force should not be less than that required to prevent the leakage of
fluid under operating conditions.
Residual Gasket Gasket Seating Hydrostatic
Force = Force + Pressure Force
   2
d 2
O  d i2 * P * m = d 2
O  d i2 * Y + 4
d O * P
Where, P = Internal Design Pressure
Y = Design Seating Stress
m = Gasket Factor
dO, di = Outside & Inside diameter of Gasket
 m * d O2  d i2 * P  d O2  d i2 * Y  d O2 * P
 d O2  d i2 * Y  ( P * m)   d O2 * P

 d O2 Y  d O2 Pm  d i2Y  d O2 Pm  d O2 * P

 d O2 P  Y  P.m   d i2 P.m  Y 

 d O  Y  P.m 
2 This equation is
d O2 Y  P.m dO Y  P.m used to decide
 
d i2 P  Y  P.m  d i2 Y  P.m  1 di Y  P.m  1 dimension of
Selection of Gasket
Types of Gaskets to be used in given fluid service is depends on the parameters
such as:
 Temperature – Gasket material must withstand entire design temperature
range of the fluid it handles.
 Pressure – Gasket material must withstand entire design pressure range of
the fluid it handles.
 Corrosion resistance – Gasket material should not corrode when it comes
in contact with the fluid it handles or by the environmental exposure.
 Types of fluid – Gasket material should be capable of dealing with
different type of fluids if installed in line that handles more than one types
of fluids.
 Robustness – The gasket must be capable of withstanding all movement
that may occur due to change in temperature and pressure.
 Availability – Gasket should be easily available.
 Cost – Cheap and unreliable gasket should not be used; at the same
time it should not be costly.
Selection of Gasket
Proper selection of gasket depends upon following factors…

 Compatibility of the gasket material with the fluid…

 Ability to withstand the pressure-temperature of the system…
 The service life of the gasket…

It is important to understand the requirements of particular applications before

making gasket selection. Gaskets must maintain a seal for an acceptable
period against all the operational forces involved. There are eight important
properties which any gasket must possess to achieve this –

 Impermeability – The gasket should not be porous to the fluid being

 Compressibility – The gasket should compress into the imperfections on
the flange sealing faces to create the initial seal.
Selection of Gasket
 Stress relaxation (creep resistance) – The gasket should not show
significant flow (creep) when subjected to load and temperature. Such
flow will allow the bolts to relax, reduce gasket surface stress and cause
 Resilience – Although normally stable, flanges do in fact move slightly
relative to one another under the influence of cycling temperature and
pressure. The gasket should be capable of compensating for such
 Chemical resistance – The gasket should withstand chemical attack
from the process medium being handled. Likewise, the gasket material
itself must not contaminate the process medium.
 Temperature resistance – The gasket should be able to withstand the
effects of the maximum and minimum temperatures within the process
and the external atmospheric temperatures.
 Anti-stick – The gasket has to be easily removable after use.
 Anti-corrosion – The gasket must not cause corrosion of the flange
Types of Gasket
 Material for gasket can be divided into three
main categories:
a. Non – Metallic type
b. Semi – Metallic type
c. Metallic type
 Non-metallic gaskets are usually composite
sheet materials are used with flat-face and
raised-face flanges in low Pressure Class
 Non-metallic gaskets are manufactured from
fiber, glass fiber, elastomer, Teflon (PTFE), graphite
 Full-face gasket types are suitable for use with
flat-face flanges.
 Flat-ring gasket types are suitable for use with
raised face flanges.
Types of Gasket
 Semi-metallic gaskets are
composites of metal and non-
metallic materials
 The metal is intended to offer strength
and resiliency, while the non-metallic
portion provides conformability and
seal ability.
 Commonly used semi metallic
gaskets are spiral wound, metal
jacketed and a variety of metal
reinforced graphite gaskets
 Semi-metallic are designed for
almost all operating conditions and
high-temperature and pressure
applications, and are used on raised
Types of Gasket
 Metallic gaskets are fabricated from one or a
combination of metals to the desired shape and
 Often used metallic gaskets are ring-type-joint
gaskets (RTJ).
 They are always applied to special, accompanying
flanges which ensure good, reliable sealing with the
correct choice of profiles and material
 Ring Type Joint gaskets are designed to seal by
"initial line contact" or wedging action between the
mating flange and the gasket.
 By applying pressure on the seal interface through
bolt force, the "softer" metal of the gasket flows into
the micro fine structure of the harder flange
material, and creating a very tight and efficient
Types of Gasket
 Based on geometry and physical state; flat gasket, flat Ring
ring gasket, serrated gasket and corrugated gasket are
also identified as gasket types.
 Ring gasket is available in the form of continuous ring in
Octagonal / Oval cross section.
 Flat ring gasket are most widely used type of gasket
and can be made easily by cutting the flat sheet & Flat Ring
fabrication is thus the easiest.
 Flat ring gasket are usually made in thickness ranges
from 0.5 to 3.0 mm.
 Serrated gasket are the metal gasket having co-centric
grooves / serrations on their faces & they reduces initial
contact area of gasket with flange; as gasket deformed
contact area increases.
 These grooves are made by machining and this type
requires lesser bolt load for seating.
 Corrugated gaskets have concentric rings on the
 It also requires less seating force and can be used for Corrugated
high temperature service.
 Bolt is used to create the air tight joint
between flange facing and gasket.
 The maximum bolt load should be greater
than greater of two forces:
1) Force required to seat the gasket…
2) Force required to withstand internal
 After determination of these forces, the
required bolting area can be determined by
dividing the maximum force by the allowable
bolting stress.
 Minimum bolt spacing is decided by minimum
spacing required for wrench during removing
or tightening of bolts.
 By increasing the bolt spacing, deflection in
flange between two bolts created on
tightening of bolts is increased.
 If spacing is more; then this deflection may
result in the leakage of fluid through the
contact of gasket and flange facing.
 An empirical equation for the determination of bolt spacing is given by:

2*t Flange Thickness

Maximum Bolt Spacing BS ,max  2 * d 
m  0.5
Bolt Diameter
Gasket Factor

 To maintain easy operation of tightening & removal of bolts certain minimum radial
distance should be kept in between bolts and hub of flange.
 Minimum bolt circle diameter is given by the following equation.
Where, B = I. D. of shell (pipe), g1 = Thickness of hub or
Db  B  2 g1  R  shell (ring flange), R = minimum radial clearance
required in between centre of bolt & hub.
N * BS
 Also, Db  Where, N = No. of bolts

 The equation for bolt load required for tightening the gasket before operation is given
Wm 2  H * y   * b * G * Y Where, G = diameter at location of gasket
load reaction; Y = gasket seating stress
 Upon operating condition, bolt load Wm1 is given by the following equation.

Wm1  H  H * P  Where, H = Total hydrostatic head; H*P = Force

 required to keep the gasket without leaking or in
Wm1  G 2 * P  2GbmP 
4 seating condition; m = gasket factor; P = maximum
allowable working pressure or internal design pressure
 At operating condition, stress of material can considerably reduce & Wm2 become
greater than Wm1.
 Minimum bolting area required can be found out at different conditions.

Wm1 Wm 2
Maximum allowable bolt
stress @ atmospheric
Am1  Am 2  Maximum allowable bolt
stress @ operating
fa fb temperature

 Actual bolt area (Ab) is always greater than Am1 or Am2.

 Usually, number of bolts are taken in the multiple of 4.
 Design bolt load (W), under bolting up condition or
under atmospheric condition is given by
 A  Ab 
W  m  * fa
 2 
 For operating condition, design bolt load, W = Wm1
Design a ring flange based on following data:
 Internal design pressure 10 kgf/cm2
 Design temperature 150 C
 Flange material SA-182 Gr-304
 Bolt material SA-192 Gr B8:304
 Gasket material Asbestos composition
 Shell outside diameter 900 mm
 Shell thickness 10 mm
 Bolt size ¾”
 Root area of bolt 0.312 in2
 Gasket type Flat ring
 Gasket thickness 1.5875 mm
 Gasket factor (m) 2.75

 Minimum design stress for gasket (Y) 260 kgf/cm2

 Maximum allowable stress of flange 1020.7
material at design temperature kgf/cm2
 Maximum allowable stress of bolting 816.5
material at design temperature kgf/cm2
 Maximum allowable stress of flange 1275.9
material at atmospheric temperature kgf/cm2
 Maximum allowable stress of bolting 1020.7
material at atmospheric temperature kgf/cm2
Chemical Engineering Department,
V. V. P. Engineering College, Rajkot

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