Module 9

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Sta. Cruz, Cogon, Balingasag, Misamis Oriental

Tel. No. 333-5054, Cell No. 09652357351


COURSE TITLE: Life and Works of Dr. Jose DATE:


TOPIC: The Philippines in Rizal’s Time


Rizal lived more than a hundred years ago. He lived n this part of the planet,
the Philippine archipelago, and in a certain period of time. He is now an important
part of the Philippine history for his great contribution to the making of the Filipino
nationhood. The study of Rizal therefore requires the study of the background of
his life. Now the question is: What was the condition of the Philippines in Rizal’s
time? This module tries to answer this question by considering the following
points: a) overview of the Spanish slavery, b) the Spanish colonial system in the
Philippines, and c) the evils of the Spanish colonial system.The contents of this
module may also give some of the historical facts that lead Rizal to react against
the Spanish colonial system with great determination. Rizal saw the grave evils that
were taking place in the archipelago during his time.


A. Describe what was the political, economic and social life of the Philippines
during the 19th century.

B. Discuss the institutions being imposed by Spain in the Philippines during the
19th century.

C. Elaborate on the life of the Filipinos during that time.

D. Give the importance and relevance of how nationalism was moulded in the
heart and mind of our national hero.

Overview of Spanish Slavery

The 16th century Spain made it a custom to hold a non christian slave. People
considered such practiced legitimate. The Spanish city was considered the second
largest slave market place at the time Legaspi settled in Sugbu. The masters employed
their slaves to different kinds of work. Slaves were made to work as bakers,
blacksmith, jewelers, stonemasons, tailors, and weavers. A master could also rent his
slave to another, or sent his slave for his(master’s) personal debts, or made his slave
serve a jail in his (master’s) place. Also, two masters might own one slave. Christian
clergy and religious orders were allowed to hold slaves and even to sell them. This was
of course an inhuman practice. But people in slave trade considered it morally
acceptable. This Spanish legal practice on slave trade was also carried over to the
colonies, such as Filipinas. In fact some Spaniards also had indios as their slaves here
in this land. And the Spanish Christians - seeing the indio slaves as doing unchristian
practices, meaning, continuing in their primitive faith- prohibited them to take

The Spanish Colonial System in the Philippines

a. ) The Political System. The political set up of the Philippines during those times
was headed by the Governor- General (Capitan Heneral, in Spanish term.) He was
appointed by the King of Spain for an “ indefinite period of time as loyalty was one of
the major qualifications of government officials. It was during the time of Adelantado
Miguel Lopez de Legazpi, then appointed by King Philip II of Spain that portions of
land (encomienda) were awarded. The governor-general performs dual functions -

head of the colony - managing the internal affairs of the state as well as the executor

of the laws of the land. He was also the chief of Royal Audiencia or the Spanish
Supreme Court in the Philippines where cases were elevated after the failure of cases
in local courts. He was also the commanding officer of the armed forces particularly
the navy and the army. His ecclesiastical power then was to settle Church matters
because there was Union of church and State. In the 19th century Philippines then
the office of the Governor-general was the most powerful position in the land next to
the king of Spain and the Ministry of the Indies. In order to check the powers of the
Governor-General then there were officials being sent by the King- the residencia and
visitadores. The Residencia are permanent officials who will scrutinize the
performance of the out-going Governor-General. The incoming Governor-General
would be probably coming from residencia. Visitador on the other hand will check the
performance of the Governor-General and they were temporary and different from

In the local set- up local government was divided into provinces, cities and barangays.
The provinces were led by the alcalde-mayor who was the executive of the provinces.
Cities we called, Ayuntamiento that were headed by a petty governor known as the
“gobernadorcillo”. The little towns we re called pueblos. During the 19th century the
barangays were headed by a chief known as the cabeza de barangay and they
served as tax collectors of their constituents.

b. ) Economic Institutions. The encomienda system or leasehold system became

one of the main economic programs of Spain in the Philippines. This system however
was abused by the Spaniards. The 70-30 percentage crop sharing became the most

abused practise to uneducated farmers because it was usurious. Another form of

abuse was monopoly system or known as bandala system where the Spaniards
monopolized the buying and selling of raw materials and middlemen sold them at a
higher cost. The Galleon Trade was another economic activity at that time where
“boletas” or tickets were used to purchase goods from the ships though there were ,
instances when ships never returned due to typhoons or man-mad accidents at sea.

c. ) Social Institution. Feudalism was the crucial structure in the Philippines during
the Spanish colonial period. This resulted from the way owned the lands in the
colony. The structure of Philippine society was pyramidal. It consisted of three layers:

1) on the top most layer: the Spanish officials, the peninsulares,

2) On the middle layer: the few favored Filipinos, the mestizos and creollos (those
Spaniards born in America) and,

3) On the lowest layer: the indios, considering as the lowest kind of human beings.

This social structure showed racial discrimination. The peninsulares held the highest
positions in the government. The mestizos were second class citizens. The indios
belonged to the lowest class. Religions impositions were very strong at that time where
Filipinos are subjects under Spanish friars. Marcelo H. del Pilar, known to be one of
the main propagandist coined the term, “Frailocracy” which prevailed in the


Name: _____________________ Subject: ________________

Year and Section: ___________ Instructor: ______________

Instructions: Give brief and concise answers to the following questions. No Erasure

1. In your own words, compare and contrast the government of Spain during those
times and in our present political system?( 10 points)

2. Do you think the” triangular system” is better than the “beaurocratic system”?
prove your answer. ( 5 points)
3. Are you in favor of the powers of the Governor-General which covers the
Church and the State? Discuss. ( 5 points)


Name:______________________________ Subject: ___________

Year and Section: ____________________ Instructor: ______________

Instructions: Discuss intensively what is asked for below 10 sentences only.

(NO Erasure)

1) The military used the services of the natives for their purposes by employing the
divide-and rule strategy. The Spaniards recruited the natives in one region to
support them. But the military merely used them. But the military merely used
them to put down the revolts in another region. In effect, the Spaniards only made
the natives or Filipinos fight and kill each other. The lack of national
consciousness among the natives facilitated the Spaniards’ divide-and rule
If you were one of those being used to fight and kill your brother Filipino, how
would you feel and respond to such situation? ( 5 points )

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