ANSI-A156-29-2001 Exit Locks Exit Alarms

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Approved November 20.2001

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An American National Standard implies a consensus of those substantially concerqed with its scope and
provisions. An American National Standard is intended as a guide to aid the manufacturer, the consumer
and the gneral public. The existence of an American National Standard does not in any respect preclude
anyone, whether he has approved the standard or not, from manufacturing, marketing purchasing, or using
products, processes, or prooedures not con~tbrmingto the standard. American National Standards are
. subject to periodic review anduse~sare cautioned to obtain the latest editions.

CAUTION NOTICE: This American National Standard is permitted to be revised or withdrawn at any
time The produres of the American National Standards Institute require that action be taken to r e a f f i
revise, or withdraw this standard no later than five y e m from the date of publication Purchasers of
American National Standards receive cumnt information on all standards by calling or writing the
American National Standards Institute.

Published by
355 Lexington Avenue New York, NW York 10017
Copyright O 2001 by the
Builders Hardware M anufacturers Association, Inc.

Not to be reproduced without

sp authorization from BHMA

Printed in the USA

Portions of this standard were fvst published as a part of A156.5 for Awdliary for Auxiliary Locks &
Associated Products by the Builders Hardware Manufacturers Association, Inc. ANSI approval was
secured under the Canvass M ethod. BHM A was accdited on 21 M arch l983 by ANSI as a sponsor
using the Canvass M ethod.

:OPYRIGHT 2003: Builders Hsrdware ManufacturersAssociation, Inc. Documentprovided by IHS L~censeglHSEnployeesllt I t ll1001. UsenWN€llE.
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FOREWORD (Thb Foreword is not a part of ANSI/BHM A A 156.29)

The genera1 classification of builders hardware inchdes a wide variety of items which are
divided into sevaal catqpries. To recognize this diversity, a sectional classification
system has been established Auxiiiary Locks and associated products is one such section
and this Standard is the result of the collective effms of members of the BuiMers
Hardware Manufacturas Association, Inc. who manufacture this product. The total
Product Standards effort is, therefore, a collection of sections, each covering a specific
category of items.

Perfbrrnance tests, and, where necessary, dimensional requirements, have been established
to insure safety, security and stability to which the public is entitled. T h m are no
restrictions on design, except for those dimensional requirements imp med for the reasons
given above. It is alsorequired that locks fit certain c u t a t dimensions.

This Standard is not intended to obstruct, but rather to encourage, the development of
impmved products, methods, and materials. The BHMA recognizes that errors will be
found, item will become obsolete, and new products, methods, and materials will be
deveioped. With this in mind, the Association p k to update, conect, and revise these
Standards on a regular basis. It shall also be the responsibility of manufacturers to request
such appmpriate revisions.

In most cases, products have been described in grade levels related to performance and
security. Choice of grade and specific product are made on the basis of utility, aesthetics,
security objatives and end use desired. When two difkrent graded products are combined
in an assanbly, the whole assembly canies the lower grade of the products.

The BHM A numbers which indicate types of hardware do not identify grade, finish, or
design and are not intended to be used without necessary supplementary information.
Lndividual manufacturas' catalogs are consulted.

Users of this Standard should consult applicable local building codes as to requirements
affecting the hnctions of locks used on fire doors and doors within a means of egress.
Some communities require the use of exterior door locks having a dead bolt with a 1 in.
(25.4 mm) projection for the purpose of providing greater security. Only h c t i o n s
compatible with the requirements of the applicable building codes are used.

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l. SCOPE............................................................................................... 5

2. DEFINITIONS................................................................................................................ 5

3. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS ...................................................................................... 5

4 TEST METHODS........................................................................................................... 6

5. OPERATIONAL TESTS .............................................................................................. 7

6. FINISH TESTS................................................................................................................ 9

7. DESCRIPTION AND TYPE NUMBERS................................................... 10

8. EXPLANATION OF IDENTIFYING NUMBERS ......................................... 10

APPENDIX A.................................................................................... 12

. .
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) l. 1 ANSIIBHMA A 156.29 establishes requirements for Exit Locks, and Exit Locks with Exit Alarms,
Exit Alarrns and Alarms for Exit Devices and includes operational and finish tests. Alarms for Exit
Devices include operational tests only.
1.2 Tests described in this Standard are performed under laboratory conditions. In actual usage,
results vary because of installation, maintenance and environmental conditions.


2.1 Actuating Bar. The activating mechanism of an exit device is located on the egress side of a door
and extends at least half the width of the door. The active surface of the actuating bar shall be visually
and physically distinct from the rest of the device. Refer to local codes for location and length. Also
called cross bar or push pad.
2.2 Exit Alarm. An electrically operated monitoring device indicating, either audibly or by other
signal, unauthorized opening of a door and is either stand alone, integral, or used in conjunction with an
exit device or exit lock.
2.3 Exit Device. A door latching assembly incorporating an actuating member usually called an
actuating bar which releases the latch bolt(s) upon the application of force in the direction of exit travel.
2.4 Exit Lock. A lock operated by an actuating bar or paddle and used for egress where exit devices
are not required. Often includes an Exit Alarm. Does not meet ANSVBHMA A156.3 Exit Device
1 2.5 Stand Alone Exit Alarm. Any exit alarm whose housing is not physically connected to the exit
lock or exit device.


3.1 Products meeting the requirements of this standard are Grade 1

3.2 Failure of any test results in complete failure to the standard.
3.3 Exit Devices with Exit Alarms are also subject to the requirements of ANSI/BHMA A156.3.
3.4 Exit Locks shall be labeled or listed by a Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory (NRTL).
3.5 Values. Required values in this Standard are given in US units. The S1 (metric) equivalents are
approximate. All values which do not carry specific tolerances or are not marked maximum or
minimum shall have the following tolerances: Linear dimensions shall be k 1/16 in (1.6 mm). Pounds or
pound force shall be 5%. Angular measurements shall be 6 4 degrees. Voltage measurements shall be
-. 5 percent. Temperature measurements shall be -.4 degrees F (ir2 degrees C).
3.6 Normative references ANSIBHMA 156.3, Exit Devices; ESD Immunity LEC 6 1000-4-2:19%;
RF Immunity IEC 61000-4-3: 1995; EFT Immunity IEC 61000-4-4: 1995; ANSUBHMA A156.18
2000, Materials and Finishes.

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4.1 Samples for testing shall be selected at random from the manufacturer's finished stock and
mounted in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. All hardware shall be installed in
accordance with mandacturer's standard installation instruction. For inside operational tests, an exit
lock of the 01 function shall be used for qualification of a model. Any device within any one model
having different working components or different materials shall be tested separately.

4.2 Test Door: When doors are referenced, the tests shall be performed on 3 fi by 7 ft X 1 314 in.
(915 X 2134 X 45 mm) doors of wood or metal with metal frames. The doors and frames shall be rigid
enough to hold firmly and to withstand the tests outlined. Doors shall be hung on hinges or pivots.
Provision shall be made for mounting appropriate measuring devices. A combined calibration and
reading accuracy within 5% shall be required for values indicated for all applicable tests. Reinforcement
is permitted to be used to prevent deformation of the.door when the tests are being applied.
4.3 Slam Cycle Test Door: Use a door meeting the description of 4.2. Additional requirements: Use
a door weighing 100 lbs. (45 kg) with the center of gravity located 18 in. (455 mm) from the hinge edge.
Install the door in a steel h e with a 518 in. (15.9 mm) stop and mounted in a reinforced structure
sufficient to withstand the test parameters. The door shall be installed to ensure door stop contact for
the full height of the door. The stop contact surface shall not have any rubber bumpers or other
cushioning means such as gasketing. Force required to overcome friction or out of balance condition
shall be 1/4 lbf. (1.1 N) or less throughout the test measured perpendicular to the face of the door at a
point 30 in (762 mm) from pivot center. A size 3 door closer with hinge side mounting, 90 degrees door
opening and type C010 11, C0201 1 or CO30 11 shall be used.

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5.2 Tests for Exit Locks

5.2.1 Normal Exit Test With the door latched, the actuating bar shall be depressed by a force not
to exceed 151bf. (67N) until the latch clears the strike. The measurement shall be taken at the center of
the actuating surface perpendicular to the door in the direction of swing but no more than 16 inches
from the latch edge of the door. The actuating surface shall be visually and physically distinct from the
rest of the device. Portions of the actuating bar which are below 30 in. (762mm) and more than 44 in.
(1100mm) above the floor when installed per the manufactwer's ternplating are exempt fkom this
Requirements 15 lbf max. (67N)

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5.2.2 Cycle Tests: Doors shall be opened by pushing on the actuating bar. The door shall be
required to close and latch by the operation of the door closer except that in the case of a lock
with a dead bolt which must be reset before the start of the next cycle. Exit locks shall complete
the required number of cycles without failure or excessive wear that would impair operation.
Dead latching if applicable shall be effective before and after the cycle test.

Requirements: 100,000 cycles. At the completion of the test, the exit lock shall meet 5.2.1 and
all alarm features shall function as intended.

5.3 Tests for Alarms

5.3.1 Cycle Tests for Alarms: Cycle the alarm 1,000 times. A cycle consists of actuating the
alarm and resetting the alarm per the intended operation. If battery powered, the batteries are permitted
to be rep laced during the test as required.
Requirements: All thealam features shall function as intended at the end of 1,000 cycles.

5.3.2 Slam Test: With the alarm mounted on the slam test door fixture, adjust to provide no
latching or locking engagement. Use a size 3 overhead door closer with standard ann mounting and all
valves fully open. Door closing speed shall be 2.5 seconds or less from 90 degrees open to fully closed
with no deceleration during the closing cycle.
Requirements: 1,000 cycles. This test does not apply to a l m s mounted on the wall. All the
alarm features shall function as intended at the completion of the test.

5.3.3 Immunity Compliance. Exit Locks with Alarms, and Alarms for Exit Devices shall meet the
requirements noted below for ESD immunity and RF immunity. Products which are capable of being
powered by the AC mains are required to be tested for EFT Immunity. The alarm shall function as
intended at the completion of the tests.
ESD - Requirements of level 4 of IEC 61000-4-2 shall be met.
RF Immunity - Requirements of level 2 of IEC 61000-4-3 shall be met.
EFT Immunity - Requirements of level 2 of IEC 61000-4-4 shall be met.

5.4 Tests for Exit Devices with Alarms. In addition to meeting the requirements of 5.3, exit devices
with alarms shall be subjected to the A156.3, Exit Devices, cycles for the appropriate grade, and the
alarm shall function as intended upon completion of the cycles.

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6.1 These requirements do not predict the performance life of the finishes in actual use but are used
as a quality control method to ensure consistent finish quality. All exposed, architectwally finished
parts are subject to the finish requirements as detailed below. The values given are minimum
requirements. All tests shall be conducted in accordance with the applicable section of ANSIIBHMA
A156.18-2000. Finish tests are for all grades.

6.2 Salt Spray Test Requirements.

Organic coatings except lock fionts and stand alone exit alarms: 96 Hours
Organic coatings on fronts and stand alone exit a l m s : 24 Hours
Inorganic coatings or base materials: 200 Hours

6.3 Humidity Test Requirements.

Applicable for Organic Coatings only.
Fronts and stand alone exit alarms: 48 Hours
All other parts: 240 Hours
Pencil Hardness: 2H; Adhesion: Classification 4 Method B

6.4 Hardness Test Requirements. Conduct either 6.4.1 or 6.4.2 at the option of the manufacturer.
Applicable for Organic Coatings only
6.4.1 Pencil Hardness Test Requirements.
Fronts and stand alone exit alarms: 2H; All other parts: 3H
6.4.2 Taber Abrasion Resistance Test Requirements: 500 cycles.

6.5 Perspiration Test Requirements.

Applicable for organic coatings only. Test does not apply to Stand Alone Exit Alarms.
4 Cycles; Pencil Hardness 2B

6.6 Ultraviolet Light and Condensation Test Requirements.

Applicable for organic coatings only.
Test cycle 8 hours U.V. and 4 hours humidity at 50 degrees C for 144 total hours; Test to exterior
grade using W A 340 lamps.

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7.1 Description and Type Numbers of Exit Locks and Alarms

~vDicalExit AI&

7.l-1 Exit Alarm E0411: Armed and disarmed by an inside control key. Allows authorized entry or exit
by means of an on and off key switch or electronic circuitry. When armed, unauthorized use activates
powered sounding device. If specified it shall l ) be connected to a remote indicating panel, or 2) be mounted
separate from the door and activated by a door movement switch, or 3) be fiunished with an outside control
key, or 4) rearm automaticaily after authorized use.

7.1.2 Exit Lock E0421: For out swinging single doors. Surface applied. Activated by arm,push plate or
paddle. Outside key control furnished when specified. Includes powered sounding device when set by inside
key, sounds when door is opened. Has dead bolt or latch bolt with either surface or mortise strike. Furnished
with a silent alarm indicated at remote panel in a low voltage system if specified.

7.1.3 Exit Lock E0441: For pairs of doors. Mounted with top and bottom bolt assembly and overlapping
brackets to hold the inactive leaf locked until active leaf is opened by pressure on arm, push plate or paddle.
Opening the active leaf opens both leaves. Otherwise same as E0421.

7.1.4 Exit Lock E046 1: For pairs of doors. Inactive leaf to have top and bottom bolt assembly activated
by ann, push plate or paddle. Active leaf to have E0421 exit lock. Active leaf opens first. Inactive leaf
remains secure until active leaf is released. Otherwise the same as E0421.

7.1 .S Exit LockE0481: Forpak of doo~s.Both leaves to have top and bottom bott assanbly activated by
arm, push plate ,or paddle. Each leaf opens independently. Othewise same as E0421.


8.1 First letter denotes BHMA Product section (E)

8.2 First numeral indicates general or trim material used:

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0 - Optional material
1 - Cast, forged or extruded brass or bronze
2 - Wrought brass or bronze
3 - Cast, forged or exkded aluminurn
4 - Wrought aluminum
5 - Stainless steel, 300 series
6 - Malleable iron
7 - Cast iron
8 - Wrought steel
9 - Zinc alloys
8.2.1 In this Standard, the first numeral 0 (optional material) has been used. Specifiers who delineate a
specific trim material do so by substituting the first numeral 0 as appropriate. Manufacturers' catalogs are
consulted to confirm availability. Trim materials most commonly used are aluminum, brass, bronze, 300
series stainless steel and zinc alloy.

8.3 The second numeral for the products covered identifies the type of product. Exit Alarms and Exit
Locks are identified by the numeral "4".

8.4 Example: E0411

E - Section - (E)
0 - Material (Optional)
4 - Type of Product (Exit Lock)
l - Function
i l - Grade (Grade 1)

* ?

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USER'S GUIDE (Not a part of ANSIIBHMA A1 56.29)


The provisions of this Standard evaluate locks as a component and do not take under consideration the
variety of doors, frames and other components available, some of which are vulnerable under the kinds of
attacks described. Select doors, frames and surrounding wall systems compatible with the level of lock
security selected.

Where lock strikes are applied to wood frames under 1 inch (25.4 mm) thick, screws normally furnished are
sometimes inadequate. Specify screws of sufficient length to engage the structural stud behind the frame.

See ANSUBHMA Standard A 156.18-2O00 for Materials and Finishes for a description of the finishes. Other
available finishes are found in individual manufacturer's catalogs.


Certification that products offered meet the requirements of this Standard and conform to individual
manufacturer's drawings, specifications, standards and quality assurance practices are available and in some
circumstances are required. Buyer requirements determine the need for proof of conformance such as first
article inspection, test laboratory reports, or listings. Specifiers requiring assertions of conformance utilize
statements of conformance by individual manufacturers, or test reports acceptable to the buyer.


Unless other arrangements between buyer and seller are made, preservation, packaging and packing shall be
sufficient to protect containers and their contents under normal shipping and handling conditions from the
source of supply to the destination point.

Unless other arrangements between buyer and seller are made, marking shall be in accordance with the
individual manufacturer's standard practice.

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