Wasp in Fossil Record

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Fossil Record 25 (2) 2022, 287–305 

 |  DOI 10.3897/fr.25.82469

A case of frozen behaviour: A flat wasp female with a beetle larva in its
grasp in 100-million-year-old amber
Christine Kiesmüller1, Joachim T. Haug2,3, Patrick Müller4, Marie K. Hörnig1
1 University of Greifswald, Zoological Institute and Museum, Cytology and Evolutionary Biology, Soldmannstr. 23, 17489 Greifswald, Germany
2 Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (LMU Munich), Biocenter, Großhaderner Str. 2, 82152 Planegg-Martinsried, Germany
3 GeoBio-Center der LMU München, Richard-Wagner-Str. 10, 80333 München, Germany
4 Kreuzbergstr. 90, 66482 Zweibrücken, Germany


Corresponding author: Christine Kiesmüller ([email protected])

Academic editor: Alexander Schmidt  ♦  Received 18 February 2022  ♦  Accepted 25 August 2022  ♦  Published 16 September 2022

Parasitism, a malignant form of symbiosis, wherein one partner, the parasite, derives benefits to the detriment of another, the host, is
a widespread phenomenon. Parasitism sensu lato is understood here to include many phenomena, like parasitoidism, kleptoparasit-
ism, phoresy and obligate parasitism. Insecta has many in-groups that have evolved a parasitic life-style; one of the largest in-groups
of these is probably the group of Hymenoptera. Bethylidae, the group of flat wasps, is a smaller in-group of Aculeata, the group of
hymenopterans with venom stings; representatives of Bethylidae are parasitic. They are more specifically larval ectoparasitoids,
meaning that their immature stages are externally developing parasites that kill their host organism at pupation (end of interaction).
They mostly parasitise immature representatives of Coleoptera and Lepidoptera. Female flat wasps search for a host for their proge-
ny, paralyse it with their venom sting and then oviposit onto it.
Herein we describe one of the oldest findings of parasitic interactions of parasitoid wasps with their progenies’ hosts, specifically
a flat wasp female grasping and (potentially) stinging a beetle immature in Cretaceous Kachin (Myanmar) amber (ca. 100 million
years old). This finding indicates that this type of parasitic interaction existed since the Cretaceous, temporally close to the earliest
findings of representatives of Bethylidae.

Key Words
Bethylidae, Coleopteran larva, Kachin amber, parasitism, parasitoid wasp, syninclusion

Introduction interactions and thus can help to reconstruct food-webs,

but is rarely discussed in this context in the fossil record
Reconstruction of behaviour of extinct organisms (examples below; see discussion in Hörnig et al. 2020;
Haug JT et al. 2022). Some of these cases of group fos-
Studying behaviour and trophic interactions of extinct silisation can also fall into the category of the so-called
animals can only be done indirectly amid demands for ‘frozen behaviour’ (Boucot 1990; examples in e.g. Arillo
several different approaches (see below; Hörnig et al. 2007; Boucot and Poinar 2010; Hsieh and Plotnik 2020).
2022) and combinations of these. Spatially close fossili- Frozen behaviour refers to “behaviorally critical speci-
sations of several individuals of the same or different spe- mens in which an organism(s) is preserved while actually
cies (group fossilisation), e.g. as syninclusions in amber, doing something (such as two insects in copula)” (Boucot
are especially interesting in this context, as they can give 1990, p. 3), which thus may provide insight into potential
valuable hints to biotic interactions. Group fossilisation of behavioural patterns. This ‘best case scenario’ is, how-
individuals of different species can indicate predator-prey ever, not widely preserved in the fossil record. Within

Copyright Christine Kiesmüller et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted
use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
288 Christine Kiesmüller et al.: Parasitoid wasp

euarthropods, especially cases of insects preserved in am- These more general characterisations of parasitism
ber have been documented, e.g. during mating (Weitschat have the consequence that they include phenomena that
and Wichard 2002; Grimaldi and Engel 2005; Weitschat have been traditionally separate (e.g. herbivory) (as dis-
2009; Boucot and Poinar 2010; Gröhn 2015; Fischer and cussed in Poulin 2011; van der Wal and Haug JT 2019).
Hörnig 2019), hatching (Weitschat 2009; Boucot and Furthermore, parasitism is frequently seen as a trophic
Poinar 2010; Gröhn 2015; Hörnig et al. 2019; Pérez-de interaction (e.g. Grissell 1999; Lafferty and Kuris 2002;
la Fuente et al. 2019), feeding (Grimaldi 1996; Weitschat Goater et al. 2014). This may be true for most organisms
and Wichard 2002; Boucot and Poinar 2010; Gröhn 2015; that are called parasites (or derivatives of that), but some
Wang et al. 2016; Hörnig et al. 2020) and other behaviours phenomena, especially within social (Wheeler 1928; Lu-
(Boucot and Poinar 2010; Hsieh and Plotnik 2020). cius et al. 2017) or behavioural (Poulin 2011) parasitism
There are also more indirect indications of behaviour (e.g. kleptoparasitism or better kleptobiosis, but cf. Breed
or lifestyles that can be preserved in the fossil record. et al. 2012, brood parasitism (Litman 2019)) are not tro-
Trace fossils (ichnofossils; e.g. fossilised animal tracks) phic interactions but interactions on the same trophic lev-
or feeding damage (on animals or plants) can be indi- el (like e.g. competition; Nentwig et al. 2017).
cators for behaviour (compare e.g. Hsieh and Plotnik There are many different approaches in how to differ-
2020 and references therein; but see e.g. Hasiotis 2003 entiate between different types of parasites (s.l.). There
for limitations of ichnofossils specifically). Functional are e.g. obligate versus facultative parasites, life-stage
morphology can also provide insight into potentially dependent parasites (larval versus adult parasites), tem-
exhibited behaviours by comparison with extant organ- porary versus periodic versus permanent parasites (based
isms with similar morphologies to the fossilized organ- on the length of interaction between parasite and host) or
ism (Reif 1983; Thomason 1997; Haug JT et al. 2012; based on the cost of the parasitic interaction for the host
Hörnig et al. 2016, 2018). Though if the fossil is e.g. (e.g. kleptobiosis, phoresy versus parasitic castrators,
only incompletely preserved and no inferences from parasitoids) (compare e.g. Rothschild and Clay 1957).
functional morphology (or other indications mentioned Parasitoids e.g. reduce their host’s fitness to zero by kill-
above) can be made, the concept of the ‘extant phylo- ing them at the end of their interaction and thus costing
genetic bracket’ (Witmer 1995) can be used to estimate the host immensely.
potentially exhibited behavioural patterns by comparing A parasite can belong to multiple of these subdivisions
the fossilised organism with its closest extant relatives. at the same time; e.g. representatives of Strepsiptera (es-
The reliability of these approaches varies considerably pecially of Mengenillidae) are obligate, larval endopara-
for every case, however, and a combination of sever- sitic castrators (e.g. Kathirithamby 2009). There are a few
al approaches discussed thoroughly is useful for the works that tried to unite all these concepts into one (Laf-
reconstruction of behavioural aspects of extinct organ- ferty and Kuris 2002; Poulin 2011), but these works have
isms (Hörnig et al. 2013, 2017, 2018, 2022; Zippel et focused mainly on parasitism as a trophic interaction and
al. 2021). thus excluded other forms that are associated with par-
With regard to ancestral food webs, reliable recon- asitism (Poulin 2011). Here, we understand parasitism
struction of predator-prey interactions based on cases s.l. in its widest characterisation, including phenomena
of group fossilisation is challenging and often remains such as social parasitism, parasitoidism, phoresy and, of
speculative. More obvious are examples where the indi- course, parasitism sensu stricto, which includes (mostly)
viduals are in direct contact for extended time spans, as is permanent and obligate parasites.
often the case for parasites and their host(s).

Flat wasps and their parasitoid immatures

Parasitism—a multitude of concepts
Flat wasps (Bethylidae) are rather small wasps of about
Finding clear characteristics of parasitism appears to be 1–20 mm body length (Azevedo et al. 2018) that owe
difficult (van der Wal and Haug JT 2019). There are many their common name to their dorso-ventrally flattened
characterisations, “probably as many […] as there are body. They are an in-group of Aculeata (wasps with ven-
books on parasitism” (Price 1980, p. 4). Most of these om sting), wherein they are part of Chrysidoidea. Togeth-
characterisations have in common that parasitism sensu er with their sister-group Chrysididae, flat wasps account
lato (s.l.) is an interaction between two organisms where- for most species within Chrysidoidea today (Goulet and
in one (the parasite) derives benefits (mostly nutrients) Huber 1993; but see e.g. Haug JT et al. 2016 for the logi-
and the other (the host) detriments from the interaction, cal incorrectness of this statement).
including also that the parasite has certain morphological The oldest known flat wasp fossils are from the Lower
adaptations to such a lifestyle (e.g. Price 1980; Paracer Cretaceous (ca. 130 million years old), with at least twen-
and Ahmadjian 2000; Daintith and Martin 2010; Goater ty-two described species so far (amber only), half of which
et al. 2014). Some authors also include the intimacy or are from Myanmar amber (Azevedo et al. 2018; Engel
dependency of the interaction into their characterisation 2019; Colombo et al. 2020; Jouault et al. 2020, 2021; Jou-
(e.g. Olsen 1974). ault and Brazidec 2021; see also Lepeco and Melo 2021

Fossil Record 25 (2) 2022, 287–305 289

for taxonomic changes within fossil Bethylidae). Beyond Naturhistorisches Museum Braunschweig), stored under
this, they have been also abundant in Cenozoic Lagerstät- the accession number SNHM-6014. The piece was legally
ten (ca. 66 million years old) (e.g. Brues 1939). purchased by one of the authors (PM) in 2016.
Flat wasps are larval parasitoids of holometabolan The amber originates from the Noije Bum hill locality,
insect immatures (mostly coleopteran and lepidopteran in the Southwest corner of the Hukawng Valley in Kachin
larvae) and their adults are mostly smaller than their fu- State, Northern Myanmar, South Asia. The amber local-
ture offspring’s hosts (Gauld and Bolton 1988), which the ity was ‘first’ discovered (by Europeans) and intensively
females paralyse with their venom sting (Powell 1938; mined in the 19th and 20th century (Poinar 2019; Cruick-
Finlayson 1950; Schaefer 1962; Evans 1964; Kühne and shank and Ko 2003; Zherikhin and Ross 2000). It was as-
Becker 1974; Gordh and Medved 1986; Griffiths and sumed to be Eocene (33.9–56 million years old) (Chhibber
Godfray 1988; Abraham et al. 1990; Howard et al. 1998). 1934 in Grimaldi et al. 2002) to Miocene (3–23 million
Since the host immatures often occur in more cryptic or years old; Noetling 1893) in age, although Cockerell
concealed habitats, like soil, stems, wood or seeds (Evans (1917a, 1917b) already questioned this, given numerous
1964; Gauld and Bolton 1988; Howard and Flinn 1990), insect inclusions representing exclusively Mesozoic (66–
flat wasp adults may show additional adaptations for en- 252 million years old) groups (also discussed in Cruick-
tering these habitats (Williams 1919; Gordh and Medved shank and Ko 2003; Shi et al. 2012). In addition, an en-
1986), such as fossorial (digging, burrowing) forelegs closed ammonite (Yu et al. 2019) as well as zircon dating
and reduced wings (Evans 1964). Some flat wasps even (Shi et al. 2012) and the (potential) Cretaceous age of the
exhibit subsocial behaviours (Evans 1964), addition- embedding rock matrix (Cruickshank and Ko 2003) sup-
al (to parasitoidism) maternal care (Casale 1991; Hu et port the now widely accepted Cenomanian to Albian age
al. 2012; Yang et al. 2012; Tang et al. 2014) and many (mid-Cretaceous; 94–113 million years old) of the amber.
engage in prey carriage and some also in a sort of nest The Hukawng Valley locality is a major Lagerstätte
building (Finlayson 1950; Evans 1964; Rubink and Ev- of Cretaceous amber in Southeastern Asia and contains
ans 1979; Howard et al. 1998; for review of prey carriage a very diverse (palaeo-)biota (Grimaldi et al. 2002; Ross
in wasps in general see e.g. Evans 1962). Yet, studies 2021). The palaeoenvironment of Kachin amber has been
of behaviour and also their biology at large are mostly postulated to be subtropical to tropical (Grimaldi et al.
restricted to species of agricultural importance, as their 2002; Yu et al. 2019) consistent with its near equatorial
immatures parasitise some crop and storage pests (Kühne (palaeo-)latitude (Grimaldi et al. 2002; Martínez-Delclòs
and Becker 1974; Gordh and Hawkins 1981; Gordh 1998; et al. 2004), potentially nearshore, marine or lagoon
Cheng et al. 2004; Gao et al. 2016; Jucker et al. 2020). (Cruickshank and Ko 2003; Yu et al. 2019) and potentially
The immatures’ host is often permanently paralysed part of the past ‘supercontinent’ Gondwana (Poinar 2019).
(Finlayson 1950; Schaefer 1962; Lauzière et al. 2000;
Amante et al. 2017; but there are exceptions: e.g. Kühne
and Becker 1974; Gordh and Medved 1986; Witethom Methods
and Gordh 1994; Mayhew and Heitmans 2000); the flat
wasp female then either carries them away to a sort of The amber piece was photographed using a Keyence
nest, where they can accumulate multiple potential host VHX-6000 light microscope (equipped with 20–2000
individuals for their progeny, or they oviposit onto them times magnification lenses). In order to reduce reflec-
on site. The emerging immature(s) either attaches itself tions and enhance the contrast, the specimens were pho-
to its host or the mother bites the immatures’ host to pro- tographed with a drop of distilled water and an above
vide the immature easier access for feeding (e.g. Kühne placed cover slip. Images were recorded in different focal
and Becker 1974; Hu et al. 2012). The immature develops planes (z-stacks) with different illuminations and then
externally on its host as an ectoparasitoid and eventual- combined to a single image with extended field of depth
ly kills it before it pupates (Powell 1938; Schaefer 1962; in the microscope’s accompanying software.
Kühne and Becker 1974; Gordh and Hawkins 1981; Additionally, it was photographed with a Canon EOS
Abraham et al. 1990; Casale 1991; Cheng et al. 2004). 70D reflex camera equipped with an MP-E 65 mm macro
Here we report a flat wasp female that is supposedly in objective and a Macro Twin Lite MT-24 EX flash light
the process of stinging a coleopteran immature, as synin- for close-up images. The specimen was mounted and
clusions in 100-million-year-old Kachin (Myanmar) amber. photographed as described above. The generated imag-
es (z-stacks) were stacked (fused) with CombineZP and
stitched (xy-plane; merged) with Adobe Photoshop CS4
Material and methods (compare e.g. Haug C et al. 2011).
In addition, the piece was documented with μCT (XRa-
Material dia MicroXCT-200, Carl Zeiss Microscopy GmbH, Jena,
Germany). The tomography was performed with a 4× ob-
The study is based on one piece of amber from Kachin jective; the X-ray source settings were 40 kV, 200 µA and
State (Myanmar) (“Burmese amber”), which is part of the 8.0 W. The exposure time was 2.5 s; the system-based pixel
State Natural History Museum, Braunschweig (Staatliches size is 5.0073 µm, with an image size of 1015 × 1015 px.

290 Christine Kiesmüller et al.: Parasitoid wasp

The tomographic images were reconstructed with XMRe- (IT: flagellomeres 1–3) as wide as long, though slightly
constructor software (Carl Zeiss Microscopy GmbH, Jena, smaller than the pedicellus.
Germany), resulting in image stacks (TIFF format). Pro- Mouth parts: labrum (sclerite of ocular segment) and
jections were recorded with Binning 2, tomographic im- appendages of post-ocular segments 3–5 attached and di-
ages were reconstructed with Binning 1 (full resolution). rected anteriorly (head prognathous (IT); compare with
Volume renderings were performed using Drishti (ver. 2.7) Figs 1D, 2A, 4D):
and Amira 6.1; surface reconstructions, as well as horizon- Labrum (sclerite of ocular segment) not discernible.
tal, vertical and longitudinal virtual sections were generat- Clypeus (associated sclerite of labrum) triangular in fron-
ed in Amira 6.1. All obtained images were optimised for tal view (Fig. 4D), with potentially ridge (HY: median
colour balance, saturation and sharpness and arranged into clypeal carina) medially.
figures using Adobe Photoshop CS2 and CS4. Mandibles (appendages of post-ocular segment 3)
Herein we used insect terminology with corresponding (Fig. 4D, indigo blue) rectangular in frontal view with
neutral euarthropod terminology in brackets, to ensure rounded corners; median edge with about 4 discernible
mutual understanding within the whole arthropod com- protrusions (IT: teeth) medially, overlapping medially
munity. Also terminology of Crustacea sensu lato (CT) about one third its width; each mandible about 1.5× wid-
is pointed out where it differs from insect terminology er than long. Further associated structures (hypopharynx;
(IT), as insects are an in-group of Crustacea sensu lato. CT: paragnaths) not discernible. Space between attach-
Special hymenopteran (HY) (after Lanes et al. 2020) and ment of mandibles and compound eye (HY: malar space)
coleopteran terminology (CO) (after Klausnitzer 1978; short, less than half the proximal width of the mandible.
Crowson 1981) is also pointed out, where necessary and Of the maxilla (appendage of post-ocular segment 4;
differing from insect terminology. CT: maxillula) only distal part (IT: maxillary palp) dis-
cernible (Fig. 4D, bluish violet); 5 elements of maxillary
palp discernible, all elongated rectangular in frontal view
Results with rounded corners; element 1(?)–2 of maxillary palp
about 2× longer than wide, but element 1(?) potential-
Description of specimen SNHM-6014 ly not entirely discernible; elements 3–5(?) of maxillary
palp all about 3× longer than wide; most distal element
There are two syninclusions in very close proximity in 5(?) of maxillary palp with rounded tip.
the amber piece: a hymenopteran adult and a coleopteran Of the labium (appendage of post-ocular segment 5;
immature. The walking appendages of the hymenopter- CT: maxilla) also only distal parts (IT: labial palps) dis-
an adult appear to hold the coleopteran immature and its cernible (Fig. 4D, reddish violet), median parts concealed
stinger is (seemingly) inserted within the coleopteran im- underneath mandibles; at least 2 elements of labial palp
mature (compare Figs 1–4 for overview and details espe- discernible, also both rectangular with rounded corners in
cially in Figs 5, 6). frontal view; element 1(?) of labial palp about 2× longer
than wide, but potentially not entirely discernible; ele-
ment 2(?) of labial palp about 3× longer than wide with
Description of the hymenopteran adult rounded, but blunt tip.
Mesosoma (anterior trunk tagma): Post-ocular seg-
Hymenopteran adult well-preserved on one side (Figs 1, ments 6–9 (HY: mesosoma, IT: thorax and first abdomen
2, 4), other side with parts of head, thorax and most of segment) altogether ovoid with tapering, pronounced
the appendages (including wings) not included in the am- tips in lateral view (Figs 1, 2, 4); about 1 mm long and
ber piece (compare Fig. 4B,C); about 3 mm long; not de- 0.4  mm wide at its widest; only sparsely setae present,
pressed, body surface apparently smooth. where discernible; laterally on thorax with large structure
Head: Head (ocular segment and post-ocular seg- discernible mostly in volume rendering of µCT-images
ments 1–5) about 0.4 mm long and wide; square-shaped (Figs 4, 5C, 8) (probably artefact caused by leaked out
in ventral view and ovoid in lateral view; postero-lateral body fluids during taphonomic processes; compare also
corners (IT: parts of gena) projecting slightly ventrally in with Fig. 1A), obscuring lateral thorax view.
lateral view (Fig. 1D); setae sparsely present. Large com- Prothorax (post-ocular segment 6) dorsally apparently
pound eyes (ocular segment); ovoid in lateral view; with trapezoid with two right angles medially (as discernible);
numerous ommatidia (Fig. 1D). Antenna (appendage of ventrally one half of the sclerite (HY: propleuron) also
post-ocular segment 1; CT: antennula) attached to head trapezoid with two right angles medially, sclerites con-
anterior to compound eye and very close to mouthparts joined medially; sternite (IT/HY: prosternum) not dis-
(Figs 1D, 2A and 4D, turquoise); groove ventral to attach- cernible medially.
ment area discernible; five elements discernible (proba- First walking appendage (IT: foreleg) attached poste-
bly not completely preserved), all elongated rectangular riorly to propleura; about 1.4 mm long; 5 major elements
in lateral view; most proximal antenna element 1 (IT: sca- discernible; element 1 (IT: coxa) trapezoid with rounded
pus) about 3× wider than long; element 2 (IT: pedicellus) corners, two right angles medially in anterior view, prox-
much shorter and about as wide as long; elements 3–5 imal edge about 2× longer than distal edge; element 2

Fossil Record 25 (2) 2022, 287–305 291

Figure 1. Photograph of amber piece SNHM-6014 with an adult hymenopteran and an immature coleopteran. A. Overview side 1 (co-
leopteran immature in dorsal, hymenopteran adult in lateral view); B. Overview side 2 (coleopteran immature in ventral, hymenopter-
an adult in lateral view); C. Detail of hymenopteran adult stinging coleopteran immature (side 1); D. Detail hymenopteran head (side
1), mirrored. abd – abdomen; an – antenna; bf – leaked body fluid; e – complex eye; fw – forewing; h – head; hw – hind wing; pp
– pygopodium/postpedes; th – thorax; ts – tibial spur; st – sting (modified ovipositor of hymenopterans); wa – walking appendage.

(IT: trochanter) elongated ovoid in lateral view, widen- distally and about 4× longer than wide; tarsus element
ing distally to about 2× proximal width, about 4× longer 2 slightly longer than wide; tarsus elements 3–4 both as
than wide at its narrowest; element 3 (IT: femur) elongat- long as wide and thus more square-shaped; tarsus element
ed ovoid in lateral view, more than 2× longer than wide 5 more trapezoid than rectangular in lateral view with a
at its widest; element 4 (IT: tibia) elongated rectangular wider distal than proximal edge and more than 2× longer
with rounded corners in lateral view, more than 4× longer than wide, with distally two claws and rounded structure
than wide, with one large spine (IT: tibial spur; HY: cal- in between (IT: arolium), not discernible whether claws
car, i.e. antenna cleaning apparatus) at its median distal simple or with median protrusions (IT/HY: teeth); foreleg
corner and more distally a smaller spine with a quarter with sparse setae.
the length of the larger spine; element 5 (IT: tarsus) sub- Mesothorax (post-ocular segment 7) dorsally rectan-
divided into 5 elements, all rectangular in lateral view; gular (not entirely discernible due to preservation), po-
tarsus element 1 by far longest, with two setae at its most tentially slightly longer than wide. Dorsally, forewings

292 Christine Kiesmüller et al.: Parasitoid wasp

Figure 2. Detailed view on hymenopteran adult of Fig. 1 (side 2). A. Close-up overview of hymenopteran adult; B. Detailed view on
distal part of first walking appendage shown in A; C. Detailed view on proximal part of third walking appendage of hymenopteran
adult; D. Detailed view on posterior end of abdomen of the coleopteran immature. ab – abdomen segment; abd – abdomen; an –
antenna; fe – femur; fw – forewing; h – head; hw – hind wing; md – mandible; mxp – maxillary palp; pp – pygopodium/postpedes;
th – thorax; ti – tibia; tr – trochanter; ts – tibial spur; st – sting (modified ovipositor of hymenopterans); wa – walking appendage.

attaching at border between (possibly) artefactual struc- tubular (i.e. with distinctly apparent hollow interior), ex-
ture and dorsal sclerite; one forewing preserved, but cept potentially present vein M2v (vein Rs+M2v distally
incomplete (distal part missing, including vein of post- apparently splitting in anterior Rs2v vein and posteriorly
stigmal abscissa of R12v); anterior edge of wing straight into two M2v veins (potentially reaching wing margin,
(where preserved); vein C2v not clearly visible; pterostig- though also potentially folding pattern)) and potentially
ma (thickened and dark patch at the end of R1) present also A2v; setae all over forewing; longer setae at the ante-
distally on the anterior edge and elongate ovoid in lateral rior and posterior edge.
view; at least four closed cells (encased on all sites by Mesopectus (sclerite on ventral side of post-ocular
veins) present (R2c, 1R12c, 1M2c and 1Cu2c); additionally segment 7) rectangular, probably 2× wider than long (in-
cell C2c potentially obscured, cell 2R12c distally not pre- completely preserved); second walking appendage (IT:
served (but presumed closed); cell 2Cu2c apparently open; midleg) attached latero-posteriorly to mesopectus, about
cell 1R12c pentagonal in dorsal view; all veins apparently 1.3 mm long; coxa circular in anterior view, about as wide

Fossil Record 25 (2) 2022, 287–305 293

Figure 3. Forewing of hymenopteran adult. A. Photograph in dorso-posterior view on forewing; B. Drawing of A; C. Reconstruc-
tion of wing shown in A, B. 1Cu2c – First cubital cell; 1M2c – First medial cell; 1R12c – First radial cell 1; 2Cu2c – Second cubital
cell; 2R12c – Second radial cell 1; 2r-rs2v – Second radial cross vein; A2v – Anal vein; C2v – Costal vein (note that it was not dis-
cernible in A); Cu2v – Cubital vein; cu-a2v – cubito-anal vein; pts – pterostigma; M2v – Median vein; 1m-cu2v – medio-cubital vein;
M+Cu2v – Median+Cubital vein; R12v – prestigmal abscissa of radial vein 1 (in this case); R2c – Radial cell; Rs2v – radial sector
veins; Rs+M2v – Radial sector + Median vein; Sc+R2v – Subcostal + Radial vein.

as long; trochanter circular in median view, about one Metathorax (post-ocular segment 8) dorsally rectangu-
third as long as coxa; femur ovoid in lateral view, about lar, much wider than long; incompletely preserved laterally
3× longer than wide; tibia elongated rectangular in lateral and partly covered by a similar artefact as mesothorax (see
view, about 5.5× longer than wide and with no spines, above). One hind wing present (but incomplete preserved);
spurs or setae discernible (possibly due to obstructed no wing venation discernible, except one possible vein at
view in that area); tarsus with 5 elements, overall similar anterior edge of hind wing (compare Figs 2A, 3); potential-
to tarsus of foreleg, setae present mostly at the median ly ‘fused’ vein of Costa+Subcosta+Radius; setae all over
distal most corner of at least the three most proximal tar- hind wing; longer setae at posterior(?) edge of the wing.
sus elements, further setae not discernible; tarsus element Circular sclerite on ventral metathorax (IT/HY:
2–3 about 2× longer than wide; tarsus element 5 similar metasternum or metasternal plate) discernible in between
to that of foreleg, but about 3× longer than wide. midlegs; third walking appendage (IT: hindleg) attached

294 Christine Kiesmüller et al.: Parasitoid wasp

Figure 4. Volume rendering (mostly Drishti 2.7) of µCT of amber piece SNHM-6014. A–C. Overview of hymenopteran adult and
coleopteran immature; A. Dorsal view of coleopteran immature (side 1 of Fig. 1A); B. Dorsal view of hymenopteran adult; C. Ven-
tral view of coleopteran immature (side 2 of Fig. 1B); D. Ventral view of mirrored, colour-marked anterior part of the hymenopteran
adult; mouth parts 3D-reconstructed and image of volume rendering taken in Amira 6.1; blue – head; turquoise – antenna; indigo
blue – mandible; violet – maxilla; red – prothorax; yellow – mesothorax; orange – metathorax; green – abdomen. E. Detailed
colour-marked, ventral view of anterior part of coleopteran immature; same colour-coding as in D. F. Detailed, ventral view of
mirrored, posterior part of coleopteran immature. ab – abdomen segment; abd – abdomen; an – antenna; b = artefact (possible air
bubble or similar); bf – artefact (possible leaked body fluid or similar); fw – forewing; h – head; hw – hind wing; md – mandible;
mxp – maxillary palp; pp – pygopodium/postpedes; th – thorax; wa – walking appendage.

latero-posteriorly to that ventral sclerite and about 1.6 mm than shorter one, tibia about 6× longer than wide at its
long; coxa ovoid in anterior view, more than 2× longer widest; tarsus with 5 elements, overall similar to tarsus of
than wide at its widest; trochanter trapezoid in lateral foreleg, tarsus elements 1–3 each with about two setae at
view with longer posterior edge, about 1.5× longer than median distal most corner, further setae not discernible,
wide at its widest; femur ovoid in lateral view, about 2.5× tarsus element 1 6× longer than wide and half as wide as
longer than wide at its widest; tibia elongated rectangular the tibia, tarsus element 2 3× longer than wide, tarsus ele-
in lateral view, widening slightly distally, with two spines ment 3 more than 3× longer than wide and tarsus element
of different lengths at its median distal most corner; spine 4 about 2× longer than wide, tarsus element 5 4× longer
more distally (IT/HY: tibial spur) more than 2× longer than wide at its widest.

Fossil Record 25 (2) 2022, 287–305 295

Figure 5. Detail of hymenopteran adult stinging coleopteran immature; arrows point to supposed puncture site. A. Photograph in
same view as in Fig. 1B; B–D. Colour-marked, mirrored volume rendering of µCT of amber piece SNHM-6014 (Drishti 2.7); in
green coleopteran immature, in red hymenopteran adult; B. Ventral view of coleopteran immature; C, D. Dorsal view of coleopter-
an immature. ab – abdomen segment; abd – abdomen; b – artefact (possible air bubble or similar); ci – coleopteran immature; st
– sting (modified ovipositor of hymenopterans); th – thorax; ts – tibial spur; wa – walking appendage.

Post-ocular segment 9 (HY: propodeum, IT: abdo- especially posteriorly; only sparsely setae present, where
men segment 1) only dorsally discernible (HY: metapec- discernible, mostly towards posterior.
tal-propodeal complex; note that it is a complex com- Tergite of post-ocular segment 10 (HY: metasoma seg-
posed of the third thorax and first abdomen segment); ment 1; IT: abdomen segment 2) half circular in dorsal
rectangular shaped in dorsal view, about 1.5× longer than view with a small anterior protrusion (petiolate structure;
wide (but incompletely preserved); convexly curved in part of the ‘wasp waist’), about 0.2 mm long; sternite cir-
lateral view and smooth with no posterior spines. cular in ventral view with also small anterior protrusion
Metasoma (posterior trunk tagma): Metasoma (petiolate structure); no appendages.
(post-ocular segments 10–19; HY: metasoma segment Post-ocular segments 11–14 (HY: metasoma segments
1–10; IT: abdomen segments 2–11) attached anterior- 2–5, IT: abdomen segment 3–6) dorsally all rectangular
ly to the mesosoma very ventrally; about 1.6 mm long and wider than long; no appendages. Tergite of post-ocu-
and 0.5  mm wide at its widest; overall ovoid in lateral lar segment 11 (HY: metasoma segment 2; IT: abdomen
view with a very pointy posterior end; curving ventrally, segment 3) 3× wider than long, 0.25 mm long; sternite of

296 Christine Kiesmüller et al.: Parasitoid wasp

Figure 6. Details of supposed puncture site in the coleopteran immature by the sting of the hymenopteran adult. A. Overview photo-
graph; lines within point out section planes of B–D; B–D. Colour-marked virtual sections based on µCT of amber piece SNHM-6014
(Amira 6.1); in green coleopteran immature, in red hymenopteran adult; arrows point towards sting of hymenopteran adult; arrow-
head pointing towards connection or disconnection between artefact (possible air bubble or leaked body fluid etc.) and each insect
respectively; B. Transverse sections through coleopteran immature; 1–3 anterior to posterior sections; C. Frontal sections through co-
leopteran immature; 1–3 dorsal to ventral sections; D. Sagittal sections through coleopteran immature; 1–3 lateral to median sections.

post-ocular segment 11 pentagonal with a straight ante- Sclerites of post-ocular segments 15–16 (HY: metaso-
rior edge and a pointed posterior edge, about as long as ma segments 6–7, IT: abdomen segment 7–8) trapezoid
wide, tergite wider than sternite, also in subsequent three in dorsal view with a longer anterior edge each; dorsal
segments; tergite of post-ocular segment 12 (HY: metaso- discernible sclerite of abdomen segment 7 slightly wider
ma segment 3; IT: abdomen segment 4) 2× wider than than long, about 0.2 mm long; dorsal discernible sclerite
long, about 0.3 mm long, sternite rectangular, about 3.3× of abdomen segment 8 1.5× wider than long, 0.08 mm
wider than long; tergites of post-ocular segments 13–14 long, ventrally with no apparent segment border between
(HY: metasoma segments 4–5; IT: abdomen segments these segments, trapezoid and posterior edge about one
5–6) about 2.5× wider than long each, metasoma tergite quarter width of anterior edge, also no apparent distinc-
4 about 0.2 mm long, metasoma tergite 5 about 0.1 mm tion into tergite and sternite; sting (modified ovipositor;
long, sternites rectangular and 3× wider than long. appendages of abdomen segments 8 and 9 (post-ocular

Fossil Record 25 (2) 2022, 287–305 297

segments 16–17; HY: metasoma segments 7–8)) elon- (?)), one medio-distal element (praementum (?) (IT)) and
gated rectangular in lateral view, tapering distally, about one distal element (the labial palps (?) (IT); laterally on
0.2 mm long; consisting of three discernible structures each side respectively); medio-distal element forking at
(IT: valvulae), anteriorly broadly connected with abdo- its distal end into two tips; other details not discernible.
men (IT: third valvulae) and posteriorly with distinct Thorax: Thorax (post-ocular segments 6–8; pro-,
sclerotised structure (IT: first and second valvulae; HY: meso- and metathorax; Figs 4, 5); all thorax segments
terebra), structure bipartite and side by side without gap, (mostly) rectangular with very rounded corners in dorsal
distal tip not discernible. view; much wider than long; overall about 0.9 mm long
and about 0.6 mm wide at its widest.
Prothorax (post-ocular segment 6) more than 3× wid-
Description of the coleopteran immature er than long; first walking appendage (IT: foreleg) about
0.1 mm long, with 4 discernible elements: element 1 (IT:
Coleopteran immature well preserved (compare Figs 1A, coxa) rectangular in posterior view, about 2.5× wider than
B, 2A, D, 4, 5); about 4.7 mm long; slightly dorso-ventral long; element 2 (IT: trochanter) square-shaped in poste-
depressed; apparently smooth, but with many very small rior view, about as long as wide; element 3 (IT: femur)
processes all over the tergites and sternites. trapezoid in posterior view with longer lateral than me-
Head: Head (ocular segment and post-ocular segments dian edge, slightly wider than long; element 4 (IT/CO:
1–5) pentagonal in dorsal view with very rounded but point- tibio-tarsus(?)) triangular in posterior view with blunt tip,
ed anterior edge (Figs 2A, 4E (blue)); about 0.4 mm long one claw (IT: praetarsus and claw (?)) discernible at its tip.
and 0.3 mm wide; dorsally potential moult lines discernible Mesothorax (post-ocular segment 7) pentagonal with
(IT/CO: epicranial frontal sutures), area anteriorly to that very rounded corners in dorsal view, projecting slight-
less than half the length of the head; lateral to ventral scler- ly anteriorly dorsally; slightly wider than long in dorsal
ite of head (IT: parietale) apparently ventrally not meeting view and in ventral view more than 4× wider than long;
medially, as additional sclerite (CO: gular plate (?)) present convexly curved in lateral view; second walking append-
there (Figs 2A, 4E); that sclerite overall about trapezoid in age (IT: midleg) overall similar to foreleg, but about
ventral view, more than 2× wider than long. 0.2 mm long.
Stemmata (ocular segment) very laterally discernible Metathorax (post-ocular segment 8) 3× wider than
(but number of ocelli not discernible). long in dorsal view and 2.3× wider than long in ventral
Antenna (appendage of post-ocular segment 1; CT: an- view; third walking appendage (IT: hindleg) similar in
tennula) about 0.1 mm long; attached laterally on the anteri- appearance to midleg, but about 0.3 mm long.
or edge of head (Fig. 4E, turquoise); elongated rectangular Abdomen: Abdomen (post-ocular segments 9–19)
in ventral view with 3 elements; antenna element 1 slightly overall very elongated rectangular, tapering distinctly
longer than wide; antennal elements 2–3 about as wide as posteriorly; about 3.4 mm long and 0.8 mm wide at its
long each; antenna element 3 tapering into a pointed tip and widest; segments all rectangular, wider than long; tergites
laterally with one seta (CO: supplemental process). and sternites not apparently different in form.
Mouth parts: labrum (sclerite of ocular segment) and Tergites and sternites of abdomen segments 1–9
appendages of post-ocular segments 3–5 mostly discern- (post-ocular segment 9–17) all about 1.4–3× wider than
ible; attached ventrally and directed anteriorly (as is head: long; no dorsal or posterior protrusions present on abdo-
prognathous (IT)): men segment 9.
Labrum (sclerite of ocular segment) and mandibles Tergite of trunk end (possible conjoined region of ab-
(appendages of post-ocular segment 3) and associated domen segments 10 and 11; post-ocular segments 18 and
structures not discernible; labrum potentially discernible 19) slightly wider than long (at the widest point), with
at tip of head (Fig. 2A), mandibles potentially obscured very rounded posterior edge, tapering posteriorly; pos-
by posterior mouthparts. terior edge with at least 4 setae protruding posteriorly;
Maxilla (appendage of post-ocular segment 4; CT: more than 1.5× wider than long dorsally; two posterior
maxillula) elongated rectangular in ventral view, with 2 directed protrusions (CO: pygopodia/postpedes(?)) ven-
elements; about two thirds the head length (Fig. 4E, blu- trally with blunt end, making up about the last third of the
ish violet); proximal element of maxilla (IT: stipes) more ventral segment (Figs 2D, 4F).
than 2× longer than wide, wider than distal element; dis-
tal element tapering distally, forking into two tips (proba-
bly medially galea and lacinia (IT) and laterally maxillary Discussion
palp (IT)); about 2× longer than wide at its widest; medi-
ally no further structures discernible. Phylogenetic position
Labium (appendage of post-ocular segment 5; CT:
maxilla) elongated rectangular in ventral view (Fig. The hymenopteran female clearly is a representative
4E, reddish violet); length about two thirds of the head of Apocrita and can be assigned to its in-group Chrysi-
length; 4 elements discernible: 2 proximal elements (sub- doidea based on the following characteristics (after key in
mentum and mentum (?) (IT), anteriorly to gular plate Goulet and Huber 1993): head not globular, but flat and

298 Christine Kiesmüller et al.: Parasitoid wasp

square-shaped (compare Figs 1D, 4A, 8A); head progna- seen in the new specimen); metanotum(?) discernible as
thous; malar space without depression; body hair (seta- thin band anterior to propodeum; metasoma slender and
tion) sparse or short; forewing with three or more cells, without unusual modifications (smooth integument). C.
pterostigma present and a tubular vein (C2v or C+R2v) on sibiricus is so far only known from one adult male from
antero-basal part of wing (compare Fig. 3); coxa of hind- Taimyr amber (Evans 1973), is slightly smaller than the
leg strongly narrowed and tarsus cylindrical; metasoma female described herein (2.5 mm of C. sibiricus, 3 mm of
very ventrally attached to mesosoma, without constric- the new specimen) and features dentate claws which are
tion between abdomen segments 2 and 3 and abdomen lacking in the latter.
tergite 2 not longer than abdomen tergite 3. A comparison of the new specimen with H. pankowsk-
Within Chrysidoidea, it is a representative of the group iorum reveals the following shared characteristics: scapus
Bethylidae (flat wasps) due to the following characteristics distinctly enlarged compared with pedicellus and flagel-
(after key in Goulet and Huber 1993): sternum of protho- lum; clypeus not projected forward, anterior margin not
rax small (often concealed; cf. Fig. 4D); trochanter of emarginate (i.e. with indentation); genae broad; mandible
foreleg attached postero-laterally on the coxa and tibia of short and thick (but H. pankowskiorum has only three
this leg slender; metasoma with seven externally discern- teeth) and not obscured by the clypeus; femora distinctly
ible tergites. Additionally, also these characteristics can be swollen (particularly femur of foreleg); tibiae elongated
seen (after Azevedo et al. 2018): head with well-developed (though more in the new specimen than in H. pankowsk-
compound eyes (Fig. 1D); dorsal pronotal area present iorum), tibial spur formula also potentially matching (1-
(Fig. 4C) and metasternal plate large (Fig. 4D); forewing 2-2, here: 1-?-2); proximal tarsus element slender, longer
with no to seven closed cells (here: four discernible, but than wide and longest tarsus element; claws short, gently
potentially six or even seven; compare Fig. 3) and hind curved and simple (without teeth); forewing with closed
wing with no closed cells (compare Fig. 3A; though hind 2R12c and pterostigma wider than long (but pterostigma
wing incomplete); femur of foreleg swollen (in females; in the new specimen longer than in H. pankowskiorum),
Figs 1A,B, 2) and foreleg with calcar (antenna cleaning other forewing venation remarkable similar (also poten-
apparatus; compare Fig. 2B); second abdomen segment tially present M2v); first metasomal tergite without ridge
anteriorly very narrow (“petiolar-shaped”) (Fig. 2A). (transverse carina). H. pankowskiorum is also known
Within Bethylidae, it is potentially a representative of from Kachin amber (Engel 2019). However, H. pankow-
Holopsenellinae Engel, Ortega & Azevedo, 2016 (Azeve- skiorum differs from the new specimen in the following
do et al. 2018) due to the forewing with a tubular Rs+M2v characteristics (Engel 2019): slightly longer (3.75 mm,
vein and (potentially) seven closed cells. The forewing new specimen just 3 mm); compound eyes circular (new
of the herein described hymenopteran female has at least specimen ovoid and shorter than in H. pankowskiorum);
four closed cells definitely discernible (R2c, 1R12c, 1M2c mandibles with three teeth (new specimen with four);
and 1Cu2c). The Costal cell (C2c) is not discernible, but shape of 1M2c differs slightly, pterostigma length (longer
that is most likely because of the postero-dorsal view on in new specimen), M2v not reaching wing margin (as it
the forewing (compare Fig. 3) and not an actual absence. potentially does in new specimen); propodeum as wide
The second Radial 1 cell (1R22c) is also only proximally as long (new specimen longer than wide); metasoma not
discernible as the wing in its distal portion is cut off; but petiolate (here distinctly so).
it is present and likely also closed. The second Cubital In summary, the herein described flat wasp cannot
cell (2Cu2c) is discernible, but apparently not closed. But be confidently assigned to C. sibiricus or H. pankowsk-
in this area of the wing there is either a small stone or iorum, but neither can its inclusion in either of the two
an air-bubble preserved which obstructs the view there species or their genera be ruled out, as taxonomically rel-
(compare Figs 2A, 3A), so this cell (2Cu2c) may poten- evant characters are only incompletely preserved. Owing
tially also be closed. to these uncertainties, we refrain from describing a new
Within the Holopsenellinae, it seems to be most close- species or genus based on the new specimen.
ly related to either Cretabythus sibiricus Evans, 1973 or The other individual can be unambiguously identi-
Holopsenelliscus pankowskiorum Engel, 2019 (after key fied as a coleopteran (=beetle) immature due to its three
in Jouault et al. 2020). It shares the following character- well-articulated walking appendages and absence of oth-
istics with C. sibiricus: antenna elements slightly longer er appendages posterior to the thorax (with the exception
than wide; mandible with four teeth (apical one longest); of the last externally discernible abdomen segment). Tho-
reduced clypeus (with potential median clypeal carina); rax appendages with four elements and a claw indicate
short malar space; coxae of fore- and hindleg on contin- that it is a representative of the group Polyphaga. Further
uous line, coxae of midleg slightly separated from that; identification of the immature is challenging; so far, the
mesopleurae smooth; tibial spur formula also potentially ample larval beetle fauna in Myanmar has not been treat-
matching (1-2-2, here: 1-?-2), longer spur of tibia of hind- ed in detail and the specimen lacks prominent features
leg 0.4× length of distal element of same leg; forewing that would enable pinpointing of closer relationships to
venation remarkable similar (except for the potential a specific in-group of Polyphaga. Especially the subopti-
M2v present in the new specimen), hind wing with strong mal structural resolution of the mouthparts proves detri-
anterior vein margin and without cells (as far as can be mental in this context.

Fossil Record 25 (2) 2022, 287–305 299

Figure 7. Details of supposed puncture site in the coleopteran immature by the sting of the hymenopteran adult (taken in Amira
6.1). A. Virtual section based on µCT of amber piece SNHM-6014; transverse section through the coleopteran immature; arrow
points toward supposed rest of the hymenopteran sting in the puncture site; A1. Overview image; A2. Detailed view of puncture
site; B, C. Colour-marked volume rendering of µCT of amber piece SNHM-6014 in slightly different views; in green coleopteran
immature, in red hymenopteran adult, in violet the sting (3D reconstruction based on µCT). b – artefact (possible air bubble or
similar); th – thorax segment; wa – walking appendage.

Interpretation of the amber piece and their legs (Mertins 1980; Abraham et al. 1990; How-
ard et al. 1998), just the legs (Gordh and Medved 1986 [in-
The hymenopteran female and the coleopteran immature directly inferred]; Amante et al. 2017) or just the mandi-
are in direct contact with each other. The hymenopteran’s bles (Kühne and Becker 1974; Gordh and Hawkins 1981).
tarsi, especially the distal portion with the claws, are po- Additionally, the sting (modified ovipositor) of the
sitioned in between segmental borders or in folds of the wasp seems to be inserted into the metathorax of the co-
membranous area of the head and anterior thorax region of leopteran. This is clearly discernible in the macrophoto-
the coleopteran (Figs 1B, 2, 4C–E, 5A, B), possibly to fa- graphs (compare Figs 1, 2A, 5A), but less apparent in the
cilitate better grasping of the immature. Extant females of µCT data (compare Figs 4–6), which might be a result
Bethylidae tend to grasp their progeny’s coleopteran hosts of too low contrast in X-ray due to preservation of this
during their initial attack with either both their mandibles fine structure (as has been shown for other structures; see

300 Christine Kiesmüller et al.: Parasitoid wasp

Rühr and Lambertz 2019). However, there appears to be therein), with numerous cases of the nematodes emerging
a small structure within the apparent puncture site that from their hosts preserved in amber. Similarly common
may belong to the sting (compare Fig. 7), being located are mites and ticks (ectoparasitism) as temporary parasites
where the tip of its sting (specifically the terebra) would (see van der Wal and Haug JT 2019; Hörnig et al. 2020
be expected by extrapolation (Fig. 7B,C). Regardless of for discussion of the term) especially on representatives of
whether this small structure indeed represents the sting’s dipterans, moths (Lepidoptera) and scale insects (in-group
tip or not, it appears that the sting of the wasp applied of Hemiptera) (Arillo 2007; Boucot and Poinar 2010).
pressure onto the metathorax of the coleopteran and most The majority of hymenopterans are parasitic, specifi-
likely also penetrated it, as a well-defined pressure site cally parasitoid (e.g. Rasnitsyn 1980). In fact, parasitoid-
is present (esp. Figs 5D, 6B3, 7A, see also macrophoto- ism is widely assumed to be the key innovation underly-
graphs Figs 1, 2). ing the massive radiation within Hymenoptera (Gaston
Notably, the amber displays no discernible layers 1991; Davis et al. 2010; Huber 2017) which began in the
around both insects, indicating that either the embedding Mesozoic (Rasnitsyn 1980; Rasnitsyn and Quicke 2002).
in the resin was sudden and fast or that they did not move Most likely, it evolved only once within the group Ves-
(much) during the process (incl. wriggling of the coleopter- pina (Orussoidea+Apocrita; e.g. Rasnitsyn 1980; Gauld
an immature as defensive behaviour; compare with Kühne and Bolton 1988; Whitfield 2003) and some in-groups
and Becker 1974; Mertins 1980; Hu et al. 2012; Polaszek of Apocrita (specifically within the Aculeata) have sec-
et al. 2019, S1 video). Together with the positioning of the ondarily lost it again (e.g. Snelling 1981; Anderson 1984;
wasp’s sting and legs, this leaves two alternative explana- Gauld and Bolton 1988; Danforth 2002). Due to the early
tions for the behaviour captured in the piece. origin of parasitoidism within Hymenoptera, we should
expect to find such parasitoid wasps regularly as fossils.
1) The wasp may have been caught in the process of In line with this notion, the majority of the fossil hy-
paralysing the coleopteran. Since some extant representa- menopterans hitherto described do indeed represent para-
tives of Bethylidae sit and wait on the host until it is fully sitoids. Beyond this, there are even some examples of direct
paralysed after the sting (Evans 1964; Kühne and Becker interaction between the larval parasitoid or its parent and
1974; Abraham et al. 1990; Howard et al. 1998; Lauzière its host. There are two reports of wasps embedded during
et al. 2000), a similar behaviour may explain the apparent (supposed) oviposition: a representative of Stigmaphro-
lack of movement in the syninclusions studied here. nidae (Arillo 2007; previously assigned to Megaspilidae
2) Other extant representatives of Bethylidae are by Alonso et al. 2000) ovipositing into(/onto?) a dipteran
motionless during oviposition, which may last several (Alonso et al. 2000, fig. 12-1) in Spanish amber (Álava)
minutes (Gordh and Medved 1986; Abraham et al. 1990). and a representative of Ichneumonidae ovipositing into a
Accordingly, it would be likewise possible that the wasp caterpillar (Wunderlich 1986 in Arillo 2007) in Baltic am-
was in the process of ovipositing onto the coleopteran in- ber. Furthermore, there are other representatives of Ichneu-
stead. As evidence against this, the body posture of the monidae, which have also been found in direct interaction
fossil wasp (compare Figs 1, 2A) lacks some of the char- with their host, namely: an immature attached to a spider
acteristics typically observed in extant flat wasps during in Dominican amber (Poinar 1992 in Arillo 2007) and a
oviposition, such as the telescoped and arched metasomal cocoon adjacent to the seemingly depleted eggs of a spider
segments, as well as a contorted hypopygium (last ex- in Baltic amber (Poinar 2004 in Arillo 2007; Boucot and
ternally discernible abdomen segment) that permits egg Poinar 2010, fig. 60). An immature representative of the
extrusion (Gordh and Medved 1986). Furthermore, the related group Braconidae has also been described emerg-
sting is not always inserted into the host, but sometimes ing from an ant in Baltic amber (Poinar and Miller 2002).
just closely pressed to it during oviposition (Gordh and Another well recorded group within amber is Dryin-
Medved 1986). Thus, it is more probable that the herein idae. The immatures of its extant representatives are ec-
described female wasp was preserved while stinging the toparasitic (and/or endoparasitic) on auchenorrhynchans
coleopteran immature, rather than ovipositing onto it. (in-group of Hemiptera) (Goulet and Huber 1993; Olmi
and Virla 2006; Guglielmino et al. 2013) and there are
multiple syninclusions in Dominican amber that illustrate
Parasitism/Parasitoidism in the fossil record corresponding parasitism of immature representatives of
Drynidiae on representatives of Fulgoroidea (in-group
Direct interactions between parasites/parasitoids and their of Auchenorrhyncha; Poinar 1992, fig. 140, Poinar and
hosts in the fossil record are rare, but not completely un- Poinar 1999, fig. 140, and Ross 1998, fig. 73, in Arillo
known. Relatively well-documented examples of such in- 2007; Poinar 2001; Grimaldi and Engel 2005, fig. 11.37;
teractions are e.g. nematodan worms parasitizing different Boucot and Poinar 2010, fig. 56) and Cicadellidae (also
insects (endoparasitism), primarily representatives of Dip- in-group of Auchenorrhyncha; Grimaldi 1996, p. 97).
tera (flies and mosquitoes), Formicidae (in-group of Hy- An unidentified hymenopteran immature is depicted in
menoptera; ants) and Hemiptera (true bugs) (e.g. Grimal- Boucot and Poinar (2010, fig. 58) emerging from an adult
di 1996; Poinar 2003; Poinar and Buckley 2006; Arillo trichopteran (caddiesfly) (also described in Poinar and An-
2007; see also Boucot and Poinar 2010 and references derson 2005 in Boucot and Poinar 2010) in Baltic amber.

Fossil Record 25 (2) 2022, 287–305 301

Figure 8. Details of artefacts on the hymenopteran adult and the coleopteran immature in amber piece SNHM-6014 (taken in Amira 6.1).
A, B. Virtual section based on µCT of amber piece SNHM-6014; in green coleopteran immature, in red hymenopteran adult; arrowhead
pointing towards connection or disconnection between artefact (possible air bubble or leaked body fluid etc.) and the hymenopteran
adult. A. Sagittal sections through hymenopteran adult; 1–2 ventral to dorsal sections; B. Transverse sections through hymenopteran
adult; 1–2 anterior to posterior sections; C, D. Colour-marked volume rendering of µCT of amber piece SNHM-6014; in green cole-
opteran immature, in red hymenopteran adult; C. Dorsal view on thorax of hymenopteran adult and artefacts there; D. Lateral view
on mirrored thorax of coleopteran immature and artefacts there. ab – abdomen segment; b – artefact (possible air bubble or similar);
bf – artefact (possible leaked body fluid or similar); tg – tegula (part of wing joint area); th – thorax segment; wa – walking appendage.

Conclusions Adding further findings, such as the here represented

specimen, will help to reach a better understanding of the
Examples of group fossilisation as cases of ‘frozen behaviour’ food-web and therefore ecological impact of different ar-
are of high value for the reconstruction of behavioural as- thropod groups in deep-time. This is especially important
pects and the evolution of lifestyles. Even if many species of as the currently available data on food-webs of palaeo-eco-
fossil insects, and particularly hymenopterans (almost 2,500 systems does not allow us to conclude a comprehensive
fossil species; Aguiar et al. 2013), have been described, our view of interactions between extinct organism groups.
knowledge about their way of life, including intra- and inter- The specimen herein is, besides the representative of
specific interactions, is still very limited. the Stigmaphronidae with a dipteran specimen in Spanish

302 Christine Kiesmüller et al.: Parasitoid wasp

amber (Alonso et al. 2000; Arillo 2007), one of the oldest Boucot AJ (1990) Evolutionary Paleobiology of Behavior and Coevolution.
examples of interaction of an adult hymenopteran with Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., Amsterdam (Netherlands), 725 pp.
a putative host of their immatures and the oldest docu- Boucot AJ, Poinar Jr GO (2010) Fossil Behavior Compendium. 1st
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coleopteran immatures. This indicates that the interaction org/10.1201/9781439810590
between parasitoid flat wasp immatures and coleopteran Breed MD, Cook C, Krasnec MO (2012) Cleptobiosis in social insects.
immatures, as seen today, already existed at least about Psyche: A Journal of Entomology 2012(Special Issue): e484765.
100 million years ago. https://doi.org/10.1155/2012/484765
Brues CT (1939) New Oligocene Braconidae and Bethylidae from Bal-
tic Amber. Annals of the Entomological Society of America 32(2):
Acknowledgments 251–263. https://doi.org/10.1093/aesa/32.2.251
Casale A (1991) Some notes on the parental and parasocial behaviour
CK is kindly funded by the Landesgraduiertenförderung of Sclerodermas domesticus Latreille (Hymenoptera Bethylidae).
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