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Dika Final Project Research

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“Research Final Project”

Muhammad Andika Ramadhan 9A
Bandar Lampung
Chapter I

there must be some activities that we can do, doing those activities, is very important to fill
our free time, there are many examples of activities that we can do such as sports, watching
movies, swimming, and many more. the benefit of us doing activities is to relieve the stress
that is being experienced, of course, improve the health of the body but now many people are
lazy to do activities and in the end, just lazing around at home, that's why we have to look for
activities that make ourselves happy.

when we do activities that we like, these activities will become a hobby, there are many
hobbies that we can find here such as reading books, playing ball, and basketball. it will be
even more exciting if we do our hobbies with our friends who have the same hobbies. a
hobby that may be said to be popular with many men and some women, is playing games in
this era many people make playing games an exciting hobby because there are many games
that you can play together.

playing games is an activity that is liked by most teenagers or adults around the world.
Modern games are always developing rapidly and following current trends, such as adventure
games, sports matches, competitions or races, and war games. Games can be played on
various platforms such as cellular or mobile devices, PC (Personal computers), and other

There are many types of games that we can find and even then there will be new games
every year, games that are currently popular are Call of Duty Modern Warfare II 2022, and
God of War Ragnarok, both games are games that are currently booming. Many players play
the game, one of which is Call of Duty Modern Warfare II. in my opinion the game that I'm
waiting for is God of war Ragnarok because the game is a continuation of the journey of
Kratos and Atreus to kill the nordic gods.

At the interview stage which will be conducted with resource persons consisting of
teachers and students, information will be explored about favorite games, reasons for the
types of games they like, how long they play the game, the frequency of playing, and the
positive results obtained in playing a game. this project is going to be quite a tough job
1.2 Research question

From the background above, the research found several questions

1. what tmi students' habits through games

1.3 Purpose

In my research, I aim to find out the habits of students at TMI in playing games. Will I be
able to find out the habits of each student in playing games?

1.4 Benefit
the benefit of my research for the reader and the researcher are
1. to know what kind of habits we can find

Chapter II

Literature Review
2.1 Literature
-Definition of Game (Game)

A game is something that can be played with certain rules

someone wins and someone loses, usually in a non-serious context or

for refreshing purposes. A learning method used in analyzing

interactions between several players and individuals who show rational strategies.

The game consists of a set of rules that establish situations

that compete from two to several people or groups by choosing a strategy

that is built to maximize your victory or

minimize your opponent's wins. The rules determine the odds

action for each player, the number of descriptions received by each player as

playing progress, and several wins or losses in various

situations. (Febriyanto Pratama Putra, 2012)

Some definitions of the game according to some experts:

1. John C Beck & Mitchell Wade,

Games are proven attention grabbers. Game is

a good training environment for the real world in that organization

demands collaborative problem-solving.

2. Samuel Henry,

Game is a form of entertainment that is often described as

refreshing the mind from fatigue caused by activities and routines We.

3. John Naisbitt,

The game is a dynamic participatory system because the game has

a level of storytelling that the film lacks.

4. Andik Susilo,

Game is one of the addictions that is hard to get rid of, some even

said that online game addiction is equivalent to drugs.

-Game Types

According to Sulistyo (2010), there are several types of platforms in the game world

always chosen by game users, namely:

1. Arcade games, which are often called ding-dong in Indonesia, usually

located in a special area/place and has a box or machine that is indeed

specifically designed for certain types of video games and not even rare

has features that can make players feel more centered and

enjoy, such as pistols, special seats, motion sensors, step sensors and

steering wheel (along with the transmission of course).

2. PC Games, namely video games played using Personal


3. Console games, namely video games that are played using a console

certain games, such as Playstation 2, Playstation 3, XBOX 360, and Nintendo Wii.

4. Handheld games, which are played on special video game consoles

can be taken anywhere, for example, Nintendo DS and Sony PSP.

5. Mobile games, namely those that can be played or specifically for mobile phones

or PDAs.

-Game Genres

Games are divided into several genres, including:

1. Action Shooting (shooting): a game in this genre

denotes sufficient action to have highly violent content, where

there is shooting action, hitting, and can also stab,

depending on the story and the characters in it. In this type of game, players

Requires speed in reflexes and good coordination

to play it. Examples: PB (Point Blank), CS (Counter-Strike), and Crysis.

2. Fighting (battle). There are those that group game genres

fighting in the Action section, but the authors think differently, this game

does require reflex speed and hand-eye coordination,

but the essence of this game is mastery of moves or specials

action (memorize how and smoothly execute it), character recognition 7

and timing is very important, combos are also a way to beat

fight as fast as possible.

Examples: Naruto, Dragon Ball, Mortal Kombat, and Tekken.

3. Adventure (Adventure). This game genre is a game that

do exploration such as climbing, exploring the forest, jumping over

cliffs separating ravines, swinging from tree to tree, grappling

against plants or wild animals in search of clues or clues

to the next obstacle. As for those who venture between the streets

urban areas just looking for wooden sticks or belts to make tools

for the next mission, that's some of the many things that characterize the player

have to do and go through in this type of game.

Examples: Kings Quest, and Space Quest.

4. Strategy (strategy). Strategy video games usually give top players

control not only one person but at least a group of people with

various types of ability types, vehicles, and even

the construction of various buildings, factories, and combat training centers,

depending on the theme of the story. Most strategy games are games

of war. Examples: Warcraft, Red Alert.

5. Simulation (Simulation). Games of this type are often described

real-world life and paying close attention to various factors.

From looking for food to work, building a shelter in

municipalities, and administering income taxes and municipal funds. game of this genre

should live from the beginning of birth that has nothing to

become a conglomerate of business rulers and so on. There are also such

conducting experimental experiments between gene A and other genes

to get a unique clone. In this type of game,

players must think about establishing, building, and overcoming

problems using limited funds.

Examples: The Sims, Metropolis Mania, Zoo Tycoon.

6. Puzzles (puzzles). This type of game matches its name

solving puzzles, whether it's stacking blocks, matching colors,

equalize shapes, solve math calculations, shift,

pulling and pushing boxes to where they need to be. Too often

This type of game is an element in the adventure game genre

as well as education.

Example: Tetris, Bubble Party.

7. Sports games (Sports). This game is a condition of real life,

Sports-type game players need agility and deep strategy

to play it. This game is a competition between two or more players.

where players can perform individually or in teams. Example games

This type includes PES (pro evolution soccer), Mario Kart, and tennis.

8. RPG (Role Playing Game). This game is according to the translation,

role-playing has an emphasis on the character/role of the player's representative

in games, which is usually the main character, where alongside us

playing it, the character can change and develop in any direction

that the player wants in various parameters normally

determined by increasing the level, both from status of intelligence, speed and

character strength, increasingly powerful weapons, or the number of friends

as well as pets.

Examples: Final Fantasy, Dungeon Hunter, Ragnarok

9. Education (education).
An educational game is a software package that

creates capabilities in the game environment given as

aids to motivate or assist students to go through procedures

and games carefully to develop their abilities. Developers who

make it must take into account various things so that this game can truly educate, increase
knowledge and improve

skill to play it. Target segmentation of players must also

be adjusted to the level of difficulty and visual design or animation.

-Game Elements

1. Features,

Features are things that describe the game in a form that can be seen or felt.
2. Gameplay

Gameplay is how a game works, where the features exist

will form gameplay.

3. Interfaces

The interface is all forms of display that exist in a game.

A good interface will make the players feel at home and not get bored

play games.

4. Rules

Rules are a set of rules that exist in playing a game


5. Levels design

Level design is the level of difficulty that describes the storyline

on a game.

-Definition of Educational Games

Educational games are one of the game genres

used to provide teaching / increase the knowledge of its users

through unique and interesting media. There are several criteria for educational games

ideal, namely: (Nurrun Muchammad, 2013)

1. Curiosity, fantasy, and user control

a. Intrinsic motivation, fun to use. User

have control over the game.

b. Integration of educational materials and fantasy aspects of the game


c. Encouraging curiosity, users can explore

free, the game contains hidden secrets.

d. Success is determined by knowledge, not by chance.

e. World realistic simulation.

f. Educational materials adapted to real-world material.

2. Challenge

a. Challenges are given continuously but adjusted accordingly

player understanding level.

b. Provides hints and instructions to assist the user.

3. Users of children and those with special needs

a. Pictures, objects, and screens are neatly arranged.

b. The game itself is an important activity (play for

the sake of play).

c. Inspiring children, even after the computer is turned off

-Impact of Educational Games

According to Edward, educational games have many positive impacts in

Its application includes:

1. People widely use games to teach knowledge and

building skills in the fields of education, business, and the military.

2. Games are effectively used to build math skills and

reading in children, proven by research conducted by

Murphy and friends in 2002.

3. Games are proven to be effective in helping children with asthma and

diabetes managing healthy living habits, research conducted by

Lieberman in 1997 and McPhershon and co


Many businesses use educational games to build skills

their employees such as Cisco teach employees the introduction of tools

basic and security network through a game. In 2007 the US military


using games in military personnel training such as flight simulations

aircraft and the use of weapons systems.

Chapter III

3.1 Research Subject (ms Diana & mr fathur)

The subject of the research is Junior High School students of Tunas Mekar Indonesia

3.2 Research Place

the researcher will do the research in Sekolah Tunas Mekar Indonesia (JL. Rahman Hakim
no. 30 Kedamaian Bandar Lampung

3.3 Research time

the researcher will take from February to April

3.4 Research material


3.5 Research procedure

-making question
-interview student
-taking data

Source: https://dspace.uii.ac.id/bitstream/handle/123456789/3752/05.2%20bab%202.pdf?

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