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To our panel of evaluators, Dr. Bayona, Dr.

Celis and Dr
Sevillejo, to our research professor Dr. nismal, classmates good
morning. I am priveledge to present to you this morning my
project paper entitiled : Factors influencing the career choices
of Grade 12 students.
● Career decision is very important for a senior high school
graduating student to take although doing it is a lifelong process
Georgia Career Information Center (2013 cited in Bacaling 2018).
It is continual process that occurs throughout a person’s
development. Youth career decision-making is required to go
through a process of understanding by defining what they want to
do and exploring a variety of career options with the aid of
guidance and planning (Porfeli and Lee, 2012). As youth plan and
make career decision, in the face of both expected and unexpected
interest, goals, expectations, personal interest as well as obligations
and responsibilities, cultural undercurrents underpin what the
youth can do, and how they are required to think Mau (2000 cited
in Tao et al., 2018).
● Many Senior High School students were cautious and anxious
about making the right career choice after the first batch of
students from the K to 12 curriculum program graduated college.
Although the Department of Education has already prepared the
students to choose their prospective future paths through the
Career Guidance program (DO 41, s. 2015), Grade 12 students’
thought are still filled with confusion.
● It is in the premises above that the researcher would like to
find out the factors influencing the career choice of Grade
12 Humanities and Social Sciences strand students in
Ramon Torres National High School-Senior High School.
The Humanities and Social Sciences strand is one of the
four strands in the Academic Track of Senior High School.
According to Gundam (2017) each student in Humanities
and Social Sciences deals with everything abstract: of
critical thinking, reasoning, logic, and to understand the
phenomenon and theories that drive humanity as it is today.
● The purpose of this study is to identify the factors
influencing career choices and the level of influence these
factors affects the career choice of the participants
Statement of the Problem

This study aims to identify the factors influencing the career choice and the

level of influence of these factors affecting the career choice of Grade 12

Humanities and Social Sciences Stand students in Ramon Torres National High

School-Senior High School.

Specifically, this study sought to answer the following questions:

1. What is the profile of Grade 12 Humanities and Social Sciences strand

students in terms of the following?

a. age

b. sex
c. parents’ educational attainment

d. parents’ occupation

e. household monthly income

2. What is the Career Choice of the participants

3. What is the level of influence affecting the career choice of the participants

based on these factors:

a. personal choice

b. parent’s preference

c. relatives

d. peers

4. Is there a significant relationship between the career choice and the factors

that influences the career choice of the participants when grouped according

to the aforementioned variables

5. Is there a significant difference between the factors that influences and the

level of influence of the career choice of the participants when grouped

according to the aforementioned variables.

Conceptual framework

Figure 1 shows the relationship between various variables that influence the

career choices of the participants. These includes independent variables and

dependent variable. The independent variables are the students’ profile such as
age, sex, parents’ educational attainment, parents’ occupation and household

monthly income and the four factors influencing career choice of the participants

which includes personal choice, parent’s preference, relatives and Peers . The

dependent variable is the career choice of the participants.


This study employed the descriptive quantitative research design.

The participants of the study were the selected Grade 12

Humanities and Social Sciences strand students who are
officially enrolled in the school year 2021-2022 in
Ramon Torres National High School-Senior High School
A group composed of 40 males and 53 females with a
total 0f 92 participants. Slovin’s Formula was used in
computing for sample size

Researcher made questionnaire was used through survey method. The

instrument is composed of 3 parts .

Part I was the demographic profile of the participants

which is composed of age, sex, parents’ educational
attainment, parents’ occupation and household
monthly income
Part II was the career choice of the participants

Part III was the research questionnaire about factors

influencing the career choice of the participants that
includes personal choice, parents’ preference, relatives
and peers.

A copy of questionnaire was submitted to credible

raters for validation using Good and Scates Validity
with a mean of 4.8. The research instrument
underwent reliability test by the use of Cronbach’s
Alpha with reliability index of 0.80. Hence, the
research instrument was considered to be valid and

● Data gathering procedures

○ The researcher sent a letter to the OIC-
Assistant principal of Ramon Torres
National High School-Senior High School to
seek permission to conduct this study.
○ After the validity and reliability of the
research questionnaire had been done,
sufficient copies were given to the
○ Letter of consent was explained and handed
to the parents during module distribution
with the help of HUMSS advisers and
researcher made questionnaire was sent after
the letter of consent was gathered
○ The researcher had personally administered
and retrieved the necessary information.
○ The researcher tabulated the data and
submitted them for statistical treatment.
● Ethical considerations
○ The measures undertaken to ensure compliance with ethical issues
included seeking permission from School Principal.
○ In the same view, measures were taken to ensure that identities of
respondents were kept confidentially.
○ In addition, during research, the respondents’ responses were neither
interfered nor contested by the researcher.
○ Furthermore, informed consent was obtained from respondents.
○ While carrying out the research, the right of self-determination was
highly upheld to allow the respondents to decide freely whether to
participate in the study or not.
○ The researcher communicated to the participants the purpose of the
study before the administration of the instruments.
○ The researcher also openly informed respondents that they had the
right to withdraw and the effect of their withdrawal in the study was
○ Additionally, all respondents were assured of the benefits they may
obtain from the findings of the study. Thus, respondents received
equal treatment by the research.
Results and Discussion

Table 1 below shows the profile of the participants when grouped in terms of aforementioned


When grouped in terms of age, there is no student older than 21 years old, there are 27

students who are 19-20 years old and there are 65 students who are 17-18 years old.

However, when grouped in terms of sex, there are 40 males and 52 females with a total of

92 participants.

With regards mother’s educational attainment, most of the participants indicated that their

mothers are college graduate. While most of the participants fathers are high school graduate.

In terms of parent’s occupations based on ICSO classification, most of the partcipants

indicated that both their mothers and fathers belong to Medium Level of Skills (Clerks, Service

Workers, Shop and Market Sales Workers, Skilled Agricultural and Fishery Workers, Craft and

Related Trade Workers, Plant and Machine Operators and Assemblers)

Finally, when grouped in terms of Household Monthly Income, most of the participants’

Families earned 10,000-below, which means low income earners.

Table 2 shows the career choices of the participants. The career choices were based on

DepEd Order no. 41 s. 2015, The Career Guidance Program. The most prefereed career of the

participants were Teacher, Police Officer and seafarer respectively. This implies that teaching is

the most preferred career of the participants.

Table 3 shows the level of influence on the career choices of the participants in terms of

the given Factors.

In terms of Personal Choice, the result is interpreted as very high influence. This means

that personal choice greatly influenced the career choices of the participants.

Factors Parent’s Preference and relatives had results as high influence. This result indicated

that both parent’s preference and relatives highly influenced the career choices of the participants

With regards to peers result is interpreted as low influence. It indicates that peers have

low influence in the career choice of the participants

Overall, factors influencing career choice of the participants interpreted as high


Table 4 shows the significant relationship between the career choice and the factors

influencing career choice of the participants when they are grouped according to aforementioned


The data reveal that the variable age has no significant relationship with (p=0.778>0.05)

at 0.05 level of significance and degrees of freedom 20.

Meanwhile, the variable sex has no significant relationship with (p=0.091>0.05) at 0.05

level of significance and degrees of freedom 20.

With regards to Parents Educational Attainment, there is no significant relationship with

(p=0.165>0.05) at 0.05 level of significance and degrees of freedom 100.

In terms of Parents Occupation, there is no significant relationship with (p=0.217<0.05)

at 0.05 level of significance and degrees of freedom 40.

Finally, the Household Monthly Income was found out to have no significant relationship

(p=0.996>0.05) at 0.05 level of significance and degrees of freedom 60. This means that the

career choice of the participants has no significant relationship in terms of the aforementioned


Table 5 shows the significant relationship between the career choice and Level of

Influence on the Career choice of Grade 12 HUMSS students when they are grouped according

to personal choice, parent’s preference, relatives and peers.

The data reveal that the factor Personal Choice, relatives and peers, have no significant

relationship. This means that there is no significant relationship between career choice and the

level of influence on the career choice of the participants when grouped according to Personal

Choice, relatives and peers.

However, the factor Parent’s Preference found to have a significant relationship. This

means that the null hypotheses are rejected while the alternative hypotheses are accepted. This

implies that there is a significant relationship between the career choice and the level of

influence on the career choice of the participants when grouped according to Parent’s Preference.
Table 6 shows the significant relationship between the factor personal choice and the

level of influence on the career choice of participants when they are grouped according to

aforementioned variables.

The data reveal that there is no significant relationship between the factor personal

choice and the level of influence on the career choice of the participants when they are grouped

according to aforementioned variables.

Table 7 shows the significant relationship between the factor parents’ preference and the

level of influence on the career choice of the participants when they are grouped according to

aforementioned variables.

The data reveal that there is no significant relationship between the factor parent’s

preference and the level of influence on the career choice of the participants when they are

grouped according to aforementioned variables.

Table 8 shows the significant relationship between the factor relatives and the level of

influence on the career choice of the participants when they are grouped according to

aforementioned variables.

The data reveal that there is no significant relationship between the factor relatives and

the level of influence on the career choice of the participants when they are grouped according to

aforementioned variables.
Table 9 shows the significant relationship between the factor peers and the level of

influence on the career choice of the participants when they are grouped according to

aforementioned variables.

The data reveal that when grouped according to age, sex, parent’s educational attainment

and household income there is no significant relationship between the factor peer and the level of

influence on the career choice of the participants.

However, when grouped according to parent’s occupation there is a significant

relationship between the factor peers and the level of influence on the career choice of the

participants. This means that the null hypotheses are rejected while the alternative hypotheses are


Table 10 shows the significant difference between the factor Personal Choice and the

level of influence on the Career Choices of the participants when they are grouped according to

the aforementioned variables.

The data reveal that when grouped according to age, sex, and household monthly income

there is no significant difference between the factor personal choice and the level of influence on

the career choice of the participants.

However, when grouped according to parent’s educational attainment and parent’s

occupation there is a significant difference between the factor personal choice and the level of

influence on the career choice of the participants. This means that the null hypotheses are

rejected while the alternative hypotheses are accepted.

Table 11 shows the significant difference between the factor Parent’s Preference and the

level of influence on the Career Choices of the participants when they are grouped according to

aforementioned variables.

The data revel that there is no the significant difference between the factor Parent’s

Preference and the level of influence on the Career Choices of the participants when they are

grouped according to aforementioned variables.

Table 12 shows the significant difference between the factor Relatives and the level of

influence on the Career Choices of the participants when they are grouped according to

aforementioned variables.

The data reveal that there is no significant difference between the factor Relatives and the

level of influence on the Career Choices of the participants when they are grouped according to

aforementioned variables.

Table 13 shows the significant difference between the factor Peers and the level of

influence on the Career Choices of the participants when they are grouped according to

aforementioned variables.

The data reveal that there is no significant difference between the factor Peers and the

level of influence on the Career Choices of the participants when they are grouped according to

aforementioned variables.

● The study found out that most of the respondents were
17-18 years old and most of them were female.
● The highest educational attainment of the
respondents’ mothers was college graduate while their
fathers were high school graduate.
● In terms of parents’ occupation, students revealed that
both their mothers and fathers fall under medium level
of skills.
● The top three preferred career of respondents were
Teacher, Police Officer and Seafarer respectively.
● Among the factors that influences the career choices,
personal choice has a very high level of influence.
● Among the factors that influences the career choices,
personal choice has a very high level of influence.
● In addition, the study found out that there is a significant
relationship between the career choice and the level of
influence of Grade 12 Humanities and Social Sciences
strand students of Ramon Torres National High-School-
Senior High School in terms of Parent’s Preference.
● Further, when grouped in terms of parents ‘occupation
study showed that there was a significant relationship on
the level of influence on the career choices of Grade 12
Humanities and Social Sciences strand students in Ramon
Torres National High School-Senior High School.
● Moreover, this study reveals that in terms of parent’s
educational attainment and parent’s occupation there is a
significant difference on the level of influence and the
factors influencing the career choice of Grade 12
Humanities and Social Sciences strand students. This
means that the level of influence on the career choices of
Grade 12 Humanities and Social Sciences strand students
differ when categorized in terms parent’s educational
attainment and parent’s occupation.

● The school should provide appropriate career education from

Year 7 upwards.
● It should have career adviser that will help students in
choosing career path, talk to students about careers and
involve students with career related activities in the
classroom. Career advisers may be full time or this work may
be part of a teacher’s role.
● Teachers should guide students towards the right career
choice. They should make students realize that there are many
factors to consider in career development.
● Students will be guided by teachers through knowing oneself
and discovering what students want to be in the future.
● Teachers should confer with parents with regards to helping
improve parents’ effectiveness in guiding their children make
the right career choice.
● As for parents, they should encourage and recognize their
children’s abilities and talents as a guide to their career
choice. They should not dictate their children what to do,
what course to take, or what career to pursue after SHS. Their
role as parents is to guide their children in making the right
decision with regards to career plans based on their abilities,
skills, and interests.
● It is also recommended that students should know first
his/her interests, skills, and aptitudes in choosing career. They
should choose a career that best fits their personality.

And that ends my presentation thank you so much

for your time.

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