Sikabond TF Plusr

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SikaBond® TF Plus R
Adhesive for SikaMembran® System used for sustainable building certifications


Chemical base 1-component polyurethane
Color (CQP001-1) Black
Cure mechanism Moisture-curing
Density (uncured) 1.3 kg/l
Non-sag properties (CQP061-1) Good
Application temperature ambient, substrate 5 – 40 °C
Skin time (CQP019-1) 190 minutes A
Shore A hardness (CQP023-1 / ISO 48-4) 30 B
Tensile strength (CQP036-1 / ISO 527) 1.5 N/mm2
Peel resistance (CQP564-1) 1 N/mm
Elongation at break (CQP036-1 / ISO 527) 650 %
Service temperature (CQP509-1 / CQP513-1) -40 – 90 °C
Shelf life (CQP016-1) 12 months C
CQP = Corporate Quality Procedure A) 23 °C / 50 % r. h. B) 14 days at 23 °C / 50 % r. h. C) storage below 25 °C


SikaBond® TF Plus R is the VOC-reduced ver- ▪ EMICODE EC1PLUS , very low emission SikaBond® TF Plus R is used for bonding
sion of the long lasting proven adhesive Sika- ▪ DGNB 2018: Quality Level 4, SikaMembran® facade membranes (e.g.
Bond® TF Plus N ("R" represents reduced). Es- Product Group 13 SikaMembran® Universal, Outdoor, Outdoor
pecially suitable for sustainable building certi- ▪ LEED v4.1: VOC Attestation plus, Strong, Eco Uni, Eco Out) behind curtain
fications, as e.g. DGNB or LEED. Émissions dans l’air intérieur, Class A+, walling and rainscreen cladding. SikaBond® TF
SikaBond® TF Plus R is a 1-component, PU- very low emission Plus R is also suitable to bond over plasterable
based adhesive for the SikaMembran® Sys- ▪ Ensures levelling of uneven substrates membranes (e.g. SikaMembran® Uni-P, Out-
tem, which combines high mechanical ▪ Adjustment of membrane possible until door-P) to concrete and brick wall in window
strength with the necessary elasticity to cope 30 minutes after installation installation.
with high movements in facades. SikaBond® ▪ Secure application with good sag resistance
TF Plus R adheres very good to a wide range ▪ No contact pressure necessary SikaBond® TF Plus R bonds well to concrete,
of substrates which ensures a durable sealing. ▪ Fast curing aluminium (anodized or powder-coated), rigid
U-PVC, timber and other standard construc-
tion materials, also without using a primer.
Application of adhesive to one side only
(mostly to substrate) is sufficient.

This product is suitable for experienced pro-

fessional users only. Test with actual sub-
strates and conditions have to be performed
to ensure adhesion and material


SikaBond® TF Plus R
Version 02.01 (04 - 2022), en_DE

SikaBond® TF Plus R cures by reaction with at- Tooling and application of SikaMembran®
mospheric moisture. At low temperatures the 600 ml
sheet must be carried out within the skin time
water content of the air is generally lower and of the adhesive. (770 g)
the curing reaction proceeds somewhat For detailed information about the applica- 20 Unipacks
slower. tion of SikaMembran® sheets consult Product per box
Data Sheet “SikaMembran System".
Resistant to water, seawater, cement grout BASIS OF PRODUCT DATA
Removal All technical data stated in this document are
and water-dispersed detergents. Uncured SikaBond® TF Plus R can be removed based on laboratory tests. Actual measured
from tools and equipment with Sika® Re- data may vary due to circumstances beyond
METHOD OF APPLICATION mover-208 or another suitable solvent. Once our control.
Surface preparation cured, the material can only be removed
The substrate must be sound, homogeneous mechanically. HEALTH AND SAFETY INFORMATION
and no paint or other coatings must be Hands and exposed skin have to be washed For information and advice regarding trans-
present. It needs to be clean, dry and free immediately using hand wipes such as Sika® portation, handling, storage and disposal of
from oils, grease, dust and loose or friable PowerClean wipes or a suitable industrial chemical products, users shall refer to the ac-
particles. hand cleaner and water. tual Safety Data Sheets containing physical,
Surface treatment depends on the specific Do not use solvents on skin. ecological, toxicological and other safety-re-
nature of the substrates and is important for lated data.
a long lasting bond. Application limits
Treat non-porous surfaces with Sika® Aktivat- Where two or more different reactive process DISCLAIMER
or-205. Clean porous surfaces by wire brush materials are used, allow the first to cure The information, and, in particular, the re-
and / or vacuum cleaner. On porous sub- completely before applying the next. commendations relating to the application
strates exposed frequently to water use Sika® The compatibility of gaskets, backer rods, and and enduse of Sika products, are given in
Primer-210 or Sika® Primer-3 N. Consider that other accessory materials with SikaBond® TF good faith based on Sika's current knowledge
these suggestions are based on experience Plus R must be tested in advance. and experience of the products when prop-
and have in any case to be verified by tests on Do not use SikaBond® TF Plus R on natural erly stored, handled and applied under nor-
original substrates. stone or as a glazing sealant. mal conditions in accordance with Sika's re-
Structured and metallic powder coatings has Do not use on PTFE (Teflon), Polyethylene commendations. In practice, the differences
to be grinded with abrasive pad -very fine- (PE), Polypropylene (PP), Polystyrene (PS) and in materials, substrates and actual site condi-
and treated with Sika® Aktivator-205. bituminous substrates, natural rubber, EPDM tions are such that no warranty in respect of
rubber or on any building materials which merchantability or of fitness for a particular
Application might leach oils, plasticisers or solvents that purpose, nor any liability arising out of any
SikaBond® TF Plus R can be processed could degrade the product. legal relationship whatsoever, can be inferred
between 5 °C and 40 °C but changes in react- Do not mix with or expose uncured SikaBond® either from this information, or from any writ-
ivity and application properties have to be TF Plus R to substances that may react with ten recommendations, or from any other ad-
considered. The optimum temperature for isocyanates, especially alcohols which are of- vice offered. The user of the product must
substrate and adhesive is between 15 °C and ten components within e.g. thinners, test the product's suitability for the intended
25 °C. Until the adhesive is fully cured the solvents, cleaning agents and formwork re- application and purpose. Sika reserves the
substrate temperature must be in between leasing compounds. Such contact could inter- right to change the properties of its products.
5 °C and 40 °C. fere or prevent the cross linking curing reac- The proprietary rights of third parties must be
To avoid condensation on the surfaces, the tion of the material. observed. All orders are accepted subject to
temperature of the bonding substrates must our current terms of sale and delivery. Users
be at least 3 °C higher than the dew point of FURTHER INFORMATION must always refer to the most recent issue of
the air. The information herein is offered for general the local Product Data Sheet for the product
The skin time is significantly shorter in hot guidance only. Advice on specific applications concerned, copies of which will be supplied
and humid climate. The SikaMembran® sheet is available on request from the Technical De- on request.
must always be installed within half of the partment of Sika Industry.
skin time. Never join bonding parts if the ad- Copies of the following publications are avail-
hesive has built a skin. able on request:
SikaBond® TF Plus R can be processed with ▪ Safety Data Sheets
manual, pneumatic or electric driven piston ▪ System Data Sheet "SikaMembran System"
guns. ▪ Sika-Sustainability Data Sheet SikaBond® TF
Plus R
For detailed information about the applica-
tion of SikaMembran® sheets consult Product
Data Sheet “SikaMembran System".

PRODUCT DATA SHEET Sika Deutschland GmbH

SikaBond® TF Plus R Industry
Version 02.01 (04 - 2022), en_DE Stuttgarter Straße 139
012026000029001100 72574 Bad Urach
Tel. +49 7125 940-7692
[email protected]


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