Word File - Inspection of Open and Controlled Dumpsites
Word File - Inspection of Open and Controlled Dumpsites
Word File - Inspection of Open and Controlled Dumpsites
(Open/Controlled Dumpsites)
Email address:
Geo-Coordinates 12.332070N,121.55980E
Elevation 32m
Volume = 800m3
Approximate Distance from 4km
Municipal Hall
Distance from Nearest Settlement .7km
1. SiteClearing
Storage areas for recyclables, make shift Has storage area for recyclables at the
huts and other structures within the vicinity of disposal facility
boundaries of the disposal facility should be
The exposed waste should be compacted and No exposed waste to the area and already
the top graded to slopes ranging from2 to 4% compacted and there’s no critical slopes to the
to prevent ponding and promote natural area,
drainage. Side slopes can be generally set at
the ratio of 1 vertical and 3 horizontal or
gentler depending inthe
nature of waste and actual site conditions
3. Application and Maintenance of SoilCover
The graded site should be covered with soil, The waste hole area already covered of soil
inert or stable material or clay material to and the remaining plastic bottle store in the
prevent entry of water in the waste pile RCA.
and access by vectors. The final cover
should be at least
60 centimeters which include a
15cm topsoil and 45 cm compacted soil.
Peripheral canal or ditches should be Already have a canal to prevent the flood in
constructed around the site to divert run the area.
off. The intention is to prevent contact of
the waste pile with water thereby reducing
the potential for leachate generation.
5. Leachate Management
Collection of pipes shall be installed to No collection pipes to collect leachate
collect leachate generated from the waste generated from the waste piles and coursed
piles and coursed to the leachate collection to the leachate collection pipes but there is
a proposed plan for the establish Aerated
pond. Leachate must not be allowed to
vertical helophyte filter for residue .
drain into streams or
6. GasManagement
Gas vents made up of local materials such Gas vent installed at selected points to the
has bamboo or PVC pipes may be installed area after the propose SLF will be finish the
at selected points within the waste pile. As construction.
a general rule, vents maybe spaced
50meters apart.
7. Fencing andSecurity
A fence shall be constructed around the Fence has been constructed in the area but
dumpsite to prevent unauthorized entry of the gate is not yet finished, and possible for
waste pickers, children, and illegal settler the access of wild animals.
and stray animals
8. Putting-up of Signages
An appropriate sign containing the following Signage was observed to have been installed
messages should be put up at a conspicuous in the area.
place near or at the entry of the dumpsite: No burning squatting to the sites.
Name of Dumpsite
Status of Operation
Prohibition of burning, squatting, children
and animal access.
A. Financial constraint.
II. NeedsoftheLGUthatcanbeprovidedbytheEMBintheproperclosureandrehabilitation of
A. Financial of location for PPA’s pertaining to SCRP
III. Timeframe to complete the closure and rehabilitation of thedumpsite.
A. with in 2yrs.
IV. Other disposal plans of theLGU.
A. Constructiom of SLC + 1
V. Otherremarks
1.The LGU’s must submitted the 10 years plan and apply the ECC for thenew SLF
2. To remove from the list of Open and Controlled dumpsite.
3. Install signage’s pertaining to the proper disposal of garbage’s on the strategic area.
4. The LGU must constructed MRF and RCA to the site.