6 5 Solid Waste Disposal
6 5 Solid Waste Disposal
6 5 Solid Waste Disposal
Fig. 1 Composition of Municipal Solid
Waste in 1990 RECYCLING
TYPES OF MUNICIPAL SOLID WASTE 1. The recovery and reuse of products
that would otherwise be thrown away.
1. Paper wastes
2. Recycling reduces landfilling
2. Yard wastes
Preliminary steps to create recycling
3. Glass wastes program
4. Metal wastes 1. Accurate analysis of sources and
content of the solid waste stream.
5. Plastic wastes
2. Evaluation of existing recycling
6. Food wastes
programs, which must be integrated into
7. Other new or expanded efforts.
Operational Requirements
Bale Disposal – Rather than disposing of The northeast US incinerates over 50%
loose solid waste from collection or of their solid wastes. Most other regions
transport vehicles, some landfills accept incinerate about 5 to 10%.
baled waste, which is much more dense.
Because we are rapidly running out of
land to use for landfilling, incineration
will become much more desirable in the
Incineration is the controlled
combustion of materials.