Project 1 Week 4

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N°19- Profesorado de Inglés- 2° año- 2020-

Campo de la Práctica (Campo de Formación en la Práctica Profesional II y Fundamentos de la Enseñanza y el Aprendizaje del Inglés I)
Prof. Jorgelina Carlassare, Claudia Flores y Mercedes Masello

STUDENT(S)/ TRAINEÉ(S): …………………………………………… SCHOOL: Private/ State Primary School COURSE: 5th year

CONTENT: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

1- ………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
2- ………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
3- ………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

CONTEXT: Students have worked with personal information, WH words and the alphabet in Units 1 and 2.



5’ The T asks Sts questions about their classmates: What is his/her name? Can you spell it, Personal
please? How old is he/she? Where is he/she from? She tells Sts that they are going to revise information:
personal information that class. questions and

20’ The T or a St delivers copies, Sts copy the date, title (People…and differences) and Listening. Board and
instruction (Watch some street interviews and choose the correct option.) on their folder Personal chalk or
and stick the copy. The T reads the instruction aloud and uses gestures to explain and information. markers.
check Sts’ comprehension of the activity. She also asks Sts about what is important for The alphabet. Folders, pen,
listening activities, so that they remember that they shouldn’t interrupt, repeat or make pencil.
any noise. This agreement might be carried out in Spanish. Copies
They watch the interviews once or twice and carry out group and self-correction. (Appendix 1)
available on

20’ The teacher asks the Sts which countries were mentioned in the interviews and says that Reflection. Board and
the people are from different countries while she draws a diagram on the board. The, she Respect for chalk or
asks Sts about other differences among the interviewed people and completes the differences. markers.
diagram. Possible answers are: age, culture, appearance, language. Folders, pen,


Sts copy the diagram on their folders as well as this activity:

Circle the option that is true for you. Then, discuss with your classmates.
I AM/ AM NOT different from my classmates.
When I see someone different, I feel HAPPY/ SCARED/ INTERESTED.
In my opinion, being different IS/ IS NOT a problem.

Folders, pen, Students’ posters can

10’ Some Sts read their choices and the T encourages reflection upon the importance of Respect for pencil. be digital, to be posted
respecting differences. In groups, sts think about a phrase that represents their opinion. differences and on the school’s
The T tells them that they will write their phrases on posters and illustrate them, the group work. facebook page or
posters will be hung on hallways walls and their phrases will be messages for other Sts at Writing. institutional platform, if
school. it has one. In that case,
The T helps Sts to express their ideas, if necessary, and she checks that they agree on the can
material they will bring next class and, maybe, on their roles (writer, illustrator). This be used. And this can be
activity might not be finished in class. In that case, it will be completed in the following a cross-curricular
class. project that involves

Number 0: What’s his name? Number 3: Where is she from?

His name’s Rick. She’s from India.
His name’s Craig. She’s Brazilian.
His name’s Peter. She’s from Brighton.
Number 0: Where is he from? Number 4: What’s the woman’s name?
He’s from Oxford. She’s Padma.
He’s from London. She’s Padme.
He’s from Scotland. Her name’s Pamela.
Number 1: How does she spell her name? Number 4: Where is she from?
S-E-R-E-H She’s from Japan.
S-A-R-I-H She’s from Bangkok, in India.
S-A-R-A-H She’s from Bangladesh.
Number 1: Where is she from? Number 5: What’s his name?
She’s from London, in England. He’s Tom.
She’s from Redding, in England. His name is Tim.
She’s from Redding, in Scotland. He is Tony.
Number 2: What’s his name? Number 5: Is he from Canada?
George No, he isn’t Canadian.
Jonathan Yes, he is. He’s from Vancouver.
Joshua He doesn’t say.
Number 2: Where is he from? Number 6: How does he spell his name?
He’s from Chicago. D-I-X
He’s from Oxford. D-E-X
He’s from China. D-A-X
There are different lesson plan formats but this is the one you are using in CFPP III and IV. We invite you to work on the following
activities as an opportunity to identify and understand the different parts or components of a lesson plan, to assess some aspects of a plan
and of a class (meaningfulness, cohesion, organization) and to think about feasible alternatives.

1) Objectives describe what students are expected to achieve by the end of the lesson.

Read the lesson plan and tick the objectives that you consider appropriate. Think and write comments to correct or express them more

a- Identify specific information on a spoken piece of discourse. ___

b- Listen to interviews and choose correct options. ___

c- Value the usefulness of authentic discourse. ___

d- Foster respect for differences. ___

e- Develop respect for differences. ___

f- Favor collaborative work. ___

g- Revise personal information and the alphabet. ___

h- Be creative. ___

i- Reflect upon relationships. ___

2) Complete the section CONTENT. Try to include linguistic and non-linguistic content.
3) Read the following statements and write a tick on one of the columns, write comments on the column you choose to justify your choice.

I completely agree I’m not sure I definitely disagree

The T shows an effort to

organize students’ work.

Activities are connected among


The plan addresses students

with different learning styles.

The time allotted is suitable.

The TTT (Teacher Talking Time)

is more extensive that the STT
(Students Talking Time).

You can read about learning styles and TTT/ STT on different websites. We suggest the following ones:

4) This is a lesson plan for a class to be delivered in a real classroom. How would you adapt it to be delivered in the current context
(lockdown and no face-to-face teaching and learning)? Write down three ideas.
Finally, we invite you to write down notes about your thoughts, feelings, learning, reflections and questions as long as you work with the
activities and we discuss them. You are going to write about them on your “Bitácora Logbook/ Journal” in a few weeks. And you can watch
these videos to know more about the use of “Bitácoras”:

Next week, we are going to meet through Zoom or Meet. We would like to discuss your analysis of Teacher Man and of this lesson plan as

well as the live conference “Discussing ELT.” Please write down notes about the aspects or topics in this talk that were particularly

meaningful or interesting for you or that called your attention and prompted questions. We are going to post information about this

meeting on Monday 25th.

Remember to contact us through Classroom if you have any questions.

Have a nice week!!!

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