6 Bu PC Eg 2019

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Convenio 00028 de 2019

entre el Ministerio de Educación Nacional y el British Council


Teacher´s name Eddy Julieth Garcia Mendivelso
Email [email protected]
School Instituto Técnico La Cumbre

Lesson plan Activity plan Task plan Project plan


Author’s remarks
This plan will help students to know more about themselves and others. Through different exercises students
will learn how to introduce themselves. It is a great opportunity to start the new school year using English in
real situations.

Grade Length of lesson Number of students Average age

6° 100 minutes 34 12
Area English level
Rural Urban X A1 X A2 B1

Curricular Focus / Axes

Environmental / Sustainability Education
Sexual / Health Education
Construction of Citizenship / Democracy / Teenagers x


Module / Unit English, Please 1 - Module 1 - Unit 1
Language Function Language skills Vocabulary
Greeting someone else
Language focus Good morning.
Introducing a famous speaking- writing
Good afternoon
Good evening
Principles / approach Topic-based approach

Learning objectives
Aim By the end of this lesson, students will be able to introduce themselves and classmates
Subsidiary aims By the end of this lesson, students will be able to give basic information about themselves

Materials needed
Convenio 00028 de 2019
entre el Ministerio de Educación Nacional y el British Council

English, Please! book
Board markers

Time and
Stage Procedure Patterns of
Warm up: T chooses a song student like also appreciate. T must make sure that The classroom 15 minutes
has space for the students to walk around. T explains the students that he/she will T-Ss
play the song and he/she stops it every student has to greet a classmate next to Pair wok
him/her by shaking their hands and introducing themselves (Hello, my name is…. Hi,
I am…). Teacher does it a few times and then adds some variation and fun by asking
them to greet each other in a different mood, for example 'greet each other happily'
or 'sadly' or 'surprised' or 'he/she is your ex-boyfriend/girlfriend', 'you're in a bad
mood', etc.
Introduction: Note: To do this part of the lesson T needs to ask students to bring to the class their 20 minutes
ID card including some personal information (Name, surname, age, email, telephone Pair Work
number, birthplace) T-Ss
T asks students to mingle showing their ID card to at least two more students. Ss-Ss
T asks Ss to find a partner and introduce themselves to each other.
T gives student a model to follow. T copies it on the board
- My name is…
- I am from ….
- I am … years old
- My email is…
- My phone number is….

Practice: T tells SS they are going to do more practise working with the book 25 minutes
T asks Ss to open their books and listen to audio (9) and select the correct answer Group Work
(the name they hear in the recording) T –Ss
T also asks Ss to listen to audio (13) and complete the answers in their notebooks. Ss-Ss
Ss get in groups of three and read the text (point 8) and underline the words that
refer about a person. (personal pronouns and names).
Ss identify the verb to be that is after each personal pronoun and name.
Ss write the conjugation of verb to be on their notebooks.
Ss complete a text using the corresponding form of the verb to be.
Production: Ss work individually. 20 minutes
Ss write a text about themselves taking into the model of the text (SS have to use Individual
different personal pronouns and appropriate forms of the verb to be depending on Work
the person, name and pronouns). T – Ss
Ss go to the front of the class in order to share the text with the whole class.
Volunteers read their own texts to the class.
Convenio 00028 de 2019
entre el Ministerio de Educación Nacional y el British Council

Wrap-up Ss get in pairs and they do a role play, some Ss interview a classmate asking about 10 minutes
their personal information. The questions are on board and the interviewer asks and Pair Work
writes the answers in a box drawn on a piece of paper. Then SS exchange roles. Ss-Ss

Assessment T asks Ss what they learned today and Ss write answers in a piece of paper. 10 minutes
T evaluates the class according to this rubric: T-SS
ASSESSMEN 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0
Participation Participate Participate Participate Participate Participate
in any in 20%- in 50%- in 80-89% in 90%-
activity. 49% of all 79% of all of all 100% of
activities. activities. activities all
Activities I Didn’t do Did 1 Did 2-3 Did 4-5 Did all
any activity in activities activities activities
activity class. in class. in class. in class.
My own text Didn’t Wrote the Wrote the Wrote the Wrote the
write the text with 4 text with 3 text with 2 text using
text. and more mistakes. mistakes the
mistakes of correct
of personal verbs and
personal pronouns personal
pronoun or verb to pronouns.
and verb be.
to be.

List a series of ideas of how this plan can be methodologically adapted so other teachers can
implement it in their own educational context.
Implementation alternatives
In this lesson plan the Teacher can change the warm up activity by another game, for example “Guess who”. In the
activity where students use their ID Cards T can asks SS to add more information to the card for example: Living
place – Hobby- family etc.

Write the key word for each category based on the content of this plan. For example:
Topic: environment Skill: reading Linguistic: should Vocabulary: animals, environment
Key words
topic skill linguistic vocabulary grade
simple present Greetings
Speaking/writing verb to be 6th

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