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20050-Article Text-95231-1-10-20221219
Kinesiology 54(2022)2:316-324
This study aimed to analyze the isolated and combined effects of non-modifiable factors on adolescents’
physical fitness. This cross-sectional, descriptive study involved 1475 adolescents, aged 12 to 19 years, of whom
721 were girls, from four public schools in southern Spain. Physical activity, birth weight and breastfeeding
time, and physical fitness were assessed. To calculate the 2D:4D ratio, three separate measurements of the
length of the index finger (2D) and ring finger (4D) of both hands were taken. Results show no differences in
the intake of breast milk nor its prediction power for physical fitness. Birth weight was related to horizontal
jump and manual dynamometry results, while the 2D:4D ratio was not significant in the linear regression
models. The non-modifiable factors studied in relation to physical activity practically ceased to be significant
when variables such as sex, body mass index and physical activity practice were introduced into the models.
Benítez-Sillero, J. et al.: RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN BIRTH WEIGHT... Kinesiology 54(2022)2:316-324
2019; Labayen Goñi, et al., 2012; Vafa, et al., 2016), Huelva). The participants were students of any of
so future studies on this topic are needed. the first four years of secondary education (from
The influence of birth weight on physical fitness 12 to 16 years of age) or the first year of bacca-
levels among adolescents has not been studied in laureate (age 17), if they had not repeated a year.
depth. Specifically, Corredor-Corredor et al. (2019) Subjects above that age were ruled out. The adoles-
observed that those adolescents, both male and cents were informed of the main aim of the study
female, with higher birth weights presented a better and the anonymity, confidentiality, and voluntary
performance in the handgrip test (p<.01). Addition- nature of their participation. Written informed
ally, these authors reported significant relationships parental consent was obtained from each partici-
between birth weight and performance in shuttle pant. This study protocol was in accordance with
run (p=.045), long jump (p=.008) and abdominal the latest version of the Declaration of Helsinki
strength (p=.031) tests in girls, while no significant (2013), while the project was also approved by the
relationships were observed in boys for these tests. Ethics Committee of the University of Cordoba.
Ortega et al. (2009) partially support these results
since they also observed a positive relationship Procedures
between birth weight and handgrip performance, A descriptive and cross-sectional study design
mainly in girls (p<.001). However, these authors with non-probability-based sampling was used to
could not establish a relationship between birth determine the relationships between non-modifi-
weight and cardiovascular fitness (p=.700-.810). able factors (i.e., breastfeeding, birth weight, and
Despite the promising results obtained there are 2D:4D digit ratio) and the adolescents’ physical
few studies on this topic, none of which is recent. fitness level. In four different sessions (during the
Since athletic performance is positively affected school year), participants completed the EUROFIT
by circulating testosterone levels, prenatal testos- battery and filled out the accompanying question-
terone may have a positive effect on physical fitness naires.
levels among adolescents (Hönekopp, 2012). In this
sense, no significant relationship was observed Instruments
between the 2D:4D digit ratio and several phys-
ical fitness tests in young scholars (Eghbali, 2016; Physical activity
Peeters, van Aken, & Claessens, 2013). Conversely, Two questions were asked to determine the level
some authors found negative correlations between of physical activity, based on the modified version
2D:4D digit ratio and different fitness battery tests of the PAQ-A questionnaire (Martínez-Gómez, et
(Hönekopp, Manning, & Müller, 2006; Ranson, al., 2009):
Stratton, & Taylor, 2015), showing the need to 1. Physical activity in your free time: Have you
perform future studies to establish definitive done any activity in the last 7 days (last week)?
conclusions on this topic. If so, on how many days? The students answered
Since the aforementioned non-modifiable by 0 to 7.
factors seem to influence the physical fitness levels 2. Do you regularly attend any kind of organized
of adolescents, a multivariable analysis could shed classes focused on physical activity, sports, etc.?
light on this relationship and contribute to predic- Please specify the number of days per week.
tions and decisions that promote improved phys- The days per week (0 – 7) were counted.
ical fitness levels among young people. In turn, this Based on these two questions, each student’s
could help in the prevention of derived pathologies. level of total physical activity during free time and
Thus, the main aim of this study was to analyze participation in organized physical activity was
the isolated and combined effects of non-modifiable determined. Total physical activity included prac-
factors (i.e., breastfeeding, birth weight, and 2D:4D tical activities, both organized and independent,
digit ratio) on the physical fitness of adolescents. We while organized activity referred to those regular
hypothesized that physical fitness was influenced by activities repeated over time, dependent on a club
non-modifiable factors, although this effect might or entity and directed by a person. In both cases,
seem to be sex-specific. the compulsory hours corresponding to physical
education at school were not counted.
Anthropometric characteristics
Participants All measures were made with barefoot subjects
A convenience sample of 1,475 schoolchildren wearing light clothing. On the first day, the focus
aged 12 to 19 years (mean = 14.87, standard devi- was solely on anthropometric data collection. The
ation = 1.57), of whom 721 were girls (48.88%), body weight in kilograms (kg) was measured with
voluntarily participated in this study. Partici- a Tanita BF 350 scale (Tanita Corporation, Japan;
pants belonged to four state schools in southern precision 0.1 kg). A SECA stadiometer (Seca 213,
Spain (three in the province of Cordoba and one in Hamburg, Germany; precision 0.1 cm) was used for
Benítez-Sillero, J. et al.: RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN BIRTH WEIGHT... Kinesiology 54(2022)2:316-324
measuring body height. Based on these data, the then presses gradually and continuously for
body mass index [BMI = weight (kg)/height (m2)] two seconds. The optimal grip was calculated
was calculated. by the equation designed by Ruiz et al. (2006).
Two attempts were made with each hand and
Fitness tests the best result was recorded. For this study, the
Before starting the assessment, a training most common measure of the best performance
session was held in order to guarantee the stand- with one hand was used (Committee of Experts
ardization, validation and reliability of the measure- on Sports Research EUROFIT, 1993).
ments. Five integrated tests were carried out within e) 20 meters shuttle run test. This is a maximal
the EUROFIT battery (Committee of Experts on incremental field test that assesses the maximum
Sports Research EUROFIT, 1993). The scientific aerobic capacity. The subject runs back and
basis underlying the use of these tests in adolescents forth over 20 meters. The test begins at a slow
has appeared in previous publications (Evelein, et pace. The subject should make the change of
al., 2011) and has been used in the AVENA and direction at the moment of the sound signal
HELENA international studies (Ortega, et al., that occurs ever faster. The test ends when the
2009). All students had experience with these subject is not able to follow the imposed rhythm.
tests since they had been regularly used as a part The time in minutes and seconds was deter-
of assessment tools throughout their education. The mined to increase the precision of the measure-
battery included the tests described below: ments. The author’s original software was used
a) 30 seconds sit-up tests. This is a trunk power in an mp3 version (Léger, Mercier, Gadoury, &
test in which the subject tries to carry out as Lambert, 1988).
many sit-ups as possible during a period of 30 To avoid mutual impact between the tests, these
seconds. The subject lies on his/her back on a were performed on different days in the following
mat, and places his/her hands behind the back order: day two (sit-and-reach flexibility and sit-up
of their neck, with legs flexed at 90° and his/ tests), day three (20-m shuttle run), day four (hand-
her feet on the ground. The subject should raise grip and horizontal jump) (Corredor-Corredor, et
their trunk until he/she touches the knees with al., 2019). The questionnaire was administered on
the elbows. The number of times the move- the first day.
ment is performed correctly will be noted. A
mat was given to each subject and a CasioHS- Birth weight and breastfeeding time
80TW chronometer was used. A shorter version of the questionnaire reported
b) Sit-and-reach flexibility test. This test measures in the HELENA study (Jimenez Pavon, et al., 2010)
the range of hip motion. Sitting on a mat with was used, which was answered by the parents,
their legs stretched out and soles placed on a who also filled out the consent form for their sons’
standardized box, the subjects must bend their and daughters’ participation. The questionnaire
trunk forward, trying to reach as far as possible provided us with data on birth weight and breast-
with their hands outstretched, moving a ruler feeding period. Birth weight was registered in kilo-
(in centimeters) placed on the surface of the box grams, while breast milk intake time was coded
with their fingertips. According to protocol, the as 0 (when the subject had not been breastfed), 1
ruler is aligned with the edge of the box where (if breastfeeding lasted less than three months), 2
the feet are placed, at the 15-centimeter mark. (if breastfeeding lasted from three to five months)
c) Horizontal jump. It was used to assess lower and 3 (when breast milk intake lasted six months
body explosive muscular strength. The subject or more).
starts from a static position, located immedi-
ately before a line, with feet shoulder-width apart 2D:4D ratio
and parallel, having to make a jump as far as To calculate the 2D:4D ratio, three separate
possible without losing balance on the landing. measurements of the length of the index finger (2D)
Two attempts were made on a hard, non-slip and ring finger (4D) of both hands were taken. The
surface and the best of them was recorded. The measurements were taken on the ventral side of
result was recorded in centimeters, using a tape the hand. Finger length was taken from the prox-
measure. imal crease at the base of the finger to the fingertip,
d) Handgrip strength. Manual grip strength in as this measurement procedure has a high replica-
kilograms was assessed in both hands, using tion (Schneider, Pickel, & Stalla, 2006). A digital
a TAKEY TKK 5110 dynamometer (interval calliper with an accuracy of 0.1 mm, Tacklife DC01,
5-100 kg, precision 0.1 kg), with an adjustable was used. The 2D:4D ratio value for each hand was
handle. The subject holds the dynamometer obtained by calculating the arithmetic mean of three
keeping it slightly away from the body. He/she measurements (Schneider, et al., 2006).
Benítez-Sillero, J. et al.: RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN BIRTH WEIGHT... Kinesiology 54(2022)2:316-324
Statistical analysis 2D:4D ratio of the right hand correlated with all
Descriptive data are presented as mean ± the physical fitness tests. The 2D:4D ratio of the left
standard deviation (SD). The sample of data was hand only correlated with the horizontal jump and
first tested for distribution normality with the shuttle-run tests. In the ANOVA analyses according
Shapiro-Wilk test. The subjects were compared to the period of breast milk intake, there were no
by sex with the Student’s t-test. Bivariate correla- significant relationships in any of the variables, nor
tions were carried out with the Spearman test as in the post-hoc analysis, and therefore they are not
some variables were non-parametric. Likewise, shown in the tables. When comparisons were made
the breastfeeding variable was compared through between the two groups using the t-test, according
ANOVA, and for a more complete analysis of breast- to whether or not they were breastfed, the BMI vari-
feeding, this variable was dichotomised between able was also not significant (M with breastfeeding:
those who were and those who were not breastfed, 22.30 [4.64]; M without breastfeeding: 21.52 [4.26];
using the Student t-test. To complete the analyses, a p=.26).
multiple regression analysis was carried out where Table 3 shows the linear regression models. For
the physical fitness variables were the dependent all the physical fitness tests, the predictors age, sex,
variables and age, sex, BMI, birth weight, breast- and BMI were significant, as well as the practice
feeding, physical activity and 2D:4D ratio were the of organized physical activity for the abdominal
independent variables. The effect size was calcu- strength, horizontal jump and cardiovascular endur-
lated according to Cohen (1988). Values above ance tests. Birth weight was only significant in the
0.8, between 0.8 and 0.5, between 0.5 and 0.2, and model for jumping strength and manual dynamom-
lower than 0.2 were considered as large, moderate, etry tests. Neither the breastfeeding period nor the
small, and trivial, respectively. The analyses were 2D:4D ratio of the right hand was significant. The
carried out using the IBM SPSS Statistics 25 statis- models with the left hand in 2D:4D ratio and the
tical package. independent physical activity practiced in free
time were also studied, but their values were lower
Results than those shown in the tables and are therefore
not shown.
Table 1 presents descriptive data and differences
between sex. Significant differences were found for
all variables except BMI and the period of breast Discussion and conclusions
milk intake. The aim of this study was to demonstrate the
The relationships between study variables are influence of non-modifiable factors on physical
shown in Table 2. Birth weight only correlated aptitudes and to verify if this effect was medi-
with the manual dynamometry test, while the ated by gender. Knowledge and control could be
Table 1. Descriptive analysis of the variables according to the sex of the participants
Total M (SD) Boys M (SD) Girls M (SD)
n n t ES
n=876 n=754 n=721
Age 1475 14.87 (1.57) B:754 G:721 14.91 (1.55) 14.83 (1.58) 0.88 0.05
Weight 1475 59.26 (13.98) B:754 G:721 61.79 (15.14) 56.61 (12.11) 7.26*** 0.43
Height 1475 164.62 (9.60) B:754 G:721 168.51 (10.27) 160.53 (6.76) 17.74*** 1.18
BMI 1475 21.77 (4.32) B:754 G:721 21.63 (4.39) 21.92 (4.24) -1.31 -0.07
Sit-up 1335 23.05 (6.15) B:685 G:650 25.15 (6.29) 20.84 (5.14) 13.71*** 0.84
Sit and reach 1492 17.20 (8.81) B:771 G:721 14.51 (8.11) 20.08 (8.62) -12.82*** -1.08
Hor. jump 1436 161.79 (36.33) B:734 G:702 181.17 (34.19) 141.52 (25.99) 24.81*** 1.53
Shuttle run 1454 4.93 (2.51) B:749 G:705 6.07 (2.62) 3.72 (1.69) 20.47*** 1.39
Handgrip 1475 26.35 (7.99) B:754 G:721 29.95 (8.65) 22.59 (4.97) 20.13*** 1.48
Birth weight 862 3.27 (0.56) B:425 G:437 3.31 (0.60) 3.23 (0.52) 2.13* 0.15
Breastfeeding 872 1.65 (1.16) B:430 G:442 1.66 (1.17) 1.63 (1.15) 0.37 0.02
D2/D4 (right) 934 1.01 (0.49) B:487 G:447 1.00 (0.06) 1.02 (0.04) -6.06*** -0.5
D2/D4 (left) 935 0.99 (0.04) B:488 G:447 0.98 (0.04) 0.99 (0.04) -4.43*** -0.25
PA total 1425 2.46 (1.98) B:719 G:706 2.74 (1.98) 2.17 (1.93) 5.23*** 0.29
PA organized 1429 1.63 (1.76) B:720 G:709 1.97 (1.85) 1.30 (1.60) 6.98*** 0.42
Note. M= mean; SD = standard deviation; ES = effect size; BMI= body mass index; Hor. = horizontal; PA = physical activity.
* Established level of significance; p<.05.
*** Established level of significance; p<.001.
Benítez-Sillero, J. et al.: RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN BIRTH WEIGHT... Kinesiology 54(2022)2:316-324
Table 3. Linear regression with age, sex (female), BMI, birth weight, breastfeeding, organized physical activity and D2/D4 index
of the right hand as the predictors of the different physical fitness tests
Horizontal Shuttle
Sit-up Sit and reach Handgrip
jump run
β t β t β t β t β t
Age 0.257*** 7.348 0.137*** 3.611 0.316*** 11.266 0.290*** 9.809 0.382*** 12.304
Sex (female) -0.351*** -9.880 0.308*** 8.053 -0.518*** -18.205 -0.418*** -13.941 -0.424*** -13.457
BMI -0.143*** -4.062 0.118** 3.101 -0.342*** -12.077 -0.302*** -10.140 0.130*** 4.149
Birth weight -0.018 -0.517 0.041 1.083 0.054* 1.940 -0.009 -0.313 0.075* 2.434
Breastfeeding 0.005 0.139 0.026 0.696 0.044 1.611 -0.001 -0.028 0.007 0.216
Org. PA 0.200*** 5.724 0.068 1.801 0.147*** 5.233 0.283*** 9.574 0.060 1.928
D2/D4 (Right) 0.049 1.395 0.009 0.249 -0.005 -0.189 -.050 -1.688 -0.025 -0.791
F(7) = 32.89 F(7) = 13.41 F(7) = 99.24 F(7) = 81.98 F(7) = 62.63
p<.001 p<.001 p<.001 p<.001 p<.001
R 2 = .27 R 2 = .13 R 2 = .53 R 2 = .48 R 2 = .41
Note. * p<.05; ** p<.01; *** p<.001. Organized physical activity (Org. PA) was considered in all models except in the flexibility model where total
physical activity was considered. The D2:D4 ratio of the right hand was considered as it showed the best results in the model compared to when
the index finger was considered in the left hand.
an excellent way to estimate the main factors that studies that have determined the period of breast-
can affect—both negatively and positively—perfor- feeding is greater in boys (Hafeez & Quintana-
mance in certain physical skills, and its possible Domeque, 2018), and others that have found the
consequences (Ruedl, et al., 2019). opposite result, stating that the lactation period for
Exclusive breastfeeding is defined as a feeding males begins later and lasts less time (Sen, Mallick,
pattern based only on breast milk without any & Bari, 2020; Shafer & Hawkins, 2017). It seems
complementary foods (Zaqout, et al., 2018) and that external factors such as culture or geographic
is considered to be a key factor in improving the location may play a relevant role since the results
survival, health, and development of children differ depending on the population analyzed. There
(Victora, et al., 2016). The results of our study show seems to be an agreement that breastfeeding has a
that there are no differences between genders in positive effect on both physical abilities and cardio-
terms of the breastfeeding period. However, there respiratory ability, and that it improves when breast-
is no scientific consensus on this fact since there are feeding lasts longer (Berlanga-Macías, et al., 2020).
Benítez-Sillero, J. et al.: RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN BIRTH WEIGHT... Kinesiology 54(2022)2:316-324
However, Corredor-Corredor et al. (2019) found that and unorganized physical exercise improves phys-
while birthweight did have a positive correlation ical fitness (Chen, Hammond-Bennett, Hypnar, &
with different physical tests, the same did not occur Mason, 2018; Mora-Gonzalez, et al., 2020). More-
with breastfeeding. In this sense, breastfeeding time over, it is worth highlighting the importance of
can play a fundamental role, since there are consid- unregulated physical activity in girls, since there
erable differences among those adolescents who are considerable differences, especially between
are breastfed for a longer time in some tests such those who participate in unregulated physical
as dynamometry (Greven, Richards, & Buitelaar, activity and those who do not, compared to boys
2018; Heshmati, et al., 2018). (Chen, et al., 2018). These results may be due to the
Another factor which has attracted much atten- fact that, in general, boys perform more physical
tion in the literature over recent years is the 2D:4D activity than girls. Finally, it should be noted that
digit ratio, defined as the length of the second age, sex and BMI are significant predictors with
finger divided by the length of the fourth finger respect to physical fitness tests. Regarding age, it
(Eghbali, 2016). This ratio appears to be a marker of has been proven it has an effect on physical apti-
prenatal testosterone levels, in which a lower 2D:4D tudes linked to developmental stages (Smith, Weir,
digit ratio indicates higher prenatal testosterone Till, Romann, & Cobley, 2018). When it comes to
(Eghbali, 2016). It has been shown that the differ- gender, men will have greater physical abilities than
ences between the right 2D:4D ratio and the left women (Dawes, et al., 2017). In terms of body mass
2D:4D ratio is greater in girls, although the differ- index, those with obesity have poorer abilities and
ences may vary depending on ethnicity (Manning, skills, both in terms of physical skills (Korsten-
Stewart, Bundred, & Trivers, 2004; Manning & Reck, et al., 2007) as well as emotional and social
Fink, 2020). However, with respect to the right skills (Utesch, Dreiskämper, Naul, & Geukes, 2018)
2D:4D ratio and age, our results contradict those than those with normal BMI or who are overweight
of certain studies (Trivers, Manning, & Jacobson, (Kukic, Cvorovic, Dawes, Orr, & Dopsaj, 2018).
2006). Nevertheless, they do coincide with physical In fact, BMI can be used as a useful, non-invasive
condition tests, in which the relation is negative in and fast predictor of physical performance (Kukic,
all tests (Hönekopp, et al., 2006), with the excep- et al., 2018).
tion of flexibility; while in our study the relation- This study is not without limitations, the main
ship with flexibility was positive, most studies do one being the need to point out the impossibility
not find such a connection (Peeters, et al., 2013). of establishing causal relationships between the
Birth weight is considered to be a relevant index variables under study, given the type of cross-
of the intrauterine condition which has a known sectional descriptive study used here. Furthermore,
programming effect on later body size and body we cannot state that these data hold up over time
composition (Labayen, et al., 2006). Regarding given their cross-sectional nature. In spite of the
birth weight, there is a positive relationship with aforementioned limitations, though, the study offers
manual dynamometry (Corredor-Corredor, et al., insight into the influence of non-modifiable factors
2019; Moura-Dos-Santos, et al., 2013), especially on adolescents’ physical condition and points us
in women (Ortega, et al., 2009), but also with lower towards measures that favor the improvement of
body strength, since in both our study and that by their physical condition in order to prevent derived
Moura-Dos-Santos et al. (2013), jumping strength pathologies. Consequently, it would be worthwhile
was positively correlated with running speed. for future research to study causal relationships
The vast majority of studies conclude that men through a correlational study to ascertain the influ-
perform more physical activity than women and ence of different variables on each other. Another
have a higher adherence rate (Barja-Fernández, limitation is that participants were considered peers
Juste, Pino, & Leis, 2020; Pino-Juste, 2019). In addi- according to their biological age, without consid-
tion, we can state that the adolescents who carry out ering their degree of sexual development, which
non-regulated physical activity perform equally well could be interesting to do in future studies.
in regulated physical activity (Rodríguez-Cabrero, Differences regarding sex in the non-modifi-
et al., 2015). Free physical activity is related to an able factors that influence physical fitness were
improvement in a high number of physical param- observed, with boys performing better in all the
eters (Eather, Morgan, & Lubans, 2013). Likewise, tests compared to the girls, except for the sit-
those adolescents who do not meet the minimum and-reach test. However, there are no differences
guidelines for physical activity are less likely to based on the period of breast milk intake, nor is it
achieve healthy levels of physical fitness, aerobic a predictor of physical fitness between the sexes.
capacity and they have a worse BMI (Morrow, et On the other hand, physical activity seems to be
al., 2013). The association with BMI is especially positively related to abdominal strength, flexibility,
strong since it has a high negative correlation with jumping, cardio-respiratory fitness and manual
moderate and vigorous physical activity (Joensuu, dynamometry, while age, sex, and body mass index
et al., 2018). It is therefore clear that both organized were significant predictors with respect to the phys-
Benítez-Sillero, J. et al.: RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN BIRTH WEIGHT... Kinesiology 54(2022)2:316-324
ical fitness tests. In addition, the practice of organ- manual dynamometry. Finally, we can conclude
ized physical activity was a significant predictor that the non-modifiable factors studied in relation
in the abdominal strength, jumping and cardiovas- to physical activity practically ceased to be signifi-
cular endurance tests. Birth weight is a significant cant when variables such as sex, BMI and physical
predictor with respect to horizontal jumping and activity practice were introduced into the models.
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Correspondence to:
Iago Portela-Pino, Ph.D.
Faculty of Health Sciences, University Isabel I
Fernán González, 76, Burgos, Spain
Tel.: +34 947671731
Email: [email protected]
This project was funded by the Directorate General for Innovation and Teacher Training of the Ministry of Education
of Andalusia (PIV-034/18) and (PIV-021/20) as educational research projects to be implemented in 2019 and 2020.