Activity Sheets Week 1

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Senior High School Department

San Antonio Basey, Samar

Understanding Culture, Society and Politics

Grade 12

Name: Gr. & Section

Activity 1

Directions: Show your knowledge about anthropology by making a tweet of the
words listed below (Be it your own understanding, an example or scenario). A
tweet should have a maximum of 280 characters, including the hashtags (#)
and mentions (@). Write your answers in the tweeter call-outs below.
1. Evolution

2. Culture

3. Adaptation


Senior High School Department
San Antonio Basey, Samar

Understanding Culture, Society and Politics

Grade 12

Name: Gr. & Section

Activity 2.
Directions: What does your community looks like? Share how people of your community
communicate and behave socially (Social status, social norms, social roles). Draw
how society looks like and make a caption about it.

UCSP_2021-2022 UCSP_2021-2022


Senior High School Department
San Antonio Basey, Samar

Understanding Culture, Society and Politics

Grade 12

Name: Gr. & Section

Activity 3.
Make a collage or a timeline about the brief history of the government in
the Philippines. Explain your work in the space provided below.



Senior High School Department
San Antonio Basey, Samar

English for Academic and Professional Purposes

Grade 11

Name: Gr. & Section

Activity 1.
Differentiating academic to non-academic text.
Directions: Using the Venn diagram, compare and contrast the characteristics
of academic texts from non-academic texts.

Academic Texts Non-Academic Texts


Senior High School Department
San Antonio Basey, Samar

English for Academic and Professional Purposes

Grade 11

Name: Gr. & Sec.

Activity 2.
Formal vs. Informal
A. Directions:Read each sentence carefully and label it formal or informal.
1. I was like, “How long is your vacation gonna last?” ___________
2. The school staff elected their ASB president. __________
3. I would be grateful if you could send me more details about the
enrollment process. __________
4. Good morning students, my name is Mrs. Saenz and I am your new science
5. Mornin’ bro, nice to see ya. __________
6. The girl whom I met in Florida last summer was interested in working with
young children. ___________
7. Woa, slow down buddy!___________
8. Miranda has decided to accept the job as an elementary grade teacher.
9. That was one wicked haunted house, man. __________
10. The Solar System formed around 4.6 billion years ago. __________

B. Directions: What do you think is the most correct answers in the

following instances.Encircle your answer below.

1. Instead of the informal 'I have read', use ( I think, The essay has

2. The phrase 'turn out to be' is informal. Instead, use: ( become ,

end up )

3. Instead of 'paid for', use ( given, funded )

4. ‘Job' is a little too informal. Instead write ( role, gig, )

5. Instead of ‘funny’ use ( laughable, ironic )

6. Instead of 'picked out', use( selected, taken )


Senior High School Department
San Antonio Basey, Samar

English for Academic and Professional Purposes

Grade 11

Name: Gr. & Sec.

Activity 3.
Directions: Transform the simple sentence into compound or complex
sentences. Write your answer in your notebook. The first one is done
for you.
1.The exam is difficult. It is also exasperating.
Answer: The exam is difficult and exasperating.
2. Captain Lewis allowed his men to make important decisions in a
democratic manner. This democratic attitude fostered spirit of
togetherness and commitment on the part Louis’ fellow explorers.

3. He studied the biological and natural sciences. He learned how to

categorize and draw animals accurately.

4. Mark Twain is the author of Huckleberry Finn. Huckleberry Finn is a

classic American novel.

5. My friend likes coffee. She likes tea. She doesn’t like milk.

6. John F. Kennedy was inaugurated into office in January of 1961. He

was assassinated in November of 1963.

7. Some students become nervous around computers. Other students seem

to enjoy new challenges.

8. Jae Hee comes from Korea. Kyung Eun comes from Korea. Jae Hyun
comes from Korea.

9. I am going to buy the skateboard. It is blue.It has red wheels. It
has a picture of a dragon on top.

10.My father is 45 years old. He plays football. He goes jogging. He

does not play tennis anymore. His wrist was broken. This happened two
years ago.


Senior High School Department
San Antonio Basey, Samar

Understanding Culture, Society and Politics

Grade 12

Name: Gr. & Sec.

Activity 4.
Directions: Answer the following questions below.
1. What does ANTHROPOLOGY study of?

2. What does SOCIOLOGY concern of?

3. What does POLITICAL SCIENCE deal with?

4. Cite two goals of anthropology, sociology and political science


A. A. A.

B. B. B.

Understanding Culture, Society and Politics Understanding Culture, Society and Politics

Understanding Culture, Society and Politics Understanding Culture, Society and Politics

Understanding Culture, Society and Politics Understanding Culture, Society and Politics

Understanding Culture, Society and Politics Understanding Culture, Society and Politics

Understanding Culture, Society and Politics Understanding Culture, Society and Politics

Understanding Culture, Society and Politics Understanding Culture, Society and Politics

Understanding Culture, Society and Politics Understanding Culture, Society and Politics
Understanding Culture, Society and Politics Understanding Culture, Society and Politics

Understanding Culture, Society and Politics Understanding Culture, Society and Politics

Understanding Culture, Society and Politics Understanding Culture, Society and Politics

Understanding Culture, Society and Politics Understanding Culture, Society and Politics

Understanding Culture, Society and Politics Understanding Culture, Society and Politics

Understanding Culture, Society and Politics Understanding Culture, Society and Politics

Understanding Culture, Society and Politics Understanding Culture, Society and Politics

Understanding Culture, Society and Politics Understanding Culture, Society and Politics

Understanding Culture, Society and Politics Understanding Culture, Society and Politics

Understanding Culture, Society and Politics Understanding Culture, Society and Politics

Understanding Culture, Society and Politics Understanding Culture, Society and Politics

Understanding Culture, Society and Politics Understanding Culture, Society and Politics

Understanding Culture, Society and Politics Understanding Culture, Society and Politics

Understanding Culture, Society and Politics Understanding Culture, Society and Politics

Understanding Culture, Society and Politics Understanding Culture, Society and Politics

Understanding Culture, Society and Politics Understanding Culture, Society and Politics

Understanding Culture, Society and Politics Understanding Culture, Society and Politics

Understanding Culture, Society and Politics Understanding Culture, Society and Politics

Understanding Culture, Society and Politics Understanding Culture, Society and Politics

Understanding Culture, Society and Politics Understanding Culture, Society and Politics

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