PHILO - Q2 - Mod3 - The Human Person in The Society

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
National Capital Region
Manila Education Center Arroceros Forest Park
Antonio J. Villegas St. Ermita, Manila

Introduction to the
Philosophy of Human
The Human Person in the Society

Week 3
Module 3

Most Essential Learning Competencies:

1. Recognize how individuals form societies and how individuals
are transformed by societies;
2. Compare different forms of societies and individualities (e.g.,
Agrarian, industrial, and virtual); and
3. Explain how human relations are transformed by social systems.


Before starting the module, I want you to set aside other tasks that will
disturb you while enjoying the lessons. Read the simple instructions below to
successfully enjoy the objectives of this kit. Have fun!
1. Follow carefully all the contents and instructions indicated in every
page of this module.
2. Write on your notebook the concepts about the lessons. Writing
enhances learning that is important to develop and keep in mind.
3. Perform all the provided activities in the module.
4. Let your facilitator/guardian assess your answers using the answer
key card.
5. Analyze conceptually the posttest and apply what you have learned.
6. Enjoy studying!


 Expectations - These are what you will be able to know after

completing the lessons in the module.
 Pre-test - This will measure your prior knowledge and the concepts to
be mastered throughout the lesson.
 Looking Back to your Lesson - This section will measure what
learnings and skills did you understand from the previous lesson.
 Brief Introduction - This section will give you an overview of the
 Discussion - This section provides a short discussion of the lesson.
This aims to help you discover and understand new concepts and
 Activities - This is a set of activities you will perform with a partner.
 Remember - This section summarizes the concepts and applications
of the lessons.
 Check your understanding - It will verify how you learned from the
 Post-test - This will measure how much you have learned from the
entire module.

The module will help you learn the roles and responsibilities of the
human person in the society from the earliest time up to the present and
how things change, develop and nurture.

Specifically, this module will help you to:

 explain the roles and responsibilities of the human person in the
 appreciate and recognize the development of the human roles and
responsibilities in the society; and
 develop a timeline of development of roles and responsibilities of the
human person in the society using graphic organizer.

Let us start your journey in learning more on roles and

responsibilities of the human person in the society. But
PRETEST before anything else, I know you are more than ready and
excited in answering our Pretest. Cheer up! Let’s go!

A. Directions: Multiple Choice. Choose the letter of the best answer. Write
the chosen letter on a separate sheet of paper.

1. This is a way of taking care of the animals by means of breeding and

a. Alienation b. Domestication
c. Gathering d. Hunting

2. James told us that his grandparents were products of a society that

deals with the importance of owning a land. Which among the forms
of society where James’ grandparents live?
a. Agricultural b. Feudal
c. Horticulture d. Industrial

3. The Western countries are known to be the pioneer of industrial

revolution, meanwhile, the Philippines is known for ________.
a. Agricultural b. Horticulture
c. Industrial d. Post Industrial

4. Which among the forms of society deals with the use of specialized
machinery for the mass production of goods and services?
a. Horticulture b. Hunting and Gathering
c. Industrial d. Post Industrial

5. Marico is a seasoned historian who loves to tell stories about the
significant exit of agricultural society after the emergence of
technology which eventually led to another form of society. Which
among the forms of society does Marico refer to?
a. Horticulture b. Hunting and Gathering
c. Industrial d. Post Industrial

Great, you finished answering the questions. You may request your
facilitator to check your work. Congratulations and keep on learning!


Connect the Picture!
This activity aims to recall the previous topic that has something to do
with human relationships from one another as part of the human
development of minds and social skills.

Directions: To prove your understanding of the past lesson, you should be

ready to accomplish this task. Analyze the word associated or common
about the pictures and write your reflection about it. Write your answer on a
separate sheet of paper.



The roles and responsibilities of the human person in the society have
drastically changed from time to time. Developments and unending desires
had led to a significant change based on the new demands of the society.

The Human Person in the Society plays a vital role in promoting the
universal idea that humans have roles and responsibilities in their
respective community and in the society as a whole.

In the previous lesson, Intersubjectivity taught us how to value the

human person as human and not because of their roles, responsibilities,
and capabilities. To learn more about the topic, come with me and let us
start the journey!


The Human Person in the Society

Society is a word that deals with a set of organized groups of people

occupying a specific territory with common or shared attitudes, religion, culture,
beliefs, and norms. The meaning itself is also associated with the word SOCIAL,
where people are bound to be interconnected. People are the most critical
component of society because, without them, society will not exist. Since society is
composed of human persons; thus, social statuses and classes also exist or known
as the Social Stratification, where levels of power, prestige, and subsistence vary
from one class to another.

A human person by nature exists to relate and to socialize. From the

beginning of his or her childhood to adulthood days, they are expected to bond and
to live with other human persons. As he or she gets older, friendship and
companionship are being built to create such an extended group of friends and
create his/her circle outside his/her own immediate family. Also, they start to
recognize authorities aside from their own home and family members.

The developments of companionship and alliances are factors as to why
society is being formed. Their frequent interactions with one another served as one
of the most fundamental elements in building a society of human person. For
philosophers, they believed that the product of human actions and interactions is
the gateway to pursuing one common goal, which is commonly under society's

Forms of Societies (Abella, 2016)

Humans' unending demands and needs led to the discovery and formation of
societies where people tend to strive hard for their survival. Before the emergence of
the industrial revolution and the existence of post-modernism, the following were
the forms of societies.

Hunting and Gathering

It is recognized and known as the earliest and simplest form of society

(Abella, 2016). This is typically known as a small form of a society composed of
relatives and family members. People at that time were called nomadic because
they spent most of their time transferring from one place to another to search for
available foods and temporary shelter. In this simplest and earliest form of society,
the level of power and prestige within the people were the same, for they treat one
another equally; hence, the division of labor is not clearly defined. The decision
does not solely come from one person but mainly arrived at through the majority’s
decision or consensus. Thus, researchers often called this society as proponents
of egalitarianism for they generally characterized the concept that all people are
equal in the most fundamental worth and value of moral status.

(Photo from:

Pastoral Society

This type of society is generally known for its domestication of animals

for food security. Unlike the nomadic people in hunting and gathering
(where they are often transferring from one place to another), the people in
pastoral society stayed longer for they were taking care of their animals. In

fact, the number of people in this type of society is larger than hunting and
gathering. Thus, the barter system was commonly used at that time to trade
foods and surplus resources from other communities. During that time, the
emergence of specialized skills and tasks in the community had started and

(Photo from:

Horticulture Society

A horticulture society is a type of society where people are primarily engaged

in the small scale of cultivation of fruits, plants, vegetables, and the learned
practice from Pastoral Society, which is called domestication of animals. However, if
Pastoral Community stays longer in their respective communities, the horticulture
people are also known as semi-nomadic, for they stay longer as long as the
resources were available but once depleted, they will transfer to another place. In
this type of society, people are classified based on their roles and responsibilities as
given to them to perform their duties. Since they were family and clan-oriented, the
division of labor was highly practiced where men were asked to hunt foods while
women were commonly asked to do most of the domestic works at home. Since the
task is clearly defined, it means that they also practiced the reservation of food and
barter system.

(Photo from:

Agrarian or Agricultural Society

This type of society is generally known for the evolution of pastoral and
horticulture communities. The learned practices and ideas from the earlier form of
society had led to the long-term cultivation of available resources for a larger scale
of communities. The agricultural society is typically characterized by the
involvement of technology as a tool to aid in farming. However, the emergence of
technology in farming was also considered as one of the many factors of the
immediate increase of population.

In relation to one of the philosophical views known

as Anthropocentrism, humans are considered to be the catalyst or the most
valuable living organisms in the world. Thus, as technological advances progress,
the rise of the human population is normal as they embrace the superiority feeling
that nobody can stop them from multiplying since the food and resources are
always available.

(Photo from:

Feudal Society

In this form of society, feudalism deals with the importance of owning a

particular land. In fact, this was started in Western Europe, especially during the
Medieval Period, where rival kingdoms were engaged in war because of the available
resources. Land symbolizes power, authority, and territory. The more land a
Kingdom owns, the more power they have over the people.

The rulers grant the piece of land to their loyal servants, which they are
allowed to manage and cultivate. This kind of system is also known as
an Encomienda when talking about Spanish rules. The agrarian and feudal society
led to the idea of valuing human and social relations within the family members
and other families in the community.

The feudal society is typically composed of lords, vassals, and peasants. The
lords were highly dependent on their loyal vassals to provide them with available
resources; the vassals were dependent on their peasants to provide them food; and

the peasants were highly dependent on the lords and vassals for protection. This
kind of system brought too much consciousness among people on how to be
mindful of their class or hierarchy.

During this period, the term Feudalism from Feudal Society is one of the
well-known philosophical systems used in governing society. It was indeed the
most powerful social system in Medieval Europe wherein the nobility controlled the
lands from the Crown for military protection. The vassals were considered tenants
of the nobles, while the peasants were forced and expected to live on their lord's
land and give him homage, labor, and a share of the produce, notionally in
exchange for military services (Abella, 2016)

The feudal society and its governing system can be under the idea of
Absolutism, where all powers and orders must come from the King. With this, the
ordinary citizen or people were bound to perform the duties being asked from them
with a minimal chance of being promoted because the level, power, and prestige
were not really earned but given based on their family roots.

(photo from:

Industrial Society

This form of society is known for being the “game-changer.” In an

agricultural community, the emergence of necessary technology for farming was
manifested and capitalized. During this time, the industrial society was focused on
specialized machinery in the production of goods and services.

These advances in science and technology in the late 18th century resulted
in the well-known Industrial Revolution, which gave birth to the new ways of faster
production and industrial methods. The innovation to the land, water, and air
transportations resulted in more closed trades and commerce. Thus, it leads to
better living conditions. However, the gap which has to be bridged became wider

because of the inequalities and selected opportunities to the rich over the poor.
Capitalism is very evident in the industrial revolution.

The rise of the industrial society symbolizes the unending needs and desires
of humans for innovation. Unfortunately, this served as one of the reasons why
agricultural community started to diminish. Farmlands were converted to villages,
and people in the mountain began living in the cities beyond factual reasons of why
the environment suffers. As Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is concern,
human needs are unending. Thus, these technological advances lessen the roles of
humans in the economy.

(Photo from:

Post-Industrial Society

The Post-Industrial Society is also known as the Virtual Society. If Industrial

Society was the main reason for the significant departure of agricultural life, the
post-industrial served as the ultimate threat of lessening the human workforce's
value in exchanged for highly advanced technology and robotics. As they said,
“what humans can do, robots can do better.”

The meaningful change, growth, and developments of these various forms of

societies highlighted the human social relationship's unending complexity. From
language to government, these changes and innovations were evident. The
exchanged culture was also highlighted between the highly developed and
developing countries. Communication is one click away; information is accessible
to all, and world related updates are influential and open to all.

The post-industrial society brought these incredible technological advances

that human minds cannot even process how these became possible. However, these

changes also diminished the role of human participation, especially in labor works
in the agricultural society.

(photo from: http://

The development of each form of society meaningfully contributed to the

development of people’s way of thinking, changing values and societal norms
reflected to the influences of changing society (Robinson, 2016). Scientifically,
limited or undiscovered nutrition from hunting to feudal society may have hindered
the significant driver on the development of human minds. Each form of society
has its contributing factors to these developments; human roles became much
clearer and liberating than before. The orders and laws are one of the
manifestations of human development that reflects and symbolizes the need to
address societal demands.

Émile Durkheim’s Functionalism believed that society was more significant

than the sum of its parts. He reiterated and proved that each behavior was not the
same as collective behavior. (Retrieved from This only
means that people in each form of society are different from one another yet
interconnected to each one's development. Post-modernism society's rise served as
a gentle reminder that human minds will not stop evolving and advancing through
times. There will always be another society to rise sooner than what people expect.
Thus, the idea of being rational humans would depend on the society they belong

Activity 1.1 Factual Analysis
Objective: Analyze the factual changes in the forms of society.
1. Read and analyze the concept given below and answer the questions that
follow on a separate sheet of paper.

Society enables people to become a better or worse person. At the end of the
day, with all the acquired information, beliefs, and norms, it will highly depend on
the person on how he/she will analyze things. Politics, economics, and
environment are the main concern of all these changes in the society which also led
to take away of the fact that mental health is also vital.

With the changes in the form of society, what else do you see in the near
future considering the unending needs, wants, and desires of a human person?

Critical Thinking Questions:

1. Do you agree with the statement that society enables people to become a
better or worse person? Why?

2. Do you believe that the changes in the form of society affects the mental
health of a human person? Why?

3. If you were to choose, which form of society do you think people can live
best? Why?

Activity 1.2. Completing Statements

Objective: Supply the appropriate concept in relation to the form of society.
Directions: Complete the following statements below by supplying the most
appropriate information needed to summarize the concepts discussed in this

1. Hunting and Gathering Society focuses on


2. Pastoral Society is characterized by

3. Horticulture Society primarily engaged with


4. Agrarian is a further evolution of


5. Feudal Society is typically composed of



Name _____________________________ Grade and Section __________
School: _______________________ Date: _______ Subj. Teacher: ___________


Change is constant and inevitable, it happens always. Our Society is

continuously developing through the help of the technology and, of course, the
creativity of the people’s minds. Without their unending desires and needs, all
these developments were not possible. These are the applications of their powerful
and creative mind. Technologies made the condition of people’s lives better and
faster. However, it also led to environmental destruction. Nature suffers the most
from people without them realizing that they will die when it gives up. That is a fact
that technology nor our inventions cannot save us.

Directions: Give the possible steps and ways on how to positively capitalize the
developments in the society while taking care of the environment. Use the provided
graphic organizer and answer the questions that follow.

Critical Thinking Questions:
1. What do you feel after accomplishing this activity?
2. How did you arrive with these answers?
3. What is your realization after doing this activity?
4. Do you think people follow these steps?

 Agriculture is the science of cultivating soil, plants, crops and
 Anthropocentrism is a philosophical view wherein humans considered
themselves as the catalyst or most important living organism in the world.
 Domestication is the way of taking care of the animals by humans by
observing selected breeding for reproduction.
 Egalitarianism is a system where all people receive the same and equal
treatments or rights.
 Feudal Lord refers to the rulers who own the land.
 Industrial Society is a technologically driven society for mass
production and designed to support for faster and convenient
economical activities.
 Nomadic are people with no permanent address as they transfer from one
place to another in search for available resources.
 Peasants are bound to serve by producing goods and services and are
known as the lowest people in the class or hierarchy.
 Post-Industrial is a society driven using a higher and advanced technology
for better and precise economic activities.
 Vassal is the group of free men taking care of a particular land granted by
the Lords to whom they pay homage and swore fealty.


Directions: Multiple Choice. Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen
letter on a separate sheet of paper.

1. Miguel is known as the best breeder and producer of livestock in his town
where he took care of animals to be the best available food in the market.
Which among the following traditional activity where Miguel’s work falls
under to?
a. Alienation b. Domestication
c. Gathering d. Hunting

2. Shey shared a story of her grandparents about the importance of owning a

land during their time. Which among the form of society where Shey’s
grandparents is referring to?
a. Agricultural b. Feudal
c. Horticulture d. Industrial

3. Ara told us that Western Countries are known to be the pioneer of Industrial
revolution. She is a pure Filipino by blood but was born and raised in
Europe. Can you help Ara be informed of what her country (Philippines) is
known for?
a. Agricultural b. Horticulture
c. Industrial d. Post Industrial

4. Rose is still looking for an answer of which form of society deals with the use
of specialized machinery for the mass production of goods and services. Can
you help Rose look for the real answer?
a. Horticulture b. Hunting and Gathering
c. Industrial d. Post Industrial

5. Natashia is an Environmental Advocate, she kept on telling us about the

significant exit of agriculture after the emergence of technology. Which
among the forms of societies does Natashia refer to?
a. Horticulture b. Hunting and Gathering
c. Industrial d. Post Industrial

Directions: Answer the following questions based on your understanding.

1. Why do person and society have a very dynamic relationship in which

one cannot exist without the other? Explain.

2. What are the pros and cons of industrial revolution? Explain.

3. Which of the two is more influential? Society or People? Why?


C. Graphic Organizer

Directions: Develop a graphic organizer that shows a timeline of the

developments of forms of society from Hunting and Gathering to Post
Industrial Society. Make sure to include the most important factors in each

Online Sources:

Bolico, R. (2016). Etapas do capitalism [Photography]. Retrived from:

Britannica. (n.d.) Slavery in the Americas [Photograph]. Retrieved from:

Cowley, R. (n.d.) History of eating in the United states [Photograph].

Retrieved from:

Editor. (2018). 6 Types of forms of societies Retrieved from

Functionalism. (2018). Retrieved from:

Kjeilen, Tore. (2017). Forms of societies. Retrieved from
societies/ (n.d.) The khoisan [Photograph]. Retrieved from:

Robinson, Robert C. (2016). Post-industrial society. Retrieved from

Scott, P. (2016). Feudalism and manor life [Photography]. Retrieved from:

Shutterstock. (n.d.) Smart city model on smartphone in women's hand

holding with abstract blue technology background and world map.
binary computer code [Photograph]. Retrieved from:

Spirkin, A. (2004). Dialectical materialism. Retrieved from

Sutori. (n.d.) Environmental science timeline [Photograph]. Retrieved from:

Yelknic, S. (2007). Human society: Definition & explanation. Retrieved from


Abella D. et al. (2016). Introduction to the philosophy of human person.

Quezon City: C.E Publishing, Incorporated.

Babor, Eddie (2007). The human Persons: Not Real, but Existing. Quezon
City: C.E Publishing, Incorporated.

Kendall, D. (2005). The sociology in our times. United States of America:

Thomson Learning, Inc.

Name _____________________________ Grade and Section __________
School: _______________________ Date: _______ Subj. Teacher: ___________

Quarter: 2 Module No.: 3 Week No.: 3

MELC: Explain how human relations are transformed by social systems.
Objective: To identify the role of the human person in the changing societies
Topic: Forms of Societies

Journal Entry

Directions: Read and analyze each question. Write your answers on a separate
sheet of paper.

1. Industrial Revolution tends to promote the massive usage of technology in

producing goods and services. As an agent of change, what is the best thing to
do to protect the environment?

2. How do the developments and changes in the forms of societies impact human
lives? What are the positive and negative impacts?

3. Do you believe that society influences our development as a human person?

Why? How?


1. B 1. B
2. A 2. A
3. A 3. A
4. D 4. D
5. C 5. C

Management and Development Team

Schools Division Superintendent: Maria Magdalena M. Lim, CESO V

Chief Education Supervisor: Aida H. Rondilla
CID Education Program Supervisor: Amalia C. Solis
CID LR Supervisor: Lucky S. Carpio
CID-LRMS Librarian II: Lady Hannah C Gillo
CID-LRMS PDO II: Albert James P. Macaraeg

Editor/s: Paciano B. Ferrer, Gener C. Irinco, Nastasia V. Besin, Ernie

Ronel T. Mabahague, Paulyne Joanne R. Pascual (Content)
Mhilwin A. Esto (Language)
Writer: Arvin G. Derecho, MT II


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