Powerful Self Healing in 5 Simple Steps

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The key takeaways are about self love, nourishment, movement and healing oneself through simple steps.

The book discusses powerful self healing through 5 simple steps - loving your spirit, feeding your spiritual house, making your body move, managing your mind and connecting with your soul.

The 3 steps discussed in the book are - 1) Love Your Spirit, Always, 2) Feed your spiritual house, 3) Make your body move.


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This is for you, because you are worth it!


Introduction .......................................................................................... 6
How did health get so confusing? ...................................................... 6
First thing’s first. ................................................................................ 7
Step 1: Love Your Spirit, Always. ............................................................ 9
Face and love your true self. .............................................................. 9
How do you do that? ....................................................................... 11
Step 2: Feed your spiritual house ......................................................... 13
Nourish the ‘home’ you live in. ........................................................ 13
Use the right fuel. ............................................................................ 14
Acid & Alkaline – Quick Reference Chart .......................................... 16
Step 3: Make your body move ............................................................. 18
Keep it moving. ................................................................................ 19
Simple Exercise. ............................................................................... 19
Simple Stretch. ................................................................................ 21
Step 4: Your spirit must rest................................................................. 24
It’s okay to stop. .............................................................................. 24
Focus. .............................................................................................. 25
Be Still. ............................................................................................ 26
Step 5: Using energy healing ................................................................ 27
General health self-healing. ............................................................. 28
A crystal for healing. ........................................................................ 30
Soothe with colour. ......................................................................... 30
Make headaches disappear.............................................................. 31
Conclusion: You’re well on your way! .................................................. 34
Namaste ♥ ....................................................................................... 34
Further Learning .................................................................................. 36
About the author ................................................................................. 37


How did health get so confusing?

There was once a time when staying healthy was much simpler: when
you ate food which was grown with care and without chemicals; when,
if you were tired, you rested; we used to live in a by-gone day when
happiness was easily derived from the simple pleasures in life.

Somewhere along the way, our Western culture strayed far from this
track. We’ve been tempted away from the simpler, healthier life with the
promise of excitement, fame, fortune, and the like. Oddly enough, we live
longer than our forefathers and mothers, but not necessarily healthier
than them.

Nowadays, we eat foods which don’t look anything like their original
form; we can’t afford to rest if we’re unwell; and our happiness seems
buried in an endless sea of more and more “stuff”.

Mix all this together and we’re overweight with bad postures, sick and
tired, and unhappy with everything we have because we are trained to
want more.

But this is where we’re at right now in time; so we must make the best
of our existence!

But how can we achieve harmony? How can we stay healthy?

What’s the step? What should we do first?

First thing’s first.

Before I get stuck into the five
simple steps to powerful self-
healing, we must go back and
start, well, at the start! 

And to me, that ‘start’ is you!

There is very little point in

being fantastically healthy, if
you are not happy and healthy
within - that is, not happy and healthy within your mind, heart and soul.

If you do not acknowledge and love the you that’s within – then no
manner of techniques will ever allow you to truly heal.

This basically means there are two aspects of you which must be attended

1. Your spirit (or soul, universal energy, higher consciousness)

which is who you truly are; and,
2. The residence that spirit lives in (your physical body), of which I
like to refer to as “Your Spiritual House”.

To be clear your Spiritual House is not who you are, but where the true
you lives.

Equally taking care of both spirit and spiritual house often gets
overlooked, or is significantly undervalued, in our times. Whether it’s lack
of time or awareness, we tend to focus on one more than the other – if
at all!

So, to me the very first step in achieving maximum health in my

metaphorical (and literal!) book means we must start with your spirit, my
dear friend.

But, before you immerse yourself in self-healing, I want to remind you of

one last thing – this process isn’t about being complicated or

True self-healing is about honesty. So if you can do the following five

steps – honestly and with honesty – then you will triumph in the process!

Okay! Without further ado, let’s get started!


♥ Melissa

Step 1: Love Your Spirit, Always.

For this first step, I’m going to ask you to do something a bit strange for
some, bold for others, and possibly very discomforting for all.

But don’t worry, it will only last a few moments, and the ultimate purpose
is to help you my dear friend, so please follow along. 

Face and love your true self.

Go to the privacy of your bedroom or bathroom, then remove all of your
clothing – and, if any, the makeup you’re hiding under – then step in front
of a mirror that’s large enough to reflect at least half of your body or

There is a reason why I ask you to do this now, and it’s ultimately for your
greatest and highest good.

So honestly, please do this.

Now as you look at your reflection, stop and take note about what you’re
thinking and feeling:
 Are you smiling?
 Are you proud?
 Are you analysing?
 Are you judging?
 Are you despising?
 Are you able to not look?

Next, please say the words “I love you” – out loud – to your naked

Remember, you won’t benefit if you aren’t true to this process, or


So, were you able to easily and honestly say “I love you” to yourself?

If you had any negative thoughts while looking at yourself, or said “no” to
that last question, I’d like you to think about why.

Why can’t you truthfully respect and love the Spiritual House that has
carried you this far in your life?

I believe it’s because you think your body - your Spiritual House – is
actually who you are. But it is not.

Who you really are, your spirit, is within that ‘battle-scarred’, weathered,
yet extremely loyal physical body of yours.

Don’t believe me?

Then step forward, get closer to the mirror and look into your eyes.
Look deep.

Now ask yourself: Who’s looking back? Please, do this – and really think
about it as you gaze into your own eyes. Who’s truly looking back at you
right now?

It’s the you who doesn’t have a shape or form. It’s the real you gazing
back right now.

This process is to help you become aware of the fact that you are inside
that Spiritual House of yours, and not of it.

This is the first step to powerful self-healing my friend: Recognising who

you truly are and as such, remembering to love your spirit, always.

If ever you forget, or feel the pangs of self-doubt - repeat this step and
see, feel, and love the depth of who you really are.

Without this knowledge, all other healing is, quite frankly, pointless.

If you struggled with this process – then before you move onto the next
step, it’s integral that you bolster your self-worth!

How do you do that?

Well, I suggest you first read or listen to my “Who am I?” blog. I trust it
will really help you in this process.

Then once you’ve done that, please take a moment to let me reveal a
very humbling experience that allowed me to see my own beauty – and
the story may just open your own eyes – in my “What of me is beautiful?”

Take your time in this process of increasing yourself worth.

And when you’re able to finally love your true self and accept the fact
that who you truly are is not your body, it means you now do what you
can to wonderful care of it.

So, let’s move onto step two!

Chapter Recap

1. We have two components of ourselves: our spiritual self, and our

physical self (aka. Our Spiritual House).
2. Who you truly are is not your physical body.
3. Your ability to love the “you” that gazes back at you in the mirror
is the powerful first step towards self-healing.

Raw links:

 Who Am I?: https://naturalhealer.com.au/2015/03/who-am-i/

 What of me is beautiful?:

Step 2: Feed your spiritual house

Now it’s time we move on to the place your spirit resides: your body. I
believe so strongly in taking care of your Spiritual House that I posted a
blog about it here – of which I suggest you read after this step.

Nourish the ‘home’ you live in.

To highlight my point, which is the importance of nurturing your body to
stay healthy, I’d like to ask you a few simple questions:

 Would you expect a car to run at optimum performance if the

wrong fuel is put in it?
 Do you honestly think someone could finish a triathlon without
any training?
 Is it likely someone can truly heal from surgery or illness if they
did not rest?

I think everyone would have answered “no” to all of the above because
it doesn’t make logical sense for the scenarios to end successfully as they
are. So, let us discuss turning those outcomes into positive ones!

Use the right fuel.
With the first question
I asked before – if you
put the wrong fuel into
a car, you can’t
honestly expect it to
run properly, let alone
at its optimum.

Well, this is the same

with your body!

If you put the wrong food (fuel) into your body, then decent – let alone
maximum – performance would be a highly unrealistic expectation for
you to have of it.

So ask yourself, what sort of fuel are you ingesting each day? And as such,
are your expectations of your its performance in line with how you are
nourishing it?

This means you must use the right fuel as much as you can!

Your body was designed to ingest clean water, fresh fruit, and vegetables;
and for meat-eaters – the flesh of animals which have lived justly and
fairly on this planet while alive.

I know that for many people it might be hard to change habits, especially
when it comes to food. But as the example clearly shows – if you take in
the wrong fuel, day after day after day, do not expect your Spiritual House
to function well or do you any favours.

What’s more, even it’s not obvious right now, repeatedly eating poor or
bad fuel will eventually equate to poor or bad performance. So you may
be gurgling down the wrong fuel and still feel okay now – but one day, it
will catch up to you and you’ll have a lot of back-tracking to do!

However, if you fuel up with the right sustenance – you will encourage
physical healing and optimum performance!

Here is just a handful of ‘right fuel’ food examples:

 Fresh, natural and organic fruit and vegetables

o With a heavier emphasis on the brighter coloured fruit
and leafy green vegetables; and,
o Ideally locally grown where possible; and
o Non-GMO (that is food which hasn’t been genetically
modified. Why do I say that? Because as of this writing -
we still have no idea of the long term effects of tinkering
with our fuel’s genetics; would you want to risk it? I’m
 Super food supplements
o Such as Goji berries, spirulina, ginseng, and curcumin, to
name just a few out of hundreds and hundreds.
o They can aid in stamina, revitalization, healing and
reduce inflammation (which is said to be the leading
cause of all dis-ease).
 Clean, fresh water
o Either fresh or filtered;
o With little to no chemicals and no fluoride; and,
o If possible alkalized. Why alkaline? Because it’s a great
way to offset the typical more-acidic diet people have in
our culture!

It’s also a good idea to keep your wheat, yeast, fried, and preservative-
laden food intake at an absolute minimum.

And please, do not stress! There will always be a constant to- and fro-
with balancing the acid and alkaline in our diets – but it’s important
nowadays to be aware and do the best you can with it.

As such, here is a quick reference chart to help you get an idea of where
certain food and drinks sit on the pH table.

Please note though, the chart is in no way exhaustive and is illustrated

here to help you see if you’re generally too far either way – the goal is to
balance your diet well enough so your body’s pH will average out in the

Acid & Alkaline – Quick Reference Chart

*Please note, this chart is not all inclusive and has been inserted here as a guide only; it
does not take into consideration your own dietary needs. Please speak with a trained
natural health practitioner to discuss your goal for a well-balanced Spiritual House.

The effort of balancing your acid/alkaline diet might not sound fun, but
can I ask: is a bloated gut, a burning heart, and a vomiting throat what
you consider good times? I didn’t think so.

If your Spiritual House is rejecting what you’re consuming, then listen to

it and stop, or at least reduce and offset it.

Please remember, I’m not suggesting you cease Friday night pizza & beer,
or not to enjoy an occasional donut or glass of wine with your partner.
I’m merely proposing to up the stakes for a healthy house by increasing
the right fuel, while reducing the damaging fuel.

Also, keep in mind that as you increase your good fuel intake, and reduce
the bad – you may experience some level of dietary ‘detoxing’ as your
body expels old toxins. Just make sure you keep eating healthy and drink
a lot of hydrating fluids during this process. And of course, if any
symptoms persist, seek professional medical advice right away.

Okay, is that all you have to do to have a healthy Spiritual House?

Of course not!

Powerful self-healing isn’t about cutting corners – it’s about doing the
right thing for you!

So, the next step will focus on your house not getting weak, stiff and

Chapter Recap

1. Our bodies be likened to ‘cars’ in that if you put the wrong fuel
in, they won’t function properly.
2. Increasing water and natural, non-processed food consumption
gives your body the best chances to heal.
3. Every day is a constant balancing act of keeping your body’s pH
balanced between acid and alkaline.

Raw Links:

 Spiritual House: http://naturalhealer.com.au/2014/11/spiritual-


Step 3: Make your body move

As I mentioned at the start of the previous step, would you expect

someone to complete a triathlon without any training? Naturally, the
answer is no – unless they are one of very few who are naturally gifted in
extensive physical exertion!

So you may be eating the right diet, but are you moving your body? And
typing on a keyboard, as I’m doing right now, doesn’t constitute as
exercise I’m sorry to say!

As I’ve said in a few of my blog posts, we are dynamic creatures – we must

move our bodies, surge forward, and when we do, we feel so good! If we
don’t move after a while, just like stagnant water, we start to get a bit

Keep it moving.
We live busy lives and don’t always feel like going for a run, swim or push-
ups after a stressful day at work. And by the time the weekend comes,
you might not be all that enthusiastic with getting physical on your days
off either!

You know what, I get that.

What’s more, I don’t always feel up to it either. But when I stop and think
about how tirelessly my body works for me – doing so many things I don’t
have to think about (beating my heart, breathing, circulating my blood,
healing the cut I got from chopping garlic too fast), plus doing all
movements I do ask of it, despite it being worn out and tired, it’s always
there for me – delivering day after day.

After I think about that, I can readily say, “Gee, I can give this house of
mine at least 15-minutes of love today, eh?”

If you can find the time to watch TV, do the dishes or take a shower
every day – then you can surely squeeze in some time do this little bit
for your body.

Simple Exercise.
Do some form of exercise every day, no matter how small – be it walking
around the block or sit-ups in your bedroom.

You don’t have to do rigorous exercise; in fact I don’t really recommend

straining your body that much at all.

I think it’s more ideal to push yourself slightly – against your own personal
standards (not somebody else’s) by walking that little bit further, or doing
one more sit-up than you did yesterday.
Pilates, yoga and tai chi are a few – among many – wonderful forms of
low-impact, effective exercises you can do.

For those who are new to this, here’s a simple, yet effective, non-stressful
exercises you can do anywhere!

Simple Tummy Tightener | Time commitment: 1 minute!

This exercise is ideal when lying down (even while lying in bed!), but you
can even do it standing or sitting, too.

1. Get in a comfortable position – ideally, lying flat.

2. Take a deep breath in, so you’re your belly expands like a balloon.

3. Now exhale at a slow count of 5 – as you do this, squeeze your
tummy muscles, as though you need their help to expel all the air!
a) As you’re nearly done exhaling – you should feel slight tension in
your tummy area as your muscles contract down.

4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 as much or little as you like – but as a guide to

get started, try five repetitions and see how you go!

This isn’t just a low-impact way to strengthen those muscles around your
tummy, but also improves your breathing and lung capacity!

Of course, if at any time while doing this easy exercise, you feel pain or
discomfort (that is not simply your muscles getting worked), please stop.
And if you have a medical condition which this exercise may affect, please
do not do it.

Simple Stretch.
This is probably one of my favourite things to do every day! I absolutely
love stretching – which is why I love yoga so much – it’s such a great way
to unwind and relax your muscles.

To me, stretching is like your body’s ‘reset’ button!

I recommend you think about the posture you’re in for a majority of the
day and stretch accordingly.

For example, if you sit a lot (like me) then you want to stretch the muscles
which tend to be contracted for most of the day. So, if you lean forward
towards a computer a lot, then stretch those shoulders backward!

But again, you should stretch your body against your own standards only
(not someone else’s) and do not do anything which causes you pain or

Here is a very basic stretch that I love doing – and that anyone can do!

Reach For the Sky | Time commitment: 1 minute twice a day!

While this stretch is deal to do while

you’re standing, it’s so simple that you
can easily modify to do it while you’re
sitting or even lying down!

1. Standing upright – ‘square’ your

shoulders with your hips, then
ensure your feet are apart and
aligned with your hips.
a) If you’re sitting – still ‘square’
your shoulders with your hips,
then make sure your feet are
flat on the floor in line with
your knees.
b) If you’re lying down – just lie as
flat as possible, ‘squaring’ up your shoulders to your hips to your
feet as best you can.
2. Raise your hands above your head – and stretch your arms upward.
3. Now, with your left hand, reach that little bit higher like you’re trying
to grab a star from the sky.
4. Then do the same ‘extra reach’ with your right hand.

a) By now you should feel the stretch of your arms, shoulders, back
and even lower back!
5. Repeat steps 1 through 4 as much as you like – but as a guide to get
started, try five repetitions and see how you feel after that!
a) You can also do this several times a day, ideally at least twice: at
the start and end of each day.

This is a great way to ‘break up’ all that physical ‘stuck-ness’ in your
muscles – at any time of day!

Of course, if at any time while stretching, you feel pain or discomfort (that
is not simply your body stretching), please stop. And if you have a medical
condition which this stretch may affect, please do not do it.

Remember, the self-healing steps you’ve done so far aren’t about

radically changing your habits – they’re just about adding new, natural
and healthier ones in – little bit by little bit.

So start off slow and small – and stay the course! You’ll enjoy the rewards
so much you’ll instinctively do more and more towards a healthier you!

Now that we’ve sorted out your Spiritual House, let’s not forget to take
care of the spirit that lives inside it!

Chapter Recap

1. We must keep moving and stretching in order to keep our

Spiritual Houses in the best condition.
2. Exercise and stretching doesn’t have to be rigorous – just regular
in frequency.
3. You don’t need a lot of time or space to do this simple step – but
you are worth it, so make sure to squeeze it in!

Step 4: Your spirit must rest

The area of spiritual growth is so vast that I will not try in vain to cover all
areas here. But, what I will do is suggest the most basic and easy part of
developing your higher self – the real you inside your spiritual house – by
means of rest and meditation.

If you remember in step 2, I ask: “Would you expect someone to truly

heal from surgery or illness if they did not rest?” And naturally, the
answer is no – at least, no, they will not fully heal or not heal in good time.

It’s okay to stop.

In today’s world, if it looks like you’re doing ‘nothing’ – you’ll be frowned
upon by nearly everybody. It’s as if you must fill up every single moment
of your waking hours with something outwardly productive.

But my dear friend, if you do not stop to consciously rest that frantic mind
of yours – you will grow more and more weary because you must get off
that hamster wheel at some point to recoup.

Of course, I’m not encouraging laziness – far from it. What I’m urging you
to do is set aside some time to quiet your mind, meditate, relax – and
your inner self will get a chance to stretch.

That spirit inside your body needs a break, needs nourishment, needs
stretching too!

And just like in Step 3, you don’t have to spend hours and hours each day
doing this. You can start off small – even the smallest gap in that incessant
stream of thoughts you have throughout the day – can revitalize your

If you’re new to resting (I know that sounds weird, but many people never
stop and rest until they collapse in their bed) and meditation, then I’d
recommend you start off very simply:

1. Put your entire focus on something that you’re doing, like the taste
of the drink you’re sipping.
2. Notice its texture, hot/cold, as it goes down your throat. Don’t say
anything, just notice.

By completely focusing on what you’re doing – all other chatter in your

mind will lessen, if not stop altogether. And this is one of the first steps
towards meditating.

What’s more – this

process is mere
seconds out of your
day! 

Once you find you

can focus for small
moments at a time,
then shift the
technique to:

Be Still.
1. Sit or lay still for a few minutes. This can be at home, at work, at a
park – or anywhere at all really!
2. While resting, focus on the scene ahead of you, or through your
window, perhaps a vase of flowers – anything at all, as long as you’re
not mentally engaging in some activity, such as talking, television or

The aim here is to prolong your restful awareness of your surroundings

and yourself. What’s more – it’s mere minutes out of your day, yet gives
your spirit so much room to exhale!

As you start to revel in the glory of restful awareness, it could be time to

move into meditation. There are some great meditation groups, as well
as CDs and MP3s, out there which can help move you into a higher level
of inner growth, and a deeper sense of relaxation, revitalization and

But again, this isn’t about achieving a certain level of meditative skill – a
little is better than nothing at all!

So start small and grow at the pace which feels right for you. And with
that, we’re finally arriving at the fifth and final step of powerful self-

Chapter Recap

1. There is nothing wrong with doing ‘nothing’ sometimes – your

mind needs a rest, too!
2. Practicing focus and being still is the start of meditation.

Raw Links:

 Melissa’s Meditation MP3s:


Step 5: Using energy healing

As I mentioned in my blog post here, somewhere along the way in our

evolution – we humans lost the confidence in our ability to heal

We rely heavily on taking medication for relief, getting surgeries to rid of

ickies, or listening to doctors tell us the grim facts of our situation and
what to do.

I’m not black-listing any of the above by any means whatsoever;

medicines, surgeries and doctors all have a well-respected, firm and
useful place in our society.

But what I’d like you to rethink is this: you were born with everything you
need to heal. This earth has everything you need on it to heal.

Unless you’ve broken your leg from a fall or obtained injuries from some
sort of accident, most ailments can be eased and even remedied
naturally, but that’s if you take the time to listen to your body!

Thankfully, if you undergo the previous 4 steps of this book, it will help
you get back in tune with yourself and your body.

General health self-healing.

I go into a bit of detail about ‘root causes’ (emotions) of physical ailments
in this blog post, so please take the time to read it as a supplement to this

But the healing step I’d like to give you right now is this, when you’re at
rest (remember, just like in Step 4!):

1. Get in a quiet, comfortable place and close your eyes. Relax.

2. Visualize beautiful white light pouring down from the heavens,
over your body – it’s engulfing you with its warm healing
3. While you bask in this warmth, place your hands on the area of
your body you want to focus your healing on and affirm what
you know is your rightful place in health, for example:
a. I am healed.
b. I am perfectly healthy.
c. I am revitalized and re-energized.
d. I am worthy, I accept and I am grateful for my healthy
e. I only carry in my body only that which serves my
greatest and highest good.
4. Rest in this positive place of “knowing” for a few moments –
seeing yourself as that perfect being of health that you are.
5. Always be sure to end with heart-felt gratitude – and express
the words Thank you – as if the healing has been totally
complete and successful. This is key! 

If you enjoyed this process, then you might be interested in taking my
online Reiki Energy Healing course, which teaches you – step by step –
how to heal yourself as well as others! What’s more, in the course I take
you through all three levels of Reiki so you’ll be a Reiki Master by the end
of it!

Furthermore, I believe the more the merrier, so if and when you have the
opportunity to have others help you heal, then accept it!

As long as they’re either trained in energy healing or coming from a true

place of love with their intention (like your parents or loved ones praying
for you) – then it’s important to be open to it – and if it feels right - allow
others to assist you!

Please do not dismiss the wonderful effects of energy healing, focused

intention, and prayer. As a matter of fact, I’m excited to say that there’s
even scientific proof that Reiki energy healing works!

Curious about what other energy healing techniques can help you in your
self-healing journey? Here are a few last suggestions for you:

A crystal for healing.
Crystals have their own ‘vibratory’ signature in terms of energy healing –
and for the purposes of this book, I’m going to suggest a single crystal for
you to use: clear quartz. This crystal is considered a Master Healing

Now, don’t forget! A crystal isn’t

going to do all the work for you
in terms of healing, so be sure to
use it in conjunction with the
other four steps you learned in
this book for maximum benefit!

Technique: Once you get a clear

quartz crystal, you can either
wear it (as jewellery), hold or place it on the area of concern, or simply
have it on display in the area where you frequent most (like your
bedroom or office).

If you’re interested in learning more about Crystal Healing, you might

want to enrol in my Science of Crystal Healing course!

Soothe with colour.

It’s no secret that we tend to react emotionally when we see or wear
certain colours. Blue is synonymous with peace and calm, while red is
often associated with love and vibrancy.

Again, there are many colours in the spectrum of colour, but for now I’d
like to suggest just one: white.

White is literally the combination of all the colours in the light spectrum,
giving it the unique ability to enhance healing for almost any physical,
emotional, or spiritual concern.

Once again, please remember that using colours isn’t going to magically
make all your problems go away! Use colours in conjunction with
everything else you’ve learned in this book to get the most benefit from

Technique: You can simply wear

white, use white
bedsheets/linens, and surround
yourself in with white
decoration (flowers, paintings,
and so on).

If you feel drawn to colour and

how it can be used as a form of
energy healing, take a look at my
Energy Healing with Colour & Art
course here.

Make headaches disappear.

One of the most common physical ailments we have today is the

Whether from stress, screen-time, lack of nutrition, or something else –

we’ve all suffered from the hammering in our heads from time to time!

Thankfully, there’s this handy (literally!) little technique called a Hand

Mudra that I’m going to teach you that can make your headache literally
disappear within moments!

You probably knew I was going to say this a third time – but I just want to
be very clear that using additional healing techniques like Hand Mudras
isn’t going to fix every ailment you have!

Remember to what you’re about to learn in conjunction with the other

steps to get the most out of your own self-healing.

Technique: Using either your left – OR – your right hand (just use one
hand), touch the tips of your thumb, index, and middle fingers together:

Now, on that same hand, fold your ring finger into your palm:

Hold this position for a few moments and breath nice and deeply – then
notice the tension start to disappear!

If you liked the results this Hand Mudra produced, then you might be
keen to learn more of them in my Energy Healing with Hand Mudras

Chapter Recap

1. We are all made up of energy and we were born to heal –

making every one of us natural energy healers!
2. Affirmations, focus, and gratitude are key parts of self-
3. Other natural techniques like crystal healing, colour healing,
hand mudras, and more can also be used to help bolster our
efforts to feel and be better!

Raw Links:

 Chronic Pain: http://naturalhealer.com.au/2014/12/chronic-

 Self-Healing Energy: http://naturalhealer.com.au/2014/12/self-
 Positive Affirmations:
 Energy Healing Works:
 Melissa’s Reiki I, II + Master Course:
 Melissa’s Crystal Healing Course:
 Melissa’s Colour & Art Healing Course:
 Melissa’s Energy Healing with Hand Mudras Course:
Conclusion: You’re well on your way!

I truly hope my Powerful Self Healing in 5 Simple Steps book has been
insightful for you! Whether it ended up being a reminder for you – or the
beginning of a whole new way of life – I’d like to say well done!

Just trust that as you commit to healing yourself, you will find each step
easier and easier to do as you travel down your life’s path.

What’s more, you should be very proud of yourself – because taking these
steps – and staying on course – will indeed lead to your own true health
and happiness!

Namaste ♥
As our journey together comes to a close, I just want to remind you to
always take into consideration your own personal circumstances when
using any of these steps or suggestions to achieve your goals.

Please use them as your guide, but always be wise when making changes
in your life – ensure you always do what’s right and best for you!

In saying this, I truly believe as you practice and adapt these give simple
steps to fit into your life and your beliefs – you will come to realize what
a glorious being you are, have been, and will continue to be!

Welcome home… x

Further Learning
If you enjoyed this book, you might be interested in learning about energy
healing! Check out Melissa’s Online Reiki Level 1, 2 and Master Course


Or perhaps you want to find out how Melissa can re-balance herself in
moments – despite what’s going on around her – through her Learn to
Meditate in Minutes Course (with optional certification). Learn more at:


To see all of Melissa’s latest courses, visit:

About the author
In the early 2000s, Melissa embarked on
a journey of self-discovery which lead to
a very rewarding and beautiful spiritual

She has since mastered the healing arts

of massage, Reiki, and meditation;
sharpened her intuitive skills and
awareness; as well as created her own
‘spin’ on healing, which she refers to as
“loving energy healing” – you’ll often
see her hashtag it as #biglove!

Melissa is the founder of Natural Healer

where, as a Usui Reiki Master Teacher (2014) and Practitioner, Registered
Natural Healer, and Certified Meditation Teacher, she offers online
courses that help blossom the soul.

She is also an author, podcaster, blogger, and speaker who loves sharing
easy, actionable ways for people to heal themselves and others.

Deeming herself as an ‘everyday’ person, Melissa enjoys spending time

with friends and family, loves a good laugh, adores animals, gets excited
about cooking creative vegetarian meals, and delights in sharing life
experiences with her husband Shawn.

Subscribe to Melissa’s Blog!


Ways to connect with Melissa:

Melissa’s Blog













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