PE and Health 12 - Module 7

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Physical Education
and Health 4
Module 7

Module 7

Part of the purpose of teaching physical education, recreation in particular, is to

provide productive, entertaining, positive, fun and stress- relieving use of idle
time. For people who have free weekends, long vacations or are on retirement,
recreation can keep the mind and the body active.

Physical activity down through the generation has been known for health and
recreation. It offered fun and enjoyment. It also provided youthful excitement
and the elderly care. Physical activity and movements are as old as human

This module intends to provide activities that will motivates you to participate in
an organized event/recreational activities that addresses health/fitness issues
and concerns.

After going through this module, you are expected to:

1. Participates in an organized event that addresses health/fitness issues and
concerns. (PEH12FH-IIk-o-13)

Before going on, take the pre-test. It will determine your weakest point in this topic.

Multiple Choice: Choose the correct answer. Write the CAPITAL LETTER of
your choice on the blank provided before each number.

1. Why do teenagers need to do one hour of physical activity a day?

A. To grow C. To be happier
B. To be fit D. To become active teenager

2. Why is it important to engage in physical activity?

A. To expand options for wise use of leisure time.
B. To develop the ability of a person in singing and painting.
C. To involve the learner in a wide range of movement, knowledge,
` and skill-building experiences.
D. To promote understanding and appreciation for differences
among people in physical activity settings.

3. What are some of the benefits of regular physical activity?

I. Reduce risk of some cancers.
II. Improve mental health and mood.
III. Strengthen bones and muscles.
IV. Reduce risk of cardiovascular disease.
A. I only B. I and II C. I, II, and III D. I, II, III and IV

4. Which of the following is NOT a result of regular exercise?

A. Stronger bones C. Controlled appetite
B. Increased LDL cholesterol D. Increased HDL cholesterol

5. What is the minimum amount of physical activity needed to manage

weight and prevent gradual weight gain?
A. 30 minutes of vigorous activity three days a week while
not exceeding calorie needs
B. 30 minutes of moderate activity on most days of week while not
exceeding calorie needs
C. 60 minutes of moderate activity on most days of the week while
not exceeding calorie needs
D. 60 minutes of vigorous activity on most days of the week while
not exceeding calorie needs

6. How many minutes of physical activity should a person do for

him/her to be considered as an active teenager?
A. 30 mins B. 45 mins C. 60 mins D. 90 mins

7. Which of the following statements describes a mental benefit of

physical activity?
A. Physical activity can enhance body shape.
B. Physical activity can help develop friendships.
C. Physical activity can help to relieve stress and tension.
D. Physical activity can develop an understanding of rules.

8. Which of the following statements describes a physical benefit of
physical activity?
A. Physical activity can enhance body shape.
B. Physical activity can help develop friendships.
C. Physical activity can help to relieve stress and tension.
D. Physical activity can develop an understanding of rule.

9. What is an immediate benefit of physical activity?

A. Better sleep C. Reduce stress
B. Improved mood D. All of the above

10. What is a long-term benefit of physical activity?

A. Feeling tired C. Feeling bloated
B. Feeling stressed D. A stronger immune system

Outdoor Activities

Figure 1. Organized outdoor activities

Figure 1 shows the different organized activities that an individual
can participate during hiking, camping, and mountain climbing.
In this module, you will learn the different activities that you can
engage in and understand the importance of participating in an
organized event that addresses health/fitness issues and concerns


For you to understand the lesson well, do the following activities.

Have fun and good luck!

Activity 1: Read and Understand!

There’s nothing better than a good traditional camping trip to help you escape
from the problems and stresses of everyday life and enjoy yourself in nature.
Camping could be fun for all people of all ages and interests, and it can be relaxing
and extremely exciting affair.
In order to escape this problems and guarantee our entire camping party
successful, we have to have some camping activities in our minds.
Fun Camping Activities
Horseback Riding - One of the most intense sports known to man. Not only
because it's physically challenging, but it takes more than athleticism. Horseback
riding takes commitment, time, patience, and most importantly building a bond
with your horse.
Snorkeling - a plastic breathing tube used for swimming near the surface with
the head underwater. If your campsite is near the ocean you might just have the
chance to do snorkeling to appreciate the sea life.
Fishing – the sport or business of catching fish.
Boating, Canoeing, or Kayaking - A boat can make fishing more fruitful and
more fun. Other watercraft, such as kayaks, canoes, and paddle boards, make
exploring the waters easy and fun.


When you spend time near a lot of trees, you take in more oxygen. That feeling of
happiness that you get when you take your first breath of air at the campground
isn't all in your head--well, technically it is, but it's a release of serotonin from
the extra oxygen. Your body can function with less strain when there's plenty of
oxygen. That's not the only benefit of fresh air. Research shows that some time
outdoors can improve your blood pressure,

improve digestion and give your immune system an extra boost. When you spend
a few days outside, you get some serious health benefits from the extra oxygen
and low levels of pollutants.
Camping alone is plenty of fun, but if you bring along a friend or family member,
you'll enjoy a unique experience together that will help you keep a healthy, happy
Regular campers will often talk about how the first few days back from a trip seem
Camping also allows you to cope with stress. Stress can negatively affect your
health in just about every way possible, and you're putting much less strain on
your mental and physical faculties by giving yourself some stress- free time at the
Let's not forget the most obvious benefit of camping: you're spending a lot of time
performing physical activities.
Sunshine feels great on your skin, and there's an evolutionary reason for that.
When you're out in direct sunlight, you're taking on a ton of Vitamin D, which
allows your body to absorb calcium and phosphorous.
Assuming that you've got decent camping gear, you'll fall fast asleep after a day
full of outdoor activities.
If you're fond of fishing and hunting, you'll likely eat a large amount of protein
and healthy fats on your camping trip.

Direction: Rate the frequency of your participation in physical activities by

putting a check mark (√) on the appropriate box of your answer.

Statements Always Sometimes Never

(3) (2) (1)
1. I accumulate 30 minutes of moderate

physical activity most days of the week (brisk
walking, climbing the stairs, farm work, or home
2. I do vigorous activity that elevates my heart
rate for 20 minutes at least three days a week.
3. I do exercises for flexibility at least three
days a week
4. I do exercises for muscle fitness at least two
days a week
5. I eat three regular meals each day
6. I select appropriate servings in the food
guide pyramid.
7. I restrict the amount of fat in my diet
8. I consume only as many calories as I
expend each day.
Direction: Make a summary report of the previous activity. Focus on the
➢ What activities are checked as “Always”
➢ What activities are checked as “ sometimes”
➢ What activities are checked as “never”

Discuss the qualitative description of your scores based on the given scale
below. Be guided by the following questions:
➢ How do you feel about your result?
➢ Why did you come up with that result?
➢ Consider several factors that affect your being healthy (e.g. family,
friends, environment where you live, attitude, and education).

21-24 – 5 star (healthy lifestyle)

16-20 - 3 star (average healthy lifestyle

15 1 star (warning on your lifestyle)


Hiking is a great way for the entire family to enjoy the summer weather but does
require some preparation. The first thing to do after choosing your hiking route
is research – look into surrounding areas and identify any possible hazards,
such as the local wildlife or tough terrain. Also ensure that the weather is
suitable for the location and length of your hike. Before your trip, equip yourself
with a map and ensure your cell phone is fully charged. If you’re tackling a more
difficult hike or are concerned about your endurance, bring a walking stick or
cane to reduce the amount of pressure put on your knees and leg when you are
going up and down hills. This will also help with your balance along the way!
Aside from the activity-specific list of items to know and include for
your trip, don’t forget to pack the essentials and basics for a fun day outdoors!
Always remember to either wear or pack: sunscreen, bug repellent, bandages,
water, snacks, sunglasses, and a hat.
Mountain Climbing
Because mountain climbing is not an everyday activity, figuring out how to
prepare can be difficult. If it is your first time climbing, it is critical to learn
from someone who is a qualified instructor. It’s also a good idea to start with
indoor climbing before venturing outdoors, where external factors can provide
extra challenges.
Overuse injuries are extremely common for mountain climbers, but steps can
be taken to prevent them. Immediately before your climb, warm up and
stretch to help improve your circulation and flexibility, and in turn, prevent
Characteristics of Recreation
1. Recreation is done voluntarily – your own free will to do
recreational activities

2. Recreation is performed during free time – should be aware that engaging
in recreational activities should not be in conflict with your other tasks or
3. Recreation is for social, emotional and spiritual connection – activities will
give you a feeling that is intrinsic to the well-being of your soul
4. Recreation is a reward – best motivation for you to participate in
recreational activities is the benefit that you can derive from it: fitness and
satisfaction; promotes friendship and camaraderie
5. Recreation is flexible – can be organized or unorganized;
• organized – recreational institution and centers provide systematic
recreational program and activities
• unorganized – done by you with no specific plan

6. Recreation is a “problem-solver”
- help them solve their problems,
- as a positive result, you tend to be more disciplined and sports-minded
- helps reduce academic and scholastic inferiority complex
7. Recreation is not a single form – can choose from and engage in
different recreational activities depending on your preference
8. Recreation is an activity – involves passive and active action

Benefits of Physical Activity

➢ Develop healthy musculoskeletal tissues (e.g. bones, muscle and
➢ Develop a healthy cardiovascular system (e.g. heart and lungs);
➢ Develop neuromuscular awareness (e.g. coordination and movement
➢ Maintain a healthy body weight
➢ Improved concentration and enhanced memory and learning;
➢ Reduction and management of stress anxiety and depression;
➢ Improved self-esteem and confidence;
➢ Improved psychological well-being;
➢ Improve social skills and networks;
➢ Reduces isolation and loneliness;
➢ Improved sleep; and
➢ Contributes to better performance at schools.


Enrichment Activity 1: Jumbled Words

Direction: Below are jumbled letters/words of the different values you can get
from getting enough physical activity and the conditions that you are at risk of
when you have an inactive lifestyle. Rearrange the letters to form
the correct word and put them on the corresponding table where they

thyealh nobes romdpive peels regan

odog turesop betesdia rehta rlobmep
neyitax ehtlhay reath ropo soprute
thyealh ightwe gihh dolob srespure duceer serests
bisetoy presniodes lenselinos

Benefits from doing physical Conditions from not doing physical

activities activities

Assessment 1: Living to Play
Direction: Briefly explain the different characteristics of recreation in
your own understanding.

1. It occurs in an unobligated time.

2. Recreation is a reward.

3. Recreation is performed during free time.

4. Recreation is flexible.

5. Recreation is a “problem-solver”.


Ideas and Content: /5
Use of important terms: /5
Personal Reflection: /5
Completed task: /5
Total: /20

Enrichment Activity 2: Find a Way Or Make One

Direction: Log in your recreational activities for 7 days. Write them in the
diary, including the amount of time you have devoted to do each, then, explain
how you engaged in those activities.

My Recreational Activity

Ideas and Content: /5
Use of important terms: /5
Personal Reflection: /5
Completed task: /5
Total: /20

Assessment 2: Lend a Helping Hand

Direction: Read the following situations below and suggest things to be done
to help the people overcome their circumstances.

Julia is a 27 year old office worker.

She works 8:00-8:00 Monday to
Saturday so doesn’t have much for
social life. She has piles and piles
of work to do…
How could you help her?

Tomas is a 35 year old part time security who is classed as obese. He works irregular shifts.
He tends to eat a lot of snacks at work and takeaways at home…
How could you help him?

Ideas and Content: /5
Use of important terms: /5
Personal Reflection: /5
Completed task: /5
Total: /20


At this point, write a journal on how to be active and stay healthy at home
during the Covid-19 pandemic.

RUBRIC- Journal
Ideas and Content: /5
Use of important terms: /5
Personal Reflection: /5
Completed task: /5
Total: /20


Directions: Carefully read each item. Use a separate sheet for your answers.
Write only the letter of the best answer for each test item.
1. Exercising more can reduce your risk of what illnesses?
A. Obesity B. Diabetes C. Heart disease D. All of the above
2. How can regular participation in physical activity improve an
individual's overall health?
A. Regular participation in physical activity reduces the risk of
developing various diseases.
B. Regular participation in physical activity allows an individual to
function on less sleep.
C. Regular participation in physical activity reduces body weight.
D. Regular participation in physical activity increases the risk of
developing certain diseases.
3. How does physical activity benefit the cardiovascular and
respiratory systems?
A. Reduces lungs capacity to hold air
B. Decreases heart rate to make heart muscle stronger
C. The heart becomes more efficient at pumping blood
D. The lungs become weak when you participate in physical activity
4. It is any form of movement that causes your body to use energy.
A. Fit B. Sprain C. Physical activity D. Sedentary lifestyle
5. When does exercise or physical activity become bad?
A. Having poor execution
B. Having enough warm-up
C. Having enough fluid during exercise
D. Having enough exercise not greater than the capacity of an

Direction: Study closely and interpret the concept map below that shows the
effects of physical activity and physical fitness.

Ideas and Content: /5
Personal Reflection: /5
Completed task: /5
Total: /15

Great job!

Printed Materials:

Gialogo, R.C. & Gialogo, R.C.(2016). Fit For Life. Quezon City: Phoenix
Publishing House Inc.
Fernadez, A.T. (2016). Physical Education and Health (H.O.P.E. 1). Lipa City: Scolair

Gonzales, (2011). MAPEH Connections IV (1st Edition). Rex Book Store, Inc.

Corbin C., et al. (n. d.). The healthy lifestyle questionnaire from Fundamental
concepts of fitness and wellness [PDF file]. Retrieved July 9, 2020 from physical-activity-most-days-of-
the-week-brisk-walking-climbing-the- stairs-farm/.

Eureka. (n. d.). Health benefits of camping. Retrieved July 10, 2020 from camping (n. d.). Word scramble reading worksheet generator.
Retrieved July 13, 2020 from
Pan American Health Organization. (n. d.). Social media postcards: Be active
and stay healthy at home (COVID-19). Retrieved July 13, 2020 from media-
Medline Plus. (2017, June 27). Health Risks of an Inactive Lifestyle.
Retrieved July 15, 2020 from
Epact. (n. d.). Summer Activities – Mountain Climbing and Hiking. Retrieved
July 16, 2020 from summer-
SlideShare. (2015, March 28). Characteristics of Recreation. Retrieved
July, 16 2020 from

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