Empowerment - Diagnostic Test (Ikatlong Markahan)

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NAME: __________________________________________

SECTION: ____________________________________________

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region IV-A Calabarzon
Division of Laguna
Luisiana Sub-Office



GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: Read each questions carefully. Shade completely with pencil the circle corresponds to the
letter of your choice. Multiple answers are not allowed.


1. If you want to share an online folder from Google Drive to anyone, which folder sharing mode would you choose?
A. Resricted B. Limited C. Anyone with the link D. Private
2. This refers to the feature where users can categorize and locate information through tagging.
A. hashtags B. folksonomy C. taxonomy D. rich user experience
3. Gina is new in the world of technology. She created her facebook account and always post online her vacation
information as well as her selfies first thing in the morning. What kind of advice would you give to Gina to have online
safety and security?
A. Share everything you like.
B. Have fun using the internet.
C. Be mindful of what you share online.
D. Today is 2023. You are only living once. Go ahead!
4. The shortcut key for JUSTIFY.
A. Ctrl+Z B. Ctrl+P C. Ctrl+J D. Ctrl+V
5. A program designed to create spreadsheets which can later be used to analyze statistical data.
A. MS Excel B. MS Word C. MS Publisher D. MS OneNote
For number 6-9
Identify which image placement and text wrapping were used in the samples below.
A. Square B. Top and Bottom C. In Line with Text D. In Front of Text

6. 7.

8. 9.
10. This operating system is used by apple devices such as iPhone.
A. Symbian B. Windows OS C. Ios D. Black
11. Aside from news article websites, journalists post their news item on platforms like Reddit. What trends in the ICT
does journalist used?
A. Bookmarking Sites B. Media Sharing C. Social Networks D. Social News
12. Celine used her smartphone instead of using her laptop in doing her research. What trends in the ICT does she use?
A. Technological Convergence B. Media Sharing C. Mass Participation D. Bookmarking Sites
13. What is the purpose of creating a hierarchy in your design?
A. It gives consistency.
B. It adds visual weight.
C. To add beauty to the design.
D. Make details to stand out.
14. Which font color is best to use if the background on your valentine card is red?
A. blue B. green C. Violet D. White
15. The picture below show an example of _____________.
A. Balance
B. Emphasis
C. Hierarcchy
D. Repetition
16. Which is the main use of line graph?
A. To visually present the data.
B. To see trend of data change.
C. To compare difference of data.
D. To show hierarchy between data sets.
17. Which of the following is not true about online creation tools and applications?
A. They perform specific tasks.
B. They do not require installation on computers.
C. They are combination of different technologies that are set in one place.
D. They can be accessed anytime and anywhere if the user is connected to the internet.
18. This is collectively organizing gathered data and ensuring tracking of specific information.
A. Critical Thinking
B. Data Organizing
C. Research Presenting
D. None of the above
19. Ana likes to post short updates on her Twitter account. What type of social media does Ana has?
A. Bookmarking Sites B. Media Sharing C. Social Networks D. Social News
20. Which of the following is the best platform to use if you want to advertise your clothing line business?
A. Social Media B. Mapping C. File Management D. Presentation Visual
21. This type of skill refers to the ability to express the information through creative writing.
A. Critical Thinking
B. Data Organizing
C. Research Presenting
D. None of the above
22. As a student, how can you apply your understanding on satirical news upon searching?
A. Read and search B. Being observant C. Think before you click D. All of the above.
23. Which of the following is NOT true about online platforms?
A. Online platforms can be a marketplace.
B. Online platforms can be run by a several applications.
C. Online platforms are fixed and cannot be modified.
D. Online platforms interact between two or more users.
24. The skill refers to the ability to produce good and continuous searches.
A. Thinking Skill B. Learning Skill C. Research Skill D. Production Skill
25. Most Internet users subscribe to Youtube to listen and share trending music of Miley Cyrus.
A. Bookmarking Sites B. Media Sharing C. Social Networks D. Social News

For number 26-30

Determine the category of the online platforms below.
A. Presentation / Visualization B. Social Media C. Cloud Computing D. Web Page
26. Prezi
27. Facebook
28. Google Drive
29. Wix
30. Instagram

31. You want to visually compare different data group to other data group, which graph should you use?
A. Pie graph B. Line Graph C. Bar Graph D. Radial Graph
32. Trisha wants to open her file. The fastest way she can do it is by pressing the function _______.
A. Ctrl+S B. Ctrl+Q C. Ctrl+O D. Ctrl+V
33. It contains tools for editing and enhancing images.
A. Tool Bar B. Menu Bar C. Work Area D. Layers Window
34. Which of the following should you never give on the Internet?
A. Age B. Name C. Address D. All of the above
35. 10. What does this tool below represents?
A. Crop images
B. Create or edit a text
C. Erase the background
D. Paint smooth stroke using a brush.
36. What should you do if you receive a text or email from someone you don’t know?
A. Call the police
B. Delete it without opening it.
C. Open it immediately and reply
D. Leave it in your inbox to figure who it is.
37. Ana wants to create a circle shape in the image she is editing. What tool she needs to click in the toolbox?
A. Path Tool B. Free Tool C. Rectangular Tool D. Ellipse Tool
38. What should you do if you feel you are being cyber-bullied?
A. Call the police.
B. Tell no one, it’s embarrassing.
C. Tell a trusted adult like a parent or teacher
D. Just delete anything referring to you on the internet.
39. What should you never do if you get an embarrassing picture from someone?
A. Talk to the person again
B. Send it to other friends.
C. Tell your parents
D. Discourage the person from sending pictures like that.
40. You received some complaints that your website is not easy to read. You notice that most of the content is centered
on the page. Which aesthetic principle should you use to increase your website’s readability?
A. color B. accessibility C. alignment D. repetition
41. Which of the following programs is used by web clients to view the web pages?
A. Web browser B. Web server C. Protocol D. Search Engine
42. Which of the following will best describe a team?
A. Visionary B. Numerous C. Independent D. Collaborative
43. Which of the following buttons will you click to insert image in powerpoint?
A. Audio B. Online View C. Pictures D. Videos
44. How can you add video in you presentation?
A. Click insert > Click choose in video folder > insert
B. Right click > video and choose locate folder then press okay
C. Click insert> Go to video then choose if Online View or video on my PC > Choose video folder / file > insert
D. Click insert >video> right click > click pictures
45. Which tools can be use for online meeting?
A. Google Drive B. Google Sheets C. Trello D. Zoom
46. Rey wants to start his slideshow using the keyboard. What function he needs to press?
A. Ctrl+P B. Ctrl+S C. F5 D. F1
47. What does HTML means?
A. Hypertext Markup Language
B. Home Tool Markup Language
C. Hyperlink and Text Markup Language
D. None of the Above
48. In using MS Word, you want to change the text to sentence case. What will you click in order to make it?
A. Text Highlight B. Format Painter C. Clear all formatting D. Change case
49. In using MS Excel, what is the name and purpose of this symbol below found in the toolbar?
A. Insert video
B. Insert file
C. Insert image
D. Insert function
50. What does WYSIWYG means?
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