Stratified Cluster Sampling

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• A second type of random sampling is
stratified random sampling in which the
population is divided into nonoverlapping
subpopulations called strata.
• Stratified Sampling is possible when it
makes sense to partition the population
into groups based on a factor that may
influence the variable that is being
With stratified sampling one should:
partition the population into groups (strata)
obtain a simple random sample from each
group (stratum)
collect data on each sampling unit that
was randomly sampled from each group
• Stratified sampling works best when a
heterogeneous population is split into fairly
homogeneous groups.  Under these
conditions, stratification generally
produces more precise estimates of the
population percents than estimates that
would be found from a simple random
sample. Table shows some examples of
ways to obtain a stratified sample.
Example 1 Example 2 Example3

Population All people in U.S. All PSU All elementary

intercollegiate students in the local
athletes school district

Groups (Strata)  4 Time Zones in the 26 PSU 11 different

U.S. (Eastern, intercollegiate teams elementary schools
Central, Mountain, in the local school
Pacific) district
Obtain a Simple 500 people from 5 athletes from each 20 students from
Random Sample each of the 4 time of the 26 PSU teams each of the 11
zones elementary schools

Sample 4 × 500 = 2000 26 × 5 = 130 11 × 20 = 220

selected people selected athletes selected students
• Cluster sampling is a sampling technique
where the entire population is divided into
groups, or clusters, and a random sample
of these clusters are selected. All
observations in the selected clusters are
included in the sample.
• Cluster sampling is typically used when
the researcher cannot get a complete list
of the members of a population they wish
to study but can get a complete list of
groups or 'clusters' of the population. It is
also used when a random sample would
produce a list of subjects so widely
scattered that surveying them would prove
to be far too expensive.
• Cluster Sampling is very different from
Stratified Sampling. With cluster
sampling one should divide the
population into groups (clusters).
• obtain a simple random sample of so
many clusters from all possible clusters.
• obtain data on every sampling unit in each
of the randomly selected clusters.
• It is important to note that, unlike with the
strata in stratified sampling, the clusters
should be microcosms, rather than
subsections, of the population.   Each
cluster should be heterogeneous.
Additionally, the statistical analysis used
with cluster sampling is not only different,
but also more complicated than that used
with stratified sampling.
Example 1 Example 2 Example3

Population All people in U.S. All PSU All elementary

intercollegiate students in a local
athletes school district
Groups 4 Time Zones in 26 PSU 11 different
(Clusters) the U.S. intercollegiate elementary schools
(Eastern,Central, teams in the local school
Mountain,Pacific.) district

Obtain a Simple 2 time zones from 8 teams from the 4 elementary

Random Sample the 4 possible 26 possible teams schools from the l1
time zones possible
elementary schools

Sample every person in every athlete on every student in

the 2 selected the 8 selected the 4 selected
time zones teams elementary schools

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