PERRERAS, Karen A. (Final Term Project)

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A. Gather bivariate data that has something to do with the pandemic.

Data as of January 2, 2022

Bivariate Data: The Larger the number of populations, the
higher the number of Covid-19 confirmed cases

Independent: Larger population

Dependent: Higher number of Covid-19 confirmed cases

Barangay Barangay Chairman Population (2020)

Bambang Jaime T. Cruz Jr. 13,949
Calzada Marilyn R. Tanyag 28,660
Hagonoy Rommel Olazo 21,693
Ibayo Tipas Erwin C. Mendiola 25,808
Ligid Tipas Jennifer Quilatan 10,361
Napindan Virgilio C. Dela Paz 24,437
Palingon Jerome M. Mendiola 16,119
San Miguel Vicente G. Espital 10,528
Santa Ana Roberto M. Flogen 22,581
Tuktukan Suranie G. Ulunday 11,614
B. Represent the data as scatter plot.

Barangay Bambang Calzada Hagonoy Ibayo Ligid Napindan Palingon San Miguel Santa Ana Tuktukan
# of Population 13,949 28,660 21,693 25,808 10,361 24,437 16,119 10,528 22,581 11,614
Confirmed Case 1079 1396 1602 1070 1017 864 826 774 1323 854








0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800


C. Arrange the data in tabular form.

Barangay Bambang Calzada Hagonoy Ibayo Ligid Napindan Palingon San Miguel Santa Ana Tuktukan
# of Population 13,949 28,660 21,693 25,808 10,361 24,437 16,119 10,528 22,581 11,614
Confirmed Case 1079 1396 1602 1070 1017 864 826 774 1323 854

Population as of 2020 & Confirmed Cases as of

January 2, 2022 per barangay in Taguig City

Barangay Population Confirmed Cases

Bambang 13,949.00 1,079.00
Calzada 28,660.00 1,396.00
Hagonoy 21,693.00 1,602.00
Ibayo-Tipas 25,808.00 1,070.00
Ligid-Tipas 10,361.00 1,017.00
Napindan 24,437.00 864.00
Palingon-Tipas 16,119.00 826.00
San Miguel 10,528.00 774.00
Santa Ana 22,581.00 1,323.00
Tuktukan 11,614.00 854.00
D. Determine the strength of the relationship between the data you gathered.

Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient

Barangay Population(X) Confirmed Cases (Y) XY X2 Y2

Bambang 13,949.00 1,079.00 15,050,971.00 194,574,601.00 1,164,241.00
Calzada 28,660.00 1,396.00 40,009,360.00 821,395,600.00 1,948,816.00
Hagonoy 21,693.00 1,602.00 34,752,186.00 470,586,249.00 2,566,404.00
Ibayo-Tipas 25,808.00 1,070.00 27,614,560.00 666,052,864.00 1,144,900.00
Ligid-Tipas 10,361.00 1,017.00 10,537,137.00 107,350,321.00 1,034,289.00
Napindan 24,437.00 864.00 21,113,568.00 597,166,969.00 746,496.00
Palingon-Tipas 16,119.00 826.00 13,314,294.00 259,822,161.00 682,276.00
San Miguel 10,528.00 774.00 8,148,672.00 110,838,784.00 599,076.00
Santa Ana 22,581.00 1,323.00 29,874,663.00 509,901,561.00 1,750,329.00
Tuktukan 11,614.00 854.00 9,918,356.00 134,884,996.00 729,316.00
10.00 185,750.00 10,805.00 210,333,767.00 3,872,574,106.00 12,366,143.00

10 (210,333,767.00) − (185,750.00) (10,805.00) 96,308,920.00

𝒓= 2 2
= = 𝟎. 𝟓𝟔
[10 ( 3,872,574,106.00 ) − (185,750.00) ][10 (12,366,143.00) − (10,805.00) ] √( 4,222,678,560.00 ) ( 6,913,405 )

Interpretation: There is a moderate positive correlation between the number of populations

per barangay and Covid-19 confirmed cases in Taguig City.
Spearman Rank–Order Correlation Coefficient

Barangay Population(X) Confirmed Cases (Y) Rx Ry D1 D2

Bambang 13,949.00 1,079.00 7 4 3 9
Calzada 28,660.00 1,396.00 1 2 -1 1
Hagonoy 21,693.00 1,602.00 5 1 4 16
Ibayo-Tipas 25,808.00 1,070.00 2 5 -3 9
Ligid-Tipas 10,361.00 1,017.00 10 6 4 16
Napindan 24,437.00 864.00 3 7 -4 16
Palingon-Tipas 16,119.00 826.00 6 9 -3 9
San Miguel 10,528.00 774.00 9 10 -1 1
Santa Ana 22,581.00 1,323.00 4 3 1 1
Tuktukan 11,614.00 854.00 8 8 0 0
10 185,750.00 10,805.00 55 55 0 78

6 (78)
10 (102 − 1)
𝛒 = 𝟎. 𝟓𝟑

Interpretation: There is a moderate positive correlation between the number of populations per
barangay and Covid-19 confirmed cases in Taguig City.
E. Explain the result.

Result Interpretation
Scatter Plot No correlation No correlation
Pearson r 0.56 Moderate positive correlation
Spearman rho 0.53 Moderate positive correlation

Scatter Plot Result

• The points on the xy coordinate plane seem not to follow a straight line. The points are neither downward to the right or upward
right. This indicates that there is no correlation between the number of populations per barangay and the Covid-19 confirmed
cases recorded.

Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient Result

• Using the Pearson r to determine the level of correlation between the number of populations per barangay and recorded
Covid-19 confirmed cases it resulted to positive 0.56, which means there is a moderate positive correlation that represents the
two-variable tested.

Spearman Rank–Order Correlation Coefficient

• Using the spearman rho, it resulted to 0.53 which represents again the moderate positive correlation and from what I can see
it is just the same interpretation with the result of Pearson r although 3 points lower than it, the interpretation point on the same


• The scatter plot revealed no correlation, however defining the link between two variables might be difficult to establish most
of the time using it. Hence, using statistical methods to identify the link between two variables is a more precise method.
Pearson product moment correlation and Spearman Rank correlation will be utilized in this area. And both produced a
somewhat favorable association, indicating that the number of populations can still have a positive impact on the number of
verified cases reported.
• The population of 10 selected barangay of district 1 in Taguig City was determined using the link below:

• The confirmed cases were determined using the links below:


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