HN MG ParentStock SuperNick en 04.22 Print-X3
HN MG ParentStock SuperNick en 04.22 Print-X3
HN MG ParentStock SuperNick en 04.22 Print-X3
Parent Stock r profit!
The key to you
Layer Breeder
r profit!
The key to you
The geneticists and research staff at H&N have worked for many years to
produce a layer with an excellent performance. This was achieved by a
balanced selection procedure, taking many traits into account, such as
egg production rate, livability, feed efficiency and internal and external
egg quality. These traits are the major factors that determine the prof-
itability for an egg producer.
The goal now is to enable H&N Parent Stock flocks to express their full
genetic potential by providing the feed, management and environ-
ment they need to obtain optimum performance. This manual out-
lines management practices that experience has proven to be im-
portant and will help producers with recommendations to achieve
the best results. Good poultry management is the key to success
with H&N breeders.
Good bird management sometimes requires a little extra effort, but
this hard work will certainly be repaid. It is not complicated; it simply
requires paying attention to the details on the farm and the behavior
of the birds, common sense and proper decision-making throughout
the lifetime of the flock. The H&N service team worked hard to create
this manual as a very detailed guideline, however the success of the
breeder flocks still depends on you and your stockmanship skills.
Total hatch, peak Total eggs per Hen-Housed
90 % 328
83 % 298
44 %
SUMMARY OF 145 – 155 days
66 Hot climate
67 Water quality
68 Air quality
68 Ventilation systems for layer breeder
69 Light
· Review
housing system suitable for Parent stock.
· How
to house one-day-old chicks.
Several housing systems are available for ment for other types of birds (as broiler important as mating and other social behav-
layers parent stock rearing & production. It breeder or commercial layer) but not those iors are key for getting the full reproductive
is possible to achieve a good productivity in of layer parent stock flocks. This is not an op- potential from the birds
all of them but each one has its advantages timal situation. Finally, Biosecurity should be one of the
and disadvantage. It should be considered No matter what the housing system is, a key main driver for housing parent stock flocks
that layer parent stock need from adapted point for success is to respect the stocking as it is not only important to produce chicks
equipment. A common finding is to observe density. This as relevant as in commercial lay- but healthy chicks.
flock kept in houses that fulfill the require- er’s production system, but it is even more
Flocks coming from this rearing ·
Flocks coming from this rearing ·
Flocks coming from this rearing
system can be transferred into system can be transferred into system can be transferred into
floor, family cage or individual family cage or individual cage in block type aviaries also to floor,
cage in production. production. family cages or individual cage in
Most of PS flock are reared in this type Some special consideration about the
of facilities. Basic equipment includes equipment should be taken: Some considerations:
drinkers, feeders, heaters, perches and Males cages: It should be enough
When housing males with intact
first-age equipment. height to allow its fully development. combs, there must be enough space
Some special consideration about the If all the cages meet this character- between feed chain and perches on
equipment should be taken: istic, then males and females can be top of feeders to give them adequate
Drinkers: If you are going to move the housed together. If not, house males in space to eat.
flock to a production house equipped males-adapted cage. Enough space between perches on
with nipples drinkers, then rearing Feeders should be adapted to fully
top of feeders and roof of cage to pre-
house should be also equipped with combed males. Otherwise, males must vent comb's injuries.
nipples drinkers be dubbed at hatchery. Best to make compartments with
Perches: Birds should have access to equally number of breeders.
perches by 3 weeks of age. Provide The aisle between blocks must be
15 cm perch space per bird. It will > 1.8 m wide.
encourage bird to learn to jump and Feeders should be adapted to fully
move in different tiers. It should not be combed males. Otherwise, males must
placed over the drinker line. be dubbed at hatchery.
Feeders should be adapted to fully
combed males.
Compartments: with equally number
of breeders.
Housing House Prep. / Brooding Growing Rearing Transfer Onset of Production Production
Systems Arrival of Chicks 1 – 21 days 3 – 9 weeks 9 – 15 weeks 15 – 18 weeks 18 – 22 weeks 22 – 75 weeks
Most used housing system all ·
Fast growing type of cage-free
around for layer parent stock. systems for commercial layers, but ·
Very convenient system if labor or
Birds are housed in barn and have ac-
also for PS with very good results. constructed square meter cost are
cess to nest for laying. Layer parent stock housed in this sys-
Only one feeding system is needed for,
tem must have been reared in an aviary Birds are housed in cage by groups of
both, males and females. rearing system. males & females.
Normally manure is stored during all
Only one feeding system is needed for
Feeder are used equally for males
the flock and removed after flock de- males and females. and females. Males grid areas prevent
Height of different levels need to be
population. comb injuries during males feeding.
enough high for mating.
Slatted area is present in most of layout.
Eggs are laid in the wire and collect-
Most manure can be collected by ma-
It should be equipped with perches.
nure belt during production cycle. ed in egg belt. Some model includes
Matting occurs naturally.
Mating occurs naturally.
Good option is divide the house in
Birds need to be reared in aviary block
Manure can be collected during the
compartments with equally number of system or floor with winchable ele- production cycle by the manure belt.
breeders. ments system. Recommended more than 90 birds per
When housing males with intact combs,
there must be enough space between Matting occur naturally.
feed chain and perches on top of feed- It is highly recommended to included
INDIVIDUAL CAGE ers to give them adequate space to eat. perches inside the cages.
Enough space between perches on top
of feeders and roof of cage to prevent
comb’s injuries.
Best to make compartments with
equally number of breeders.
The aisle between blocks must be
> 1.8 m wide.
*For more information about Aviary System please ask your technical service representative.
Perches are a key equipment to maintain It should meet some characteristics: A slatted area is commonly used in floor
good litter conditions and control floor Be dark, quiet, warm, and free of air flow. system houses. The main aim of this area
eggs. Also, it helps to enhance the behav- Nest temperature should be in the hens is to increase the manure storage capaci-
ior expression and to reduce social stress. comfort zone. ty and to keep the nest clean. Some point
Round or rectangular design is preferred It should be possible to close it during should be considered for avoid eggs on
for perches. In any case, it should support the night. the floor and slats:
bottom of foot and allow the bird to close Nest floor should provide comfort for Slatted area should cover at least 60 % of
the claw on it. nesting, have a soften effect on the egg the total room. A 100 % slatted area is a
during the lay and allow egg to roll easily good option whilte 30 % slatted area is
to egg belt wrong layout for layers.
Housing House Prep. / Brooding Growing Rearing Transfer Onset of Production Production
Systems Arrival of Chicks 1 – 21 days 3 – 9 weeks 9 – 15 weeks 15 – 18 weeks 18 – 22 weeks 22 – 75 weeks
Plastic slat
The cage should be big enough to house There are two types of materials: wire or plas- The cages must have perches to improve
at least 90 birds with a stocking density of tic. The floor should be suitable to avoid leg the bird’s behavior (roosting). Should be
at least 650 cm² / bird. This will help to keep and foot problems (especially in males). Excel- rounded, and the birds must be able to
a good fertility throughout the production lent for mating and to prevent broken eggs. easily keep balance and capable to close
cycle. The size of the floor mesh must be around the claws on it.
2.54 x 2.54 cm and capable to resist the
weight of females and males all together.
There is a key component on the success of Along with the skills is very important to cle. We recommend a list of tools that every
a poultry operation, which is the human el- have the tools to help us get the more ac- poultry person should have:
ement. The stockmanship skill are critical to curate information to take the best decisions Infrared thermometer for environmen-
get the best from the genetic and transform and make corrections. Therefore, a tool box tal temperature
it into excel performance and profit. The is a necessity. Infrared thermometer for vent temper-
skills are: sight (look at bird’s behavior), smell It is very important to have the right tools to ature
(air quality), taste (water and feed), hearing asses and evaluate the environmental and Scale to weigh day old chicks
(birds sound), and feel (environmental tem- bird’s conditions at arrival, for the first seven Scale to weigh pullets
perature, crop fill, etc). days and during the whole production cy- Lux meter to measure light intensity
· How
to prepare the house before the one-day-old chicks arrive.
· How
to house one-day-old chicks.
It is essential to remove all This removes all dust and dry This removes all remaining
equipment or waste (dead birds, organic material from the house organic material and grease.
: :
feed, eggs, manure, etc.) left in using compressed air, brooms Thoroughly clean using deter-
the house before cleaning. or shovels. gent and hot water.
Any removable material/equip- Apply foam detergent and leave
ment should be detached. it to work for the specified time.
Organic Contact
Material Time
This kills all remaining patho- Sample after cleaning and disin-
Fumigate after liquid disinfec-
gens that survived the previous fection, check if the microbiologi-
tion has been completed
steps. For good performance: cal results are ok. Corresponding
and the equipment has been
Use only reliable and effective sampling and laboratory analysis
installed again.
disinfectants should be performed: at least
Follow the label instructions.
Apply the appropriate dose eight samples per house should
Use appropiate PPE (personal
Respect contact time and tem- be taken, distributed randomly
protective equipment).
: :
perature as shown in table 1. If results are
Take extra care to clean litter unacceptable, take corrective
area in floor/aviary systems to measures.
prevent coccidiosis/worms.
In new litter, apply a product to
kill mold.
Cleaning and disinfection procedures are Table 1: Clean and disinfection microbiological results
key to preventing pathogens from passing
from one flock to the next. They also pre- Place of sampling Salmonella spp. Enterobacteria in 16 sq cm
vent pathogens from challenging birds in Unacceptable Good Unacceptable
their early life. The goal of this procedure is
Wall-floor junction
to minimize all microorganisms in the house
to offer chicks the best opportunity to per- Feeders
form well. Manure bell Presence <5 > 10
Eggs belt
1. Do not proceed to the next step until the previous step has been completed.
2. Clean the area outside the house, storage and service areas, water lines and ventilation system.
3. Provide staff with adequate protection and clothing: masks, gloves, etc.
4. Maintain the cleaning equipment regularly.
An adequate stocking density is a condition Furthermore, a high stocking density com- climate or poor feed quality,) and sufficient
for success in rearing chicks. A high stocking bined with reduced feeder space will limit access to water.
density impacts negatively on daily growth, feed consumption, which might already
flock uniformity and chick development. be low under certain conditions (e.g. hot
¹ Floor space: include all living space: litter area and extra levels (slats or tiers).
² Spaces can be different in each country due to regulations from government, animal welfare organizations and retailers.
³ All these values are the minimal recommendation. Provide more space in hot climate areas.
Pan feeders: 2 cm / bird 0–3 weeks and 4 cm / bird 3–16 weeks (diameter = 3.14 x circumference)
Housing House Prep. / Brooding Growing Rearing Transfer Onset of Production Production
Systems Arrival of Chicks 1 – 21 days 3 – 9 weeks 9 – 15 weeks 15 – 18 weeks 18 – 22 weeks 22 – 75 weeks
Birds are housed at a higher stocking den- Nipple or cup drinker
sity during the first weeks. To ensure uni-
form pullet growth, it is important that the
birds are moved into the empty cages at Feed
the appropriate time and with the correct
cage density.
Fibre trays
for cocci vaccine
100 % paper over wire floor recycling for 0–28 days
Housing House Prep. / Brooding Growing Rearing Transfer Onset of Production Production
Systems Arrival of Chicks 1 – 21 days 3 – 9 weeks 9 – 15 weeks 15 – 18 weeks 18 – 22 weeks 22 – 75 weeks
Chicks arrive to the destination airport after hot or cold, windy, under the rain or in direct
a long journey. Thus, the sooner they are lib- sunlight.
erated for the border authorities, the better If crates are clearly damage or if you observe
will arrive to the farm. Keep in mind that a dead birds when the flock is delivered to
copy of all the chick’s documentation is al- you, an official claim should be completed
ways sent in the back of the white box in- before departing from the airport. You will
cluded in the delivery find the official form in the back of the white
In the meantime, chick crates / pallets never box. H&N logistic team can support you in
should be stored in conditions that are too that case. White Chick Box: Cargo Damage
Truck must be cleaned and disinfected Bevor arrival: Check the conditions upon
Housing House Prep. / Brooding Growing Rearing Transfer Onset of Production Production
Systems Arrival of Chicks 1 – 21 days 3 – 9 weeks 9 – 15 weeks 15 – 18 weeks 18 – 22 weeks 22 – 75 weeks
ic k s s h o uld be ac
moving g.
d drinkin
eating an
· A
good and clear communication with H&N logistic team is a key component.
They will answer and solve any doubts.
· Ensure
the house has been cleaned and disinfected correctly before chicks arrive.
· Preheat
the house to the correct temperature: Always test at chick level brooding period.
· Observe
stocking density recommendations and adapt drinking and feeding systems to the
brooding period.
· House
the chicks quickly so they can access water and feed.
· Take
the time to inspect the chicks for body temperature and quality.
· How to maximize male and female liveability during the first week of life.
· How to promote growth and development of key organs during the first three weeks of life.
· How to perform effective beak trimming without a detrimental effect on chick welfare.
(H&N Recommendation)
· All houses
· Dark houses only (< 3 lux) In open houses is not easy to implement the intermittent light-
This program can be used for up to 7-10 days after arrival. Then ing program. If this cannot be applied, 22-24 hours of light dur-
switch back to the regular step-down lighting program. Using ing the first 2–3 days is common practice. Providing this dark
this lighting program has the following advantages: period to allow the chicks to rest is highly recommended.
Chick behavior is synchronized; they rest or sleep at the same
time. In a dark house the light level should be lower than 3 lux when
Weak chicks will be stimulated by stronger ones to move as the light-proof system is set. In other words, it must be com-
well as to eat and drink. pletely dark.
The behavior of the flock is more uniform and evaluating the
flock is much easier.
Chick mortality will decrease.
4h 2h
2h 22 h Darkness
2h Darkness
24 24
22 22
20 20
18 18
16 16
14 14
Hours of light
Hours of light
12 12
10 10
8 8
6 6
4 4
2 2
0 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Days of life Days of life
Housing House Prep. / Brooding Growing Rearing Transfer Onset of Production Production
Systems Arrival of Chicks 1 – 21 days 3 – 9 weeks 9 – 15 weeks 15 – 18 weeks 18 – 22 weeks 22 – 75 weeks
The temperature should be between 34– After two or three days, decrease the tem- Place the males together with
36 °C for the first few days (see table). perature by 0.5 °C every day. Be aware females in case of Brown Nick and white
Correct temperature: Chicks will be
that the best indicator is chick behav- breeders when males are dubbed.
well distributed and active. ior and cloacal temperature. Check the In case of non-dubbed white males, keep
Low temperature: Chicks will group to-
flock every time you change your settings. them separate for the first 6–7 weeks or
gether and sound stressed. If the house temperature is not uniform, until you recognize the secondary sexual
High temperature: Chicks will group in
take corrective measures by changing characteristics, and after culling all sexing
the coldest places, are inactive and pant. heaters and ventilation parameters. errors.
When housing the chicks, follow these rec- If males are from a young PS flock (less
Temperature recommendations: ommendations: than 27 weeks) keep them separate for
Cage air temperature: 34–35 °C
Place the smallest chicks in the hottest the first 5 weeks in the warmer place of
Paper and/or litter temperature: > 32 °C
areas or cages. the house (when necessary, add females
Concrete/ground: > 28 °C
Place the youngest chicks in the hottest to stimulate activity).
areas or cages (if the flock is arriving over Cages: is necessary to place only comb
Pasted vents may indicate a too high or too several days). treated males.
low temperature. During the first 10 days avoid placing Leave the extra males separate in pen or
chicks in very hot spots (near the heaters) cages.
The temperature management in cage or in very cold spots. In countries where dubbing is not al-
brooding is more critical than floor be- If most of the chicks are from a young flock lowed, an option is to wing-band the
cause chicks can’t look for warmer or cool- (less than 27 weeks), increase the objec- white males.
er spots. tive temperate 1 to 2 ˚C (1,8 to 3,6 ˚F).
Always check
the water
In this case is
too hot!
Good quality feed should be available for per and renewed during the first 3–5 days. Supply enough volume of fresh air to
chicks immediately after placement. Place abundant feed in the feeders to at- remove dust and undesirable gases. En-
Feed should be scattered on the cage pa- tract the chicks. sure adequate air movement even on
cold days.
Strong movements of air disturb the
chicks, they will avoid using drafty are-
as. This can negatively impact on chick
distribution and activity.
Adequate ventilation is especially im-
portant in hot weather.
Feed on paper Feed on trays
Draft incorrect
The light intensity should be between 40– Humidity should be between 60 to 70 %.
60 lux during the first week. This should be With lower than 40 % humidity, chicks may
measured at drinker level. dehydrate, experiment stress or damage
Light should be spread uniformly through- their respiratory tract. Effects of higher than
out the entire cage or floor. It is important 80 % humidity could be wet litter, increase Automatic feeder
to avoid shady and dark areas in the brood- ammonia and poor air quality.
ing cage or floor area. Draft
Adjust temperature according to relative
humidity. For instance, the temperatures in
this section are set for a humidity between
60–70 %. Above 80 % the comfortable tem-
perature reduces by 1 °C (1.8 °F) and below
40 % increases by 1 °C (1.8 °F).
Good light Intensity > 40 lux Grouped chicks
Housing House Prep. / Brooding Growing Rearing Transfer Onset of Production Production
Systems Arrival of Chicks 1 – 21 days 3 – 9 weeks 9 – 15 weeks 15 – 18 weeks 18 – 22 weeks 22 – 75 weeks
: :
% of chicks with feed in the crop placement and uniformity must be > 80
%. In case, these goals are not achieved,
6 HOURS 12 HOURS 24 HOURS a review of managements (drinking or
feeding management, temperature,
75 % 85 % 100 % etc) and nutrition must be performed.
Beak treatment is one of the most important retard future beak growth. Improper beak
cannibalism/pecking prevention measures treatment procedures may result in perma- Please remember
in poultry management, especially in open nent damage to overall flock performance. that country-specific
houses with high light intensity. While var- Only perform beak treatment in females, regulations
ious methods of beak treatment may be don't do it in males. If you have questions should be observed.
used: the objective is to treat the beak in about whether or not beak treat males
a uniform manner that will permanently please contact the technical service team.
The beaks of day-old chicks can already be The beak remains intact until 10–21 days and Pay attention to:
treated at the hatchery using infrared tech- then the treated portion separates. Because Drinking water: It is vital to encourage
nology. This method can provide more uni- of this process, chicks will need extra care the water intake in the first days. Preferably
form beak treatment provided it is performed during the brooding period. use 360-activated nipples as they are easy
by a machine and not by different crews. for chicks to use. Additional cup drinkers
are also preferable. If bi-directional nipples
are the only option, providing additional
cup drinkers is obligatory.
Housing House Prep. / Brooding Growing Rearing Transfer Onset of Production Production
Systems Arrival of Chicks 1 – 21 days 3 – 9 weeks 9 – 15 weeks 15 – 18 weeks 18 – 22 weeks 22 – 75 weeks
Special care should be provided to the chicks in the days following beak treatment:
· Focus on water, feed, light intensity, air temperature and humidity during the first week.
provide more space (feeder, drinker and stocking density) later than 3 weeks.
The earlier the better.
· Check
chick behavior to enable better settings of the brooding conditions.
· Implement
an intermittent light program if possible.
· Perform
beak treatment properly and apply special management care immediately after
· Measure
and follow the cloacal temperature along with behavior to adjust temperature set point.
· How
to set the correct light program in rearing according to your geographical situation,
house type and production objectives.
· How
to promote correct pullet growth during this period.
· How
to use the chicks feathering and natural molting pattern to monitor chick development.
· How
to use system and perches in floor/aviary rearing to promote bird welfare, liveability,
body development and prevent floor eggs in the future.
The hours of light at the end of rearing should equal the hours of light at the production house before the start of light stimulation.
The light intensity should be similar to what pullets will find in the production house.
How many hours of light do you have in your country? Hours between Sunrise and Sunset in the
Northern and Southern Hemispheres
0° 10° 20° 30° 40° 50°
5-Jan 12:07 11:34 10:59 10:17 9:27 8:14 5-Jul
50 20-Jan 12:07 11:38 11:05 10:31 9:47 8:45 20-Jul
40 5-Feb 12:07 11:44 11:19 10:52 10:19 9:32 5-Aug
20 20-Feb 12:06 11:50 11:35 11:16 10:55 10:23 20-Aug
0 5-Mar 12:06 11:58 11:49 11:38 11:28 11:11 5-Sep
20-Mar 12:06 12:07 12:06 12:06 12:07 12:09 20-Sep
30 5-Apr 12:06 12:14 12:25 12:35 12:49 13:08 5-Oct
50 20-Apr 12:06 12:24 12:41 13:02 13:27 14:03 20-Oct
Peru 10° South 5th February June 11 h 35 min. 20-Aug 12:06 12:25 12:44 13:06 13:35 14:14 20-Feb
Housing House Prep. / Brooding Growing Rearing Transfer Onset of Production Production
Systems Arrival of Chicks 1 – 21 days 3 – 9 weeks 9 – 15 weeks 15 – 18 weeks 18 – 22 weeks 22 – 75 weeks
This determines the number of hours at the end of the program.
* Open house: any construction where you have > 3 lux. ** Close house: any construction where you have < 3 lux.
Depending on limitations in step 1 and 2, determines the optimum end hours for your type of house: open or dark.
Shorter: ending at 10 – 11 hours / day Longer: ending at 12 – 14 hours / day
Closed houses and when natural daylight allows
Mostly open houses
Electricity savings
More time for feed intake
Concentrate feed intake
Higher energy costs
Feed intake challenge
Remember: The hours of light at the end of rearing should equal the hours of light at the production house
before the start of light stimulation.
We recommend a moderate speed of reduction.
· Light intensity should be adapted across the different rearing periods.
During the first week, a higher intensity is needed to activate the On floor/aviary, measure at bird level head, between light bulbs,
birds. After week 5, the light intensity should be decreased to calm at drinker and feeder level. Use the lower value to adjust to follow
the birds and prevent pecking and cannibalism. This is also recom- the recommendations.
mended in open rearing houses.
Light intensity should be measured at feeders and drinkers level.
In cages, light intensity should be measured at feeder and drinker
level on bottom, middle and top tiers cages, mid-way between Stimulate males and females at the same time and when body
lights. Map the light intensity in the house. Use the bottom one to weight is in both at standard (18 weeks of age) and uniformity is
adjust light intensity to follow recommendations. more than 85 %
Hours of light
14 40 – 60 lux
12 20 – 30 lux
10 – 15 lux
5 – 10 lux
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34
Age in weeks
Housing House Prep. / Brooding Growing Rearing Transfer Onset of Production Production
Systems Arrival of Chicks 1 – 21 days 3 – 9 weeks 9 – 15 weeks 15 – 18 weeks 18 – 22 weeks 22 – 75 weeks
Pullets show extreme body growth during bone frame will stay as it is. The birds can achieve it, delay the change one or two
this period. This is especially true if we con- reach the standard weight but the body weeks. Also, could delay the change in case
sider the percentage of growth compared content and size will differ and hens can be- of stress events, like vaccinations
with the previous body weight. come over fattened.
This also applies to male development; a
Even more importantly, at this stage the birds correct body weight gain and uniformity is
will develop most of their organs, skeletal sys- strongly related with good fertility. Always
It is very important
tem and muscles which are essential for their keep the body weight at standard and uni- to achieve the
health and performance. Therefore, correct formity above 85 % standard body weight
growth during this period is key to having during the
healthy and productive adult birds. Change diets if body weight is on the target
first 12 weeks of age.
at the corresponding age: 0–5, 6–10 and 11
If growth is delayed in this period, further to 17 weeks (see the nutrition chapter). With
compensatory growth is impossible: the a uniformity above 80 %. In case you didn’t
Body weight development (%)
Reproductive system
Intramedullar bone
4 8 12 16 20 24
Age in weeks
Considering the importance of growth in should distributed along all the cages as
this period, the daily consumption of the soon as possible.
Please have an extra
birds is below what it should be. It is very im- Provide a “midnight snack” if the standard
portant to promote good feed consumption weight described in the section 8 is not
good look when you
to maintain correct development: reached or under hot climate.Follow the provide a midnight snack
Temperature at week 3 should be 22–23 ˚C. feeder and water space recommendations in floor/aviary systems
This can be slowly reduced over the next When possible, the feed intake training can concerning behavior
few weeks to around 19 ˚C at 9 weeks of start at 5–6 weeks of age. More details in
age. page 32 of rearing period chapter.
Maintain a low stocking density. In cage Providing good quality feed is also key to
and aviary row rearing systems birds good bird development.
80 85
70 77
Daily Feed Intake (g/bird)
60 67 69
50 58
40 48
20 28
10 16
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Age in weeks
· Daily intake can vary depending on feed composition and environmental temperature.
Housing House Prep. / Brooding Growing Rearing Transfer Onset of Production Production
Systems Arrival of Chicks 1 – 21 days 3 – 9 weeks 9 – 15 weeks 15 – 18 weeks 18 – 22 weeks 22 – 75 weeks
Correct feathering is essential to enable a weeks when the stiff tail feathers are grown. It is important to periodically evaluate the
bird to regulate its temperature properly It is important that molting occurs in the feather conditions both during rearing and
and is indicative of good development. A indicated periods, otherwise it may signal production periods. Loss of feather during
series of natural molting will occur during delayed physiological development of the production could indicate a stressor, impact-
the rearing period: one complete molting birds: nutritional, management, disease or ing on the flock.
(between 1 to 6 weeks) and three partials any other problem.
at 7 to 9 weeks, 12 to 16 weeks and 20–22
Week 5 10 15 20 25
One of the tools to evaluate the status of the Here is a list of stressors that can impact on Some birds reduce body weight and pro-
flock is by the primary feathers condition the flock inducing partial “molting” therefore duction but never cease producing eggs;
which can be done with certain frequency impacting on the primary feathers develop- you could see excessive feathers on the floor
(for example, every other week). This can ment: or manure belt.
helps us to either evaluate the status of decrease of daylight
feathering during rearing and production. loss of body weight
Keep in mind that the number of molted disease
feathers could give us an indication of the excessive cold or hot
extent and magnitude of the stressor. irregular feeding
insufficient feed
management (overcrowding, water depri-
vation or low flow
insufficient feed or water space
ventilation issue), etc.
The axial and primary feathers on a wing Four feather molt, One feather molt (First one);
of a chicken not in molt induced by an important stressor partial molting induced by a stressor.
Pictures from University of Kentucky: Evaluating Egg-Laying Hens
Perching improve nesting behavior, animal Use the same type of perches in rearing
welfare, improve livability, bone/muscle and production.
structure and reduce floor eggs. They need Preferably, place perches on the feeder
to be placed as soon as 3 weeks of age. line.
Seal cracks, fissures and open ends of pipes
Characteristics: to reduce areas where mites can hide.
Perches must have oval or round shape.
Positive effect on male/female behavior
3.2 cm
Perches should have 8 to 12 cm of available
(aggressive males) for sure important in
space per bird (12 cm is best). The value de- white breeders.
pends on the bird density (higher value for
high stocking density).
At least 2,5 cm width or wider.
Is recommended to place the perches as
early as 3 weeks of age.
Perches helps to reduce piling behavior.
40 cm
Perches improve bird welfare.
Perches increase the floor space in the house.
In case houses with 1/3 of floor with slats,
always place the perches on the slats. 45°
· Implement
the lighting program according to your house conditions.
· Never
allow day length to increase during the rearing period.
· Achieve
the required body weight (males and females) during the first 12 weeks of age
with uniformity of at least 85 %.
· Provide
enough feeder space as soon as possible.
· Follow
the feathering and natural molting to check a correct physiological development.
· Males
and females should be rearing together (cage and floor).
· Place
perches at 3 weeks of age (floor rearing).
· Discard
of sexing errors at 6 to 7 weeks of age.
· How
to ensure weight gain and development during the last weeks of the rearing period.
· Weekly
male body weight during the first 8 to 10 weeks is especially important for the develop-
ment of the reproductive system and the future sperm production. Body weight must follow the
standard, avoid any loose of body weight during this period.
· How
to train the intake capacity to be ready for the production peak.
· How
to prepare hens for the production period.
2 125 133
Most of the skeleton and muscular systems
have already been formed by now. 3 187 200
4 253 273
On the other hand, fat disposal improves
during this period. A correct fat level in the 5 325 356
body is necessary to achieve the production
peak. Overfat females will face many issues 6 403 451
in production (prolapse and pecking late in 7 484 557
production) while overfat males could have
fertility problems. Avoid over-fattening. 8 565 668
9 645 775
The feed intake is higher than in previous
weeks. The birds may be given a more dilut- 10 724 880
ed feed.
11 801 979
19 1311 1652
*For weighing protocol see page 70.
20 1358 1721
50–60 %
of the amount
of feed
(Ad Libitum)
Low feed level
in the trough
Even with good hatchery practice, some identified. By 7 weeks or earlier, this should When white males are not comb treated, only
males will be confused with females and will be very evident and this task can be easily mix with females when all the sexing errors
be delivered and vice versa: some females will performed. Non-productive hens can also be were culled (around 7 weeks of age).
be delivered as males. such. It is best to sep- separated from the flock at the same time.
arate them from the hens as soon as they are
· Ensure body weight gain and correct development by maintaining feed consumption.
· Train hens to develop a good feed intake capacity by working with diluted feed and adapted
feeding times.
· Remove non-productive birds from the flock.
· Remove sexing errors at around 6 to 7 weeks of age.
· How to prepare a flock for transfer to the laying house.
· How to transfer a flock correctly to the laying house.
· How to house a flock correctly in the laying house.
Familiy type nest boxes 100 hens / m2
Familiy nest in family cages 50 cm2 / hen (42 to 65 cm2)
Single nest (26 x 30 cm) 4 to 6 hens per nest
Housing House Prep. / Brooding Growing Rearing Transfer Onset of Production Production
Systems Arrival of Chicks 1 – 21 days 3 – 9 weeks 9 – 15 weeks 15 – 18 weeks 18 – 22 weeks 22 – 75 weeks
· In
floor houses and aviaries,
always check that the
number of males per
partition is the adequate.
· In
family cages, after
completing the unloading
always check the number of
males and females per cage.
· No
vaccinations during
transfer when possible.
Bad distribution: Males are too dominant Well maintained nests New and clean litter
and aggressive towards females are critical for a good start.
• too high male/female ratio
• too much difference in body weight
• males sexually matured earlier than The breeders should not be allowed to have Be sure that litter material is there in time the
females access to the nest boxes too early. breeders start using the litter area in barn/
Advise to open the nest boxes 1–2 weeks aviary houses.
Make a plan for a good distribution of the before the onset of lay. Different materials may be used:
breeders in each cage, or in barn/aviary in Note that in aviary systems with one-line Wood shavings
every compartment and place the right nest boxes, the birds need more time to find Cellulose pellets
numbers of males to keep the normal male/ them! Coarse wood shavings
female ratio. Open the nest boxes 3–4 hours before start Regardless of the litter material used, it
Accommodate (separate) the extra males of day/lighting program, and close about 1 should be hygienic!
in a pen/cages as soon as possible. This is hour before end of lighting program. A litter level depth of 1–2 cm is sufficient.
to avoid possible aggressive behavior from Litter material should preferably be distribut-
males to females! ed after the house is pre-heated.
During housing is the last time to make a This prevents the formation of condensed
good selection of males and discards the water between the floor and litter.
ones with poor quality. Keep the level of litter low and dry during
When you have experienced male’s aggres- whole production period!
sion in the past a recommendation in barn/
aviary systems is to start with 3–4 % males.
After 5–7 days, you can slowly bring in the ad-
ditional males step by step during the night.
Bring in 2 % males every week until you reach
the right numbers of males. Do this during KEY POINTS
the night to avoid stress in the flock. · Transfer
the birds at least two weeks before the onset of lay
Having perches in the prduction house, help
(no later than 18 weeks).
to reduce the social stress and the aggression
on females. · Only
transfer flocks that are healthy and in good condition.
Always is better to divide the house in com- · Plan
transport in advance and organize it well to ensure
partments and place equally number of optimal comfort for the birds and biosecurity.
breeders per section. When well managed,
this help to improve male:female behavior · Avoid
transferring flocks during high temperatures.
better feed distribution and less dirty eggs. Transport by night if necessary.
· Monitor
the body weight before and for the weeks after
transfer to guarantee that
the flock is developing correctly.
· Closely
monitor water and feed consumption during the
weeks after arrival at the laying house.
· How to manage the flock during the first weeks in the laying house.
· How to correctly apply light stimulation in line with flock status and production objectives.
· How to manage the flock to achieve a good production peak.
During the first days after housing, it is im- Some useful recommendations:
portant to stimulate sufficient feed intake. Provide attractive feed with a good struc- Avoid excessive stimulation when transfer-
The hens should increase their feed intake as ture that avoids fine particles. ring birds to open houses.
fast as possible and continue gaining weight Provide good quality, fresh water. Crop filling score: The goal is to have 100
(see figure 1). Run the feeding lines frequently during the % at 24 hours after transfer (check 100 fe-
day. males and 100 males). If is not 100 %, a com-
Feed on an empty feeder. plete review of all managements must be
Ensure there is enough light at the feeder performed.
Light intensity should be higher in the lay-
ing house than in the rearing house.
2500 120
Body weight in grams
0 0
1 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 30
Age in weeks
· How to choose the · How to deal with · How to apply light
right stimulation age natural day length stimulation in a flock
Normally a flock should be kept with The light program in open houses Once the light stimulation age is de-
a stable photoperiod until light stim- should take the natural day length at the fined, light stimulation starts with an
ulation starts. If hens are in the weight stimulation age into account. Determine initial photoperiod increase. Take the fol-
range, a standard recommendation for the light program during rearing as ex- lowing into account:
standard production is 18 or 19 weeks of plained in section X. Stimulation should Increase the day length at least one
life. However, this may vary according to: differ depending on the day length. hour after sunset, or after switching off
Flock body weight status: If the birds’ Increasing day length period: risk of the lights, and keep an eye on the start
body weight is far below the standard flock being stimulated by natural light of production in the morning, and
it is preferable to delay light stimula- before they reach the correct body the risk that eggs ae being laid before
tion for at least one week. Equally, if the weight. To avoid this, the artificial day lighting program starts (floor/system
uniformity is very low (less than 80 %) length should always be longer than eggs).
and/or the CV is very high (> than 10) the natural day length until the flock Light intensity in the laying house
and the weight of part of the flock is far is ready to be stimulated. This should should be slightly higher than in the
behind the standard, later light stimu- be considered in the rearing light pro- rearing house
lation is preferable. gram. Light distribution should avoid dark
The objective is to achieve as fast as Decreasing day length period: flocks and shady areas
possible an egg size of at least 50 to 52 exposed to decreasing day length can Keep light sources clear
grams, which is suitable for incubation. show delayed onset of lay. To avoid Subsequently, the photoperiod must be
The goal is to reduce the number of un- this, create an artificial day length increased weekly. Light increases should
settable eggs at the beginning of the longer than the natural day length be at least half an hour, although a high-
production. from week 10. er increase is possible if the laying per-
centage increases rapidly. The more light
To achieve this goal, use the app:
Never stimulate before H&N lighting program
hours the hens have, the more time they
will use to consume feed. It is therefore
18 weeks of age.
important to achieve at least 14 hours of
It is preferable to stimulate light to allow the flock to reach a proper
Brown Nick at feed intake.
19 weeks of age.
Housing House Prep. / Brooding Growing Rearing Transfer Onset of Production Production
Systems Arrival of Chicks 1 – 21 days 3 – 9 weeks 9 – 15 weeks 15 – 18 weeks 18 – 22 weeks 22 – 75 weeks
The birds should have enough
space, especially in hot climates. Impor-
tant aspects are not only cm² of cage
floor/bird, but the height of the cage,
which is especially important for males to
allow a normal mating, how many cm of
feeder, and how many drinkers are avail- Good air quality:
able per bird. The temperature should be you can see the back of the house
Crumble Feed
between 18–24 °C.
Key points of using nest boxes in Cage-free systems:
Right position of the nest boxes with drink-
to prevent high density in these front and Close the nest in very small steps, and
ing lines in front of them back nests. keep an eye on total number of eggs, and
Use clean, automatic closing nest boxes
In case, of early production eggs you can
number of floor/system eggs. When these
with comfortable floor/mat. also use very low light intensity lights in- numbers stay same level, you can make
Nest boxes in the best right intensity of
side the nests. This light can start 1–2 hours the next step.
light (enough to find the nest, and inside before the start of lighting program to give For a correct nest management, always
dark enough to keep birds quiet). the birds that produce early to find the way keep in mind the difference in the lay-
Enough nest space (refer to page 33)
to the nest boxes. These 1–2 hours are not ing behavior between white and brown
Breeders should not be allowed to have
included in the daylength. strains:
access to the nests too early. Open the Always try to use more than standard nest
a) Browns tends to start the production
nest boxes 1–2 weeks before the onset space in cage-free systems to catch all the earlier than whites, so the egg collection
of lay. Open them 3–4 hours before start birds/eggs during the laying process. Es- must start earlier.
of day-lighting program and close 1 hour pecially at the onset of production of very b) In white flocks, at peak production hour
before the end of the lighting program uniform PS flocks. a higher % of females are laying, plus
(NEVER leave them open overnight) After the production peak and > 30 weeks,
the hens stay longer inside the nest
In an aviary system with on tier/level of
we can start gradually closing the nest than browns, therefore nest space is
nest boxes the birds need some more time boxes a bit earlier every 1–2 weeks. In the more critical for the white breeders than
to find the nests than a traditional floor afternoon, the birds don’t need access to Brown Nick breeders.
house with slats or combi system where the nest boxes. This is especially important
you have nest boxes on every level. if you start to see a lot of dirty nests (bed-
System with on-line nest boxes can be
ding or mat) and eggs due to nest material.
equipped with incorporate barriers. Best In the afternoon, the birds don’t need ac-
way to use them every 2 meters at 6 me- cess to the nest boxes (after the produc-
ters from every compartment wall. This tion period – 10 hours after lights on.
Manual nest: dirty and not enough nesting material: Type of nest in family cage
ALWAYS keep a clean and comfortable nest!
Housing House Prep. / Brooding Growing Rearing Transfer Onset of Production Production
Systems Arrival of Chicks 1 – 21 days 3 – 9 weeks 9 – 15 weeks 15 – 18 weeks 18 – 22 weeks 22 – 75 weeks
The management in the rearing period is birds. Therefore, the importance of opti- If we don’t provide perches or stimulate the
critical to success in the training for nest mizing the rearing periods, particularly for pullets to jump on platforms in the rearing
use: birds going into cage free housing systems house, the chances to have a non-desirable
Use of perches, water tables, etc.
is extremely important. Environments with % of floor eggs could be high.
Lighting management.
simple rearing systems are not cognitively
stimulating or spatially complex enough to
The first 8 to 10 weeks post-hatch are criti- adapt pullets to navigate in aviary or even on
cal to imprint the desirable behavior in our floor system.
Optimal set-up: with drinker lines close to the nest but not Wrong management of Manual nests: nests without platform.
blocking the access to them, and a feeder line with the right This structure is necessary to enhance the hens to explore and
height preventing laying eggs underneath it. use the nests. Always keep enough and clean bed material.
Rearing Check weekly male’s body weight (always at If their dominancy develops too early, the
Males and females should be reared togeth- standard) and uniformity (> 85 %). There are males are getting active before a sufficient
er from the first day if they are going to be two critical periods when the body weight number of females is sexually mature, and
under natural mating conditions in produc- gain is extremely important and must meet as a result the males start chasing females,
tion. Males from white breeders without the standard, the first is between 2 and 10 over-mating occurs, males start fighting
comb treatment need to be separate until 7 weeks of age, when the reproductive organs each other, females are getting damaged
to 8 weeks of age to select the sexing errors. are developing and then, after light stimula- and scared and as a final result, fertility is too
Do not dub brown males unless you have tion where is a fast growth of the testis. low.
problems with feeders/grills in rearing or
production. At 10 weeks of age and then before transfer If their dominancy develops too late, the
Don’t beak treat males (if you think you (light stimulation) from rearing to the laying males will not become dominant over the fe-
should beak treat them, ask H&N Technical house a selection of the males should be males and will be scared to mate with them.
service for advice). When is possible, males made to only keep males in good conditions. The males can be physically well developed
should be comb treated to avoid problems Males with low body condition, leg problems, but will not mate because they think they
with feeder lines grills. This is a must when skeletal defects or bad feather cover will be are not able to do so and as a result, again
they will be housed in cages. sorted out. Furthermore sharp, hooked, short fertility is too low.
Males should be healthy and develop ac- or uneven beaks should be selected since
cording to the standards as a predisposition they can damage the females at mating. Production
for good mating behavior and good sperm All time, the stage of development should Males in natural mating should develop
quality. To achieve this, is important to follow match to the development of the females dominance over the females otherwise they
the recommended stocking density, feeder based on comb, wattle and feather as indi- will not mate. Therefore, is important to keep
and drinker spaces. cators: an eye on the condition of the males during
the laying period and check weekly the Males with pale vents and underweighted
body weight development of the flock until should be sorted out.
week 30 and then biweekly. In family cages, is critical to keep an eye on
Monitor carefully and permanently the sex- the males quality and behavior, because
ual behavior of the flock and a good and the decline in fertility could be faster than
even distribution of the males (especially im- in floor systems. Every 2 weeks do fertility
portant in the afternoon, during the mating checks ad when necessary apply intra-spik-
period). An effort should be done to keep a ing or spiking. Always keep a group of extra
good feather cover, otherwise females with males in a pen (better if they are younger
naked backs will avoid males. than the flock; more details in the male’s
Depending on environmental condition the management Technical Tips.
mating ratio ranges between 8 and 10 males Red vent of an active male
per 100 females. In controlled environment, Production Male / Female
usually 8–9 % are optimal. In open or slatted System Ratio
floors and hot climate 9–10 % are recom- Floor / Aviary System 8 to 9 %
mended. Not always more is better, more Controlled Environment
males than needed causes disturbance in
Ful slat or Hot Climate 9 to 10 %
the flock resulting in reduced fertility.
It is a good practice to start at 20 weeks with Family Cages 10 %
9–10 % males in natural mating and 7 % in Artificial Insemination 6%
artificial insemination and proceed to select
males with poor condition during produc-
tion to achieve 8–9 % and 6 % respectively
of good quality males at 25–28 weeks of age
and during production (for male/female ra- If fertility problems appear in a flock check: Pale vent of an inactive male
tio in family cages please ask H&N Technical Bad physical conditions of the males and
Service). females (overweight or underweight).
Vent colour is a good indicator of the male’s Disease.
mating behavior, in an active male should be Nutritional deficiencies.
strong red and not pale and the variability of Sexual behavior of males and females.
vent colour between males should be small.
For furth
er inform
read the ation,
of Male’s l bulletin
Body Condition manage
Active, Vigilant
& Dominant
Skeletal Defects
Red Comb &
Vent Colour
Housing House Prep. / Brooding Growing Rearing Transfer Onset of Production Production
Systems Arrival of Chicks 1 – 21 days 3 – 9 weeks 9 – 15 weeks 15 – 18 weeks 18 – 22 weeks 22 – 75 weeks
Monitoring production data is essential for timely intention in response to any issues that occur in the weeks between the first
eggs and the production peak. Production data should be monitored daily or at least weekly.
Laying rate (% )
Body weight (g)
1300 20
1250 10
1200 0
20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Age in weeks
· Monitor
how well the flock has adapted to the laying house by measuring water consumption
daily and body weight weekly.
· Evaluate
crop filling score 24 hours after transfer.
· Control
the onset of lay and egg weight by correctly applying light stimulation.
· Never
decrease day length in the production period.
· Closely
monitor the increase in egg production, body weight (males and females),
feed and water consumption during the weeks preceding the production peak.
If the flock is not performing correctly, take corrective measures as soon as possible.
· Keep
an eye on male’s behavior especially during the last 4 hours of the lighting program.
· How to manage the flock to maintain optimal production levels during the production period.
· How to maintain the flock in good condition regarding body weight and feather covering.
· How to correctly manage the produced hatching eggs.
160 100
After reaching a good production peak,
H&N breeders should enter a production 140
plateau. Their genetic potential allows 80
them to maintain a high production level, 70
Lay (%) / Chicks HH / Hatch (%)
0 0
20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 60 62 64 266 68 70 72
Age in weeks
Lay % real Lay % Std. Chicks/HH real Chicks/HH Std. Hatch % real Hatch % Std.
Detailed laying cycle records are necessary conversion. All results should be presented This enables timely intervention in response
to evaluate performance and profitability. in graphs. to any irregularities and generates historical
Daily figures for hen-day production (total Use of graphs will improve analyses of flock data for more in-depth analysis of produc-
eggs and settable eggs), egg weight, feed performance trends. Growth records, accu- tion performance.
and water consumption and mortality are rate cage and / or pen counts are also very
necessary. This information will allow you to important. The spreadsheet should include H&N International provides you with good
calculate very important data including dai- the weekly hatchery results linked with the spreadsheets to enter your production data.
ly egg mass, cumulative egg mass and feed weekly farm results (weekly).
Act. M. Liveability
Act. fem. Liveability
% Hatching Eggs
Act. hen number
Saleable Chicks
per H.H.
per H.H.
per H.H.
per H.H.
per H.D.
Lay drop Low feed intake, low water intake, stress factors, feed quality, decreasing light program, pathology
Low feed consumption Temperature, water supply, feed quality, inadequate feeder space, incorrect feed supply, pathology
Low egg weight Temperature, low feed consumption, low body weight at light stimulation,
incorrect feed formulation
Low body weight Incorrect feed formulation, low feed intake, high stocking density
Floor eggs / System eggs Incorrect training during rearing (use perches), not enough nest space, wrong nest structure,
easy access to the nest, not optimal nest management (open and close), draft inside the nests,
dark spots on the house, aggressive males at the beginning of production, feeding during
production peak, wrong lighting program, wrong feeders management, feeder to close to the nest,
low water flow, feeder and bell drinkers height (prevent hens laying under them).
When slats are too high (> 45 cm), place ramps to facilitate the access from the litter area.
Cracked eggs Ca/P ratio, Ca particle size, temperature, water quality, pathology, incorrect egg collection
management, incorrect feed formulation, incorrect grading machine maintenance. Incorrect nest
management and/or nest space. Compartmentalization in the production house helps to reduce
the number of cracked and dirty eggs by ensuring an adequate use of the nest space.
Stained eggs Water quality, pathology, incorrect egg collection management, incorrect feed formulation,
incorrect grading machine maintenance, high stocking density, pest/diseases
Too many males –> Check and adjust the male: female ratio; Place male and female together since
Males aggression
day 1 or no later than 3–4 weeks of age (exception males with full comb). Keep the body weight
at start of production
close to the standard. In rearing, if the body weight is too way ahead of standard they will be
sexually active earlier than females and could be aggressive towards them. If males weren’t rearing
together with females and/or body weight is more than 15 % ahead of standard and/or more than
45 % heavier than females is good to transfer them, starting with a low number and gradually add
more males until you get the right ratio. When aggression start in rearing you can have a ratio of
4 % and slowly add more males. Also, compartmentalization and placing perches help to reduce
male aggression.
Infertility Males problem: too many, not enough, bad quality males, too old or too young; incorrect
feed formulation (vitamins and minerals); high stocking density (especially in colony cages),
females with bad plumage, overweight males and/or females.
Housing House Prep. / Brooding Growing Rearing Transfer Onset of Production Production
Systems Arrival of Chicks 1 – 21 days 3 – 9 weeks 9 – 15 weeks 15 – 18 weeks 18 – 22 weeks 22 – 75 weeks
Feather coverage is a key indicator of the Poor feathering can also be caused by stress Monitoring feather condition can help sig-
hen’s body condition. If hens lose their feath- or pecking. Excessive feather loss can be due nal potential problems caused by aggres-
ers, a drop-in fertility could happen because to various factors including: sion, nutritional deficiencies or other prob-
females would feel uncomfortable during lems.
mating. Also, their thermal insulation capac- Poor nutrition
ity will remain seriously impaired impacting Pecking or social aggression
directly on feed intake and maintenance en- High stocking density
ergy needs. It therefore means an increase in Harsh housing conditions
the production feed costs. High male's percentage (> 10 %)
Occasionally, aggression and cannibalism can be applied to help prevent aggression Correct beak trimming – if permitted in
can occur in the flock. This can affect hen and cannibalism: your country
welfare and their production performance. Control light intensity Stress avoidance (noises, light intensity var-
Behavior-related issues can have multiple Correct rations, especially amino acids, so- iation, etc.)
causes, but certain management practices dium and fiber content Enrich the hens environment
Adjust male: female ratio
50–60 %
of the amount
of feed
(Ad Libitum)
Low feed level
in the trough
Midnight Snack This management technique is used to in- to 20 minutes before the lights off to help
crease feed intake and allow calcium avail- breeders to look for the right place to sleep.
ability in the hours when the eggshell is
3h formed, and its absorption is increased. It Midnight lighting can be used with different
consists of lighting in the dark period to objectives:
2h allow hens to feed and refill the crop. The Increase in feed consumption. It can be
following guidelines should be followed for used in rearing and/or production. It is es-
correct application: pecially useful in hot climates where birds
3h Switch on the lighting for at least one hour are unable to feed properly in day time.
Housing House Prep. / Brooding Growing Rearing Transfer Onset of Production Production
Systems Arrival of Chicks 1 – 21 days 3 – 9 weeks 9 – 15 weeks 15 – 18 weeks 18 – 22 weeks 22 – 75 weeks
Egg process
Egg formation is a complex process that Lay is a critical moment for hens. If possible, may occur. Therefore, avoid disturbing hens
occurs in the oviduct of the hen. The whole they prefer a protected and dark area. The during maximum laying hours to reduce this
process takes around 24 hours, but forming cloaca could be reversed during the lay pro- kind of defect. This means not disturbing
the eggshell takes most of the time (18–21 cess which can encourage cannibalism. them by removing dead birds, feed distribu-
hours). If hens retain eggs due to stress, shell defects tion, inspecting flock.
Laying window
The laying window is defined as the time in Lay distribution during the day
hours since the lay of the first egg to the last
one. Its range varies between breeds of hens.
Brown Egg Layers White Egg Layers
50 % of the lay takes place around 14 hours
after switching off lighting or after the sun-
set. It is useful to know when most of the
eggs have been laid. This information can
also be used to advance or delay the time of 20
Eggs (%)
Mating behavior
· Ensure
a gain in body weight and correct development to maintain egg production.
· Correct
management of feed distribution and feeding times
· Monitor
body weight and feather covering in both, males and females.
· Monitor
production outputs to enable corrective measures as soon as possible.
· Keep
an eye on male behavior during the whole period. Especially important during both, the
after transfer and production onset. Keep selecting weak and poor females and males.
· Evaluate
the mating behavior in the first 3–4 weeks after light stimulation.
· Floor,
system and dirty eggs are NOT hatching eggs.
· The
fertile egg contains a living embryo which has all the genetic potential of H&N International.
In order to enable embryo express this potential during incubation and later in life as pullet and
laying hen, good hatching egg quality is essential.
o r m a t i o n please
For more e a n d read our
web s i t
visit H&N a g e ment Gu
M a n
Hatchery w n l o a d section
in the do
to develop the skeleton and muscle of the pullet at each phase.
to develop the feed intake capacity for the start of lay.
Week 5 10 15
Starter A minimum of added fat will reduce the
A minimum of added fat will reduce the
Crumble feed presentation will improve
dustiness of the mash feed (1 – 2 % based dustiness of the mash feed (1 – 2 % based
growth and make it easier to reach the on cost impact). on cost impact).
standard body weight. Developer Others
It could be interesting to invest in highly di-
Crude fibre level needs to be as high as pos-
Calcium particle size in pullet feed should
gestible raw materials if they are available. sible based on the available raw materials be fine (average 1 mm).
Soy oil or coconut oil are better sources of
(> 3 %, up to 5.5 %). See possible raw mate- Enzymes: use and effect in the diet should be
energy than palm oil: at least during the rials to supply the necessary fibre (table 9). based on the available substrate in the diet.
first three weeks of age. These values can be applied, or even ex- Antioxidants: protect against oxidation of
A minimum of 0.30 % of salt will help to in-
ceeded, as long as they are of good quality. the oils in the feed mill and the oxidation
crease feed intake. If the available raw materials don't allow
of fats and others in the diet.
Grower you to follow the recommendations be- Organic minerals: provide additional ben-
Transition to mash feed if the starter was
low. Your Nutritionist should make a pro- efits to the existing inorganics and may
crumble feed. portionally higher specification and the reduce the inclusion levels of the minerals.
A minimum of 0.28 % of salt will help to
feed mill needs to make a higher particle
have enough feed intake. size feed to compensate the lack of fibre.
Fibre in the diet Fibre can be classified like:
The feed intake development is one of
The total dietary fibre (TDF) is a sum of wa- The energy requirement in feed is given
the key factors for developing a pullet ter soluble fibre (WSF), neutral detergent fi- as a range because of the several systems
ready to lay. The feed intake capacity is re- bre (NDF), acid detergent fibre (ADF) crude available for energy evaluation.
lated to the gut size, the addition of fibre fibre (CF) and acid detergent lignin (ADL). Amino acids
in the diet expands the size of the gut and The addition of certain level of fibres since
They follow the recommended Ideal Pro-
improves the feed intake capacity. early ages will support the feed intake ca- tein Ratio (table 7)
The fibre concept is getting complex in
pacity (see table 10).
Vitamins and minerals
poultry. There is new knowledge showing There are several raw materials that can
See table 8
how different types have a different effect. supply the necessary fibre in the diets to
develop the feed intake capacity (table 9)
Table 6: Nutrient recommendations for rearing period
* without phytase
Hatching Egg Rearing Onset Laying Feed Feed
Management Nutrtion Nutrition Nutrition Structure Quality
Table 7: Ideal Protein Ratio in rearing Table 9: Inclusion level of raw materials rich in fibre
Methionine 44 % 45 % 47 % DDGs 5 – 20
Sunflower meal 5 – 15
Lupins 5 – 10
Table 8: Vitamin and trace mineral recommendation
in rearing per kg of feed Oat hulls 2–4
Vitamin A* IU 10000
Table 10: Crude fibre levels in rearing
Vitamin D3 IU 2000
Vitamin E IU 20 – 30 0–5 6 – 10 11 – 17
weeks weeks weeks
Vitamin K3 mg 3**
Vitamin B2 mg 6
Maximum 4% 5% 6.5 %
Vitamin B6 mg 3
Pantothenic acid mg 8
Nicotinic acid mg 30
Biotin mcg 50
Cholin mg 300
Coccidiostat as required
Manganese*** mg 60
Zinc*** mg 50
Iron mg 25
Copper*** mg 10
Iodine mg 0.5
Selenium*** mg 0.3
* Higher level might be possible according to local state and national regulations.
** double in case of heat treated feed
*** levels of organic trace minerals
How to develop feed intake as the bird is growing and laying its first egg
Energy 265 – 275 kcal/hen/day
1.109 – 1.151 MJ/hen/day
Crude protein 16.0 g/hen/day
·How to feed hens for achieving as many as saleable eggs as possible during the laying period.
Chart 1: Flow diagram based on raw materials variability through the feed management on farm
Feed intake
as planned
Feed management on farm Morning (40 % feed intake) Afternoon (60 % feed intake)
Due to the variability of the raw ma- 25
Recommendations below are based on
There are different models to approach
will need further adjustments by the nu-
egg mass production. the energy evaluation, literature refer- tritionist based on the digestibility of the
After the Onset feed it is recommended
ences (INRA, FEDNA, NRC . . .) usually in diets of each customer. The formulation
to use the 55–57 egg mass recommen- MEn and calculations based on formulas, can be done using total or digestible AA.
dation until the target egg weight is whereby the different elements of the Do not use both values at the same time.
achieved. The other recommendations raw materials are taken into account. Due Working with digestible AA is highly rec-
can be applied to control the egg size on to the variability of the values given by ommended when low digestible raw ma-
target or when the egg mass production different systems, the recommendation terials are used in the diet (see table 19 for
drops as the layer hen gets older. of energy is defined as a range. the Ideal Protein Ratio recommendation).
Energy Energy recommendation is calculated for a
Minerals and vitamins
The energy recommendation of this
specific body weight of the bird and might The vitamin and mineral requirement is
guide doesn't take into account the effect need adjustments (see foot notes of table 12). shown in table 16.
of the temperature in the needs of the Amino acids Ca/P
layer hen. It needs additional adjustments Most of the amino acid intake will be used
Ca and P requirement is shown in table 20.
by the nutritionist. for egg mass production. The egg mass, • Adapt the data in table 15 to suit the
Most of the energy intake will be used
% lay x egg size, drives the amino acid feed intake target.
for maintenance. The body weight of the needs (chart 4) • Example: Av P requirement after peak 380
bird drives the energy requirement (see The total amino acid recommendation is
mg: if feed intake is 115 grams, the mini-
chart 3). based on a feed with 85 % digestibility. It mum amount in feed should be 0.33 %.
Chart 3: Daily requirements of energy of the bird Chart 4: Daily requirements of digestible Methionine
400 500
Maintenance Growth Egg mass
Maintenance Growth Egg mass
kcal / day / bird
mg/ day / bird
200 250
0 0
19 22 25 28 31 34 37 40 43 46 49 52 55 58 61 64 67 70 73 76 79 19 22 25 28 31 34 37 40 43 46 49 52 55 58 61 64 67 70 73 76 79
Age in weeks Age in weeks
Crude Protein Ca/P balance Others
Using the minimum amount of crude
Levels of Ca and P must be adapted as the
Enzymes: use and effect in the diet should
protein is recommended if there is limited layer hen gets older. be based on the available raw materials in
information about the raw materials. An excess or deficiency of P can cause
the diet.
eggshell issues in the short or long term. Antioxidants: protect against oxidation of
Fat Coarse limestone is necessary for egg-
the oils in the feed mill and the oxidation
Added fat will reduce the dustiness of
shell quality. It can be replaced in part by of fats and others in the diet.
mash feed (1 – 2 % based on cost impact). oyster shells. Organic minerals: provide additional ben-
Table 23 indicates the limestone particle
efits to the existing inorganics and may
ratio in layers. reduce the inclusion levels of the miner-
Table 22 indicates how much grit should
be added directly to the feeding system.
Hatching Egg Rearing Onset Laying Feed Feed
Management Nutrtion Nutrition Nutrition Structure Quality
Table 12: Nutrient requirement for a daily egg mass target of 55 – 57 g/hen for Super Nick PS
Table 13: Nutrient requirement for a daily egg mass target of 52 – 54 g/hen for Super Nick PS
Hatching Egg Rearing Onset Laying Feed Feed
Management Nutrtion Nutrition Nutrition Structure Quality
Table 14: Nutrient requirement for a daily egg mass target of < 51 g/hen for Super Nick PS
600 540 480 430
Av. Phosphorus
420 380 340 300
Dig. Phosphorus
360 325 290 255
Levels can be changed based on the use and the levels of phytase
Table 16: V
itamin and trace mineral Tabel 17: A
ddition of Coarse calcium Table 19: I deal protein ratio
recommendation in Lay at farm in the afternoon in layer hens
per kg of feed
Week Grams Lay
Lysine 100 %
Vitamin A* IU 10000 18 – 25 1.0
Methionine 50 %
Vitamin D3 IU 2500 26 – 45 2.0
Met. + Cys. 92 %
Vitamin E IU 75 – 100
46 – 70 3.5 Threonine 70 %
Vitamin K3 mg 3**
> 70 4.0 Tryptophan 24 %
Vitamin B1 mg 1
Ile 80 %
*Review the formulation to balance it in
Vitamin B2 mg 10 Calcium Valine 88 %
Vitamin B6 mg 6
Arginine 104%
Vitamin B12 mcg 30
Tabel 18: P
article size distribution
Pantothenic acid mg 20 recommendation in layer
Nicotinic acid mg 50
Week Fine* Coarse**
Folic acid mg 2
Vitamin C mg 150 18 – 25 35 % 65 %
Iodine mg 0.5
Selenium*** mg 0.3
* Higher level might be possible according to local state and national regulations.
** double in case of heat treated feed
*** levels of organic trace minerals
Hatching Egg Rearing Onset Laying Feed Feed
Management Nutrtion Nutrition Nutrition Structure Quality
Mash feed is the most commonly used feed Crumble and pellet forms can be used as Key points of the uniformity in mash diets
throughout the world. Layer hens tend to long as the structure holds in the feeding Grinding of the raw materials
eat the larger particles avoiding the fine system of the birds and it doesn't become a Particle size of the protein sources
particle s which is where most of the key nu- fine particle mash. Addition of liquids like oil that reduces the
trients are. Therefore, it is vital for successful dustiness of feed
nutrition to have a uniform particle struc- Reduction of fine particle raw materials
ture. It is even more important in non-beak A good feed structure is even more impor-
treated birds. tant with non beak treated birds.
See table 20 and 21 for feed particle size in
Table 20: Pullet feed particle size Table 21: Layer feed particle size pullet and layer feeds.
> 0.5 < 0.71 mm 8.8 > 0.5 < 0.71 mm 7.1
Nutrients Mycotoxins
diet. Extremely important is the prevention
Good information is needed to formulate a of SALMONELLA; stronger control measures Follow the guidelines available in your coun-
realistic diet. A combination of available liter- than laying hens. try and literature to prevent negative effects
ature, wet chemistry methods and/or NIR is on layer hen health and production. Adapt
necessary to generate an updated matrix of Oxidation the use of mycotoxin binders to suit the level
the raw materials we use. Oils in the feed mill and fat in the diet are the of risk in the diet and the contamination load
commonest components of oxidation. The in the raw materials.
Microbiology quality control plan of raw materials should
There are no specific guidelines in place, include analysis of the oxidation status of Antinutritional factor
however the lower the contamination, the oils, evaluating at least two parameters of Good understanding of the ANF will allow
better the performance parameters. Ensure the available methods. higher or lower inclusion levels of the raw
adequate control measures are in place to materials.
prevent microbiological risk factors in the
· Adjust
the feed to the needs of the birds based on the body weight and egg mass produced.
· Calcium
and phosphorus requirements change as the layer hen gets older.
· Excess
and deficiencies have a negative effect in egg shell quality.
· Feed
structure should be attractive for the layer hens, so they eat a complete diet.
· Thorough
information of nutrient and microbiological quality is key for a good performance.
How to control the effect of temperature on the birds.
How to provide good quality water to the birds.
How to control the effect of the light on the birds.
Heat loss occurs due to the movement of
the air which permits the transfer of heat
from the hen’s body to the air. This process Radiation
can be promoted by providing fast air move-
ment around the hen. Convection
Heat transfer from surface to surface. Nor-
mally, it is relatively unimportant as the con-
tact surface is small
and the temperature of the litter or of the
cage is not significantly different from the
body temperature.
This is the transmission of heat from a warm
object to a cold one. Heat loss is proportion-
al to the temperature difference between
the body surface and the surrounding air.
Birds use evaporation to stabilize their body
temperature by increasing the respiration Conduction
rate through panting, which is very effective.
(%) 100
Loss of heat by radiation, conduction and convection
Loss of heat by respiration
37.8 °C 26.7 °C 15.6 °C 4.4 °C
98.6 °F 80.1 °F 59.0 °F 39.2 °F
Room temperature Source: Bell and Weaver, 2002
The ambient temperature has a great influence on egg production.
Layers perform well over a wide range of temperatures. Temperature
fluctuations between 21 °C and 27 °C (69.8 °F and 80.6 °F) have a mini-
mal effect on egg production, egg size and shell quality. Feed conver-
sion improves with higher house temperatures, and maximum efficien-
cy is attained in the 21 – 27 °C (69.8 – 80.6 °F) range. As the temperature
rises, however, the following parameters could be affected:
Feed intake
Egg weight
Egg production
Eggshell quality
Temperature always has a height gradient. Careful consideration
should be taken in cage systems. Courtesy of M. Czarick – UGA
A uniform temperature throughout the house is very important. Good
ventilation management and thermal insulation should help to reduce
or eliminate temperature variations, specially between day and night.
Temperature Effects
°C °F
Roof insulation is the corner stone for a correct house temperature
< 20 °C < 51.8 °F Increased feed conversion and ventilation in hot or cold weather.
Courtesy of M. Czarick – UGA
Ideal temperature for good per-
20–27 °C 51.8–77 °F formance and
feed conversion.
Severe panting and respiratory Fans or windows don't have the same insulation capacity as the
alkalosis. walls. They can create uncomfortable areas for the birds.
40–42 °C 104–107.6 °F Courtesy of M. Czarick – UGA
Increased mortality due to heat
Shades in open houses
High temperatures, especially over a long During period of hot temperature, the drink-
period, can cause serious losses to the poul- er lines should be flushed every day and at
try farmer. The effects of heat stress are de- least one time per day at the start of lighting
layed onset of lay, lower performance, de- program, to get fresh water into the system.
creased feed intake, increased mortality and
drop in the fertility. Therefore, to minimize Feeding times
financial losses, every effort should be made Do not feed at the hottest time of the day.
to maintain an ambient temperature in the A good strategy is to withhold feed five to
house that is within the bird’s comfort zone. eight hours prior to the anticipated time of
If this is not possible, corrective measure peak temperature. Feeder chains should be
should be taken: run frequently to stimulate feed intake. The
feeder should remain empty for about two
Ventilation hours per day in the afternoon, to promote a
The ventilation system should be checked better appetite and ensure that the fine par-
before the hot weather arrives. Fans should ticles are consumed, which usually consist
be cleaned and fan belts should be tight- of minerals, vitamins and amino acids. To in-
ened and replaced if necessary. The inlets crease feed consumption, a midnight snack
must be adequate to supply the air flow can be implemented.
needed, they should be clean and not ob-
struct the flow of the incoming air. Tunnel Feed formulation
ventilation and cooling pads are the pre- Since feed intake is reduced during hot
ferred ventilation system. weather periods, the general feeding ap-
proach is to increase the energy content in
Low stocking density the feed to keep daily energy intake at the
The stocking density should be in accord- level necessary for optimum performance
ance with the environmental conditions. If under these conditions.
the housing density is too high, the radiant
heat between the birds will accumulate, Hatching egg collection
the temperature will increase and air will be High temperatures require to collect the
prevented from circulating around the birds eggs more frequently to minimize incuba-
Water reservoir
properly. They should be enough space for tion conditions inside the nests.
the birds to separate in order to pant and
droop and slightly lift their wings away from ·
Check the
the body to maximize responsible heat loss. Hot Climate Management Guide
Physical quality
Water is the most important and critical Tabel 23: Drinking water parameters
nutrient for hens. Any water privation will The content of minerals and other elements
directly impact feed consumption and pro- can greatly impact egg production and hen Element Maximum Limit
duction. If privation exceed 24 hours, egg health. Even if corrective measures can be No. of Bacteria
10 – 50
production will be severely affected. If pri- taken, it is very difficult and expensive to al- per ml
vation exceed 48 hours, high mortality will ter the chemical characteristics of water. A No. of Coli forms
occur in the flock. It is therefore essential to good quality water source is a huge advan- per ml
provide a good quality, stable and reliable tage when a new farm is under construction. Organic Substances 1 mg / litre
source of water. Better still, ensure there are The physical and chemical water quality
two water sources. must be monitored and samples taken at Nitrates 0 – 15 mg / litre
least every year.
Ammonia 0 mg / litre
Microbiological quality
Water can act as a disease carrier if it is con- Refusing water Cloudiness /
taminated at the source. Moreover, a poor In some cases, hens can refuse water. This Turbidity
microbiological quality of water can affect situation is the same as water privation: Iron 0.3 mg / litre
gut health and lead to pathologic issues that
affect production. Temperature: hens will decrease their
Manganese 0.1 mg / litre
The microbiological quality at the water water consumption when water is above
Copper 1.0 mg / litre
source should be monitored and samples 24° C, but will refuse it above 32 °C
should be taken at least once per year. This Taste: hens do not have a very developed Zinc 5 mg / litre
is even more important if water comes from sense of taste but will refuse to drink water
surface sources. with a unpleasant taste. Some water addi- Calcium 75 mg /litrel
Even if the water source is of excellent quali- tives or antibiotics can produce this effect.
ty, chlorination or an alternative treatment is Magnesium 50 mg / litre
highly recommended. Treatment of surface ·
Always when you apply a product
Sulphates 200 mg / litre
water is compulsory. through the water lines must check
that the water flow isn’t impaired Chlorides 200 mg / litre
21 °C 32 °C
2 4 4 8 10 12 14 16 18
Age in weeks
Calcium < 75 mg / l There is no maximum limit. However, Same treatment as for water hardness.
> 110 mg / l could cause scale buildup.
Iron < 0.3 mg / l Metallic taste of water, gastrointestinal Treatments include the addition of
disorders, decreases efficiency of vaccine some oxidant such as chlorine, chlorine
and medications. Blockage of water dioxide or ozone then aerate and filter
pipes, bad smell and/or taste, encourages through an appropriate mechanical
bacterial growth. filtration process.
Magnesium < 125 mg / l >125 mg/l could cause wet manure due to Same treatment as for water hardness.
its laxative effect. Level above 50 mg/l in
conjunction with high levels of sulfate
or chloride could also produce a laxative
Manganese < 0.05 mg / l Can be deposited in the form of black Similar to iron but can be more difficult
granules in filters and drinkers. to remove due to the slow reaction it
has with chlorine.
Therefore, It needs a long contact time
with chlorine prior to filtration unless
an iron ion exchange resin
is used when pH is 6.8 or higher.
The filtration should be done at a pH
around 8.5. Another option is green
sand filters with a pH greater than 8.0.
Nitrate < 15 mg / l Very high levels reduce the absorption of Reverse osmosis; ion exchange.
(nitrites < 1 mg / l) oxygen (apathetic birds, violaceous combs,
and wattles), low fertility, lower feed intake,
lower weight gain and production.
pH 5–8 Less than 5 can produce metal corrosion. Organic or acid minerals to lower the
Higher than 8 can affect the performance pH. Basic agents to raise pH.
of disinfectants and the taste of water.
Potassium < 300 mg / l Effects will depend on water alkalinity and
Chlorides-chlorine < 250 mg / l Laxative effect, wet manure, reduced feed
intake and increased water consumption.
Keep in mind that levels of 14 ppm can
cause problems if sodium is > 50 ppm.
Sodium 50 – 300 mg / l Together with high levels of chlorine or Reverse osmosis, lower dietary salt
sulfate can cause diarrhea. In addition, it level blend with non-saline water,
can promote the growth of Enterococci. keep water clean and
Level > 600 mg / l could produce alterations permanently use sanitizers such as
in eggshell quality. hydrogen peroxide or iodine to
There may be problems when lower con- prevent bacterial growth.
centrations (< 50 mg / l) are accompanied
by chlorides ≥ 14 ppm or sulfates > 50 ppm.
Sulfate < 200 mg / l Laxative effect. If high levels of magnesium Aerate water in a storage tank to
and chloride or sulfate are also present prevent air bubbles from entering
(> 50 mg/l), a decrease in performance can water lines.
occur. The presence of rotten egg odor Apply chlorine shots into the well,
can mean that there is a high concentration without stopping the normal
of hydrogen which is a byproduct of disinfection program.
sulfate-reducing bacteria.
Alkalinity < 100 mg / l It is a value associated with bicarbonate, Acidification (pH target < 6,5), anion
sulfates, and calcium carbonate. It can give exchange to reduce the water alkalinity
a bitter taste to water which can reduce and aeration.
water intake and be corrosive to
evaporative panels.
High alkalinity levels make more difficult to
lower the water pH.
Water hardness < 150 mg / l Water hardness can produce scale that Water softeners (do not use if sodium
deposit on the inner surface of pipes. levels are high unless potassium
Main factors are calcium and magnesium. chloride is used instead
Iron and manganese can also contribute of sodium chloride). Polyphosphates
but in lesser extent. sequester the ions involved in hardness
Very high levels can also impact on and keep them in solution.
medications and vaccines. Acidify to a pH < 6,5.
Zinc < 1.50 mg / l Higher levels are toxic. Filtration methods.
Total < 1500 ppm Levels between 4000 to 7000 ppm can Filtration methods.
dissolved solids (< 3 weeks of age) produce diarrhea.
Concentration > 7000 ppm isn’t
< 3000 ppm
recommended for drinking water.
(> 3 weeks of age)
Good air quality should be guaranteed in Table 24: Air Movement
the house by using proper ventilation, so
Weeks Ambient Temperature
there is a low concentration of gases and of age
dust. At the same time, the temperature in 32 21 10 0 –12 –13
the house should be optimally maintained
1 360 180 130 75 75 75
between 18 – 24 °C with a relative humidity
of 50 – 60 %. 3 540 270 180 136 110 110
The rate of ventilation is determined by the
temperature, however when this parameter 6 1250 630 420 289 210 210
is reached a minimum ventilation level must
be guaranteed. This minimum is normally 12 3000 1500 800 540 400 400
calculated in m2/body weight/hour but the
18 7140 3050 2240 1500 600 600
real aim is the correct management of these
parameters: 19+ 9340–12000 5100–6800 3060–4250 1020–1700 700–1050 700–850
Relative humidity
m3/hour/1000 birds
CO2 > 5000 ppm
CO > 50 ppm
NH3 > 25 ppm
Transition System
1. Used when temperature rise but tunnel
ventilation cannot be used. (Not available,
cold weather, young chicks)
2. Air still is directed to the roof.
3. Main function is to reduce the house tem-
Tunnel System
1. Used in hot weathers and only in adult
feathered birds.
2. It generates a high-speed flow at bird’s
level. It helps to cool the birds by the wind
chill effect
3. Most important driver for this system is
the air velocity at bird’s level
Birds vision differs from that of humans in when creating light programs and the light a strobe light effect on hens and encourage
vision spectra. Hens can see ultraviolet and color choice. feather pecking and cannibalism.
infrared light. This fact should be considered
Hens need proper In addition, hens can see perfectly in a low
light with an adequate light intensity ambiance. Light intensity will
light intensity and the vary during the different production stages
correct photoperiod. but keep in mind that the higher the light
The best source of intensity, the more active the hens will be. It
light for production can be positive (as in the case of brooding)
is a high frequency or negative ( as in the case of cannibalism
(> 200 Hz) bulb emit- during laying). In any case, light intensity var-
ting light within the iation during the day should be avoided as it
warm color spectrum can cause high stress level in the hens. Direct
(2,500–3,500 K). Low sunlight should also be avoided for the same
frequency fluorescent reason.
tubes or energy saving
bulbs (50–100 Hz) have
Wavelength (nm)
Slats Slats
Litter / Scratch Litter / Scratch
· Temperature has a critical impact and must be well managed to achieve good production.
· In warm weather, take corrective measures to reduce the impact of temperature.
· Water is a key nutrient. Ensure that a good quality water supply is accessible to all hens.
· Maintain good air quality and distribution through correct ventilation.
· Remember that light impacts significantly on hen behavior.
How to get reliable information to make good decisions.
Weigh weekly
Accumulated How to do shank measurements
Mortality (%)
Formula =
No. of dead birds so far x 100
initial No. of housed birds
all weighed birds – A1 – B2
all weighed birds
A1 =
No. of birds >= average BW x 1.1
B2 =
No. of birds <= average BW x 0.9
Hatchable eggs
per hen housed
No. of hatchable eggs
No. of hens housed in
production after transfer
· Understanding the importance of health programs in modern egg production.
· How to implement a biosecurity program.
· How to implement and monitor a vaccination program.
A biosecurity program plays a key role in should be implemented in a very practical biosecurity seriously and fail to follow the
maintaining hens in good health and, there- and structured way. An effective biosecurity procedures, the efforts of the others will not
fore, profitable production. Biosecurity can program is well-adapted to the production be rewarded.
be defined as all the procedures put in place structures and well-understood by all the It is essential to apply procedures systemat-
to prevent pathogens infecting hens and actors (staff, production managers, external ically. Sporadic application of a biosecurity
spreading to other poultry farms. suppliers, veterinarians, general manager program will not work.
To be effective, a biosecurity program etc.) at the farm. If certain actors do not take
Conceptual biosecurity Structural biosecurity Operational biosecurity
· This is the biosecurity related to the · This is the biosecurity related to · This is the biosecurity related to
farm design and its location of the the physical structures used at the how work on the farm should be
farm and its surroundings. farm to prevent the introduction or done to prevent the introduction or
spread of diseases. spread of diseases.
Ideally farms should be situated away from:
other poultry farms (including backyard Important components include: People are the key element to success
farms) Perimeter fences here. Good communication, which im-
other farms (other species) Surrounding buffer zone plies training, is essential to improve op-
Live bird markets Bird-proof elements erational biosecurity.
Hatcheries Entrance doors Clear and written biosecurity protocol
Slaughterhouses Disinfectant system in entrance door should be available for all the staff hav-
If these kind of facilities are near to the Shower or black/white room ing contact with the farms. Normally the
farm, structural and operational biosecu- Booth baths simplest rules work better than the com-
rity should be improved. If possible, new Work clothing and footwear plicated.
farms should be constructed in biose- Feed storehouse or silos
cure locations. Dead bird disposal
· This includes all measures taken to prevent the introduction of pathogens by visitors or material entering the farm.
Some basic rules:
Visit restriction
Only essential visits with a clear purpose are absolutely forbidden entry. If several Work clothing
should be permitted. All visits/visitors should company farms are visited on the same day, Specific work clothing must be available for
be considered as a risk for the flock. the sequence must be from younger flocks staff and visitors.
to older ones. Vehicle disinfection
Visitor register
A logbook should be available for visitors. Shower Vehicles must be disinfected prior to their
All visitors must fill in their name, date of The entrance to the farm must be done entry to the farm. If vehicle access to the
visit, purpose of visit, last visited farm and through a shower room. This should be di- farm is not a necessity, preferably park ve-
vehicle license number. vided into an outside or dirty area, a shower hicles outside the farm.
area and an interior or clean area. It must be Material /equipment disinfection
Visitor policy
a tidy, warm, pleasant area. Shower should All material must be disinfected prior to en-
Visitors coming from another external farm
be compulsory for everyone going in or out try to the farm. This is even more important
on the same day must not be permitted en-
the farm area. if the material comes from another farm.
try. Visitors from sites of a disease out-break
Closed gate with biosecurity signs Visitor register Farm clothes and shoes
Disinfection tunnel for vehicles Showers On farm washing machine and clothes dryer
· This includes all measures taken to prevent the introduction and spread of pathogens by vermin (esp. rodents and birds) and insects.
· This includes all measures related to training workers to do their jobs properly and observe biosecurity regulations.
Information, meetings and training days understand, respect and collaborate in the not raise poultry at home or come into
should be provided to staff and other peo- biosecurity program. contact with other birds (pigeons, hawks,
ple working on the farm to ensure that they It is also very important to ensure staff do ducks, …).
The quality of raw materials and hygiene
Chlorine or an alternative disinfectant should be
measures at the feed mill are vital to pro- added to drinking water. It has a dual purpose:
duce pathogen-free feed. firstly preventing the introduction of pathogens
Adding disinfectants is also recommended. by water and secondly reducing water recon-
Feed transport and feed storage should tamination while it is in the house pipeline.
be controlled to avoid contamination after See page 67 for more information on water
feed mill delivery. quality. Silos in good conditions
· This includes all measures to prevent the introduction of pathogens during waste removal.
If a severe infestation of mites or other parasites has occurred, take extra precautionary measures to eliminate or exclude the presence
of pests. See the disinfectant table for more details.
Table 25: Common disinfectants used in farms
Fungal spores
Gram +
Gram –
Chemical disinfectant
This includes all measures to prevent the introduction of vertically transmitted pathogens.
In order to achieve this, the breeder flock phoid leukosis, Mycoplasma gallisepti- Take into account that trucks and other
should remain disease-free. Sampling and cum, Mycoplasma synoviae, Salmonella equipment can be infected with patho-
analysis should be encouraged to check that pullorum, Salmonella gallinarum, Sallmo- gens or infested with parasites. Previous
one-day old chicks are not contaminated. nella enteritidis, Salmonella thyphimurium cleaning and disinfection of all of them is
H&N grandparent stock are free of lym- and other Salmonella species. strongly recommended.
Specific recommendations for individual Additional vaccinations for coccidiosis, Escheri- include, but are not limited to: previous expo-
farms are not possible, but the sample chia coli, Avian Influenza and the variant strains sure, geographic location, vaccination and ex-
vaccination program (table 26) is intend- of other disease-causing agents may also be posure of neighboring flocks, state regulations
ed as a very general guideline for vacci- needed. These decisions, however, need to and endemic disease-causing factors.
nations which are needed on most farms be made on a farm-by-farm basis after careful Ask for an adapted vaccine program from
worldwide. consideration of the risk factors involved which your local veterinarian
Salmonella enteritidis **
Chicken Anemia Virus
(vectored vaccine)
(vectored vaccine)
Newcastle disease
Newcastle disease
Newcastle disease
Gumboro disease
Gumboro disease
(high challenge)
Marek’s disease
Escherichia coli
Fowl Pox
EDS 76
1 SC
1 IM
1 SP
1 SP
0 1 SC 1 SP 1 SC 1 SP 1SC 1SP 1 DW
2 1 DW
2 SP/ 2 SP/ 1 SP/
3 2 DW
4 2 SP 3 DW
6 2 DW
2 SP/ 2 SP/ 2 SP/
7 1 IM 1 IM
DW 1 WI/
8 1ED 1WI
9 3 SP
3 SP/ 3 SP/ 3 SP/
11 1 WI 1DW
12 3 DW
14 1 IM 1 IM
15 1 IM 1 IM 1 IM 1 IM 1 IM 1 IM 1 IM
SC = Subcutaneous Injection SP = Spray
IM = Intramuscular Injection DW = Drinking Water Inactivated vaccines Live vaccines Recombinant vaccines
ED = Eye Drop WI = Wing Inoculation
* Flocks housed in floor system. Keep in mind that vaccine should recirculate in the house. ** It could interfere in the monitoring program.
and storage
Only accept vaccine in good
Preserve the cold chain at all
: Reconstitution
Follow manufacturer’s instruc-
tions carefully when adminis-
: Administering
Use the appropriate technique
to administer each vaccine.
Vaccinate only healthy chickens.
times. Avoid contact with disinfect-
Do not dilute or “cut” the vaccine.
Never freeze vaccine.
ants during the reconstitution Avoid contact with disinfectant
Never expose to sunlight.
process. when administering vaccine.
Store vaccine correctly and
Use the vaccine immediately
Avoid using medication and
check it regularly. after. antibiotics for three days
preceding and one week after
live bacteria vaccination.
Monitoring programs in breeder is essential problems in case of disease challenge. veterinarian. In case of nonconformities the
to produce high quality day-old chicks. This It is necessary to work in an orderly sys- adequate corrective measures must be tak-
is because it is the only way to test and ver- tematic and organized manner to the full en. Given the weighty and pressing of these,
ify that the breeding lots are free of vertical advantages of this program. First of all, it it is highly recommended to have a contin-
transmission diseases. On the other hand, is necessary to have access to a veterinary gency plan pre-agreed with the owners of
it is necessary to verify that the vaccination laboratory that reliably runs the demanded the bird breeders. In many countries, these
programs have been applied correctly and analyzes. Secondly, laboratory results should monitoring programs must conform to the
the lot will be protected against productive be read and filed on time by a responsible legislation of the country.
· Health
is vital to achieve the birds’ full genetic potential. Act before diseases become a limit-
ing factor for your performance!
· Implement
a real biosecurity program, not a paper biosecurity program.
· Adapt
the vaccine program to your epidemiological situation.
· Administer
vaccines according to the instructions. No vaccine program will work if vaccines
are administered incorrectly.
· Monitor
flock serology to indicate the effectiveness of your vaccination program.
· Monitor
flock serology to check that is free of vertical transmitted diseases.
· When
weekly mortality exceeds 0.1 % / week perform necropsies.
Pure Lines
+ 1 YEAR
These crosses have been extensively tested Several field tests with pedigreed birds are Breeding goals have become more com-
and proven to have the best combinability carried out under commercial conditions in prehensive including traits such as egg pro-
and hybrid vigour to deliver the optimum re- different locations worldwide. These data duction, reproduction traits, feed efficiency,
sults at the parent as well as the commercial is used to select birds that not only shows a egg quality traits but additionally these have
layer level. It is important that these crosses great performance under optimal conditions been complemented in the last decades
are done as planned and the right bird is in the breeding farm but also under commer- with other traits related with animal welfare,
used in the right position. That’s why is im- cial conditions, and selecting resilient birds animal behavior and suitability of birds to
portant that sexing errors are detected and that can cope with different challenges like cage-free housing systems.
sorted out as fast as possible. variable and poor feed quality, hot climate
and areas with high disease pressure.
Behavior Production
Health Efficiency
· The increased genetic potentials need to be “translated” into reality in commercial
practice. Disease control, farm management and nutrition have to keep pace with
genetic improvement.
Table 27: P
roduction performance of H&N Super Nick parent stock
under good management and moderate environment
Age Liveability Rate of Lay Egg Number Hatching Eggs Hatch % No. of Egg Body
saleable chicks weight weight
week % HD % HH cum. % cum. total saleable per cum. g Female Male
chicks chicks week g g
21 99.9 30.0 2.1 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 45.0 1400 1787
22 99.8 57.0 6.1 30 1.2 65.6 32.0 0.4 0.4 47.5 1438 1850
23 99.7 75.0 11.3 60 4.3 74.1 36.2 1.1 1.5 49.6 1472 1908
24 99.7 84.9 17.2 70 8.4 78.1 38.1 1.6 3.1 51.6 1502 1963
25 99.6 90.5 23.5 80 13.4 80.9 39.5 2.0 5.1 53.4 1529 2012
26 99.5 93.1 30.0 85 18.9 83.0 40.5 2.2 7.3 54.9 1553 2055
27 99.4 94.2 36.6 90 24.8 84.8 41.4 2.4 9.7 56.1 1574 2094
28 99.3 94.7 43.2 93 30.9 86.2 42.1 2.6 12.3 56.9 1592 2127
29 99.2 94.9 49.8 94 37.1 87.3 42.6 2.6 14.9 57.7 1607 2156
30 99.1 95.1 56.4 95 43.4 88.3 43.1 2.7 17.6 58.3 1619 2179
31 99.0 95.1 63.0 96 49.7 89.0 43.4 2.7 20.3 58.7 1628 2198
32 98.9 95.1 69.6 96 56.0 89.4 43.6 2.7 23.0 59.1 1633 2211
33 98.8 95.1 76.2 96 62.3 89.7 43.8 2.8 25.8 59.3 1636 2219
34 98.7 95.1 82.8 96 68.6 89.9 43.9 2.8 28.6 59.5 1638 2224
35 98.6 95.1 89.4 96 74.9 90.0 43.9 2.8 31.4 59.7 1640 2227
36 98.5 95.0 96.0 96 81.2 90.0 43.9 2.8 34.2 59.9 1642 2230
37 98.4 94.9 102.5 96 87.4 89.9 43.9 2.7 36.9 60.0 1644 2233
38 98.3 94.9 109.0 96 93.6 89.7 43.8 2.7 39.6 60.1 1646 2236
39 98.2 94.7 115.5 96 99.8 89.5 43.7 2.7 42.3 60.2 1648 2238
40 98.0 94.6 122.0 96 106.0 89.2 43.5 2.7 45.0 60.3 1650 2241
41 97.9 94.4 128.5 96 112.2 88.9 43.4 2.7 47.7 60.4 1652 2244
42 97.7 94.3 134.9 96 118.3 88.6 43.2 2.6 50.3 60.5 1654 2247
43 97.5 94.1 141.3 96 124.4 88.3 43.1 2.6 52.9 60.5 1656 2250
44 97.4 93.9 147.7 95 130.5 88.0 42.9 2.6 55.5 60.6 1658 2253
45 97.2 93.7 154.1 95 136.6 87.7 42.8 2.6 58.1 60.7 1660 2256
46 97.0 93.4 160.4 95 142.6 87.4 42.7 2.6 60.7 60.7 1662 2259
47 96.8 93.2 166.7 95 148.6 87.0 42.5 2.6 63.3 60.8 1664 2262
48 96.6 92.9 173.0 95 154.6 86.6 42.3 2.5 65.8 60.8 1666 2265
49 96.5 92.6 179.3 95 160.6 86.2 42.1 2.5 68.3 60.9 1668 2268
50 96.3 92.4 185.5 95 166.5 85.8 41.9 2.5 70.8 60.9 1670 2270
Table 27: P
roduction performance of H&N Super Nick parent stock
under good management and moderate environment
Age Liveability Rate of Lay Egg Number Hatching Eggs Hatch % No. of Egg Body
saleable chicks weight weight
week % HD % HH cum. % cum. total saleable per cum. g Female Male
chicks chicks week g g
51 96.1 92.1 191.7 95 172.4 85.4 41.7 2.5 73.3 61.0 1672 2272
52 95.9 91.8 197.9 94 178.2 85.0 41.5 2.4 75.7 61.0 1674 2274
53 95.7 91.4 204.0 94 183.9 84.6 41.3 2.4 78.1 61.1 1676 2276
54 95.5 91.1 210.1 94 189.6 84.2 41.1 2.3 80.4 61.1 1678 2278
55 95.3 90.7 216.2 94 195.3 83.8 40.9 2.3 82.7 61.2 1680 2280
56 95.1 90.4 222.2 94 200.9 83.3 40.7 2.3 85.0 61.2 1682 2282
57 94.9 90.0 228.2 94 206.5 82.8 40.4 2.3 87.3 61.2 1683 2284
58 94.6 89.5 234.1 94 212.0 82.3 40.2 2.2 89.5 61.3 1684 2286
59 94.4 89.1 240.0 93 217.5 81.8 39.9 2.2 91.7 61.3 1685 2288
60 94.2 88.7 245.8 93 222.9 81.3 39.7 2.1 93.8 61.3 1686 2290
61 94.0 88.2 251.6 93 228.3 80.8 39.4 2.1 95.9 61.4 1687 2292
62 93.8 87.7 257.4 93 233.7 80.3 39.2 2.1 98.0 61.4 1688 2294
63 93.5 87.2 263.1 93 239.0 79.7 38.9 2.1 100.1 61.4 1689 2296
64 93.3 86.7 268.8 92 244.2 79.1 38.6 2.0 102.1 61.5 1690 2298
65 93.0 86.1 274.4 92 249.4 78.5 38.3 2.0 104.1 61.5 1691 2300
66 92.8 85.6 280.0 92 254.6 77.9 38.0 2.0 106.1 61.5 1692 2302
67 92.5 85.0 285.5 92 259.7 77.3 37.7 1.9 108.0 61.5 1693 2304
68 92.3 84.4 291.0 91 264.7 76.7 37.4 1.9 109.9 61.5 1694 2306
69 92.0 83.8 296.4 91 269.6 76.1 37.1 1.8 111.7 61.6 1695 2308
70 91.7 83.1 301.7 91 274.4 75.4 36.8 1.8 113.5 61.6 1696 2309
71 91.4 82.5 307.0 90 279.2 74.7 36.5 1.8 115.3 61.6 1697 2310
72 91.2 81.8 312.2 90 283.9 74.0 36.1 1.7 117.0 61.6 1698 2311
73 90.9 81.1 317.4 90 288.6 73.3 35.8 1.7 118.7 61.6 1699 2312
74 90.6 80.4 322.5 90 293.2 72.6 35.4 1.6 120.3 61.6 1700 2313
75 90.3 79.6 327.5 90 297.7 71.9 35.1 1.6 121.9 61.6 1701 2314
We would like to thank following companies for sharing the pictures:
Mike Czarick – University of Georgia
Silvina Emacora – Cabaña Barhy
Carlos Gonzalez – Industria Genética Guatemala
Juan Pablo Villalda – Pronavicola
Luke Stalter – H&N North America
Nicole Paradis – Maritime Hatchery
Cory Cox – Maritime Hatchery
Pierre-David Cyr – Westco
Nova-Tech Engineering LLC
The information, advices and suggestions the time of publication, H&N International or productivity resulting from the use of,
given in this management guide should cannot accept responsibility for any errors, or otherwise respecting, such information
be used for guidance and educational omissions or inaccuracies in such informa- or management suggestions. In no event
purposes only, recognizing that local en- tion or management suggestions. H&N International be liable for any special,
vironmental and disease conditions may indirect or consequential damages or spe-
vary and a guide cannot cover all possible Further, H&N International does not war- cial damages whatsoever arising out of or
circumstances. While every attempt has rant or make any representations or guar- in connection with the use of the informa-
been made to ensure that the informa- antees regarding the use, validity, accura- tion or management suggestions contain-
tion presented is accurate and reliable at cy, or reliability of, or flock performance ing in this management guide.
H&N International GmbH
Am Seedeich 9 | 27472 Cuxhaven | Germany
Phone +49 (0)4721 564-0
E-mail: [email protected] | Internet:
Photo credits
H&N International GmbH
© H&N International