Nail Polish Remover
Nail Polish Remover
Nail Polish Remover
Our project is about investigating whether citric juice which contains Orange 2 1 2:1 ¾ removed
mainly citric acid, when mixed with vinegar, has the ability to remove nail
polish from nails. This project was chosen because women paint and Grape 2 1 2:1 ¾ removed
remove nail polish frequently, and so the results of this project will not
just benefit us, but all other women. This will also appeal to our peers
because we are from an all girls school. This investigation is important
because nail polish removers contain acetone which is harmful.
Overexposure of acetone can lead to damage of skin and nails, and
affect the eyes due to its volatility. The strong fumes can lead to nausea
and vomiting and may cause breathing difficulties. In extreme case,
constant contact with acetone may cause cancer. Therefore, we feel that
it is important to find an alternative for acetone that is organic and
Grapefruit: Vinegar Lime: Vinegar Lemon: Vinegar
natural, in the form of citrus fruits.
Acetone is the main chemical in a nail polish remover. Nail polish
contains the polymer nitrocellulose. Different elements have different
electro-negativities. Oxygen being slightly more electronegative than
nitrogen, becomes 𝛿 − while nitrogen becomes 𝛿 + in the polymer. The
oxygen in the acetone becomes 𝛿 − due to the higher electro-negativity
of oxygen. This results in a dipole-dipole interaction between the Orange: Vinegar Grape: Vinegar Control set-up (painted nail)
acetone and polymer in the nail polish. The dipole-dipole interaction We found that the mixture of lemon juice and vinegar in the ratio 2 : 1 gave
explains why acetone is able to remove the nail polish. Likewise, there us the best results as it removed almost all of the nail polish on the nail. The
is a dipole-dipole interaction between nitrocellulose and citric acid. The rest of the mixtures gave us results that were similar for the most part. We
𝛿 − oxygen in the COOH and OH functional groups of the citric acid will analysed the data collected by comparing the pictures and deciding which
be attracted to the 𝛿 + nitrogen in nitrocellulose in the nail polish, mixture removed the most polish. From there, we tried to gather more
forming an interaction between the citric acid and nail polish, allowing information on why that specific amount of lemon juice and that specific
the citric acid to remove the nail polish. amount of vinegar worked the best.
Another possible explanation is the lone pair of electrons in the The ratio, 2:1, is deduced through a series of experiments with other ratios
nitrocellulose. Nitrocellulose has an ether linkage. The oxygen bonds of citrus juice and vinegar namely 3:1 and 4:1. Generally, most fruits
with the two carbon atoms, forming covalent bonds. As oxygen has 6 remove nail polish well in the ratio of 2:1. When we used vinegar alone, the
valence electrons and only 2 valence electrons are bonded with the vinegar was hardly effective in removing nail polish. However, vinegar had
carbon atoms, the lone pair of electrons make the oxygen partially to be present in all the citric juices to be effective in removing the nail polish.
negative and the carbon becomes partially positive. Hence, the partially Both citric acid and vinegar contain the –COOH group, hence the ability of
negative oxygen in the acetone is attracted to the partially positive citric acid to remove nail polish may be due to the interactions of –OH
carbon in the nitrocellulose, forming an interaction. The interaction present with nitrocellulose which vinegar does not have. Vinegar is likely to
could be strong enough to break the covalent bond, breaking down the provide the optimum pH medium for the interactions between the citric acid
polymer. When we used the acetone and citric juices to remove the nail and nitrocellulose.
polish, it came off as tiny flakes, suggesting that the structure of the
polymer could have been destroyed. Besides citric acid being present in all citric juices, lemon juice has ascorbic
acid. From the structure of ascorbic acid, it has 4 –OH groups while citric
acid has only one. The increased number of –OH groups in lemon juice
would have increased the dipole-dipole interactions with nitrocellulose,
hence lemon was the best in removing nail polish.
Structure of nitrocellulose Structure of acetone Structure of citric acid Ascorbic acid structure
1. Paint the nail (2 coats) and wait for 5 minutes. Simultaneously, take
a picture of the painted nail for a control set up. From our findings, we can conclude lemon and vinegar in the ratio of 2:1
2. After 5 minutes, soak a cotton pad with the mixture of grapefruit respectively is the best in removing nail polish, although it may take a longer time
juice and vinegar in the ratio of 2:1 respectively. to remove. There is indeed an alternative to nail polish removal and it will be
3. Swipe the cotton pad over the painted nail 155 times in 1 minute. useful for those who have run out of nail polish remover but really need to remove
it or it can also be useful to those who want to protect their nails from the harmful
4. Record the amount of nail polish removed and take a picture of the
chemicals. Further investigations that can be done as a follow-up are whether the
nail after it has been swiped over.
process of removing the nail polish can be sped up and whether there is an odor-
5. Repeat steps 1-4 using the 4 other types of citric juices: free method to removing nail polish as vinegar has a pungent smell which many
Other citric fruit juices: people may not like. Another set of investigations can also be carried out to find
(a) Lemon (b) Lime out whether mixing citrus fruits will be more effective.
(c) Grape (d) Orange References:
1. Gallery, P., & Conditions, D. (2017). These harmful side effects of acetone-based nail polish removers will shock you. Retrieved 3 July 2017, from
6. Observe and compare the data collected to deduce the 2. The Chemistry of Nail Polish – Polymers, Plasticisers and Pigments. (2017). Compound Interest. Retrieved 3 July 2017, from
3. The Chemistry of Nail Polish Remover - (2017). Retrieved 27 May 2017, from
4. Vitamins, S., & Remedies, S. (2012). Lycopene Benefits | What is Lycopene | Lycopene Side Effects | Dr. Weil. Retrieved 4 July 2017, from
effectiveness of each fruit juice in removing the nail polish. 5. Dipole moment. (2017). Khan Academy. Retrieved 4 July 2017, from
6. nitrocellulose | chemical compound. (2017). Encyclopedia Britannica. Retrieved 4 July 2017, from