Human Preshlogy Can of Veda and The Vedic Literature
Human Preshlogy Can of Veda and The Vedic Literature
Human Preshlogy Can of Veda and The Vedic Literature
The Benefits of Harnessing the Total Potential of Natural Law for All Possibilities in Daily Life
The benefits of harnessing the total potential of Natural Law are immeasurable, both in unbondensing,
the total poenity of time. Everything is possible when the infinite reservoir of cosmic energy and
intelligence is unleashed on the level of human awareness. The following sections describe a few of the
innumerable benefits derived from the discovery of Veda and the Vedic Literature and the Vedic Devată
in human physiology. From these sections, we will see the magnitude of Maharishi's contribution to all
aspects of life and to all areas of knowledge, and we will see how the single solution to all problems is
the unfoldment of life in accord with Natural Law for every individual and every society.
Comprehensive The purpose of education is to give a student the most comprehensive knowledge and
training available, which will enable him to fulfil his goals and attain maximum achievement in all
spheres of personal, social, spiritual, and professional life. An educated person is expected to make
fewer mistakesand therefore create fewer problems for himself and his society.
Many methods of teaching, both formal and informal, have been introduced throughout history,
Teachers have worked within monasteries, institutes, universities, andother organizations to convey
knowledge and shape convictions and behaviour.
Philosophers of education have looked at factors such as goals, aims, competence, effective teaching,
standards, the quality of the learner's experience, the nature of methodologies, the relationships between
teacher and student, and relationships among students themselves. They have offered diverse theories
of human nature on the basis of which numerous educational systems have emerged.
Platonic idealism, for example, considered reality to lie in Ideal Forms, which were thought to constitute
the essential nature of physical objects. The purpose of educa tion. Plato asserted, is to perceive and
understand these Ideal Forms.
Education was also conceived in terms of training the mind to think according to the rules and order
that are at the basis of our universe. The study of mathematics. philosophy, astronomy, logic, and other
purely intellectual subjects was intended to provide students with a framework that would allow them
to make right decisions. This contrasts with the modern concept that education should give specialized
tech nical skills and factual knowledge.
Existentialist humanism promoted the notion of an autonomous self, and introduced such concepts as
freedom, responsibility, authenticity, and choice into education.
Some social scientists, in particular the proponents of behaviourism, argue that she all people are
controlled, it is merely a question of who is to do the controlling. This conclusion was obtained on the
basis of experiments in which it was possible to exercise significant control over behaviour, and to
accurately predict human response to specific stimuli. Behaviourists extol the necessity for education
that will purposefully condition and shape human behaviour.
Philosophers of Education Disagree on the Nature of Knowledge
Although everyone agrees that gaining knowledge is one of the main functions of education,
philosophers of education often differ in their views as to the nature of knowledge. Some emphasize
the information that the learner is expected to acquire. Others emphasize the acquisition of techniques
that the learner can apply to future situations. The humanists hold that every person is his or her own
best authority, especiallyin terms of personal perceptions, reactions, emotions, and experiences.
Educational philosophies, concepts, and techniques continue to emerge, and various programmes
continue to be changed and transformed, yet dissatisfaction among students, parents. and teachers
continues to grow. People are filled with stress, confusion, inadequacies, and behaviour that is not life
As brought out earlier in this book. Maharishi explains that knowledge is the togetherness of three
values: 1) the knower or observer, 2) the known or the observed, and 3) the process of knowing or
observing-i.e. the link through vision, hearing, intellect, etc., by which the knower is connected to the
known. Most educational systems today emphasize the object of knowledge that is, the acquisition of
information or technical skill. While some educators have attempted to improve the learning pro cess
using modern technology, such as various audiovisual techniques, educational systems have largely
ignored the need for developing or broadening the awareness of the knower himself.
Emphasis on the object of knowledge leads to a separation between knower and known. As we have
seen, however, the known has no life of its own outside the knower. That is why educational systems
that ignore the knower have little vitality and fail to arouse the students interest.
Education Today Provides Fragment Information
Education that neglects to develop the consciousness of the knower neglects the wholeness that is at the
basis of knowledge. Such edu Fragmented cation places the students' focus on fragmented information
rather Information than on Total Knowledge, and results in their being trained to only take into account
the partial values of any situation. Decision making based on partial information necessarily leads to
mistakes, and a person who makes mistakes is not a properly educated person.
Education today, through its segmented approach, actually prevents the development of the total
potential of the brain. When students focus on specific, separated fields of Natural Law-such as Physics,
Management, or Mathematics-they enliven and
develop isolated parts of the brain. However, the total brain potential remains un developed,
and through lack of use atrophies over time. Furthermore, the interconnections between
important components of the brain do not properly develop, and consequently a student's total
creative potential and intelligence remains undeveloped.
Since the segmented approach to education may inhibit the total utilization of the brain, the
systems of education prevalent throughout the world are no longer accept. able. A segmented
approach to education may provide a small gain in some localized area of knowledge of Natural
Law, but it creates a total loss-it is 'penny wise and Pound foolish.
Partial Brain development
Partial of the brain is the cause of all of the stress,strain, and failure found in every aspect of
life today, and therefore problems existing in the lives of individuals throughout the world are
the direct result of this inadequate, incomplete, and harmful system of education. Effective
education should provide every student with the ability to fulfil his desires, prevent mistakes,
and bring happiness and progress to his life. Life should not be spent in apprentice ship, but
should be lived basking in the glory of Unity and diversity together, and in enjoying perfection
in thought, speech, and action.
Scientific research by Professor N. N. Lyubimov of the Moscow Brain Institute has established
that those practising Maharishi's TM-Sidhi Programme have access to the hidden brain
reserves, which means that they have access to the holistic value of brain functioning. This
holistic value of functioning supports the partial values of the specific parts of the brain during
the processes of sensory experience and their corresponding actions. This means that as the
practice advances, individual mind be comes increasingly in tune with Cosmic Mind, and as a
result all activity spontancously gains the support of the infinite organizing power of Natural
600 Scientific Studies
In addition, over 600 scientific studies performed at universities Studies and research institutes
around the world have clearly demonstrated that Maharishi's Transcendental Meditation and
TM-Sidhi Programme create better mental and physical health. Among the findings are that
students practising these technologies demonstrate increased intelligence, learning ability, and
academic per formance, and score higher on measures of self-actualization, without the stress
and anxiety normally associated with the educational process.
The discovery of the total potential of Natural Law-Veda and the Vedic Literature and the
Vedic Devata in human physiology-demonstrates that Total Knowledge resides within
everyone. When one awakens to one's own inner reality, he awakens to the reality of the whole
universe, and Totality dawns in his consciousness. In this state, all social, individual, and
environmental factors and values are spontaneously computed, and decision making takes
place in accord with the evolutionary direction of Natural Law-no Law of Nature is violated,
no mistakes are made. This is the
highest goal of education, which is unfolded through Maharishi's programmes for the
development of consciousness. With the discovery of Veda and the Vedic Literature and the
Vedic Devat in the human physiology we now know that the individual is cosmic. Through
avtal fram development, every individual has the ability to live the fruit of all knowledge
mistake-free, problem-free life in higher states of consciousness, fully in accord with Natural
Law. This is life in perfection, life in bliss and fulfilment.
Vedic Education
Through Maharishi's Vedic Education, gaining specialized stalks an the basis of wholeness
allows an individual to live fullfilment get contribute his individuality to the enlivenment of
the infinite diversity of life. This creates perfect harmony and balance in all aspects of personal,
social and animal life. Behaviour becomes naturally and spontaneously purposeful and in
harming with both the inner desires of the individual and the highest goals of suci. The
individual gains the ability to know anything, do anything, and achieve anything This is now
possible through the programmes and techniques of Maharishi's Vetic Science and Technology.
Health Care
The importance of health cannot be overemphasized, for good health as the foundetion of our
ability to fulfil our goals and aspirations in life. In order to undersuimt how to protect and
preserve the human physiology for a long and healthy life, fierefore. health scientists seek to
fathom the totality of what constitates the human mint and body, and to understand the
complexity of the human physiology and unravel ins secret functioning.
health means wholeness
Health Means In Maharishi's Vedic Approach to Health, In Sanskrit, the word for health is
Swasthya-from Swa, the Seill and Sthya, established. So a healthy individual is one who is
established in the Sell Life on this holistic basis is healthy life. Unfortunately, the problem
facing health care today is fragmentation, based on partial knowledge. In the modem system
of health care, the emphasis is on disease, and on how to provide a cure once a patient has
already fallen ill, and not on the unfoldment of the holistic busis có good health.
The Fragmented Approach Leads to Harmful Side effect
One of the results of this fragmented approach which includes the use of pharmaceutical drugs
and other modern diagnostic and surgical technologies is the rise of harmful side effects this is
an imbasis in self-referral consciousness, which is the total potential of Natural Law For
example, the herbs used in Maharishi's Vedic Approach to Health have many components,
which work in synergy to maintain balance in the body. When modem metcine isolates only
the active ingredients of an herb to make a drug, in removes the holistic influence, and as a
result the drug may help eliminate one problem, while
creating damage to some other part of the physiology. Virtually every major drug on the market today
has a long list of known and cumulative side effects.
Medicine, to be successful, must address the whole physiology in every specialized treatment. To
address only specialized receptors and cells through the application of drugs does not take into account
that the body is a wholeness of cells, tissues, or gans, and organ systems working together in harmony.
It is this use of partial aspects of Natural Law that has made modern medicine potentially harmful and
dangerous, More than 7,000 scientific research articles and reports clearly demonstrate the dan gerous
side-effects of modern medicine.
100 Million Americans Suffer from Chronic Disease
In addition, the Journal of the American Medical Association re cently reported that 100 million
Americans suffer from chronic dis case. This is about 40% of the population of a country that is one of
the most advanced advocates of modern, allopathic medicine. This is a clear indication of the failure of
the current health care system.
According to Maharishi's Vedic Approach to Health, ill health is caused by the lack of proper
knowledge of how to live without violating Natural Law. The violation of Natural Law is weakening to
all aspects of life, and creates stress in both the indi vidual and in society. Without the ability to act
without violating Natural Law, indi viduals are removed from the cycles and rhythms of Nature. As a
result, people from every part of society have a poor daily routine, improper diet, poorly oriented homes,
and are subject to the stress of the collective consciousness. All of this represents the violation of Natural
he only way to live a truly healthy life is by living WHOLENESS, which is only possible by awakening
Totality within oneself, and aligning consciousness and physiology with all the specific and holistic
aspects of Natural Law. With the discovery of Veda and the Vedic Literature in the human physiology,
individual life has been discovered to be the embodiment of the totality of Natural Law. Therefore, total
Natural Law-Veda and the Vedic Literature is the basis of Maharishi's Vedic Approach to Health.
The territory of Natural Law ranges from the infinite field of the unmanifest to the infinite field of the
manifest, and includes all the diversified values of Natural Law in between. This is why health, or
wholeness, is structured in the togetherness of both holistic and specific values of Natural Law in a fully
integrated and balanced state. Unless the knowledge of the total field of Natural Law is considered,
holistic health will not be available, and perfect health-total balance-will always be lacking. Everyone
should own this knowledge of the total range of health, from individual to cosmic, in order to maintain
balance in life, the basis of good health.
An Approach Of Knowledge
Maharishi's Vedic Approach to Health is an approach of knowledge: of Knowledge it offers to re-
establish balance between the body and its own inner intelligence through the knowledge of the
impulses of intelligence that express, trans
form, and expand consciousness in its varying degrees of expression into the materia structure of the
physiology, and which regulate physiological fumetinning. The ale o knowledge in creating perfect
health is very beautifully brougin om in te fistliswin verse from the Bhagavad-Gitä, an aspect of the
Vedic Latenute
for the purpose of counterscting negative influences from the near and far envirne ment. Together with
Maharishi yotish, the Vedic science of prediction, Maliarishier balance the relationship between
different areas of the individual physiology with their contesponding values in the structure of the vait,
ever-expanding universe Balance is created from the level of the manifest field of consciousness of the
in dividual, to the manifeinstructime and function of his physiology, extending to the whole Held of the
manifest universe isee Chapter VIII section 10) in Maharishi's Vedic Approach to Health, the
consciousness-based approach to health is a supported from the more expressed levels of life the fields
of physiology. behinur, and environment throught natural dady and seasonal routines, a healthy and
balanced short, suitable exercise, and individually prescribed herbal preparations
Maharish's Vedic Approach to Health provides health, and disease naturally disap pears. The patient is
given the knowledge and experience of the infinite organizing power of Natural Law withm himself.
All 10 aspects of Veda and the Vedic Literature are taken into consideration. There is no need to fight
darkness; we bring light and darkness disappears. This is a fundamental principle of Maharishi's Vedic
Science and Technology, which applies most perfectly in the case of health care. Diseases disappear as
a side effect of gaining health.
Maharishi's Vedic Approach to Health offers the following programmes and courses of knowledge,
which constitute its holistic approach to health. These programes are employed to create balance,
because perfect balance on all levels of life is the state of perfect health:
1. Knowledge of balance in consciousness;
2. Knowledge of halance in physiology.
3. Knowledge of balance to rectify any imbalance in the relationship between consciousness and
the physiology: 4. Knowledge of the scientific research that validates the restoration of balance
4. the relationship between consciousness and the physiology
5. Kurwledge of balance between individual life and collective life;
6. Kuwledge of balance between the ever-evolving life of the individual and the ever-expanding
life of the universe, and the technology to restore this ultimate level of balance.
7. Knowledge of balance in the relationship between Natural Law, which admini ters the life of
the universe, and national law, which administers the life of the nation:
8. Knowledge of the balanced relationship between the holistic value of Natural Law and the
diversified values of different Laws of Nature in the light of the ob jective approach of modern
9. Knowledge of the balanced relationship between the holistic value of Natural Law and the
diversified values of different Laws of Nature in the light of the subjective approach of Vedic
10. 10 Knowledge of perfect balance, the total potential of Natural Law within the self referral
Transcendentul Consciousness of everyone, the technical process of the emergence of diversity
from Unity and the shmergence of diversity into Unity: the vision of consciousness constituting
the structuring dynamics of pure knowledge, the Veda
11. Application of this knowledge for healthy, balanced, integrated life.
12. Review of the evolution of consciousness in terms of the growing ability to metabolize every
experience so that experience gives rise to bliss;
13. Knowledge of balanced diet, which will suit the level of digestion and allow digestion to rise
to a normal level
14. Knowledge of daily and seasonal routines, for restoring and maintaining balancein all fields of
15. Knowledge of balanced behaviour and attitudes that are most nourishing to life.
16. Knowledge of balance in the relationship between the structure of knowledge and its organizing
17. Knowledge of self-pulse reading in order to measure the degree of balance or imbalance in the
18. Knowledge of Vedic Herbal Preparations based on the characteristic qualities of intelligence at
different levels of the evolution of plants, and their suitability for restoring balance at any
specific level of evolution in any specific area of the physiology.
19. Knowledge and programmes to maintain balance by improving the influence of the
environment on the individual, taking into account the influence of the Sun. Moon, and planets:
20. Knowledge and programunes to increase coherence in collective consciousness which directly
influences the state of balance in individual life;
21. Knowledge of the simplicity, naturalness, and authenticity of Maharishi's Vedi Approach to
Health, which enlivens the balance inherent in Natural Law, the basis of all life; and
22. Total knowledge of balance.