Module Week1

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Fact vs. Opinion
1 Adverb and Its Kind
At the end of the lesson, the pupils should be able to:
 determine if a statement is fact or opinion;
 identify adverb and its kinds; and
 differentiate the kinds of adverb.

Look at the picture below. Think of the best season to swim and have fun with the family in a resort
a swimming pool.

How did you spend your last summer? Where did you go? What did you do?


Let’s find out how a boy spent his summer in this story.

A Happy Summer Day

One Sunday afternoon last summer, a boy named Bobby and his family went to th
nearby park. When they got there, Bobby saw his friends and walked over to them.

Bobby and his friends played tag and hopscotch. They also took turns going on th
swings and playing in the sandbox. Some girls jumped rope, and some boys had races. The
were happily sharing what they did yesterday, and they were all having such a great tim

After a while, Bobby wanted to go and be with his Mommy and Daddy. But becaus
he was playing with other children, Bobby did not notice that he was a long way from th
park. He looked around but couldn’t see his parents. He got lost. So he started crying.

A police officer saw him crying. So he ran, rushing over to find out why he wa
crying. He asked the little boy, "Why are you crying?" So Bobby answered, "My name i
Bobby. And my mommy and daddy are lost!" "I do not know where to find them, Sir.”

"Can you please help me find them now?" He added so the policeman replied, "Sur
Bobby, let us go to the bus stop. That would be a good place to wait for them. They will see u
there." So they went to the bus stop and waited patiently there.

After a few minutes, the parents of Bobby got to the bus stop. Bobby ran towards hi
parents and gave them a big hug. The policeman said to Bobby, "See, Bobby, I told you the
would find us here." Bobby smiled and said to the policeman, "Thank you for your help, Sir."

Bobby’s mommy and daddy thanked the police officer. Then they took Bobby's han
and went home. When they got back to their house, Bobby told his mom and dad wha
happened, and he said, while smiling, "I will never go away from you, but this was a happ
summer day."

Answer the following questions:

1. Who was with Bobby to go to the park?



2. Who did Bobby see when they got in the park?


3. What did Bobby and his friends play?


4. Who saw Bobby crying when he got lost?


5. What did the police officer do to Bobby?


6. Where did Bobby and his parents see each other again?



1. Fact- Tells what happened and can be proven true by referring to evidence,
observation and research.
- Can be proven by using references such as textbook, encyclopedias,
new articles, and credible websites.

1. There are nine planets in our solar system.
2. The sun is hot.
3. The COVID-19 started at Wuhan, China.

2. Opinion- If the statement cannot be proven and if it is only someone’s

belief or personal judgement with which other people can agree or disagree.


1. Dogs are better than cats.

2. I think math subject is the easiest subject.
3. Pizza is delicious.

Let’s look at these statement from the story.

 They were happily sharing what they did yesterday.

Notice the underlined word. What do we call this one? Right, it is a verb.
How about the encircled word? What do we call this word? Correct, it is an adverb.
Why did we say that it is an adverb?


An adverb is a word that describes a verb, an adjective, or another

adverb. There are different kinds of adverbs. Manner, time, place and

1. Adverb of Manner- describes how the action was done. Adverb of manner
usually add -ly to the adjective.
 Quick- Quickly
 Happy-Happily
 Patient- Patiently

Example of adverb of manner used in a sentence.

1. Philip sings loudly in the shower.
2. My cat waits impatiently for his food.
3. I will seriously consider your suggestion

2. Adverb of Time- describes when the action happened.

Adverb of time that can be used:


When How Long

How How Often
Now All day for a year since Daily
Today 1985 Monthly
Tomorrow Weekly
Tonight For a while since last Yearly
Yesterday year Always
Already Generally

1. I attended my online class this morning.
2. My father will come home soon.
3. Janinah was born on December 21, 2008.

3. Adverb of Place- tells us where the action happened.

Adverb of place that we can use:

Directional Up, down, away, south, northwest

Distances Nearby, far away, miles apart

Object’s position in Below, between, above, behind,

relation to another around
Movement in a Toward, forward, backward,
particular direction onwards.

1. John looked around but he couldn’t see the restroom.
2. She hid behind the cabinet.
3. They moved the table backward.

4. Adverb of Frequency- describes how often the action will occur or has occurred.

Adverb of frequency that we can use:

Sometimes Always Quarterly

Rarely Weekly Never
Constantly Seldom Always

Occasionally Yearly Daily

Usually Monthly Regularly
Normally Weekly Hourly

1. I always eat my breakfast.
2. We occasionally visit our grandparents in the province.
3. My grandmother is old and rarely goes out.

Activity no. 1

A. Determine if the given statement is a fact or an opinion. Write FACT if the statement is factual
write OPINION if it’s just someone’s belief or just a personal judgment. Write your answers i
space provided. 

________________ 1. Dalmatians are covered with black spots.

________________ 2. There are seven days in a week.
________________ 3. Ferrero Rocher is the most delicious chocolate.
________________ 4. Christmas is celebrated in the month of December.
________________ 5. Playing golf is boring.
________________ 6. Horror movies are the best kind of movie.
________________ 7. Mosquito is a big insect.
________________ 8. February 14 is known as Valentine’s Day
________________ 9. Elephant lay eggs.
________________ 10. Turtle can live in land.

B. Make a sentence applying the adverb of manner, time, place, and frequency using the given v
the first column.

Verb Adverb of Adverb of time Adverb of Adverb of

manner place frequency
Ex. play I play happily. Yesterday, I I play around I often play
played our subdivision. basketball.

1. ride

2. run

3. eat

4. study

5. watch

Activity no. 2

Write three short paragraphs using the different kinds of adverbs. Write in the first box the things yo
yesterday. The second box is for the things you are doing today, and the third box is for the things
plan to do tomorrow. Use the rubric as your guide in writing your paragraphs.





Great (5) Good (3) Fair (1)

Used all kinds of Correctly used Correctly used Did not use the
adverbs all kinds of some kinds of kinds of
adverbs adverbs adverbs
Grammar Paragraphs are There may be 1- There are 3
written correctly 2 spelling and/or more spelling
using proper punctuation and/or
spelling and mistakes punctuation
punctuation mistakes
Neatness and Handwriting is Handwriting is Handwriting is
organization neat and ideas somewhat neat not neat and the
are in proper the ideas are in ideas are not
order the proper order proper order



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