5th Year Revision 1st Classes

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5th Year


1) Match the sentences (1–7) with the grammar rules (A–G).

A present simple for habits, facts and repeated actions

B present simple to describe what happens in a film or book
C present simple with stative verbs
D present continuous for changing situations
E present continuous with always for something that happens often and is annoying
F adverb after the verb to be
G adverbial phrase of frequency used at the end of a sentence

1)- The main character, Ethan, goes to the theatre and finds a stranger waiting for him. ____
2)- You’re getting better at running all the time – well done! ____
3)- There are often people on the beach in the mornings. ____
4)- Madison’s always playing computer games when he should be doing his homework. ___
5)- I sleep in at the weekends because I don’t go to school. ____
6)- Jody doesn’t have enough time to go riding every evening. ____
7)- It’s such a lovely day, I feel like going for a run. ____

2) Complete the text with the correct present or present perfect form of the verbs in
brackets. Sometimes more than one answer is possible.

The Real Peter 4D.

Over the last few years, Peter 4D (1) ______________ (become) one of the most loved DJs in
the world. He regularly (2) ______________ (play) his particular style of electronic music to
crowds of young fans all over the world. He (3) _______________(come back, just) from a
month-long tour of Asia, where he entertained fans in India, Japan and Vietnam and this
weekend he will be in Las Vegas. What’s more, Peter is also a respected music producer. He
(4) ______________(work on) his third studio album for the last few months. All of this at only
twenty-four years old.
Despite the apparently glamorous lifestyle, Peter (5) ______________ (come across) as a
quiet, thoughtful young man. Although his DJ gigs are full of loud, fast-paced dance tunes, Peter
(6) ______________ (not listen, only) to this type of music in his free time. He is a collector of
rare world music and an expert on South American folk music. At the moment, he (7)
______________ (write) a book about the history of Ecuadorian music. Peter 4D is definitely not
your average dance music DJ!

When Peter (8) _____________ (not be) on tour in the world’s biggest cities, he prefers to
spend his time in the countryside. He has recently bought an old farm in Cornwall, in the south
west of England, where he (9) ______________ (spend) a lot of his time these days. At the
moment, workmen (10) ______________ (repair) the old farm buildings, but Peter (11)
______________ (plan) to move into the farm in the near future. Recently, he (12)
______________ (study) an online course in organic farming methods and when he finishes, he
(13) ______________ (want) to start growing organic fruit and vegetables on the farm.
This (14) ______________ (not seem) like the type of thing a twenty-something DJ would
normally do. In fact, it (15) ______________ (sound) more like someone’s retirement plans.
However, Peter hasn’t shown any signs of wanting to retire, which is good news for his fans all
over the world.

3) Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first
sentence using the word given. Do not change the word given. Use between two
and five words, including the word given.

1 She started to learn the violin when she was seven.

She _______________________________ the violin since she was seven.

2 I don’t often get help from him with the washing up.
He ________________________________________ with the washing up.

3 They came back from their holidays not long ago.

They ______________________________________ back from their holidays.

4 It bothers me that Anita criticises the way I speak.

Anita_________________________________ the way I speak – it really bothers me!

5 It has been at least two weeks since the last time Ingrid called me.
Ingrid ____________________________________ at least two weeks.

6 A lot of my classmates have started to become interested in YouTuber books this term.
A lot of my classmates___________________________________ YouTuber books recently.


1) Put the following verbs in the correct category. When do we use the past tenses?

had never been was running used to live spoke met would buy

had left were getting went would order was cooking had cleaned

past simple past continuous past perfect used to / would

Finished past actions Past actions in Actions, events and Repeated past
or events, or a progress, temporary situations before the actions, habits (used
sequence of actions. situations and past. to and would), and
interrupted actions. states (used to only)

2) Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.

1)-When I couldn’t do my homework, I was always asking / would always ask my sister for
2)-By the time we got home, Briony has / had already gone to bed.
3)-We had / were having our lunch in the park when it started to pour with rain.
4)-It was lovely to see Joana because we hadn’t seen / weren’t seeing her for ages.
5)-While we were coming / would come home from the swimming pool, we saw a boy fall over.
6)-Marga went / was going for a walk when we’d finished lunch.
7)-I used to / would live in a house with a garden, but now I live in an apartment with a balcony.
8)-Victor was playing on his computer when his mother called / had called him down for lunch.


1. Match the examples with the grammar rules (A–H).

1. I'll stop and think before I act - I won't just say something that will cause an argument.
2. l've learnt to calm down and be more aware of what I'm about to do.
3. A third group are going to dig the vegetable plot.
4. They will all be eating together at lunchtime
5. There will be organic produce from the farm.
6. heir next break is for lunch at 1 p.m.
7. What are they having for lunch?
8. When I go home, I'm going to change my attitude


A present continuous for arranged future events.

B going to for future plans and intentions.

C will for predictions, quick decisions, promises,

offers and warnings.

D will for certainty.

E present simple for timetabled and scheduled


F future continuous for an action that will be in

progress at or around a specific time in the future.

G future time clauses (+ present tense with future

meaning) with after, as soon as. before, by the time, in
two days' time, until, when, while.

H phrases for talking about the future: be about to,

be due to, be likely/unlikely to.

2. Then, choose the correct words to complete the sentences.

1)-I’m sure Harris will win / will be winning the match. She’s playing much better than Singh.

2)- My uncle stays / is staying with us this weekend.

3)- I can’t see you next week because I will study / will be studying for my exams.

4)- I don’t think the UK is winning / will win the song contest this year.

5)- He won’t be / isn’t happy when he finds out that you have lost his book.

6)- The bus is about / likely to go. The driver is shutting the doors.

7)- By the time my dad gets / will get home, we’ll all be in bed.

8)- Tina’s plane was due / likely to land at seven o’clock so it must be delayed.



We use a defining relative clause to Non-defining relative clauses add extra information
USE specify which person, thing, animal, about a person, thing, animal, place or time. We
place or time we mean. use commas to separate the non-defining relative
clause from the main clause.

● who / that for people ● who for people

RELATIVE ● which / that for things or animals ● which for things or animals
PRONOUNS ● where for places ● where for places
● when for times ● when for times
● whose for possession ● whose for possession

EXAMPLES The teacher who / that teaches this Carla, who is a student at the school, adds
course is very experienced. changes to the timetable.

1) Complete the sentences with a relative pronoun.

1) There’s a new café in town _________ you can eat as much as you like.
2) Nelson Mandela, _________ was the president of South Africa, is one of my role
3) I’ve got a neighbour _______________ works as a police officer.
4) That’s the woman _________ children go to our school.
5) A thermos flask is a type of bottle _________ can keep liquids hot or cold.
6) Interstellar, ______________ I saw twice at the cinema, is one of my favourite films.
7) Morning is the time of day ________ I work best.
8) We’ve got an old car ____________ we use from time to time.


USE: We can sometimes use a reduced relative clause instead of a full relative clause. We form a reduced
relative clause with the present participle or past participle of the verb. The form is the same for all
persons. We can only use a reduced relative clause if the relative pronoun is the subject, not the object of the
verb in the relative clause.


If the verb in the full relative clause is in the active, If the verb in the full relative clause is in the passive, we
we use the present participle (-ing) in the reduced use the past participle (-ed/3rd column) in the reduced
relative clause. relative clause.


FULL>> People who live in this area all support the FULL >> The books that are used by the students all
new college. belong to the school.

REDUCED >> People living in this area all support REDUCED >> The books used by the students all
the new college. belong to the school.

2) Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.

1) Students studying / studied history will learn about the past of their country.
2) A lot of the things teaching / taught in schools are not very useful for life.
3) This is an educational approach using / used in many schools around the country.
4) Students living / lived in cities have access to a wider range of facilities.
5) Music is a degree chosen / choosing by a large number of students at this university.
6) Teachers taken part / taking part in the training should arrive at nine o’clock.
7) You should pay attention to advice giving / given to you at school.
8) Students learning / learned languages are not always confident about their abilities.

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