Test-4 (Complete Electromagnetism)
Test-4 (Complete Electromagnetism)
Test-4 (Complete Electromagnetism)
(a) Derive an expression for the electric field E due to a dipole of length ‘2a’ at a point distant r
from the centre of the dipole on the axial line.
(b) Draw a graph of E versus r for r >> a.
2. Derive an expression for the electric field intensity at a point on the equatorial line of an electric
dipole of dipole moment 𝑝⃑ and length 2a. What is the direction of this field?
3. (i) An electric dipole is held in a uniform electric field. Using suitable diagram show that it does
not undergo any translatory motion. Derive the expression for the torque acting on it.
(ii) What would happen if the field in non-uniform?
(iii) What would happen if the external electric field is increasing
(a) parallel to 𝑝⃑ and (b) anti-parallel to 𝑝⃑ ?
4. (i) Derive the expression for the potential energy of an electric dipole of dipole moment placed
in a uniform electric field.
(ii) Find out the orientation of the dipole when it is in
(a) stable equilibrium (b) unstable equilibrium.
5. Using Gauss’s law, deduce the expression for the electric field due to uniformly charged
spherical conducting shell of radius at a point
(i) outside and (ii) inside the shell.
Plot a graph showing variation of electric field as a function of r > R and r< R.
6. Show that the current density 𝑗⃑ is related to the applied electric field 𝐸⃑⃑ by the relation
Where σ defines the conductivity of the material.
7. State the principle of potentiometer.
8. Derive an expression for drift velocity of free electrons in a conductor in terms of relaxation time
of electrons.
9. State Kirchhoff’s rules in electrostatics and explain on what basis they are justified?
10. In a meter bridge with and in the gaps, the null point is found at 40 cm from. If the resistance of
30 is connected in parallel with, the null point occurs at 50 cm from. Determine the value of R
and S.