Greyhawk Barbarians

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Wolf and Tiger Nomads: The Cold North of the Flanaess is practically all "barbar

ian" cultures. The wolf and tiger follow totems of their appropriate animals and
are plains dwelling people of mixed-race, but mostly Baklunish origin. The tige
r nomads come into conflict with their cousins and the "civilized states" of the
Baklunish more often, whereas the Wolf Nomads also have Iuz as a neighbor and h
ave warred with the demigod's empire a few times in history. They also abutt to
another barbarian culture...

Rovers of the Barrens: These Flannae horsemen are to the east of the Wolf Nomads
and are the traditional hunter gatherers you'd expect in the cold climates. In
some sources they've even been equated to American Indians, though its not a req
uired analogue. These nomads too run afoul of the evil Iuz and are also hated by
the Stonefists.

Hold of Stonefist: This far north pocket

hey are more savage and brutal than most
ir 'battle rite of fitness' is unique to
l of the fittest in their land. Needless
anyone. They are featured as bad guys in

of barbarians have a couple towns but t

any barbarian culture in the north. The
the setting and shows how it is surviva
to say the Stonefists are not loved by
the module Howl From the North.

Ice, Snow and Frost Barbarians: When someone mentions barbarians, these three mo
untainous countries are the first thing that comes to peoples minds. They are th
e viking analogue and deservedly so. They have their own rich histories and adve
ntures, also featuring in the Five Shall Be One/Howl From the North epic plus ot
her mentions throughout Greyhawk publications. These barbarians as you would exp
ect like to raid by longship and harass the Aerdy on the Solnor Ocean or explore
the Icy Sea and beyond the oceans to the east.

Plains of the Paynims/Dry Steppes/Ull: In the Baklunish West are many many more
nomadic cultures. These Mongol/Persian themed groups wander a very wide band of
the maps from the Sea of Dust to the southern edges of the civilized Baklunish c
ountries to the west beyond the Flanaess where once the Golden Horde raided east
ward and went through Ket to attack the rest of the Flanaess. The Dry Steppes an
d Ull are very remote, sparsely populated areas with their own lost legends, man
y which you can find here on Greyhawkery.

Bright Desert: Even in the middle of the Flanaess within this small hill-ringed
desert you can find barbaric nomads of Suel and Flan descent. The place was once
the flan kingdom of Sulm but now the ruins and remnant people of this culture a
re ruled by the archmage Rary as seen in the sourcebook Rary the Traitor.

Amedio and Hepmonaland: The two jungle areas to the south are separated by expan

ses of water but linked by islands, all of which are inhabited by decidedly "bar
baric" peoples of the Olman and Suel subraces (we won't go into the Touv of Hepm
onaland yet). The Olman, based on mesoamerican culture, were like many races onc
e quite civilized, but over time fell and are now hunter-gatherers competing to
survive with interlopers like the Suel, who also once were mighty but fell, some
say into savage cannibalism.

Are there more barbarian cultures? Yes I am sure I can spot others. The Land of
Black Ice/Burneal Forest tribes. The Crystalmist Mountain snow elves and maybe e
ven the humanoid tribes of places like the Pomarj could count too. That's a deba
te for another day though.

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