1 s2.0 S0142694X15000526 Main
1 s2.0 S0142694X15000526 Main
1 s2.0 S0142694X15000526 Main
n this post-digital age, not only startups but also existing enterprises
make great efforts to innovate their products and services to gain more
revenue. Only unceasing innovation can help enterprises keep up with
market trends, or even more, create trends. Service design is a means to ser-
vice innovation and is a process aiming to create new or improved (existing)
services to make them more useful, usable, desirable for clients and efficient/
effective for organizations. Discovering insights from customers and defining
design challenges are keys to service design. At the end of the insight defining
stage, there will be a clear definition of the fundamental challenge or problem
to be solved in the following design stages (Design Council 2012). Conse-
quently, if a problem is not defined with compelling insights, it is hard for cus-
tomers to accept the design no matter how well the service is developed or
delivered. This is connected to situations in which enterprises make service
value propositions that are not what customers’ desire and thus lose their cus-
Corresponding author: tomers as a result.
Soe-Tsyr Daphne
daphneyuans@gmail. Meanwhile, both large enterprises and small businesses (SMBs) need a more
com efficient way to carry out new service development. Large enterprises with
0142-694X Design Studies 40 (2015) 143e175
http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.destud.2015.07.001 143
Ó 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
goods-dominant mindsets have existing business models for gaining revenue
and most of them assume that they can continuously benefit from such models,
and often keep doing things as they always have. Large bureaucracies also
often make big companies slow to make decisions about new service develop-
ment. In contrast to large companies, SMBs have faster decision-making time
and are also usually more adventurous. Thus, it is much easier and they are
more willing to carry out service innovation, but they have less resources,
including manpower and capital, to put into innovations (Lindegaard, 2011).
For the above reasons, we conclude that there are two aspects that cause the
gap between knowing the importance of service design and doing it well. First,
for the aspect of management, enterprises should shift their mindsets from
Goods Dominant Logic (G-D logic) to Service Dominant Logic (S-D logic)
and focus on designing good experiences for their customers. However, enter-
prises are usually accustomed to selling what they think customers’ need,
instead of discovering what they need. However, there is not a good way to
help enterprises discover insights from customers. The second problem is the
lack of tools. Although some studies have been devoted to the expertise of de-
signers (Cross, 2004; Paton & Dorst, 2011), it is hard for novice designers and
designers at enterprises with G-D logic mindsets to discover insights from cus-
tomers. A partial answer rests on challenging core design practices of refram-
ing and frame creation. However, relevant tools to support and analyze the
framing of design activities are rare.
In this study, we argue that there should be an IT-based tool to facilitate the
process of discovering the design insights of designers, no matter if they are
experienced or novice designers. We also present a tool using the common-
sense knowledge in ConceptNet to facilitate a variety of association reasoning
methods for the reframing and frame creation process of service design insight
discovery. The knowledge used in the system comes from ConceptNet, a
famous commonsense knowledge base developed by Liu and Singh (2004a,
2004b) at MIT.
This study focuses on the discover and define stages, and the purpose is to
assist designers in identifying the design problem, opportunity and needs to
be addressed through design and also build rich knowledge resources with
inspiration and insights (Design Council 2012). This is a divergent stage in
which designers try to find all possible insights from the stakeholders. The cre-
ation of insights then rests on abductive sense making and reframing (Kolko,
2010). That is, to continuously understand the connections among people, pla-
ces and events and then attempt to find a new perspective (Klein, Moon, &
Hoffman, 2006). After having many insights, designers integrate and interpret
the insights to define the design problem.
In order to find themes from the qualitative data obtained through interviews
and observation, designers should analyze word repetitions, scrutinize terms,
and analyze linguistic features like metaphors or transitions; however, this
process is very time-consuming (Ryan & Bernard, 2003). Although many
design methods invoke the use of sticky notes with grouping and abstracting
techniques to facilitate the theme finding process, such methods still take up
a lot of time. Subsequently, the framing process for defining design challenges
and goals also requires a lot of time and depends on the expertise of designers
(Paton & Dorst, 2011). Expertise, though, is also a decisive factor determining
the quality of discovered insights. Novice designers play the role much more
like ‘technician’ in the design process, which means they are probably only
able to solve well-defined problems, rather than discovering and defining by
design challenges by themselves, due to their lack of experiences (Paton &
Dorst, 2011). For the sake of solving these problems, we regard the insight dis-
covery process as a new knowledge creating process which we discuss in the
following paragraph from the constructivists’ viewpoint.
From the point of view of constructivism, the idea of epistemology holds that
knowledge is constructed based on previous knowledge and constantly evolves
over time (Toulmin, 1972). On the other hand, embodied cognition emphasizes
the formative role the environment plays in the development of cognitions that
emerge from situated interactions between agents and their environments
(Wilson, 2002). That is, when facing a new and unfamiliar thing, people
tend to find some characteristics or properties of this new thing and try to
link them to one or more things that exist in their knowledge and experiences.
Novak (1998) also addressed that this kind of creation of new knowledge is a
form of meaningful learning. This meaningful learning process involves recog-
nition of new regularities in events or objects, the invention of new concepts or
extension of old concepts, and, in the most creative leaps, major restructuring
of conceptual frameworks to see new higher order relationships. This is exactly
the insight discovery process which involves observations and interviews in or-
der to gain the empathy of stakeholders; the reframing and frame creation pro-
cess refreshes the perspectives for viewing design situation; this may lead to the
discovery of potential innovative opportunities. Correspondingly, based on
this concept, Kolko (2010) proposed the notion of design synthesis. Kolko
(2010) suggests that a design insight can be seen as the combination of
problem-specific observations (I saw this) and professional experiences (I
know this). Kolko’s definition is shown in Figure 1. In view of this, a design
insight contains subjective judgment of the designer and also objective data
from the design situation itself.
When the system model and the context are very clear, designers may see how
the new perspective influences the situation. New frames for viewing a certain
service or action in a new context help designers discover hidden links and
chances (Kolko, 2010). Jon Kolko (2014) suggested that, in order to discover
new chances, designers can view things in new environments, from new user
perspectives and as new embodiments. For example, when designing a tooth
However, the results of concept mapping are very subjective. Under the same
circumstances, different designers may construct totally different concept
maps based on their own experiences and points of view. Hence, with the pur-
pose of developing a desirable service, the understanding of customers is very
important when doing design synthesis. Only when the designers understand
what customers with empathy will the modeled system be insightful. In this
study, we aim to design a new tool utilizing the commonsense knowledge of
ConceptNet to recommend objective, problem-specific frame parts for de-
signers to facilitate their insight discovery process with more empathy for
1.4 ConceptNet
ConceptNet is a machine-readable commonsense knowledge base that was
structured as a network of natural language fragments that computers could
The sources of ConceptNet include the Open Mind Common Sense project
(http://openmind.media.mit.edu/) by MIT media lab, WordNet (http://word-
net.princeton.edu/) by Princeton University, and Wikipedia (http://www.wiki-
pedia.org). It contains over 12.5 million edges connecting 3.9 million concepts
including concepts in English, Chinese, Japanese, Portuguese, French, Span-
ish, etc. The structure of ConceptNet is very similar to people mental imagery,
so it is able to find contexts, make analogies, gist topics, and do other cognitive
tasks just like a human.
Previous applications have been done in, for example, clothing recommen-
dation (Shen, Lieberman, & Lam, 2007), emotion detection (Cambria,
Hussain, Havasi, & Eckl, 2010), and conversational storytelling (Chi &
Lieberman, 2011). These applications utilized ConceptNet mainly to infer
Table 1 Edges in ConceptNet with example sentence frames (Speer & Havasi, 2012)
2 Association reasoning
The insight discovery process iteratively combines what you see and what you
already know, i.e., the process of framing and reframing. The ability to link
newly found phenomenon with existing knowledge is very important when
discovering insights. When framing design situations, designers are actually
manipulating their mental imagery and trying to make sense of data using as-
sociations. This is a new knowledge creating process and we examine this pro-
cess from two perspectives. The first is the ability to make associations; the
other is the synthesis process of combining what people see with what they
already know. Figure 3 shows the underlying concepts behind our tool and
the concepts and their relationships are detailed below.
Context association The relations between two concepts with a causal Hot / Sweat
or sequential relation. Wake up / Brush Teeth
Analogy association The relations between two concepts with some Life / Drama
shared meaning. Final Exam / War
Contiguity association The relations between a series of concepts in Transportation /
contact or in proximity. Bike, Bus, Train, Ship, Plane
Contrast association The relations between two concepts with Happy / Sad
inversed properties. Hot / Cold
Similarity association The relations between two concepts that Bowl / Cup
share lots of similar properties. Hotel / B&B
ability to recall and associate with past experience. Every phenomenon found
needs to be interpreted by the designers to give meaning to it. Hence, properly
interpreting a phenomenon is one of the important expertise of designers.
Compared to novices, experts in a field of study not only have more concepts
integrated in their cognitive frameworks but also possess a broader extent of
propositional linkages between subordinate and superordinate concepts
(Novak, 1998). The ability to properly integrate a newly found concept with
existing knowledge influences the quality of derived insights.
3 Insight quality
After design synthesis, the derived insights have different qualities. In this
study, we will use both macro and micro views to examine the qualities of
the derived insights and propose a measurement metric. From the macro
view, we examine the extents of the influence of the insights. On the other
hand, the micro view considers the perceived satisfaction of the designers
when examining the insight quality from a micro view. This not only provides
a more quantitative way to measure insight qualities but also helps us to eval-
uate whether our IT-based tool can really facilitate the insight discovery pro-
cess and further increase the qualities of derived insights.
There extent of influence of the strategies has four degrees. Take tablet com-
puters as an example. For the economic strategy, Kindle Fire offered by
Amazon is relatively cheap. On the other hand, Samsung launched the new
Galaxy Tab with 4G LTE technology, offering functional value for cus-
tomers. Game applications on the tablet entertain and satisfy users, thus
providing intrinsic value. According to a report from Electric Power
Research Institute (2012), Apple’s new iPad only consumes and average of
11.86 kW-hours of electricity over a year, costing only $1.36 USD. This is
a good example of providing environmental values. There are also four de-
grees to the extent of influence of stakeholders. If revenue is the only consid-
eration, the service provider itself is the only stakeholder. In another case, if
the service provider cares about the whole supply chain, the scope of the
stakeholder is extended to their partners. The user-centric design focuses
on the customers, so the customers and community are included. Further-
more, if the design is significant enough, the stakeholders may be the whole
society. Each point or area on the map represents an insight. The distance
between the insight and the origin is the insight depth, which indicates the
scope of the influence of the insights.
Insight depth ¼ S2 þ V2 ð1Þ
(S: influence extent of stakeholders/V: influence extent of values)
Innovativeness The degree of originality. Did the insights discover by others before?
Integrity The degree of having all Did you consider all the possible influencing factors of the
constituents. insights?
Agreement The degree of self-approval. Do you approve the insights?
In the past, designers have to expend lengthy time to organize the data by
themselves. We effectuate this process by using the knowledge in ConceptNet
to facilitate the theme finding and the understanding of the problem domain.
We use a heuristic method to calculate the most probable themes. However,
whether or not using the theme finder to organize the data is the designers’ de-
cision making.
For the example of thinking about a design challenge to design a new type of
hotel services, an important task is to refine the experience of using bathroom
in hotel. We can use the ‘Desires’ edges, which represent the affective connec-
tions between users and their wants (Liu and Singh, 2004a, 2004b), in Con-
ceptNet in order to find prospective users. For example, ‘gym’ is connected
with ‘hotel’ through the ‘At Location’ edge, and ‘athlete’ is connected with
‘gym’ by the ‘Desires’ relation. As a result, we can infer that athlete may be
a potential user of hotels. Besides, when thinking of athletes, we may also think
of children who love sports since they may have similar requirements of hotel
facilities. In contrast, we should also take handicapped people who move with
difficulties into consideration when designing the services in hotels. By making
similarity and contrast associations, designers can discover different types of
possible user perspectives. On the other hand, using contiguity associations
also helps designers to find more potential user perspectives. For example,
when viewing the service from the perspectives of a student, designers may
also think about the perspectives of a teacher, a secretary, or a librarian.
4.2.3 Embodiment
For finding new embodiment, the idea is to find different things for the same
goal. The ‘UsedFor’ edges are the source of this knowledge. This type of edge
reflects the functional connections of things and their functions, namely, their
purposes when people use them (Liu and Singh, 2004a, 2004b).
For example, one of the goals of using a ‘bathroom’ is to ‘relax’ while ‘ener-
getic music’, ‘movie’, ‘party’, ‘vacation’ are also connected to ‘relax’. Hence,
when re-designing the bathroom use experience, designers can add some ener-
getic music or films to build up the relaxing atmosphere. Furthermore, refram-
ing the experience of using a bathroom to be an experience like having a party
or having a trip could also offer inspiration. Designers can make some analogy
associations, connecting the source with a target with similar meaning, to find
more new embodiments.
The insight encoder module concludes the result of the above processes and
helps designers come up with proper insights. The tool recommends several
frame parts to help designer to complete the discovered insights.
5 Evaluation of Discoverþ
We design and conduct a series of exploratory experiments to inspect whether
our tool can really facilitate the insight discovery process for service designers.
At first, the subjects were given a case as the brief of a design challenge
and were asked to do concept mapping to frame the situation based on
their own experiences. The aim of this phase is to derive one or more insights.
In this phase, the subjects can use Discoverþ and Google Search to seek inspi-
rations to reframe the situations. They can freely switch between the two sys-
tems and add frame parts or new connections to their concept map as they
wish. In order to recognize which parts and connections are newly added in
this phase, they are requested to use another color to revise the concept
maps. At the end of this phase, they come up with new insights which are
the revised versions of previous ones or totally new ones. Moreover, they
are asked to record two kinds of data. The first is the proportions of the usage
of Discoverþ and Google Search in this phase. They give a percentage, for
example, 70% for Discoverþ and 30% for Google Search. Other data to be
recorded includes the proportions of the sources of inspirations in these two
phases. They will give a percentage as well, for instance, 40% from Discoverþ,
20% from Google Search, and 20% from one’s own experience. As a result, we
can do further analysis of the facilitation capability of Discoverþ.
After two rounds of concept mapping, there will be a concept map with lots of
nodes and lines representing the relations between concepts. In phase three,
the main purpose is to find out the proportions of use of every kind of associ-
ation by the subjects in design synthesis. First, we give the definitions and ex-
amples of the five types of associations. And then the subjects are asked to
label the types of associations of all the connections on their concept maps
if they think the relationship belongs to one or more type of association.
The reason why we ask the subjects to do the labeling task instead of doing
it by ourselves is because the person who builds up the map should be the
one who understands the map. Rather than guessing, it is better to let de-
signers label them by themselves.
In the final phase, the subjects are requested to fill in questionnaires. There are
three purposes of the questionnaire. The first one is to identify the profile of the
subjects in order to analyze the impact of different professions. Second, we
We infer that because designers have been trained more to have empathy, they
tend to view things perceptually from many different perspectives. In contrast,
the non-designers in this experiment include people studied business and engi-
neering. These individuals are more likely to stick with their original way of
thinking and try to make their thoughts more logical and comprehensive.
With perceptual mindsets, designers use more analogy to make their imagina-
tions more concrete, as in the earlier example of using a movie to analogize a
type of travel. Also, designers think more about the emotions of people, so
they use more contrast associations to think about different experiences, for
example, the happiest experience and the worst experience when traveling.
On the other hand, due to the expertise in business or engineering, non-
designers tend to have realistic thinking. They use more contiguity associations
to list all the existing related factors and examine the feasibility.
For proposition 2-A, we examine the insight qualities from the macro view
with the insight depth map. First, we encode the insights derived from the ex-
periments and fit them into the insight depth map. For example, an insight e
‘Travel agencies need to provide a flexible travel package because it can attract
more backpackers’ is coded into (Functional, Service Provider) since it de-
scribes the economic value from the provider’s perspectives. Similarly, another
insight e ‘Young people need to travel often, because travel can make people
grow up’ is coded into (Intrinsic, Customer). The mapping results of the first
insights derived from phase one of the experiments are shown in Figure 12.
We also encode the insights derived from phase 2 of the experiments and fit
them into another insight depth map, as shown in Figure 13. The bolded
numbers with stars represent the subjects whose insights in phase 2 are deeper
than those in phase 1. Namely, these insights have a larger scope of influence in
terms of the value or stakeholders’ perspective. We can find that 56.7% of sub-
jects (17 out of 30) enhanced their insight depth after reframing in phase 2
while no subjects attained a smaller scope of influence.
To look into the causes, we can find some clues in the way the two groups do
concept mapping. Designers tend to develop their concept maps evenly over
many aspects. They do not start to derive insights until their concept maps
are almost complete, as in a breadth-first strategy in a graph search.
Conversely, non-designers construct concept maps in a depth-first manner.
They tend to have some intuitive assumptions or know the direction in which
For Proposition 2-B, to examine the insight quality from the macro view, we ask
the subjects to score the qualities of their insights based on their perceptions.
They scored the insight qualities in three dimensions including the degree of
innovativeness, the degree of integrity, and the degree of agreement, as discussed
above in Section 3. For each dimension, the subjects chose their perceptions of
the derived insights in phase 2 in comparison with the ones derived in phase 1
of the experiments. The options are ‘Better’, ‘No difference’ and ‘Worse’, repre-
sented by scores of 3, 2, and 1, respectively. For example, if a subject feels his
insight in phase 2 is more innovative than in phase 1, he chooses ‘Better’ for inno-
vativeness and gets a score of 3 points. Under this evaluation, we have the
following hypothesis: ‘If the mean score is greater than 2, in this dimension,
the quality of the newly derived (with designed artifacts) insights is better than
the quality of the derived insights based on subjects’ own experience’.
In addition, following the instructions of the experiments, the subjects can use
both Google Search and Discoverþ to seek inspiration. In order to examine
the facilitation of Discoverþ, we also collect statistics the subjects’ use. The
subjects write down the percentages of the sources of inspirations and the re-
sults are shown in Figure 14.
According to the figure, we can find that an average of 85% of the inspirations
comes from Discoverþ and the other 15% come from Google Search. Further-
more, we also examine the averages of subjects whose insights go deeper and do
not go deeper in phase 2. Discoverþ inspired 92% of the subjects who derived
deeper insights while Google Search only accounted for 8%. On the other hand,
for the subjects whose insights did not go deeper in phase 2, 75% were inspired
by Discoverþ and 25% were inspired by Google Search. We found that the sub-
jects who deepened their insight depths in phase 2 perceived more inspirations
from Discoverþ than those whose insights did not go deeper in phase 2.
Furthermore, from the micro view, we also examine the difference between the
subjects who have higher perceived satisfaction and the ones with lower
perceived satisfaction. Since all the subjects gave at least two points in all of
the three dimensions, which means they think the new insights in phase 2
were not worse than in phase 1, we set the standard of 7 points for the total
perceived satisfaction score in all three dimensions. In other words, subjects
with a total score above 7 points, which means that the subjects have better
satisfactions in at least two dimensions, are seen as the group that have a
higher perceived satisfaction. On the other hand, the subjects with the score
below 7 are seen as the group that did not perceive better satisfaction with
insight quality. The results (Figure 15) show that the subjects with higher
perceived satisfaction were inspired by Discoverþ 91% of the time and by
Google Search only 9% of the time. As for the subjects with lower satisfaction,
66% were inspired by Discoverþ and 34% were inspired by Google Search. It
can thus be inferred that the more the subjects were inspired by Discoverþ, the
better the quality of the insights.
quality (no matter from the macro view or micro view) were inspired more by
Discoverþ than Google search. At the same time, the other subjects whose
insight qualities do not get better were inspired less by the proposed tool
and more by Google search or their own experiences.
There are also some clues supporting this when we look into the click logs of
Discoverþ. As we mentioned in Section 4, when using Discoverþ, there are
many ways to spread thoughts by clicking different types of concepts that
our tool recommends. ‘Theme’ represents the recognized themes of the design
brief provided by the theme finder. ‘Search’ means that users use the search bar
to search for particular concepts they want to browse while ‘Raw’ means that
users directly click the related concepts of the concept they are browsing. At
last, ‘recommendation (d1)’ and ‘recommendation (d2)’ are recommended
frame parts of degree 1 and degree 2 from the frame finder. Table 5 shows
the number clicks on each type of concept in the system.
Designers 54 3 84 11 14 166
Non-designers 42 20 81 18 15 176
certain assumptions so they directly search for concepts which come to mind
after reading the design brief.
Since we have 30 simple random samples and the standard deviation is un-
known, again, we use one-sample T test to see whether the subjects agree
with these two statements.
We use the critical value method and confidence interval method to test the hy-
pothesis. First, for the critical value method, we look up for the critical value c
from the table of the critical value of t distribution and derive
c ¼ ta; n1 ¼ t0:05;29 ¼ 1:699. As a result, we reject the null hypothesis for
both statements because the t values of the two statements (16.089 and
Test value ¼ 3
Lower Upper
19.977) (see Table 7) are greater than the c value (1.699). Hence, we can say
that the subjects agree with the two statements.
Next, we further use the confidence interval method to test the hypothesis. For
the first statement, according to the formula, we derive that
ta; n1 )s= n ¼ 0:20763. The sample mean (x bar) is 4.63333 (Table 6). Using
the sample mean (4.63333) minus ta; n1 )s= nð0:20763Þ, we derive a ¼ 4.4257.
So, H0 is rejected and H1 is established since m0 ð3Þ < að4:4257Þ. On the other
hand, for the second statement, we can derive the value of
ta; n1 )s= n ¼ 0:174 by calculating 1.7 (mean difference) e 1.526 (Lower
Bound under 95% confidence interval). And the value of a is 4.526 since the
sample mean is 4.7. Also, subjects agree with the statement because
m0 ð3Þ < að4:526Þ.
Furthermore, we find that there are some differences between the designer
group of subjects and the non-designer group of subjects. According to their
usage of different kinds of associations, it can be inferred that designers
have more perceptual mindsets while most of the non-designers are more
logical. We can also find some support based on the inspiration seeking
behavior of each group of subjects. As we mentioned above, non-designers
tend to have logical assumptions after reading the design brief. Therefore, their
usages of Google Search in phase 2 are higher than designers since they want to
seek information exactly matching their assumptions.
There are additional results considering subjects’ work experiences that are
not shown in this paper. However, we still find an interesting difference be-
tween subjects with and without work experience. There were 10 subjects
(7 non-designers and 3 designers) with one to four years of full-time work
experience while the other 20 subjects did not have experience. We find
6 Conclusion
This study presents an IT-based tool named Discoverþ that is designed to
facilitate the insight discovery process in service design. It can be applied to
many contexts, including big enterprises, SMEs, startups or even non-profit
organizations. Service designers in all of these contexts can take advantage
of Discoverþ to make their tasks easier. The evaluation results illustrate the
ability of our tool to make derived insights more innovative and complete.
Once the insight quality is good, the service to be developed can become
more feasible, desirable and viable. The proposed insight depth map can
also be adopted in practice to measure the scope of influence of insights. Ser-
vice designers, especially those in SMEs and startups with less resources, can
formulate strategies including marketing, pricing, alliances, etc., if they are
able to grasp the insight depth earlier, before services are delivered to the mar-
ket. In addition, it can also help to position the service to be developed in the
market and recognize competitors. In addition, the evaluation results show
that the most used associations are context association, contiguity association
and similarity association. Another two types of associationeanalogy associ-
ation and contrast association are used much less, especially by people who are
not from design schools. Therefore, if we can urge service designers to try to
use these two types of association, it could refresh their perspectives and stim-
ulate new thoughts they have not thought of before.
This study still has some limitations and shortcomings First of all, due to time
constraints, we only studied a small number of subjects. Hence, for the pur-
pose of generalizing the results for larger groups and to discover more impli-
cations, future research should engage more participants in different fields with
various kinds of work experience. The knowledge used in the system comes
from ConceptNet. Although it contains a large amount of assertions, the
knowledge is not optimized for service design and may contain some noise
that could influence users. If we want to provide a better use experience, a
new knowledge could be developed specifically for service design. Finally,
some of qualitative results of the experiment could be further analyzed and
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